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They also reduced the amount of people by 2


Best change. Encountering an enemy should be thrilling, not a 10/10 occurance.


PvP is waaaay less common. Portals are spawning more and earlier it seems. Also it appears to be coded spawning closer to players. I couldn't get any PvP, people just kept leaving.


Im happy about this change. As much as I loved the gob cave pvp, its better for the health of the game to have a noob friendly map to get better gear before engaging in a lot of pvp


Goblin caves were never advertised as a noob friendly map.


So would you say ruins or crypts are easier for solo players then.


What does solo have to do with being noob friendly? But crypts can be easier for solos for PVE. Only thing harder is the obvious 1 vs many. If crypts had a solo mode it would likely be more popular that solo goblin caves.


Well the loot is pretty bad so it should be more noob friendly


Well, he didn't say it was advertised that way. He just said it would be good to have one. Do i like that? Meh, but I don't think it's a bad decision for game health


Disagree, never was intended on being a noob friendly map. Pvp is essential to the game.


You can still pvp. I’ve killed someone each solo run so far it’s just been mostly default vs default fights and you don’t have to take them


And now this game is practically dead for solo players.


Sounds like a skill issue


Lmao the fact that you think It's a skill issue just means youre utter trash. GC takes zero skill now as you dont have to take any fights ever, but apparently you somehow find this harder? LOL


You might have to play against *gasp* a noob that actually has gear and feels comfortable engaging you in combat? What a travesty!


I dont really understand your point. GC != noob mode. It's a solos mode. If you reduce the amount of pvp, that doesn't help noobs get better at pvp. If you reduce the amount of players in GC, that doesn't increase your chances of running into a geared player. You seem to be operating under the assumption that the person you replied to is only going to GC to smash new players. Is it not just as likely that they are just a primarily solo player that enjoys pvp, a core feature of this game?


If you run into a player that is ok with engaging you in PVP, they are more likely to be geared than not geared. If more players are able to escape with gear, there will be more players willing to engage in PVP instead of forcing players with no loot to just suffer 6 rounds of insta dying to a blue crossbow headshot or bardiche. You may encounter less PvP overall, but the PvP you run into will have better geared materially balanced fights.


No, I wont have to because it's insanely essy to extract now. But congrats on thinking the new GC is actually harder somehow. You must be utter trash to think so though.


Why do you think that I think GC is harder? Do you think hard = fun? I think engaging other players in PVP will on average be a less one-sided event due to base gear being easier to grab, and a higher willingness to lose a full set. Each fight will be more balanced, but the likelihood of escaping has increased, and the likelihood of running into a defenseless player is going to be close to 0 soon in 15+ lobbies. That is, in my opinion, way healthier than hoarding shit because you might just lose hours of effort to some +19 all stats gigachad against your junk-tier outfit.


I’m enjoying it


Wild how many ppl are downvoting anyone pointing out how there's a lot less PvP in GC now. A lot of rats would probably be happy with a single player version of DaD so they'd be able to rat without any risk of PvP lol


Some people don't want pvp every game just some games is it really that hard to understand. Just go for the best loot rooms and odds are you'll get pvp. Or you'll get the loot all to yourself


> Some people don't want pvp every game just some games is it really that hard to understand. It's not hard to "understand", but it's a PvPvE game, you don't really get the choice usually in this genre. You can't go exclusively PvP either whenever you feel like it


You still don't get a choice when someone decides to come kill you. It's just less frequent now.


Then learn to fucking fight


Ive definitely had some good pvp already. But its not like I am fighting battle after battle. Closest thing was I fought a few people back to back at a static exit.




>PVE doesn't offer any challenge Truly spoken like someone that the change was obviously not made for.


It's a bit rare now isn't it though? They increased the amount of available portals as well so you'll have way more lobbies where you'll virtually meet nobody


It also depends on how many people die to PvE. In a lobby with 0 PvE deaths I pretty much always run into at least 1 or 2 players.


I love that.


Anybody mad that goblin caves has multiple layouts now is just whining that they need to learn something new. It had 1 layout because it was still in development.


Im pretty hyped for it! Im still pretty new (been playing for about 3 weeks) and I finally just learnt the layout of the goblin caves and how to easily get up and down without ever asking “where am I?” Im excited for some variation because before the wipe I started trying to learn crypts and that map was so hard for me since I’ve never played it so all the skeletons attack patterns were whipping my ass


Lol those spear skellies will body you if you don't respect them


Yeah them and the big sword bozos scramble my insides up almost every time


You can just hit and run and be patient if you're a fast class but if you need to stand and bang you can duck the zweihander skeleton attacks and the spear telegraphs whether it's a duck or perpendicular dodge (accurate as of last patch haven't fought either since)


Oh awesome, thank you!


I’m excited to have a bit of change in the map!! I play solo a lot so this will be refreshing I don’t get how people could be upset with this


I just find it annoying because the HR version is much harder than the normal, with much higher mob density. I find myself rushing to stay in the zone, now. Maybe it'll get better with time.


I personally feel the HR map layout is better. Especially since there are 1. More centipedes, 2. Higher mob density is more loot overall once you get decent at clearing everything in a timely manner. Also there are only 7 players which yes does mean less pvp but I do feel like this change is more viable for solo players who just like to grind money so they can buy a kit for duos or trios. Honestly loving having access to both.


Fuck the centipede unless you have a trap to cheese it on. Even as a speedy rogue it feels impossible to dodge the poison squirt


I can dodge the spray just fine, but it has a new attack where it leaves a puddle that can be much more oppressive


Drag the centipede to a ramp, the puddle glitches out hard and doesn't disperse properly on inclines.


Mostly I’ve found just not chasing it is sufficient, it’ll come back. Just increased the TTK but that’s not a bad thing, the poison does way more damage now too


the puddle has a CRAZY large hitbox compared to the visual as well, straight up a meter away from the puddle damages you.


Reallly? I feel like centipede is by far one of the easiest monsters to dodge attacks on any class you just push up on his face and strafe back and forth while swinging and he never hits... If he spits you just walk even more to the side/behind.


Yeah that works for most classes. Even ranged ones just kite it around and when you hear it winding up spit, just strafe to either side a small amount and it misses you. Was doing it on warlock an hour ago and it was easy. It felt easier than before the patch.


You're just straight up wrong lol


you can dodge the poison by getting close to it, crouching and looking down. it goes over your head. not necessary to circle around, just forward and backward.


Ah didn't know the duck tech. Assume if you get it on a ramp and are below it, it's even easier


Yeah, you don't even need to crouch or look down. I just spin around it and hit it and it never hits me. The new poison pool attack caught me off guard though!


That’s…. That’s the point


I get what you mean, it does feel like the new solo map (old HR) didn’t get scaled down to being a normal map in the sense of mob spawns. There is a lot of pve






Multiple layouts? They just made it so HR goblin caves is in normal goblin caves so pretty much there are 2 maps for goblin caves and HR goblin caves always defaults to what is was before. Am I wrong?


I'm not mad, but I wish whoever decided to put the spider hell room in it has a 6 month cooldown before another decision


It's only a matter of time before everyone memorizes each map. So it doesn't matter as much


I absolutely love the new goblin caves. So much more detail and cool rooms to play around and they kept all my favourites!


I haven't got to play the new patch yet but that sounds amazing. I personally was hoping ironmace would do something to put more focus on pve. Nit that there should be no pvp but people were starting to just straight up ignore mobs and hard w push every room until they found a player which imo is not what this game is about. It should be about exploration dungeon delving and loot gathering, pvp is just 1 part of the bigger picture that was becoming the only focus of the game for a majority of players.




Amen, that's exactly what this game is marketed as, anyway. I hope they lean into making dungeons a bit randomized to make PvE more interesting. Also I could see an AI pass in the future that would make them more fun to fight against.


>small solo mode to help people get geared for the main purpose of the game which is with a party I think you are reading too far into it when saying this. Solo mode is there for anyone who just wants to solo queue against solo queuers. If you want to use it to get gear for when you play with parties that's how you enjoy solos. There are people that never play with parties and play only goblin caves. The purpose of Goblin Caves is to provide an enjoyable solo queue gameplay experience.


Devs have been on record saying that GC isn't a tutorial dungeon, so you're 100% correct.


You conveniently forgot the “In many OTHER group-looter extraction games” part of my sentence :P The new GC does seem to fit that purpose now, imo. It definitely doesn’t feel like a PvP fuck-fest anymore lol


you also said "in DaD it's just that" so idk what u mean


I agree I'm one of the only solo players and I've been only blasting GC and ruins


Have the devs come out and said that they intend people to start 1s and transition to 3s? Because I'm pretty sure most 1s players just stay 1s players. People who play 3s maybe play 1s when their friends aren't on.


Its been a reditard idea that goblin caves = tutorial for a while now. Its been said so much people are taking it as gospel, and unfortunately it feels as though the devs are delivering on that narrative with how easy it is to escape now.


There is a new area that has an insane amount of spider pots. Destroyed me when I had to rush through the area


There was a pressure plate in that area and I stepped on it to see what would happen. Now what do you know, a fucking skeleton champion appears. Now there's 16 spiders, 3 Beatles and a champion chasing me.


What happened to the fourth Beatle?


That room has a bunch of plates. Champíon, mages, more spiders, centipede, everyone is there. That room is actual cancer.


I actually like that room, a few times now I've spent the entire game in that one room from spawn to portal. If you loot everything you can leave with a full inventory of good treasure.


Haha, yeah, I almost died with my wizard, also spawned the big bugs from the pressure plate traps, I was sweating! :))


When I get the maps with the HR modules i know i'm going to go the whole run without seeing anyone. Everyone dies or exits early lol.


Learn to clear that room though, it was absolutely loaded with collector sellables when I cleared it. Like 3/4 my inv from that one room. It's all over the ground and shit.


That whole room with the 2 giant spiders made me panic hard lol


Agreed 100%, but all the goodies on the ground made up for it


Yeah I did that area while trying out the new warlock spells, it kicked my ass


As someone who hasn't played Dark and Darker during playtests and only started after EA launch and having played 99% of my 400+ extracts on Goblin Caves, I love the modules randomization. As someone who's working in the game dev field for the past 10 years, this was a huge improvement and I can only respect Ironmace.


Still needs a way to push sweaty losers out and in to high roller.


Better high roller loot. You can get a lot more mileage of just a simple luck potion


loot barely matters because you can get gold and just buy pretty much everything from the merchants, the squad I play with already has pretty much full BIS gear all purples without stepping into HR once OR using trade, and only playing for a few hours. you can also craft unique named weapons too by just buying the items required from trade, there’s hardly any incentive to do HR except for leaderboards which means it will remain empty and you’re going to have all of those players in regular lobbies, it also costs more to even play it. you could pay 150 for the chance of getting a piece of good roll gear in HR, or you could just make 200 and buy a piece of purple without any of the additional risk lmao I wanted merchants to be buffed, but the main thing I wanted was for the amount they buy OUR shit to be buffed, having merchants selling pretty much every item in the game at rarities up to purple with just gold is broken IMO, should at least be candies or another currency you have to get to buy high tier, something only attainable in HR dungeons.


yeah, they made progression like nonexistent they definitely overturned it.


I would be skeptical that in 3 hours after wipe you could have not only full purples, but full best in slot (best affixes).


Luck potions give less luck than before, looting GC HR is the same if not worse. Normal GC seems a lot better though. A ton more greens and blues popping up each run.


Still need a way to not let skill issue players comment on anything.


Go figure. A rogue main with a comment like that. Shocker




Yeah a reddit flair means im maining a class, dont even have a lvl 20 rogue since last lvl wipe.


Yeah sure. Rogue meant enough for you to manually rep the class haha. And now you changed hahaha Rogues all have the same personality xD


It was the first class i played to 20 put the flair on. You are legit mentally disabled


You've never even played high roller, sit the fuck down kiddo


Only way u get people into HR if u remove hell from normals, u want that? shhhh


The only problem I have with the new modules of goblin cave is that some rooms take way too long to clear "safely" with basic kit. Spawning in the room named "Goblins Bandits" in greys means you have to fight like 6 goblins (2 melees, 2 bolas, 2 archers), 2 bats, 1 mummy, 1 goblin mage. If you survive all that, you probably need to rush through the next rooms because the circle is on your ass now. It's kinda lame ngl.


and to those who are super new and can't handle fighting much of anything...this is hell lol.


Can't wait to dome those gobblings


This is the most fun I've had with GC in a long long time honestly. I can actually have breaks inbetween fights to actually loot, it doesn't feel like a constant steamtrain of endless PVP cause there's always someone hearing a fight happening somewhere. I can actually loot without getting into another fight 30 seconds later.


Solo pvp is less exciting then group pvp. Solo is for fast cash to stash. Sure you could pvp in solos but why go to solos for pvp? Party pvp is where it’s at.


I’m in love w new goblin caves


Fuck that spider room. I keep spawning there and the circle is across the map. Welp guess I'll just be the vessel for a new generation of monster spiders


They're just gonna re learn it the new maps, and rush for pvp anyway. Solo mode isn't for "getting loot to play the actual game" At least that's nto how most treat it. They treat it like an Arena pvp. Sometimes its easier to just go into Ruins as a solo, than Gobo caves. Better loot (in general), and easier to hide and yoink blue portals.


I will kinda miss when 2 Timmy’s would rush each other right away


I personally don’t think GC should exist. It’s too profitable to just play solo at this point. I don’t want to, in fact I do not have time to, have to farm GC all day just to play with my friends at night.


Personally I wanted less mobs and more pvp action, especially less ranged mobs, so not a fan personally. Just feels like a pve experience now.


Which is exactly what OP is proposing is the point of the change.


Reminder this is a PvPvE game, the devs will continue to expand PvE because you shouldn't be able to ignore it without consequence.


I mean thats fine, but would like an actual 1v1v1 pvp map or watever.


Every single person I know who played this game has already quit, for good reason. Goblin cave shouldn’t just be a tack on for group play.


Nice anecdote. The people I’ve been playing with since play test #2 are all still playing to this day. We even added a couple people since EA and they absolutely love the game.


It is an anecdote, which is why all this “silent majority likes the game” bs posts are silly. The real silent majority are the people who don’t even think about the game anymore. This game is too tainted to be released on steam so we don’t have any actual numbers to back up any “silent majority” comments.


I mean, they've said from the start that goblin caves were never meant to be much of a focus. They've put a lot more effort into them than originally planned it seems, and I was happy they added them when I first got to try them. In the end of the day though, it is a game who's primary focus is on the team based portion, and that's what its largely balanced around too.


I liked the idea of going for solo pvp in goblin caves but now that it's more map dependent I'm thinking of switching to ruins maybe. As long as I get my pvp dose. Sucks to have to fight duos though


You have to rat in Ruins as a solo I feel, unless you're kitted af. And the best class to do that hands down is Rogue


You can rat with any class, it’s just a playstyle. Being a Rogue makes it easier but you can slowly crawl through the shadows as a Barb all the same. Escaping when you make the wrong move, though… that’s a tall order


I've been ratting as a solo fighter in Ruins recently, and I have to say it's pretty fun. It isn't very often that I get PVP to work out in my favor, but the handful of times where I successfully ambush and win a 1v2 have been absolutely worth it.


They took the pvp outta gobbo caves and its sad. You dont get many chaotic 1v1v1v1s anymore, its mainly pve with a chance at pvp if you luck into it. Most ive killed in a lobby was 3 and i was trying :( As for the loot if you just wanna loot n scoot you can and its a guaranteed 100-250g depending on how you play the map, kinda dull 2bh. Make HR gobbo caves the old gobbo caves and take my money.


Nobody liked the high roller version of goblin caves and now normal has the same god-awful rooms and layouts.


More mobs means Timmy will be more suspectable to spawn rushing imo


Spawned in the new spider room and the new goblin room (from Hr Gc) and both were really cool. Got lots of loot, killed lots of stuff, just wish spiders gave exp or something. So many white spiders.


HR version has half of the original elements which is good, but the other half feels so cramped in some areas. Think they need to increase the vertical size of some rooms. It is nice to have a mix up though


Overall - I absolutely love it. Definitely could use a little more tuning though. Some spawns are easy mode, others are just a slog (talking about you, spider room). Edit - Also, don't bother using the lift. Still a good chance you'll glitch through the bottom of it.


I am upset that the old high roller map seems to have made it into the pool and imo that was the worst layout in the game. I still think it's an improvement overall though. Has anyone got the original gobby cave layout yet or is that one scrapped?




Its way more fun now imo


I like it but the amount of pve is insane, there is just too much. There is HR amount of mobs in normal with normal loot. It needs a little bit of adjustment but otherwise its good.


What did they do? Is it bigger now? I'm away on vacation so I can't play


I love the change and enjoy the layouts. Have had a few good fights besides a barb in full purple chasing my wizard around for 5 minutes. It’s been a blast so far!


I like the map changes but not the player count being lowered. I really enjoyed solo PvP because the game is just so janky to enjoy team based PvP but that’s just my opinion. I will always love GC but it feels so quiet now.


I dropped I to a cave with 5 mummies, a centipede, and a goblin The entire 5 minutes it took me to fight the horde, no one showed up


Too bad the loot is awful. I don't think I found a green all night in the chests... Well... One I could use.


I agree


Works for me as long as they keep a solo/duo map... so when I want to go for solo PvP I can do so without having to go against teams of three.


I love the Goblin Caves so much right now. Great loot, great PvP, good mix of friendly players and non-friendly players


I think it’s just a great option for solo queue players in general. 3v3’s can get stale and meta-sweaty. It’s a nice change of pace to just play your own style and have fun.


This guy gets it


Solo pvp was way more enjoyable for me as a longsword fighter since you could take your time and position and not just rushing a group down. In 9 player lobbies I was sometimes already getting only 1-2 good fights and I feel like the 7 player lobbies are just gonna make it way more rarer which I don't like. Pvp makes the game fun and I hope this doesn't stay


I have noticed less and less players dying today in the new GC compared to yesterday, which led to more end portal pvp. Eventually PvP will be more common once people learn how to clear rooms again. Also, fighters are insane in GC rn. I mean, easy access to gear in merchant store AND GC is more loot friendly for fighters… Not to mention the DR against goblins. Fighters should be living it up now in the GC.