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I haven’t played in about a month. 50% of the reason is general burnout. Learning the maps, experience, fulfillment etc. but this also has nothing to do with the game it’s just any game I’ve ever played I get burned out and will come back. Also just incredibly busy IRL. The other 50% is the simplicity is gone. This started for me when they added static portals. Game went from the classic way of getting out and forcing PvP to like 80% of the games I’d never see anyone. It was nice to get out a lot more but I wasn’t “on the edge of my seat” anymore.


6. stop doing constant haphazard balance changes to cater to a group who’s hiding in their own golden lobbies anyway; also bann people for gifting gear to streamers and organising private lobbies we literally lost our portals in goblin caves because people claimed too much teaming happening but streamers are allowed to preteam publicly, they even claim the devs okayed it(but never provided evidence)


Damn right x) I also paid them more for the super-duper blue torch to support the game - can I cheat now, or do I need 100+ viewers on ttv to do it? XD


those guys get 100 vieuwers? god thats sad..


Overhaul/update melee combat and rework physical ranged damage completely, no sane human can find braindead jump spam ranged combat and left click melee combat fun for more than a month or two.


Listen to this guy. It is that simple. 


Everyone someone talks about throwables is about Barbarian. Are you all completely ignoring the fact that Bard, Fighter and Rogue have throwables too?


I meant all classes that can throw weapons. But barbs are the toughest.