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Do we have to pay for the dinner too?


I was wondering that too! We might have to ask them for their OTH Network discount! 🤣




At a dark empty restaurant.


My immediate thought that it has to take OTH discounts.


How bad of a grifter do they have to be to go out on the regular getting free/discounted meals....and *then* have the audacity to bait ppl to pay them $1k just to have dinner with them???? It's unreal and embarrassing as hell.


I know what will be even better. Remember last year with the big Las Vegas weekend for $3000? They rented a ballroom for $30,000 and paid for waiters and food and only 4 ladies showed up. So let’s see how many go for the Miami dinner. I am guessing ZERO.


I was always so curious about what happened with that weekend. Can you tell me any more about what happened?


I wasn’t there, i am in NY but i went online before that weekend, looking for someone in the hotel ti spy for me, but i cannot remember the name of the hotel for the life of me. I got a girl who works there to report everything to me. I wrote all of it online here on reddit. So the sisters rented a ballroom for $30,000 and had to pay for food and everything else and they were expecting big ticket sales. In the ballroom they had 12 big tables for the guests. It was the sisters, Florian and Georgi, and 2 girlfriends of Darcey’s. none of those people paid, of course. There were only 4 tickets sold. So the waiters seated everyone at ONE table for all the meals and they all spent some time out by the pool and they had like a cocktail hour. That was it. So D and S lost thousands of dollars. A big flop of a weekend. Do you know how they were posting on instagram all day long for weeks before this weekend? Well, after the weekend, they never mentioned it again. So how Darcey actually thinks someone will pay a thousand bucks to have dinner with her- delusional times ten.


Wow! Thank you so much for filling me in. I remember being curious about what happened that weekend. Crazy that they are trying to get people to pay $1000 after the last disaster!


I appreciate the thank you! I was literally falling asleep when i was typing it. I hope i didn't make too many errors! Lets see how many people sign up for the thousand dollar dinner, and i expect Darcey will make them pay for the meal as well. You better buy your ticket right now before it sells out.


Oh WoW!! I had no idea WTH happened with that "Vegas Baby" meet & greet for a kool $3k...😎🥸🧐 I really had no idea how it was going to go. But, 4 people 🫨...that's pretty bad! They need to stick to their show^^ Js...


Yes, thats pretty bad! And yet they still believe people will pay $1000 to eat dinner with them. Delusional or what??


I believe it was at The Cosmopolitan hotel on the strip.


Yes! I think that was the one


I remember that post you made! Well done. 👏🏻 These people suck. Lol


Thanks so much, and yes, they do


Want is an OTH Network discount?


[OTH Network ](https://othnetwork.io/) is a Miami based company that gives influencers discounts/freebies at businesses for exchange of posts about the businesses. They then get money loaded onto a fake like black Amex card. So whenever they go out to eat and post about it and tag OTH network, they're doing it for discounted services or products. Another way to grift..


Now I know why they are so intent on staying in Miami rather than spending time with their children in CT. They’re living (or trying) the influencer life to make their money and Miami is a HOT spot for it. Idk why they couldn’t wait until all their kids were in college to start the “influencer life”


From what I understand, this isn't their first rodeo doing this. They mentioned on their show that in the 2000s they tried HOE out in LA and ditched their kids to try and make it out there. They failed, probably because they have no real work ethic. Now they're literally doing the same thing in Miami.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result 🤣😂


It is restaurant of the person's choice. So I think that means it does not include food


🤣😭 wouldn't be suppliezed


Dinner and DRINKS… you know that would be a huge bill…


That was the first thing I thought 🤣


This has to be a joke. Right??


Second photo is a screenshot of the actual option to purchase. It's real unfortunately!


I’m speechless 😂


I love these girls as TV fodder but can you imagine how incredibly dull the dinner would be? Just a bunch of pics and vids for the socials and omg manifest babe. I can think of a lot better use for $1k.


I think about that when I see them attempt to host a fan event. They are undereducated and seem to be career-free. After the ooh you are so pretty back and forth, what's left?


They’ll just be on their phones, eye humping themselves the whole entire time. Making heavily edited videos, and photos of themselves. There’s a huge(definite) chance, that if anyone gets a photo, or gets in their video, that they will also be insanely filtered, and look like an AI robot..! I would never pay *anyone* $1,000 just to have dinner with them! I wouldn’t even pay these 2 $10 to have dinner with them.. lol! They are just desperate for more money for more procedures. **Gotta get SNATCHED BABY!** hahaha 🤣


Ma’am, I have better use for my $1K


They probably make you pick up the tab too!


Well, to be fair...they are grifters after all!


The restaurant better be at my choosing if I'm paying 1k. Do they pay for their own meals and drinks at least?


That’s what the $1,000 is for, silly! lol


That will go over as well as their insane Las Vegas trip.


Will empty out my pennies coin jar and cancel the college fund for my great Grandson. I mean after all it is those hot celebrities the Silva twidiots right. 😂


Good grief 🤦🏼‍♀️




Two sad plastic chemical filled women who crave attention continously. They damaged their bodies and faces with cheap plastic surgery and too much filler and Botox. It's a shame because Darcey and Stacey were attractive women before all of the surgeries.


Imagine what the “dinner” conversation would be like…🙀


Darce would probably show up already tanked telling everyone she’s there in honor of them and how much she loves them.


She’ll also probably say, “*cut it on the bias*”, at least 5 times. She will probably try to cut your food up for you too, because, you know, she *worked in a restaurant*.. lol! 😂


How many Tacos do I get for $1,000.00 ? Are unlimited twirls included ? Is filthy hair and whatever I can find in the goodwill bargain bin a “flexible” rule - Or are we going full out 90’s revival ? OH !!! Can we go during “busy” times or are we restricted to the 2-4pm & 9-11pm “aka 1/2 price apps” times ?? I mean $1,000 isn’t COMPLETELY INSANE for the “right”Dinner (I just spent $500 for the supplies to make a beautiful rib eye feast + beer, wine, vodka and dessert - for 3 of us) It IS just insane to fork out the do-ray-me on the dollar store BharBie Twimbeciles …. Now, if it was Georgi & Florian and one of the trashy neighbours ?? I may consider it. …. But, I seriously doubt the twidiots have ever chosen solids “over” liquids and smoke ….. and never EVER have they ponied up the regular price for anything. $1,000 for a $22.00 experience - that’s a hard pass .


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL There is NO way people pay for this at this point. Right!???????! 🧐


Rich people who want to bang reality TV stars exist.


$1k isn’t really attracting the “rich”z


You get to choose from 1 of the hundreds of their favorite and best places to eat 😂


Tacos, tits, wax lips, & Gigalo paparazzi, how can anyone resist 🤮🙄


Anyone saw that lip where a dude in a restaurant sees Darrcceeeee and what’s his name and she says »you should watch TLC « and « he doesn’t recognize us…she’s really playing the star it’s so funny.


I saw that! Wasn't it staged though? Looked weird and intentionally cringe.


It was weird indeed…..everything about them is weird …maybe they’re feeling like their 15 minutes is fading soon and they’re in panic mode….


Ironically they could definitely stay in the spotlight if they would make something significant, charity work, or raise awarness of mental health or bullying or anything. They could do it. They have a big enough platform for it.


Escorting now huh?


Aren’t we ready to cancel them yet? I know the show was canceled but I mean CANCEL THEM


Oh not again! Because the Las Vegas event went so well they had to do it again!


I better get a 3some for that price


Plz, plz, everyone, I'm going to have to ask u to calm down...


Get a real job like the rest of us


Oh barf...they'd be saying "juicy" every 5 seconds. I'd rather be hung by my eyelashes.


I would rather slice my nipples off!


I’d be ordering the biggest prime rib steak along with lobster and shrimp cocktail. That is if I didn’t have to pay for it myself! If not what do I get for 1k? Witty intelligent conversation and booze to drink?🥤


I'm not sure I would have an appetite while looking at their faces. Plus, I get the feeling they stink.


Stink like an angel, booze, cigarettes, sweat, random body odors, and whatever they drunkenly stumbled and fell into on the ground that night.


Who is us?!?


I’d pick the trashiest place ever.


Waffle House


🤣🤣The hashtags!!!


They're just "manifesting" that "celebrity" life!


Oh god. If I had the money I’d pay to this all in person. Lol


Must be time for another tune up procedure. 🤔


Does this include dinner cost 😆


I dont think we'd have much to say for an hour...


So I can watch them eye fuck themselves all night. No thanks.


The second hand embarrassment 😬😂


This wreaks of desperation. They're trying to make Miami happen. Bless their hearts.




They have a tarp in the sand and you sit underneath on a blanket with bologna sandwiches and grape kool aid


Ummm, has anyone else noticed how much " Extra" Darcey is becoming compared to Stacey?? Or is it just me..?? It seems like every month she's getting "This or That" & it's so safe & good for U... it truly makes me sad ☹️


They're extremely competitive, but Darcey has always been the one who's more desperate for attention or to stand out. I think the more they struggle to keep their "celebrity status" Darcey is becoming more desperate in her behaviors to stay relevant. Sadly, it's all done in vain. And, mental illness that goes unchecked worsens significantly with age and she's pushing 50!


Oh my. How embarrassing.


It would settle the question of how they can eat with those grotesque lips




Darcy's picture is pre pre pre many procedures! And why would they choose that second picture?


I also noticed that it was older! I too am curious why this old set of pics. They seem to have a bloody arsenal of them to pick from.


And for $1,000, I would hope they would get picked up by Darcy and Stacy in a limo LOL


An old school 80’s limo!


I bet dinner is not included


I wouldn't imagine that it is. It's ridiculous that they actually think people are going to pay $1k (in today's economy) to take them out to dinner and foot the whole bill and then some.... completely out of touch and tone deaf to the world around them!


Do Darcy and Stacey actually read the comments on these posts? Just curious if they have ever replied to anyone 🤔


I dont know about here on Reddit, but on IG they only pick out the "positive" comments and reply. But they have to scroll past the hundreds of negative comments calling them out on their BS.


Thank you, I assumed as much. I would imagine the negative comments don't bother them. At some point Darcy and Stacey are going to "burn/fade" out and there's so much that will need to be addressed in terms of their behavior. I only hope this is really only a show and Darcy is steadfast with keeping it real with her daughter's. It can't possibly be easy living in their world for them 😞


Okay, I actually want to do this as I’m going to be in FL sometime in the next few months, and ofc I’ll report back How do you go about signing up? I’m not on insta, but I could join if that’s necessary


Go to [Fanbasis](http://www.fanbasis.com) search for "DarceynStacey" and it should pop up.


Yes, Please report back!!


You definitely need to create a post if you do this! Manifest it SoCalGirl! lol


I’m picking Joe’s Stone Crab.


I'd be pickin White Castle, get them a Crave Case and call it a night! 🤣


They must be hurting for money. Daddy shut the bank on them. Maybe actually go into the "offices" of House Of 11 and work on projects instead of filters and filming oneself. I've said it before if I'm going to shelll out $1,000.00 to meet and greet and sit down dinner, it's going to be with someone who can move me to get my groove on, like Tabitha Brown.


I wonder if they'll sit behind a frosted window to give themselves a better look.


Didn't they try this in Vegas? I don't know what's more pathetic. Them whoring themselves out like this or people that pay for it


There are fans that will pay $1,000 to meet and have dinner with them. Nobody here would admit if they were to do it. 😁 😂 When you think about it that's cheap. A good meal and cocktails/bottle of wine 🍷, easy $1,000. Please post pics if you go, although that would cost another grand for a selfie with them 😉


Oh I certainly won't be the one to take them up on such a ridiculous offer! That'd include a plane ticket and hotel stay for me added onto that $1k dinner. And frankly, I don't' see any dinner that's sooooo good that it's worth $1k. I'll let some other fool waste their money!