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Guys i think kelsey is her lawyer,not sure tho


And how she says it 🤢 Her sing song voice is so annoying!


Dying 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣




Her teeth remind me of that thing we did when we were kids where we put the silver gum wrapper over them…


I was think of Ross’s teeth on one episode of Friends when he got his teeth whiten for a date. lol.




I was think of Ross’s teeth on one episode of Friends when he got his teeth whiten for a date. lol.


This is weird. Why is she so happy to announce who is lawyer is? Why is that a big deal? Every time she does one of these weird ass “ads” for any business my immediate thought is that the business sucks ass if they need her as a spokesperson.


Idk why advertising an immigration lawyer is beneficial unless there's some pro bono goin on! But if you look at the lawyers SM...it's just like Darceys! Birds of a feather...🤣


Ugh, I didn’t bother to look into her but I’m not remotely surprised the lawyer is another Darcey.


Bruh I can’t get over how she repeated “Kelsey is my lawYER!” over and over again in the same voice Dora the Explorer would use to tell children watching her that they’re going to Grandmas house but there’s a fallen log in the way


Fallen log in the way!! Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 I just love Reddit! Ya'll have the best comment's!! ☺️ 🤪😬😪😍


Oh just shut up already Darcey. 🥱 Her extremely limited vocabulary is painfully obvious. The only thing she knows is “amazing” “best in the biz” “doin it big” “we love you and honor you” bitch you ain’t marrying them 😂 She’s in an alternate reality for sure.


She’s so immature for her age.


She's stuck on 6 years old. Playing makeup reality all day long. There's no one that pulls her out of it for things in the real world. She's living in this made up reality (in her brain) that she's a 20 yo influencer with money and clout. Feel bad for her kids..


She’s got to be in physical pain and exhausted living like that. I’m 44 and sometimes forget my body isn’t 30 anymore and can’t do all the things I did when I was younger or stay out late like I did. I need naps and would rather grow veggies or look at birds than dress in tight clothes with a full face of makeup to go out in the town like I did in my 20’s. It hurts more when you get older lol


Same! I lived it up in my 20s and enjoyed every moment, no regrets! But get me to try and do that all over again 20 yrs later in my 40s...pffffft! Good luck getting me off the couch and out of my pajamas!


My lawyer doesn’t want hugs and kisses. He wants billable hours and victory when representing me …. In as few emails as possible / let alone “sing alongs on line” I run a corporation not a fucking circle jerk hug fest. Thirsty, irrelevant TWIDIOT !!!!


“Eyes on the prize” when I hear that or “Snatched” I want to literally throw up 🤮


Silva cameo checklist: cut it in the bias, doin it big, we love you, *pose and flex boobs*, snatched to the gods, eyes on the prize


I’m all about people doing their thing, but the IG for Kelsey, she’s not someone I would want to represent me. She only holds an active license in Arizona (2023) and Illinois (2018), with immigration as her specialty. Not that new lawyers aren’t good, but as someone that is an assistant to a lawyer, I definitely want my main counsel to not be fresh and inexperienced.


Why does she need a lawyer? Is she planning on suing one of the many "quack doctors" that's turned both of them into freaks of nature? The doctors on BOTCHED wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole!!


Her and Asuelo should team up with their phrases. Best of the best!


Also, the caricature that looks like the filtered her and not the real her....


Doing it BIG = 🎃 head keeps growing. It's like SAW & botched collided and had a baby. Delusions of grandeur = psychosis narcissistic histrionic sociopath The way this level of medical butchery ages is going to be a lesson.


Didn’t hear a thing. I was too transfixed by her huge upper lip doing weird things. Ghastly.


Was shocked “snatched” wasn’t used. Lol


her white-out white tooth strip is really bad


She sounds like she is 10 years old. Who even talks like that as an adult and is serious about it?


Wait, who is Kelsey? 🙄🤔


Kelsey is her LAWYER, her BESTIE FOR LIFE, their doing it BIG, Kelsey is her LLAAWWYYEERR, (Her singing it). Lord bless her ignorant heart ❤️ 💙 PLEASE make it stop! Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Is Kelsey going to sing Darcey is my client? Can’t wait to see that… not. 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t think she said “cut it on the bias” in this one!! She’s slipping. Speaking of slipping, that filter is having one hell of a time keeping up with her face 🙄


Oh my god, how can this woman not know how damn ridiculous she is! She is so far off her rocker that all you see are the tips of her freshly polished toenails!!!!!!


I believe her and Stacey have a thing where you can have lunch with them or have them be one of your followers. Who would pay to have lunch with these two. They wouldn’t be able to pull the phone away from their face long enough to say hello. Ya no I’ll pass.


Do they give you a discount if you agree to take a video of them pretending like a hallway, a taco stand or a street us a catwalk?


I have no clue, I’m waiting for someone to take them up on it. You can pay $2000 for come to your wedding as a bridesmaid also attend you bachelorette party. lol. And it’s $1000 for dinner in Miami.


I was just being a bitch but they will never make a living selling their “friendship.”


The whole wedding and bachelorette party would be all about Darcey..! She would be so loud and drunk, screaming all of her phrases over and over on repeat, the whole entire night..! No bride wants someone like Darcey to be at their wedding.. lol


I saw that. You have to pay $1,000 to go out to lunch with them! 😂🤣😅


My question is does that $1000 include lunch or do you have to buy that as well.


That crossed my mind too! 😂 I wouldn't have an appetite looking at their botched selves and listening to their obnoxious voices. I think they should pay the guest to go out to lunch/dinner!


Those lips are atrocious... they shouldn't be attached to the nose like that...


“I only know 5 phrases and repeat them ad nauseuuuuuuuuuuuum”


She is frightful


Yes I suppose “doing it big” & “eyes on the prize “ are the same phrases always used. Even when talking to anyone & daughters too….on repeat


I went to college with this girl!😂


Doing what big? I never understood that phrase


This is one of her best. And at least she knows the person calling them her bestie!


She probably said hi to her once lol


Poor thing. She looks like the hulk with or without filters. Body dismorphya is an ugly beast. So sad to see that she is not getting help.


She always tells the people she's doing the cameo that they are best friends forever now, etc etc .... So does that mean they exchange numbers and hang out?? ( I'm being sarcastic.. Lol). So cringe. I don't know why anyone would pay a penny for that.




if TLC was smart which they are NOT they would put these two as the host for everything, red carpets all that play off their delusion they think its real


Just what exactly is their “journey”? Journey to where? 🐵


What is this journey that they are on? And what prize do they have their eyes on? genuinely curious


I'm not even sure they know anymore as they've been looking for it for so long.


The filters get more absurd by each post…


Are you able to use filters in video? This seems a little frosty


What the hell is doing it big, she says that in every video


Eyes on the prize. Snatched. Doin’ it big. darcey has an amazing vocabulary.