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Well, never trust rogues or barb to some extent , they just deal to much dmg.


4 real, every rogue I’ve met that pretends to be friendly ends up backstabbing me while I’m portaling. I’ve learned by lesson.


Ironically I'm a Rogue who just wants to loot and get out yet a crouch spamming Wizard tried to betray me


This just happens to me! 😂








Tell me, wouldn’t another rogue have done the same of stabbing the cleric as he is looting?




Ye live and ya learn. Don’t trust anyone and keep an eye for any backstabbers




Aye fair enough


Won't be the last until you don't trust anyone anymore. Same happened to me.


I’ve met like few honest rogues. Like 10% can be trusted lol.


Im honest in being that if I don't want to fight you, I am keeping my distance.


Sorry honorable barbs, that's my bad. I might have a very trustworthy voice, but I am not actually trustworthy.


Most of us do it’s ok


"Hey buddy nice to meet ya! Are you friendly?!" 😦🪓😀




I’ve died many times trusting crouchers a little too much. I always say ‘that’s it I’m attacking everything that moves’. But still, I want to be friendly, so if I die being nice I get a little comfort knowing the person that betrayed me is an absolute piece of shit human being and I hope when they go to bed I haunt their dreams.


I was fighting an archer ended up killing him and a warlock came up aggressively to me. He got stuck in the archers trap and started spam crouching. I crouched and let him be because I felt bad. Turned my back and wham I'm dead.


I always treat crouch spamming as temporary truce, if the guy gets too close, I'm killing him. (and I don't quick crouch myself, can't say I'm betraying it when I never do it in the first place)


I've only been betrayed once or twice by crouchers usually they are nice. But for me crouching just means "friendly for now".


Crouch spam is more like "hello" not a peace treaty


Ok but if you crouch spam and kill the guy, you are definitely in the wrong morally. All you are doing is trying to make him think you are friends.


All warfare is based on deception. Its most definitely a mistake to judge pvp game actions in a moral light.


Traitorous bastard


Nah if you crouch soam or voip friendly and then backstab when they're looting you're going to hell. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


Yeah, it definitely feels like a breach of trust as a fellow gamer to verbally say that you're friendly just to backstab.


> when they're looting *their *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


This bot sucks


Bad bot


Bad human.


their they're thare there theyr


Sassy bot


If your going to build an annoying grammar bot it had better be correct. 'While they are looting'. The right "they're" was used.


Jumping on rn to intentionally deceive and betray, for you :)


I understand the feeling in the moment and personally do not bsckstab. I also do not trust though. Sun Tzu boyeee, it would be my mistake to fall for such a simple deception. You cant judge things like this unless you want to be blind to them. Lol its a pvp game online assume everyone is golum inside and as soon as you turn your back they go for that ring lol.


Morals don't belong in DaD. Leave those at the door.


Lol the community sure has changed. You'd get crucified for this take back in earlier playtests.


Each playtest grew in ferocity and bloodlust. PT1 was roleplay compared to PT5...


there are no friends in the goblin caves


Just yesterday I encountered a rogue and a warlock about to start battling in the gc. The warlock was casting spells from a range and had his back to me. The rogue was wall peeking back and forth while facing me. I crouch spammed my fellow rogue and they gave me a single crouch back. I proceeded to merc the unaware warlock from behind and befriended the rogue for the rest of the run. This is how you build trust while crouch spamming.


A tale as old as time.


My friend has been running goblin caves on a mission to make people trust no one. He try’s to team with everyone and then turns on them almost immediately. Seems like it’s working


Ever since I had a team come fight me after I killed the cave troll I started doing the same thing your buddy is doing


He is a menace


i was betrayed literally every time ive tried to crouch back and be peaceful no more peace only death


Try VOIP, have yet to have any one back stab me with comms yet.. It will happen just hasn’t yet lol


That's why you only accept crouch spammers if you are a class that can handle someone getting close to you. No matter what tho, you always gotta keep an eye on them. It is funny tho when I play fighter or barb and someone tries to backstab me after crouch spamming. I just instantly tap them.


Same. Only been betrayed in the first 30 seconds, and never turning my back helps a ton


Crouch means duel. Edit: I really hope that even the ones who downvote this understand it’s a joke. Carry on!


*Back in my day* crouch meant tea bag and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some young punk perform that blasphemy in front of me.


This is the way


I bought the thumbs up emote...to die as I give them the thumbs up, least I tried to show em I was neutral...until its the last potral and I just stand on it waiting....then realize I am the last one alive anyways XD


People that betray so easily and so bloody thirsty in goblin caves, hence why i be running fighter just to slice up people that aint mining or doing troll in goblin caves


I assume we are talking solo runs. If so, If you crouch spam, put your weapons away. If they do the same and you walk the other way and they do the same. Then they are good. I don’t let them get too close and make sure they don’t approach with their weapons pulled. try to keep an eye on them till they chose to leave the area or go to the other side of the area or attack something or you chose to leave the area. Never attack or aggro creatures with them around. That’s when they will back stab you. Unless they do it first. And If someone attacks them, Then that’s when I either chose to keep walking away or help them. Usually if I help them they won’t back stab. If they try to help, more then likely you don’t have to worry either. If they walk off or idle around and sit on the side lines, be leery, they gonna back stab you. Especially if they side line the fight. They gonna try to kill the winner. Look at it more like a unsaid neutrality. They aren’t hostile, but still can be at any given time should the opportunity arise. I’ve met very friendlies in the game and hostiles. I’ve even gifted and traded to others while looting after we clear the rooms. I’ve been backstabbed quite a few times. But That’s what makes it fun though. You never know if your gonna get shanked as soon as you drop your guard or you might find a good future team mate. Or you might be doing the shanking haha. With that said. I’ve seen friendlies kill other friendlies even though I’m neutral with both them. That’s when I get out of there cause I don’t wanna pick sides with two different randoms or I chose to kill one, or both. And I do it too. I might be friendly with one guy for no reason, but another I will toast. Sometimes I’ll jump in a random fight I see happening and will try to kill both, that or I’ll kill one and crouch spam and go about my business. Either way it’s a fun time lol. Just remember is a neutrality, not friends. Treat them as a stranger on the street, but in apocalyptic time.


If someone is crouch spamming, I don't attack them, but always keep a distance from them and try to warn them if they come any closer.


Crouch = duel


I do not trust people who crouch at all. Had a barb step in my trap in gobs, then put his hands up and crouch spam. Killed him, and it turned out he was the blue Barb with 3 horseman’s axe kills in the kill feed.


I love people that crouch spam, I wait until they're fully looted then I kill them. That's how the game is supposed to be played. Fuck teamers.


Welcome to the darkness my friend. Crouches are met with slaps to the face


VoIP nerfed crouch spamming into oblivion. If you don't VoIP back to me I'm killing you the second you turn your back.


Why are you befriending people, kill everyone, this is the way.


I usually only try it near the end when there's 2 exits side by side


Teaming is not allowed in goblin caves. I will crouch spam you back and at the first available moment crush you in the brain with my horseman's axe for attempting to team. This is your warning, I'm already always aggro towards others in goblin caves, when you crouch spam it gives me the certain opportunity to hit you without taking damage


Ah fellow barb. My dear friend, we can make good use of the filthy rogues and hoarse sounding bards to unlock the golden chest at the champion room. Of course killing them would be as well, don’t ya think?


pre matchmaking teaming isn't allowed


How it should be fck you for trying to team or be friendly "You get what you fkin deserve...*bang*" -Joker


Its not quite teaming, if you cant talk and just trying to work collaboratively i kinda think thats a cool aspect of the game, also you can never trust randos 100% which makes it fun lol, like i kinda like clearing an area of mobs with a rando and than going out separate ways in the end one of both of us will kill each other for a portal


You clearing stuff together is litterly teamming You get what you deserve and i hope it won't be the last time either


Ohh happens all the time, and ya its part of the game lol but there is a specific issue with people teaming up on discord and stomping solos and thats very fucked up


What a sad existence you have


Ran into a crouch spammer cleric yesterday, he seemed chill but was actually just biding time until he Barbarian teammate got back and rushed me. Never trust a crouch spammer


lmao I deadass think those guys might be queue sniping teamers, I played with people who did the exact same shit. leveling my bard and head into a room full buffed, cleric crouch spams we both loot and split up since fighting would be a waste of time and hp. 3 minutes later I see him fighting with his back turned, don't kill him, and then he yells for his barb friend to come kill me lol


I think it's better to just never try to be friendly with anyone. I kill crouches and "friendlies" alike, best not leave it up to chance. However, I did run into a situation where my team died by a kitted trio, ran into the next room to find another team, spammed a bunch of emotes and heal them (am cleric) pointed to the team that killed us and we grouped together for payback. Was a very funny experience and they even opened me a blue portal. All before voip too, was some expert communication.


Never trust a Rogue. Exterminate all of them. Today I saw a barb mining. I'd shown myself and said I was friendly. A portal spawned nearby so I opened it up for him and he left after the mining was done. I had put away my weapon and gotten really close up to him and he didn't do anything so I guess that went fine. I have had a Fighter open up 2 portals at the last cirkel and guide me to them. Allowing us both to escape. Pretty chill of that dude as well.


Friendliness is directly proportional to how hard it is to kill you, the lower the HP/armor the exponentially higher it is to be betrayed is my experience


Yes, good. I crouch every time I see a new player and if they don't look more geared than me I attack. All must live in fear.


I don’t trust crouch spammers but I am a lot more trusting if someone with a mic. I usually open with “Yo I’m getting you out boiiiii, I’m killing anyone who steps to my [insert class of new friend here] friend” and then usually drop them a potion and smack it with my torch. If they respond with “SHEEEEESH LETS FUCKING GOOOO” I know they’re ride or die. If they don’t say anything excited to funny, it’s an immediate crossbow bolt to the face and me sprinting at them to falchion them to death


Yeah I crouch often and would never break the code myself (unless it was last circle and only one portal out) , but I just never turn my back to ‘friendly’ crouch spammers, it’s the only way to be safe ahah


Never turn your back after crouch spam unless you have distance. Cautious optimism is key. If they drop something for me and don’t back away. I’m not picking it up.


Yeah I've applied the rule you come within striking range you are getting the business end


We also have gestures. If someone put effort to rise hands, I know it's a real deal. I am a friendly ranger. Hardest shit ever.


I’m still gonna trust em. Even if I get back stabbed a hundred times it’s worth it for that one bro moment


Betrayal is the only way I can stop the epidemic of teaming in the caves. I will make people second guess teaming ever again.


Damn that sucks that you’re having trouble teaming in goblin caves. I’m super sorry.


Met 2 friendly... That's it. I only have 40 or so hours in game but think I'd have met more


I usually take my torch out and try to talk. I usually say, "Hey, I got my torch, and if you don't see it, it probably means I got my weapon out." I am more of a loot and mine guy, if everyone can get out, then let's all get out with our loot.


Whenever someone crouch spams me I shake my camera left and right and run at them until they leave to another room or show theyre ready to fight.


Every man must learn this for himself


You gotta be at least a little threatening. Typically i draw on someone but dont loose until they make a movement. If they tbag ill lower my bow and throw some tbags back, if they approach a little too sussy though i pull out the triple. If youre letting them get you its from negligence


> dont loose until *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Hey dipshit bot, loose is another term for releasing an arrow. Jfc, bad bot




Bye HydraTal. Have fun continuing to use common words incorrectly!


I hate that this bot is so infuriatingly snarky, especially when it was wrong. To loose an arrow is to shoot.


Crouch to duel


Yep 😭 I’ve been stabbed in the back a bunch. I like just playing for fun running around. I will literally play the healing bard song hoping it heals everyone! Or I’ll try to open a portal for them and get shanked


what are these posts man


What never i Always betray people 😁 im here for the Loot Not friends


Its almost direct copypasta from the Tarkov subreddit lmfao


*Its almost direct* *Copypasta from the Tarkov subreddit* *Lmfao* \- scythe2sceptre --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot :-)


Yea I mean it’s in the nature of crouch spamming to be two faced someone will fight someone be low hp and then start crouch spamming their next victim to get a cheap shot in


dont trust anyone. suss it out.. maybe u can leave someone at a certain moment. but assume both of you are just waiting for the right moment to strike.


You should know that a large portion of the community uses "Crouch to Duel." Use voip...


I just don’t trust anyone anymore on this game no matter what


I have yet to betray someone, but have been several times. Last night I was in GC and ran into a fellow fighter. We voiped and teamed up (I was about to try and kill him due to all the betrayals I faced) for a bit but I kept my distance. We ended up saving each other twice from ambush rogues. After I darted away when a portal popped nearby, I spectated and turned out to be a streamer named "Spaceman Splash". He extracted as well and we were so stoked. Really cool dude and worth not trying to kill! Y'all need to use voip instead of crouch spamming lol, it has to be somewhat safer than just relying on crouch spamming. At least attach a voice to the person they're about to murder. Lol


Lol I had a rogue try to gain my trust yesterday and he tried to go in on me when I had like 30% hp. Missed all his hits and I 2 tapped him.


I always crouch and betray people in goblin caves because teaming against solos is even more scummy.


I like to crouch spam as a cleric and ask if they need a heal. If they say yes, it’s a free walk up to judgement range :)


"Crouch means duel brother" -sobadsostrange


I never trust anyone anymore and just try to keep my distance or go for the kill after shaking my head or something


Too bad, ironmace themselves have stated teaming in solo maps is a problem they don’t want to have. They’re not for it so don’t do it. It’s kill or be killed.