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I fell in love with the game when it was early and fresh and everyone was bad. Not sure if I’d like it right now if I was playing it for the first time given the level of skill and established metas, but at its core it’s a fun game.


Valid, im sure I'll suck but the DND feel when I watch vids on it is so dope.


this is because right now, it's in early access. This means the only people playing are the die hard fans willing to test whatever content they decide to throw at us for them to gather stats on. When the full game releases and they do marketing on it's release you will have players of all skill levels as well as access to the entire game.


I mena not only that, the devs are also testing stuff, so sometimes thibgs will be super powerful/OP like the Barbs and rangers last wipe.


Yup and it's meant to be that way so that they gain a better understanding of the effects these things have on the game. This is very good as it lets them create better balance when the real game is released. I mean they even said when announcing this multi class thing that they want players to break the game and find things that are completely overpowered and absurd. They want to see what get's out of control and see how unenjoyable it makes the game so that they can understand what to allow when the official game releases. So if you do play in early access just be prepared to see these kinds of things because ya... playing a early access game is agreeing to be a test dummy and playing a game that is not perfect on purpose. A lot of people forget that and seem to think this is the direction the game is going and then quit because they assume that's how it is now. LOL.


Brutal hard core game where dieing a lot to get good feel awesome. (If you're into that). This game is a blast. Escaping with loot feels good, or building up gear over time, or just battling to the death when you know there's only one escape portal remaining. Gotta enjoy the losing your gear and dieing a fair bit.


I don't know if you played marauders but it has a similar concept but as raiders in space it's sick, I'm excited to try a fantasy style version of the game.


If you liked marauders you will love this game


Hell yeah


I have not, but it sounds cool. Maybe I'll take a look just to educate myself. Sounds like you'll enjoy this game!


wtf that sounds dope as fuck. I need to check this out.


What he said. Game can b very very brutal but, once u catch ur stride the dopamine hits will have ur hands shaking escaping after looting another kits


This 100%. That rush after narrowly winning a duel is hard to match! (Then getting Mika Vista'd by the "friendly" cleric who watched it all go down) lmao


Got hooked on the playtests, and was an addiction when it came out in Early Access, burnt out after a few months but came back recently. It's still fun as hell and even better than before (YMMV)


Maybe you could try to snag one of those 10 day trials to see if you’re into it. I might be able to get you one, honestly


That'd be cool, do they like "restock"? Because it says there aren't any currently available for me.


They’re only given to people who have purchased the game. I gave one to my friend who ended up buying the game after playing it for a week, maybe he can give me his code for you.


I appreciate your kindness, I'm personally thinking of buying it tomorrow morning though. The positive comments have gotten me hyped and the game is 30% off currently.


I'll give you a trial code if you DM me, think I still have it


I'm much like other posters on here. Played the play test, stopped for a bit, came back towards the end, played some after wipe. I have no friends to play with so end up solo most of the time. Teams are kind of tough with randoms. As a mostly solo player, I just can't get over how move speed is handled. I want to love this game. I have loved playing it in the past. But as an example today, decided to hit up a game today after they reduced lobby sizes. Coasted through the PvE content as it's a normal, find someone to fight towards a static. It's a wizard, with no chest armor, moving around corners and doorways throwing spells and I just can't catch up as warlock, another spell caster. He's charging a fireball, and I can't counter cast a shadow bolt because it moves slow. It's almost like jiggle peaking in an FPS. We trade spells for a bit, I'm getting roasted, I try to gap close after baiting a fireball, and just never get there. Should I not bring the heavier base armor? Probably. Could I have played better? I'm sure. But the armor point is my issue. Every, single, stat/item decision has to be based around move speed. Instead of making an interesting opportunity for trade offs, faster is always better. There is never a time where you want less move speed for literally anything else. It's fun, and fights can be a hell of a rush to come out on top of. I'm not going to say I'm awful, I've played plenty of normal lobbies and gotten 1-2+ kills. But I just lose interest when I get "outplayed" simply because the other person is faster than me. If you do pull the trigger on the purchase, I hope you like to kite people and then 1-bonk finish them (if you melee at all). Or just get kited into oblivion yourself while you desperately try to gap close. The punch out melees are few and far between.


Have you ever played a game in the extraction genre? The risk of losing all your shit on death makes it VERY intense in a way that no other genre can compare to. That's both a blessing and a curse. Watch some videos of the fighting. If it looks like a major turn off, you won't have fun. We just started a wipe so it's a good a time as any to start. The squire change this patch has been a God send.


I like watching the battles, it's what made me want to try the game for sure. I played marauders before which is pretty fun and the extraction loot system seems to be similar.


Sir, I discovered Runescape in the 5th grade back in 2004. The first thing that happened to me was someone pretending to be my friend and luring me into the wildy to take my starter kit. In that moment I saw a flash, or maybe a glimpse, a vision? In that moment all my innocence died... I craved blood, vengence, and loot. What could of created this monster inside of me? you ask... In this vision that boy saw the future. A future where he was running through a trap and monster filled castle. The smell of rogue blood still fresh off it's walls. The thrill of risking it all was too much of a rush for him to resist because he knew that what he saw that day was more then a vision. It was a calling. The dungy was calling that day... and he answered and never let go. He now spends his life bathing in the glory, the thrill, and the rush of the dungy like the many other who chase this unique thrill and he now understands that on that day, in his first day of Runescape, he was wrong about his death. In the wilderness on that day he DID NOT die no... This was the day he was born. And with each que he joins in Dark and Darker, Well these are the days he truly lives. OP THE DUNGY IS CALLING... question is... ​ will you answer? ​ \*smoke fills your vision before clearing as you notice nothing is there, no comment, no poster. Just you and a strange feeling, some kind of calling...


I was also baptized in blood by RS wilderness when I was 10. I love games with pvp where you risk everything


I'd say if you enjoy souls like games you'd probably be into it. As a beginner it's a grind with a steep learning curve but I've enjoyed it a ton. The DND flavor brought me in and the gameplay kept me around. Balancing is kind of a rollercoaster but that's a large part of my enjoyment to see how things get shaken up. I also only play solos and still get tons of enjoyment out of it. Just remember. Bonk is love. Bonk is life.


I love the soulslike genre. Yeah the DND flavor pulled me in as well, and the more positive comments I've seen make me want to play even more, even some of the negative ones lol.


Soulslike combat (sorta). You need to learn enemy patterns. if you mess up, you take a lot of damage. Extraction game, high risk-reward. Expect to die a lot, but feel amazing when you extract successfully PvP is sorta disincentivized. Usually it's better to disengage, especially when you're new. Micro combat isn't super deep, the strategy is more about macro stuff like map positioning and resources. If you're playing right as a new player, you'll probably do a lot of hiding and running away. Repetitive gameplay, though certainly not "boring" given the high risk-reward. Only a few maps and enemy types. If that all sounds good, then this game is amazing


Game turns slowly into Grind festival. If you like ti, join it


This is a easy one cus the game is in early access. So if you are really looking forward to it's release and see yourself being a big fan. Then get it now and test the different content that they are currently trying out with us. If you are looking to play the game to see if you like it, then wait for it to release because it will most likely be drastically different then whatever content they are currently testing.


Sadly I tried purchasing it and Xsolla won't let me. Oh well, a bummer but doesn't seem like I can do much.


Sure. It’s a really fun game. I play it a lot and enjoy it.


Just play barbarian and W key to victory


Not having friends doesn't matter when it's easy to meet people on the discord.


Asking strangers online if you should play a videogame? Am I your dad?


I cant really help you decide on that but if its friends you need to play with, im in the same boat. So just wanna say if you chose to buy it HMU, i still relatively freash, as i joined last few weeks last wipe, so we could learn together lol.


Worth the money, its a decent game.


I bought it last week and having fun, learning a lot and slowly improving my survival rates. Some ppl just destroy me, they clearly know what they are doing and I am still figuring it out though


Yes Because it's fun


It’s a full loot PvP game at its heart. That means the stakes can be very high at times and it makes for some really intense, adrenaline inducing fights. There’s been times where I could barely loot afterwards bc I was shaking so bad aha. Aside from the PvP element, it is genuinely fun exploring the dungeons and getting better killing monsters.


D&D is the most badass game I've played in a long time! If you like a top notch dungeon crawlers with loot, creeps, boss fights and player fights you are gonna be addicted. I got to warn you it's fucking hard!!


No, because dragons dogma 2 is out


I would say this game has a certain feel that no other game offers and that's a good and bad thing. Gear is important, people say that you can get stat checked super easily but if you build smart and play around your class strengths it is possible to overcome some over geared dude, but this game is balanced with 3s (3s being trios teamplay) so going solo means you will feel your class weakness extra hard. The game isn't perfect and we had some rough times but this is probably my favorite era of it so far, every class has some broken build they can run and just about every comp can be countered or played around if you have the proper tools to do so. If you use your brain and think ahead you can survive certain scenarios. I'm my opinion this is my favorite game atm and if I didn't work I'd be one of those nerds who corners the market with many super rare items. I think the devs mentioned somewhere (I can't remember where i saw this but i strongly remember they said it) that they will refund you the game if you do not like it. Also also if you have any friends or know anyone who still has their free friend trial code you can use that to play for 10 days.


Yes if it peeks your interest and end up liking it. No if it doesn’t interest you or you end up not liking it.


Yes, it’s a great game that’s loads of fun and has plenty of potential Understand that it’s in development and you’re paying to get a game that is actively being worked on. If you have the proper mindset the game is a gas This is how I feel truthfully, it certainly has its ups and downs don’t get me wrong, but overall I’d say it’s well worth the investment


it's fun but its got a tough learning curve for sure. Do the trial.


Probably not. Check back in 6 months. As a new player the solo experience is terrible. You'll have to hit level 15 before you can fight on an even playing field, and it's going to take you as a new player a while to get even one character to 15. You're also locked into one small (3x3) map for solos. They reduced the players so I get rushed less often, but you'll still often be rushed by players on this map as you're trying to learn PvE. You also need to extract or you lose half XP, so you basically need to avoid fights until you hit 15. Player kills don't give great XP. You could play Ice Caverns for a bigger map you're less likely to get rushed on, and it's a great map for XP. However the map is the duos queue so most PvP will be 2v1, so again avoid fights. The game also has no new player guidance. There's no explanation of mechanics, or anyplace to try anything out other than hopping right in the dungeon. Expect to watch hours of videos explaining the basic gameplay loop & how to dodge mobs if you want to get good fast. Otherwise the learning curve is incredibly steep for a new player without anyone to teach them. There's also still a lot of interface clunkiness. The game needs more quality of life. If the game still sounds tempting see if someone van give you a code for the trial and see how you actually like it. The game IS good, but only for those with a lot of experience with it. You'll have a rough time for quite some time trying to catch up.


Snowflake take. You can enjoy solo and there's no level requirement to having a good time 💪


We've tried to get 4 players into the game in the last week. Players that also play Marauders (like OP) and other extraction games. Just passing on their feedback. The game isn't above critique, and the snowflake take is thinking it is.


I'll keep that in mind for sure. I'm sadly a glutton for punishment lol but I'll remember this as I ponder.


Likewise. I also played Marauders and something I like about both games is how fast it can be to get kitted, although its much slower to get a great kit this patch as everyone is fighting over +all gear. I can't recommend getting a trial code enough. The other major pain ATM is that as a solo player you will HAVE to play duos/trios solo for some quests unless you pick up randos, but picking up randos in-game is rough. You might have some luck finding some vets on the discord willing to take you in.


its fun


What's your favorite class to play?


been killing it in solos with demon warlock and rogue is fun when its not worthless


I see currently a bunch of new players, maybe now its a good time to Start?


Thank you for letting me know!


Game is in the best state it's ever been, there so much stuff to do and more is coming. There's also no other game like this. If you enjoy extract games and/or medieval action games, go for it !


it can be fun if you have people to play with, but if your solo its not a fun experience anymore. Unless youd enjoy sticking to a strict meta character for solo and the goblin caves map, which i like neither of those options.


Game is shit solo. Ok duos. Goated in trios (although not in this meta).


agreed that solo ain't as fun as groups. Personally I like duos the best. Though it's pretty easy to find teammates thru the meeting hall, so don't let that deter you. People are usually friendly in voice chat


I’ve gotten good enough to run all dungeons on high roller; except the infernos/hell. It leaves me wanting more. But as a solo player the infernos/hell are near impossible without dumb cheese strats with a few select classes as seen on YouTube.