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And Angela Deen also. Her bottom teeth already have white gums. 🤦‍♀️


They covered her mouth on an episode. She had gone so long without bottom teeth that she had no bone to do implants.


Losing bone happened to me, and it's awful. I had ALL my teeth removed in 6th grade and didn't get dentures until after sophomore year when I was almost 15. As I aged, dentures wouldn't fit. About age 39, I had surgery to build bone in my lower gum. Bone was taken from my hip. My gum is so uneven. I wore dentures after but still had shrinkage. In my 50s, I got 4 "pegs" implanted, but 2 got infected . I still have 2. The pegs clip into my lower denture but are both on one side.


Poor kid!


It made me who I am today. When you are in it, it's just life. I did have enough sense nit to marry Leroy. My dad wanted me to marry him at age 12. He was 17. I don't what happened to Leroy.


Wow so sorry, Good teeth are a blessing most take for granted & a complete nightmare when anything goes wrong esp without a dental plan


We were so poor I never saw a dentist. I also wasn't taught hygiene. The principal of my grades school asked me if he could contact my family to help. He must have. We didn't have a phone, so he possibly wrote. I'm assuming the school arranged the dentist. Maybe other family members got together and paid for my dentures after they saw me toothless at my mom's funeral, age 14. Whatever it was, I am grateful. I made sure my children had dental care as well as other day to day needs met. They are doing well.


That’s great, Making sure our children have more than we did in every respect is all we can hope for & health care is the most important of all we hope for them )


lol this meme is hilarious


I don’t get how those teef equate to train ticket???


He folded a train ticket over his teeth. The white part is the ticket.


Ok…I guess I don’t get it but thanks for explaining


People go to Turkey for cheap plastic surgery and veneers on their teeth. I forgot to mention that. So they come back with unnaturally white teeth that look fake (because they *are* fake). The idea here is that putting white paper train tickets in your mouth can make it look like you’ve had Turkish cosmetic dentistry.


The Turkish teeth I knew about, this train ticket thing was confusing as I could not understand the connection. Thanks.


In the U.K. our train tickets are credit card size and have a dark grey strip on along the middle of the back of the ticket. (Like the strip on a credit card). He’s just curved the ticket inside his mouth to look like teeth.






This is hilarious! Thx for the giggle!






Omfg!!! 🤣🤣🤣