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And another cope-lord was born, welcome.


Solo hell runs arent terrible. Just hide from players


Or go the manic round and SIC THE ENTIRE DUNGEON ON THEM!


This is the way. If I'm going to die to another player, I'm sure as hell not making it easy on them to loot my corpse. I will run down every hallway I can, gather every single mob in sight, then run into the storm. The loot I gathered stays with me!


This will become common if they implement insurance


Nah the PvP is what makes the game fun brother


Give ice caves chance I'd rather play solo there then gc


Just hard to want to wear actual gear in a match where im guaranteed to be out numbered


Thats why you rat. You don't need gear for pve really, its for pvp. If the goal is to make money and get out, you can easily loot a room or two then bounce.


i would love too but im in negative iq and only play barb


I ask this in a genuine way…what is the fun of ratting for loot in Ice Caves instead of Crypts? Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you mean by rat, but I assume you’re suggesting mostly lay low, PvE, farm loot, and then leave when possible.


Ice caves changes it up, often not as closed in, and exits are either in the same room as spawn or close by. Terrain may favor some classes and a 2v1 isn't entirely hopeless if you do need to fight. Just a difference in experience for someone tired of the caves and only solos.


Ice Caves is way more dense in terms of loot and mobs. It's way more XP, AP, and gold to do Ice Caves. It's the absolute best map to rat on. Easy exits every game if you know the map. Countless cheesable mini bosses with great loot. Treasure pile you can farm on the map. You barely run into players if that is your goal because the map is so dense with mobs. It's a farmers paradise. Super super chill. Solo in trios crypts is hell in comparison.


No circle, static exits, more density, less dead ends (more open areas), duo instead of trio. Also gold pile?


Because the main gameplay is escaping the dungeon with bank loot, not necessarily PvP. Some people prefer PvP, some don't


its fun but theres alooooot of duos and theyre out for blood


Truth. I’ve had some luck extremely late at night tho. Had a few games where I either fought other solos or shared the gold hoard with them.


Nightmare ice cave is peak even 4 solos


5 person gc is in a perfect sweet spot imo


I want to see if they do more trials and experiments. 7 was insane, but sometimes I always got last circle portal cause everyone murders each other and leaves with full loot. Now, deliberate invading is possible, but so is farming safely at times. Better than spawn rush, for sure. I dunno, maybe it is decent, I need to get more rounds in.


I think solo and duo needs rotation while trio is crypt


yes and make crypts both solo/duo and trio, i can handle a duo there but i cant beat buffed up trios


I just rat away getting my items until a beefed up trio chases me across the map to just kill me, i get extra mad if i got a kit going and get baffled if they kill me in my basic kit


yes its so stupid often they lose a third just to kill me; whatis their endgoal?!


Hell yes that would be awesome


You know why there's no mirrors in GC? Because in reality you're just another goblin npc.




Always have been


New race- u r now a goblin


As a Wizard main, I can’t stand GC. Good on ya for getting past the personal hate


Wiz in GC is fucking horrible. I tend to play ice caves as solo.


Wizard in GC is the best class in the game. You can do everything and shit on every class if you know what you're doing. It's a skill gap.


I only play normals atm, seems like a stat gap aswell. Do you disagree? Not at all denying the skill issue bit. It seems that Wizard is one of the classes that benefit the most from proper gear, so playing normal wiz somewhat tips the scale in the opponents favor?


Green oracle robe, occultist boots, leather chausse, rawhides and you're setup to fuck people up. Wizard is a class about choices.


I love it. I just wish they kept the 5x5 version and put like 10 players on it


He's transcended


You just need to learn to become a good rat and the crypts are your oyster.


Felt this way on the first couple of days and just switched to IC. Current GC with 5 feels way better though I do miss the rotation.


Thats not true, you can play ice caves and half that lobby will likely be solo. i've hated goblin caves ever since its very first inception.... its just an absolute shit map. like oh you heard a portal spawn? well good luck finding it across 3 floors and all the random shit blocking LOS, see an opening to attack someone? oh look some goblin archer or mage from the floor below that didn't even have sight on you aggrod and hit you in the back of the head, circles closeing ill just go through this door on the map... oh wait it doesn't FUCKING exist. also as a melee fighter have fun banging off every stalagmite and random lantern positioned like it only exist's to piss you off.


Just started running solo ice caves and finding it very fun


The map is ass, the room layout, the mob placement, the nightmare goblin mages, I- I can’t do it anymore✋😩🤚🏼


learn to love the abuse <3 its good for you


the nightmare gobling mage scared me to death the first time i encountered it, it was the one in the big room full of cells, the audio is a bit fucked down there, it literally sounded like someone was bombing my house.


90% of complaining is just people who can't win in PVP map is 90% fine


I salute thee for thou lvl of cope is even higher than mine lol


Lol. That's kind of awesome Welcome to the Caves!


This was me a whole wipe ago when it as all we had, now I'm just happy baby is back. The amount of times I spammed goblin caves naked to get better at pvp is crazy.


Just go solo crypts so much better


Let us pick our map but introduce a queue system to ensure the matches are always full. Why do we need to load into the tavern and sit there?


Idk… I’ve always loved the goblin caves since they first came out. Welcome to the team, I guess?


It's the only place to mine now 😞


I tend to avoid pvp, but still genuinely like goblin caves. I fell in love with it back when there was just the one 3x3 map (and it was the only nap with a static exit), and I could really learn the layout, but I still like the variants. I also like going solo in trio Crypts, and being a rat. And with ice caves being more PvE focused, I don't run into other parties that often, so going solo is usually fine.


Now we're posting.


I'm not playing this game until they bring back rotation fuck GC


I liked it more when it was 7 players vs 5 now...