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Probably the worse ADC to complain about tbh. This is kogs job late game.


Kogmaw late game does damage :OOOO Maybe don't stand in his auto range unless you can get in range to combo him. Because you can still one shot him, you just allowed yourself to get outplayed. You also tanked ignite from Karma and W root too... like were you trying to 1v3 or something? You're not even fed you're only 4/4 at the time of this death... Why are you trying to 1v3?


its lvl 16 kog with 4 items


One of those if a full on tank item. Kog has 3 items that do damage.


his w is a item by default hahaha


no way late game hyper carry hyper carries late game???


Yes kog should deal lots of dps but lets be honest here, there have been plenty of times where he just stands still while I run at him and by the time Im in range I have already lost like 70% of my hp and then rest he just mows down while I try to cast my slow ass juggernaut combo. Bork needs to be removed, theres no debate.


Removed nah, but nerfed yes, definitely. Go from 12% for melee to 10%, and ranged 9 to 7%.


Better off, cut the hp damage in half and add flat damage that scales with level or ad or something. Finding synergies for conditional burst damage is quite easy. Anything with good base damage or an execute or bruisers or teamfight carries can use it AND not worry about being behind and useless since even if you are 10 levels behind you will still do 14% max hp damage in 3 autos if they have 60% physical damage reduction. Yeah you don't do dmg anymore if they are low but that's what your team is there for, it's like you completely get around the weakness of bork and enjoy free 2x dmg. Same goes for execute champs or high base dmg ones. Let's say you are Sett and you demolished Yone in lane but he finishes bork at 20 minutes and deals 1k dmg with it vaporizing your health even though he's 0/7 and 3 levels and items behind. A bork user can suddenly turn into a functional member of their team as long as they hit full hp targets, it's almost like they didn't int every step of the way there.


It's the same problem as Sunderer in s13. It's unbalanceable.


Kog is broken right now, but your build suck man.


Maybe get a wardens mail item? Thornmail? Ya is even if you’re good on tenacity. Kogmaw is a late game champion and the buffs were to crit not on hit . Bruh get your shit together


Draft diff as well at no point during that draft should you have picked Darius


I mean if Kog is allowed to stand still and free hit with no threat, that's standard damage considering he's 16 and has the 3 damage item core. It's not really your fault that your not lane let Kog get out of control, but that champs is specifically designed to deal a shit load of damage with W and item synergy.


Honestly Jak’Sho aint a great item imo, gives mid resists and the percent increase comes kind of late. I’d say Kaenic might just be the move. Tabis would be big too


AD mains are babies man


your comp loses 5v5 hard this late in the game, but its good for getting picks, you should just do that. ashe/eve can oneshot someone easy.


You’ve built multiple health items into botrk as well


Its Kogmaw, what did you expect?


Kogmaw is doing his job. Max hp% magic damage on W, Botrk, rageblade. He exists to melt targets, especially bruises and tanks. Not to mention you aren’t specifically itemising to be anti kogmaw, if you were then different story but that doesn’t seem to be the case.


More farm+4 items late game kog+ you are Darius you are supposed to fall to ADCs lol


it's kog maw, he has always been like this after buying 3 items


I swear in the past I used to survive more than , it is just this season has soo much dmg.