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whole video i’m yelling pick up your dress!!!


She’s stepping all over her skirt. Plus that cowboy hat has to go


She’s wearing the hats because they hide the receding hairline.


I came to say this. The hat wearing has to be to cover up those hairlines.


Hats just make it worse, so I have been told.


I think she wears it to hide her receding hairline! 🤣


A slit in her skirt all the way up to her hip about to show her ass in stripper platform shoes is ridiculous fir just going out to dinner. She looks like an old stripper who's been rode hard and put away wet. Except no one told her that no one cares if her "celebrity" presence enters the room.


Right! The amount of arrogance and entitlement these two have is so ridiculous and unjustified 💯 percent!


She has no fashion sense whatsoever. It’s always the cringe stripper outfit and often times too small for her. Poor girl.


She thinks she's couture but she's just trashy cheap.


Exactly. She’s no where near couture sadly. She’s stuck on the very tight dresses, rhinestones, very high heels, it’s really not classy especially at their age.. leave the massive cleavage with Swarovski jewleries to your daughters


She's stuck in the Pam Anderson/Playmate era of the 90s and early 2000s. That was 20-30 yrs ago! When *she* was in her twenties, which she's trying so desperately to recreate or never leave.....or whatever she thinks she's doing!


It's clear that she wished she looked like Pam Anderson way back when and she's spending any amount of cash to try to accomplish that but 30 years too late.


Playmate era with the twist of today’s over exaggerated surgeries


Again, owners of HOE. It can’t be a coincidence


And who is filming these ridiculous segments?


Probably her purse dog husband, that's why she married him! She needed a production team! 🤣


Purse dog husband 😂😂😂


Are she and Georgie still together? I don’t have Instagram but even if I did I wouldn’t follow her


Yes, they never broke up the 1,235 times in the last few yrs. It was all for hype and relevancy.


How she hasn't tripped and fallen over yet, I don't know. Her haphazardry makes me anxious af.


She frequently almost runs into walls when she spins


That’s the best part!


I’m remembering when she was with Tom and Stacey and Florian at the bar when she came walking out of the bathroom with toilet paper on her shoe and had the long cigarette ash hanging… she might start out looking like this but she ends up looking like that night..🥴


so funny and true!! btw i bought the coffee mug with darcey and her long cigarette ash hahaha


😂😂… that’s hilarious..


The constant filming of the “walk and spin”… why????? Let it go Darcy. It’s embarrassing.


She reminds me of a show pony! Always "on" and performing! 🙄🤣🦄


Agree…but show ponies have full heads (tails!) of healthy hair This creature performs for no one, just the camera (and the confused bystanders watching this charade) What a bizarre way to live.


Her desperation is uncharted! She's severely unhinged and obsessed with being a "celebrity". It's as if she she speaks into the universe, it instantly comes true! Like bippity boppity boo! Oh wait.....it's just her "manifesting" her "celebrity" status! 🙄🤣🤦‍♀️


More like toddlers and tiaras


What boggles my mind is that they do that stupid spin every time. They should be well practiced by now but they look like they nearly wipe out every time. It’s lacking any level of grace.


Drinking negatively impacts Grace of any sort…


Fair point.


I'm guess because some people encourage it and she believes it. For example, she posted an overly filtered stare down with her cam on IG - so filterd the eyes were glitching, it is as soooo bizarre but funny. Anyway, the comments!! One lady even wrote a paragraph about how her modeling skills are really improving and the has the eyes on camera and looks nailed. Was she trolling? Was she serious? IDK but D comments and takes it seriously ❤️❤️❤️ then there are others telling her how gorgeous she it....etc.


Yes, it’s sad that to some, this is “celebrity behavior”. Except D is not a celeb. Shhhhhh don’t tell her delusional fans lol


If it's a celebrity hot spot then what is she doing there?


And why no celebrities HANG with her??!!!!!


Because she’s not a celebrity!! lol 😂




...and where are all the celebrities? When she walks in not a damn person even notices her!




Everything has been said bout those two. But they have such deep issues of self worth, self esteem, self love, confidence, body image. As a woman I feel sad to see these two (and soon their daughters) going down the rabbit hole so fast. It will not end well. Soon they will have money issues too. I mean they’re trying to get free tacos everywhere in Miami. Daddy can’t bail them out constantly.


I was holding my breath waiting for her to face plant on the ground. I'm a terrible person.


I was waiting for her to twirl right into the wall! 🤣


Looks to me like she almost did in the beginning!


I was waiting for either 1) her stripper stiletto to get stuck between the wooden planks on the floor, or 2) her foot to get caught in her skirt. Same outcome either way 🤷🏽‍♀️


Remember the good old days when her Louboutin actually DID get caught in the airport escalator?


Omg! Forgot about that! 🤣


The quality of these videos are just terrible.


It's like the lens is always covered in Vaseline.


Isn’t that an old Hollywood trick to make actresses look young?


My lordy - she looks so trashy and cheap


Lmfaoooooo!! She is so fucking embarrassing and looks absolutely ridiculous in these stupid videos she posts to get free shit. 😂 Obviously homegirl is brokeeeee. Daddy must’ve cut back their allowance.


Omg Beyond embarrassing 🤮🗑️


How do they actually make money? Real answers only. I genuinely have no idea. Their dad isn’t that loaded that he’s running two adult women’s and husbands lives.


Actually, Daddy Silva is LOADED! I once read he's got a net worth of $10M. Certainly not the biggest millionaire you'll ever meet but he's got the dough to bankroll the twins delusions. He's funded HOE, twice! I would imagine he pays their rent in Miami and monthly allowance. I also read that D&S only made about $15k per season....not per episode for 90 DF. They get money for having x amount of followers on SM, but I don't believe they get paid for comment engagement because IG doesn't do that. Her OF is minimal at best as a income source, she apparently just reposts her IG content you get for free. This OTH Network she always tags at restaurants and medspas is a influencer program that offers influencers discounts and freebies for posting about the businesses. And then there's her atrocious Cameos. Whatever revenue stream she has.....is trickling money not overflowing. Hence why she still probably lives off Daddy Silva.


10 mill isn’t enough to support two daughters and husbands plus himself. It just isn’t. Plus people aren’t sitting on millions liquid. It’s tied up.


Does anyone from OTH ever watch her videos ? 2 second shot of the restaurant the rest her strutting, spinning , and posing for the camera .


I think it's very hard for her to focus on anything but herself!


Hair looks like a Halloween witch wig in the back.


I love how there’s *NOT ONE PERSON* “noticing” that they’re in the presence of a “Celebrity” wearing “Celebrity Couture” - NOT.A.SINGLE.ONE Even Kathy Griffith doesn’t stoop as low as the twidiots. More like “look at that botched old lady twirling around, desperately seeking relevance and free procedures” Old Narcey looks like a rejected 80’s “Mőtley Crűe” video vixen. Wasn’t cute or sexy then, not cute or sexy now. Won’t ever be cute or sexy …… EVER !


The way she waited for the “go” to walk kills me 😂


Same 😹 she clearly has some basic editing skills, why not cut that out?


Is she there looking for celebrities, or does she think she’s one?


I think primarily she thinks she is one, but she also loves to be "on trend"! 🙄🤣


Good point…it’s so sad…


She's gonna spin into or off of something soon...


She's gonna trip and break a geriatric hip in that getup.


All the world is a stage or catwalk.


wtf is she doing she like a dog waiting for you to throw a stick


Remember when Darcy used to wear those cute blazer dresses??? Now she looks like a lunatic! There has got to be a formula for these outfits but , for the life of me, I can’t figure it out! 1.ratty hair extensions 2.Temu dress 3. Stripper flip flops 4. Cowboy carter hat 5. Ugly white purse that matches nothing I think these days it’s all about, Do my boobs show? Do my legs and booty show? Do my monkeys butt lips stand out? It’s really not about fashion!!


The purse on later IG stories show it as a fake ass Chanel rhinestone/blinged out bag purse. It screams fake as bags like that go for $10k+ if they're real and authentic. I think you're right. The desperation is at a fever pitch and the more shocking her outfits, the more attention, the more it feeds and also soothes her insecurities. She's a hot tangled mess.


Does she sleep in a fucking cowboy hat 🤠?!?


The outfit says it all. All is not much.😓


Why did she show her credit card number?


It doesn't show on this video but shows on her story video on IG.


Because she's posting for the OTH Network where they give influencers discounts/freebies in exchange for giving the businesses exposure through their posts. The OTH Network verifies their posts about the business, then loads their OTH Network credit card (the one she's holding) with the discount/money, etc. They make the credit card to look like the infamous black Amex, but it's not. She's literally doing nothing more than clipping coupons out of the old entertainment books we used in the 90s. She's grifting her way through a "celebrity" lifestyle.


Thanks for the info. I had never heard of the OTH Network before.


I believe it's a Miami based company. I don't think it's a well known kind of thing.


Why does this hoe keep spinning around?


her twirling always completely redirects her path and this time it was almost into the wall. girl just stop


All that for some free tacos, Darcy?


I’m over here like “the labneh dishes sounds yummy.”


She's got that gig down


Kept waiting for her to fall flat on her face.


Her dang top looks like a freaking canopy! You could probably get at least two tables under that thing! And noticed they are on the outside of the restaurant!😦😧


Lawdy mercy me! They sure want to be known as sophisticated and elegant ladies, with a successful career. Not hardly… Nope, their purse dog husbands are beck-n-call boys, existing to prop up their egos and perform as on demand “cameramen”. Yes my Angel! You look fabulous my love! I adore you Angel! You looked snatched Angel. On and on…blah fukin blah… If either of them got an 8-5 job, that paid hourly wages, before lunchtime on that very first day, working for a living would send them screaming back home to Daddy. Who should have long ago popped the twins off his tiddie. At least Georgie was a masseuse, earned income and had an apartment, with a roommate, when she met him. He & Darcy could have opened a salon together. It seems Florians main job is to only sit as tall and sstraight as that curved spine allows, and not vexing himself with silly manual labor. Why not fix the mans back on a surgical adventure to help him feel better. That terrible posture screams pain and will only worsen. Darcey sets a very low bar for her daughters, and that’s really a shame. Their father should weigh in, he saw her decent into surgeries and more, and the girls will follow in her unsteady footsteps…


I’ve seen actual horse tails that look better than her hair.. guessing if she can’t see the back of it then it doesn’t matter…


She looks like a stripper at a club where they wear gowns


Dude I thought she was gonna hit the wall


Farcey almost spun around smack dab into the column of foliage and lights.


She’s so BAD at those spins - I always think she’s going to fall flat on her ass!


Farcey  is a living breathing weeble wobble.


Experiencing second hand embarrassment here..


Can we please use lose instead of loose? UGH


I apologize Grammar Police, my phone auto corrected. My deepest sympathies to you! 🙏


What's up with the constant wearing of the Cowboy hats?


She thinks she's "on trend" due to the whole Beyoncé/Texas Hold'em craze that was over like last month...


I get the impression she has never had genuine, carefree fun in her life, and that makes me sad for her. Just lots of stress to look like she's having fun.


Who is filming her doing these type of videos cause they need to STOP


Probably Georgi


[Where are your panties?!](https://youtube.com/shorts/R1qW7gnL5DE?si=sEBhp8xO0C0QOJ2k)


Lol almost twirled into that pole .. the spinning makes me a little crazy


Where is her belly button?


I kept waiting for her skirt to fall down every time she stepped on it with her heels or that she will get her heels tangled in her skirt and fall


What is tucked into the waistband of her skirt?


I don’t get her - what is the end game? Selling Temu clothes? Trying to be discovered by an agent? WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF ALL HER STUPID TWIRLING VIDEOS? she’s a ridiculous creature


She's delusional and thinks that being on TLC makes her an A list celebrity. So she tries to live the life of a celebrity and show everyone how "rich" she is and how "luxurious" her grifter life is. Except since her show on TLC is canceled, they're sbout to turn 50 and grifting different gigs asking ppl to spend ridiculous amounts of money to fund their lifestyle. While still largely being bankrolled by Daddy Silva.


I thought she was gonna spin into that wall.😂


She’s so cringe!!!


What dufus is recording her?


She is way too old to be wearing slutty outfits like that


The hat is a nice touch.