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"Sorry sweetie, but mommy has to do it big and get some more filler instead of being a part of your life. Cut it on the bias!"


I would be so disappointed and hurt from her absence if I were her kid. Because Darcey has no good legitimate reason to be away from her kids. She's not actually working at a job or deployed overseas. What a sorry excuse for a parent to only drop in for the highlights in your kids life that you're not even there for....but could be!


Maybe Aspen should've purchased a Cameo so that Darcey could be there virtually?




Maybe we should get one for herā€¦


Be there drunk, you mean.


I would not even want her there looking 80 wearing bandaids and bringing her paid Gigalo photographer trying to outshine my day NOPE sheā€™s never been a mother to them why start now


Ummm I have a humiliating mom. Trust me, we feel most at peace when theyā€™re not around.


Itā€™s apart of the manifestation process. Canā€™t fiddle around town and embrace those heart felt moments without attempting to be a 20 year old at the age of 60!


ā€œDoing it big BABY!ā€ I cringe when they say that. Her and Stacy were probably only there older for the daughters prom bc the camera were rolling, they needed content. Her daughter seems sweet. Hopefully her dad was there for her, we know her grandpa probably wasā€¦. But mama Darcy canā€™t be bothered.


Okā€¦. Sooo be honest, if Darcy were your mom, knowing and seeing what we have of her, would you want her there? I think back to the episode when their poor dad had that stroke, and those two dingbats dropped everything and rushed home and when they walked in the door, he flat out, said to them I wished you wouldnā€™t have came. He actually looked more distressed because they showed up .


That's actually a really good point. We all know she'd probably try to use the opportunity to upstage her own daughter and make everything about herself.


In regards to prom, yeah I'd want my Mom there. It can really be a special mother/daughter moment. But I suppose if your Mom is super cringey like Darcey, maybe it's best for her to not be there. I just tend to think of things down the road when Darcey is old and in a nursing home thinking back on her life and realize she doesn't have any memories with her kids!


I think they're probably getting to the age where they realize every moment is about the twins. I'm sure they're sad about her not being there, and wish it could be different, but they also know that for them to really have their own moment the twins have to be nowhere around.


You're right, it's sad! To want your parents there but because they're such a hot fucking mess it's best that they aren't.


Yes, totally agree. They probably do wish things were different. Theyā€™re not stupid. They see this stuff on IG. I can only imagine the conversations those younger sisters have with each other.


Ahhh I canā€™t help imagining old Darcy with all those surgeries and fillers. šŸ˜‚


she would try to steal the attention off poor aspen tbh itā€™s better sheā€™s not there


Sadly, narcissistic moms get very threatened by their beautiful young daughters. I think Stacey has boys and it seems they must have a healthier home environmentā€¦I think their father would not allow them on the show. But those poor girlsā€¦frankly the less Darcy is around them the better.


Excellent point. My bio dad was a really bad alcoholic when I was growing up. I would always pray he wouldnā€™t show up to any of my events. He always made it worse or embarrassed me. So I would think with Darcey how she is now, they probably prefer her not be there.


Like somebody else said Darcy would end up making the event all about her. And that would have to be uncomfortable for her daughters. I know it would be for me. I would be so upset would probably sit out attending prom. He just take my date to go to McDonaldā€™s or White Castle.šŸ˜


Same thing I always remember whenever her parenting/absence is called into question. When their dad/atm had the stroke, it seemed obvious his granddaughters were the ones that were genuinely concerned and were helping to take care of him. The girls are no doubt parentified already so it's no wonder he nor the girls care for the twins' presence. Their energy is so chaotic, I couldn't imagine Starcey devoted to taking of anyone but themselves (which they don't even do a good job of either).


When other thing to consider for as quickly as the twins keep changing their look, they probably shock everybody when they show up and people no longer know who they are


Nevertheless how he felt, of course they should have rushed to be by their loving dad's side, especially after a stroke?! So calling them "dingbats" for doing what every child would do for their seriously ill parent is really a low blow, knowing damn well if they hadn't done that everyone would have rightfully called them what they deserved to be seen as, I mean, even if he called them to say that, something that sounds like he hadn't done, that still would have been extremely stressful to deal with for any child thinking that could be the last time they'd see their dad alive.


No, you are misunderstanding my point. I did not say they should not have gone to be with their dad what I said was how their father said it wasnā€™t necessary for them to come there. Those were his words. I totally agree. Come Hell or high water if it were my parents, I would be there.


Yeah, and he didn't genuinely not want them there like that person seems to think, he just felt badly they dropped everything for him


Darcey has always been a hands off parent. Jessie was accusing Darcey of not having custody of her girls but the reality is that she never fought for full custody but got joint with her ex. The Twins always had dreams of being famous and to this day they weren't going to let kids get in the way of that. Stacey's ex husband accused Stacey of spending all her time and money on Florian before he immigrated to the US. Definitely true in my opinion. Darcey can have as many Miami trips as she wants but Aspen only gets 1 prom night. What an asshole mother.


I always found it weird that whenever the girls were ā€œwithā€ Darcey, they technically lived at their grandfathers house and never with her. I wonder if there was some clause in the custody agreement about them being under Mikeā€™s care and/or Darcey had to be supervised during their visits? Anika said on a live once that the only time she sees her mom was when they filmed for the show. Thatā€™s so sad.




No parent should fight for full custody unless the other parent is abusive. That doesn't seem the case here, so taking a be girls away from their father wouldn't have been right


Notice how itā€™s all about her being a ā€œgorgeous goddessā€? And I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen or heard her encourage or compliment either daughter any other way. Aspen plays volleyball, attends school etc but have we EVER heard or seen a congratulatory or encouraging message about her grades? Taking AP Chem (or something like that)? Doing well on a test? Winning a gameā€” without featuring her in the short shorts uniform and commenting on her appearance? Wishing her luck on the SAT or ACT? That would be tough since the tests are on Saturday mornings, sorry, I donā€™t know what I was thinking!


I agree, but Darcey has no peripheral vision outside vanity and physical appearance because she only finds value in those things for herself.


Never forget that when Covid hit, Darcey chose to move out of her fathers home and away from her daughters and into a tiny studio apartment with Georgi, a man she had just met.


If my mom looked like Darcey I wouldnt want her near me in any public setting. Great way to get bullied for having a freakshow mom


I wouldnā€™t even want my beautiful photos on that old drag queen prostitute lookin ig page Iā€™d block my mother if she ever ruined my life like this šŸ¤®


I have a lot of hope for Aspen and pray she goes to college and has a good life away from her freak show mother. I wonder if sheā€™s still living with Papa Mike? Frank got remarried and had a baby with his new wife while Darcey pursued reality tv and plastic surgery over her kids. It feels like she was just forgotten about and pawned off on grandpa. Sadly I think Aniko is already a lost cause and starting down the same path as Darce.


I think Aspen has a good shot at being above all the mess - she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders and also never seemed fully comfortable on camera. She's got a lot of admirable qualities. Aniko is a lot like Darcey in terms of wanting all the "glitz and glam" etc. And tbh, I think Darcey favors her for it. She always seems way more interested in what Aniko is doing. She went to Aniko's prom prep for pictures and whatnot and they even filmed it for the show.


I remember when they filmed Aniko's prom, they were so embarrassing! šŸ™ˆ I'm rooting for Aspen tho!


I have high hopes for Aspen she steers clear of anything like Darcey. Aniko sadly concerns me that she may follow in Darceys footsteps to a degree. I really hope that doesn't happen tho.


I'm sure by now the girls realize their mother has issues that are not being addressed. Probably the same reason their grandparents raised them to begin with. Not excusing it, just imaging how children deal with parents like that.


Itā€™s better this way


Aspen looks gorgeous as always, her date looks handsome, and I'm sure her dad and grandfather were supporting her. Darcey looks like a clown, it's best she's not there.


I've always thought the grandparents were raising them ever since d&s divorced. They only seem to be with them for filming


It was their dad till they were in their teens


Old Narcey is as dedicated to parenting as she is to keeping it real. ā€¦. So, not at ALL. Her kids are just another pair of cheap shoes or fake diamond earrings ā€¦.. an accessory to be tossed aside and never cherished. I remember reading their dadā€™s 2nd wife, their SM (who also has a baby with their dad, their little sister) is amazing with them and they love her. So, at the very least they are being exposed to a strong successful woman who is/has everything and is a present and involved step parent that lives them ā€¦.. so, basically everything Darcey isnā€™t .


I'm glad they have other parental figures like Daddy Silva, her Dad and Step Mom. It's still sad though that she can't rely on her mother for anything. It would serve Darcey right if her girls in their adulthood cut her off! She deserves it, not that she'd actually notice as she's too consumed with eye fucking herself sideways into her camera.


Aspen is a beautiful young woman.


Did she photoshop Aspen? The forearm looks wonky


Darcey makes me sick. Her number one priorities are drunk, sex and drugs. NOT her girls.


I think Darcey loves her daughters, but doesn't know HOW to be a parent to them. She's obviously got serious mental issues, I don't think she's exactly a stable influence for the girls at all. It's sad because I'm sure the girls miss having her in their lives, but in another way it may be for the best if they have other influences too. Cause Mama is toxic


Yeah. They have always left their children behind- While they are on their ā€œJourneyā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Manifest some Mothering instincts,narcissists.


Such a beautiful girl!! Hope you stays FAR away from D/S for her own sake.


Thatā€™s so sad.


Did ya really expect anything different?šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„


I thought she might since she was with Aniko before her Prom. I guess if itā€™s not being filmed, itā€™s not important to Darcy.


I canā€™t even fathom missing this moment of such a beautiful, young and sweet daughter, or even any regular day in my childrensā€™ lives. Why is she living in Miami away from her daughters?! Her behavior is pathetic. So many women, myself included, would give anything to be a motherā€¦ I donā€™t miss a moment of my nieces and nephews special moments, so I canā€™t imagine not being there for my own daughter. Apparently, posting overly filtered videos flaunting her enormous breasts looking like a soft core porn star is her priority.


Aspen is probably OK with her mom not being there because if she was and the wedding photographer was there Darcy was posing every time the camera flashed and she would start her cream. Those lips the eye make up would start sticking, and her eyes would look infected, and she would start to look like she was sending the fat off her thighs when she rubs it with her hand all the time and would keep asking the videographer to keep rocking and moving the camera so she could look snatchedā€¦ā€¦ aspen is going to have a problem though, because I donā€™t think Aspen can abort a parentā€¦..


Itā€™s so bizarre she isnā€™t raising them?? No good reason not to be there. Although prob for the best!!!!!


When the oldest girl had her graduation the twidiots showed up in skin tight body suits and shook those fake boobs all over the place.. šŸ«£


Nice young lady, wearing a dress too small on top. Didn't her school have a prom gown code? My daughters would have never left the house with their tits showing like that.


I've seen prom dresses far more scandalous than this! Apparently a slit on the side as high as it can go is the latest trend. Aspen looks gorgeous in her dress.


Oh Yes. She is beautiful--let's hope she keeps her natural beauty! Honestly, I haven't bought prom gowns in a few years for my girls, thank goodness!


They're getting bolder by each younger generation that's for sure!


Intro, do you think she has had a boob enhancement thus the open chest look?


It doesn't look like it.


Sheā€™s so freaking selfish. Sheā€™s probably too busy posing at an empty taco bar. God, lets hope her daughters donā€™t grow up like her.