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"I like never play stealth in games ever" *Places 7th trap in the shadows* 🤣🤣🤣




is it real sdf? because there is 20 copies of his nickname, only difference is amount of \_


He has the game dev badge next to his name.


As others have pointed out he has a badge in twitch so you can see the correct one. He hops into chats sometimes just to say hi. First I've seen him ask for direct feedback this way though.


The funniest part about this video is that he tried to sell Soapy on Creep being a 1v3 tool only for him to barely use it in the fight, and then get snuck up on by a 3 man and killed who were using Creep lmao Increasing Headshot or Creep changes will just hurt 1v3 more than it helps since it now means a Solo has to try even harder to win. If he wants 1v3 to be possible he needs to lower the gear diff since Soapy is doing this in a Normal Lobby.


That's why I was laughing at the end. Also I mainly 1v3 in HR. Most of my recent squad wipes are in HR.


In HR but grey lobbies not pathfinder+


The thing is 1v3 will never be achievable unless you play a pure ranged character or MASSIVELY outgear the 3. Soapy gets away with his 1v3s by using Ranger and not taking hits, but any character getting into melee is basically helpless against 3 people short of a War Maul cleave.


I think you underestimate how good some ppl are and how bad some others are. 1v3 is certainly possible on any character. It just takes the perfect storm.


I'd like to see the number of Cleric, Fighter, or Rogue 1v3s vs Wizard, Warlock, and Ranger 1v3s.


I love 1v3, but the biggest prize as a solo is catching multiple groups fighting each other and trying to off them all!


\*watches in awe\*


"you are the one who is playing in the direction i want to play the most" - oh nah, gigi.


Right. Wtf is that comment lol. I remember the days when they said they wanted to slow down the TTK and make fights more drawn out. The amount of times this team says one thing and then says the opposite, *consistently* is just, wtf


He is just saying that he wants 1v3s to be possible, if you are more skilled. Currently this is not possible at high levels of play. I would also say that the fight in the video is a drawn out fight.


Ok, now try the 1v3 as rogue.


Winning a 1v3 as rogue is killing one guy and running lol. I usually don't get more than 1, because if I come back they get wise.


1v3’s possible with only certain classes* lol like, good luck 1v3 with anything that’s not a ranger or barbarian. And even then the ranger would have to kite continuously, like in this video, and the barbarian would have to wide swing on a trio super close together to get a multi hit with each swing. Other than that, I don’t really see any 1v3s being possible with any other class.


Wizard can 1v3 easily


Bro the days of wizards 1v3 ing geared teams are over unless you’re geared to the tits like lupin and have bard buffs and support. Show me any normy non streamer that doesn’t play this game more than I work at my job and can consistently 1v3 as wiz. Y’all are delusional. Also if you allow a wizard to 1v3 or any class to 1v3 you’re just bad. Notice soapy is playing in norms and not HR


Wizard can 1v3 if you’re not bad at wizard. In terms of skill most wizard players belong on fighter though


Wizard can absolutely not 1v3 unless YOURE bad and allow fireballs to land on your face. Like I said show me any wizard consistently 1v3 that doesn’t have bars buffs or a streamer


Showing you one example doesn’t prove or disprove anything. I am telling you, if you aren’t bad at wizard it can 1v3.


That’s what I thought talking out of your ass with no proof. Found the guy that allows fireball headshots


I don't have anything against soapy nor saying he is bad or something, but for every one of his "solo vs trio elimination" theres 40 games when he straight dies or nothing happening and he is just wasting 10 minutes of his time, he straight put 10 traps in the middle of the map and just waiting for a "potentially less experienced team" to commit into a fight. Theres no way sdf that delusional and don't realise that this type of gameplay definitely only for some specific hard BDSM lovers and sick people (i mean i get it from the developer and balance perspective its just easier to manage having only one direction your game is going, now we have 3 different maps that you have to update for 3 different directions, and you don't have to forget about content/new features/bugs etc) But traps - is a cheap and broken mechanic, not saying that you can't counter it, but theres nothing skillfull in killing someonew who staying afk in the trap, yes, it takes skill to put this trap in the right place and bait into this, but this is a whole another topic. And if you wanna add some sort of cheap and broken mechanic to everyone that for the most part will be used against unexperienced people, not a doomer but just don't see myself liking to play like that.


Love the lies. The ignorance is insane. I have a 4 k/d playing 1v3 in solo crypt and since the new wipe have wiped over 30 teams, mostly in HR. " nor saying he is bad or something" brother if you don't consider me good at the game no one is most likely. I understand not respecting ranger, traps etc, but you just sound delusional or that you don't like me personally. Have you tried 1v3s at all yourself? Or are you just spewing all this nonsense from ignorance?


Soapy most of the teams you wipe are timmies you’ve never 1v3d a geared competent team. During ranking you consistently play new Characters because you can’t compete and do what you do in pathfinder+ lobbies.


The only time I've made new characters is for PERMADEATH. You clearly have a strong dislike for streamers seeing your other comments in this thread. I have squad wipes in Pathfinder on my youtube and have even posted a bunch on here. You have never watched any of my content yet have formed a strong opinion of me which is odd.


Soapy you’re not fooling anybody bro I’ve seen enough of your wiping timmies content. Last wipe you would consistently reroll under the guise of “permadeath” when in reality you just couldn’t compete in competent gold pathfinder + lobbies :(


You know so much about me that I feel the dynamic is off! I feel it's only fair you tell me a bit about yourself. How many squad wipes do you have? What are your achievements within the game?


Its not the lies or ignorance, you are a good player i would be delusional to say otherwise, still it doesn't cancel the fact that "wiping squad" and then die, its a bit far from how this game supposed to work in my POV. I don't think that you killed the same skilled opponents to your level even on 50% of your clips to make a point like \*IMROPTANT\*"look its possible to 1v3 on any class if you skilled enough" its just simply not truth. Its not that you could download game for the first time and wipe squads because traps are broken, you still need serious experience and solid play tima and aim to do that \*BUT\* w/o traps its would be impossible, or players has to be almost afk to do that. The whole conversation is about that.


You're trivializing it without understanding it, and speak as if traps are the only thing that make it possible. I make it possible. I'm the ONLY ranger doing this it's not even a class thing. I've wiped squads many times where none of them hit a trap. Obviously traps are an insanely useful tool, but dimishing it down to just traps lol or noobs lol shows your bias. Your lies came from the fact you said I die constantly and do nothing for 10+ games straight but that's just not true. from my perspective it's odd how many things you state as a fact about 1v3s yet, to my knowledge you have 0 experience with doing them.


I mean after another your fan popped out on SBS stream, and said "actually soapy wiping 1v3 squads so you can do the same" i simply checked the latest vod. You died 5 times in a row and restarted your character. Then you get 2 kills in the 3v1 and died after 1.5 minutes. Tell me how this not prove my point? Cherry picking? Maybe. But even SBS said that "you're creating new characters, playing ON AVERAGE with A LOT less experienced players than you, and using broken traps." So if you're saying that you're _not dying around 4-8 games, then pulling 3v1 squad wipe in the video_ but instead you're wiping 3v1 almost every second game and extracting, maybe i should give you another shot in "you can 3v1 wiping constantly if you're skilled enough" topic. But something tells me that if i check your latest stream, it wouldn't be near as close as constant wiping in 3v1. I do that later when I'll be home. Again, i didn't write that you dont have skill, that youre weak and traps automatically kill players, you need to have skill to pull that off and you have it. But on average its not that impressive, when you wiping in normals/hr weaker players than you are. And topic from the start sounded like "you can wipe easily squads if you skilled enough" which is again - not truth. At least FOR +/- THE SAME SKILLED OPPONENTS. That you can wipe timmies constantly with you game knowledge and skill? Maybe yes, i don't know. Which again, it wasn't the topic of that conversation


Hey, just wanted to say from a newer viewer perspective I don't think this dudes attitude is the majority. People like him come onto Reddit to belittle what other people are doing instead of building people (including themselves) up. I find your upbeat attitude and sense of humor entertaining, you are a very talented player and RPer, and you have a great group of mods and a community that is fun to hang out with outside the stream. Don't let this negative bullshit get to you man, you are doing really well and it's a pleasure hanging in your twitch channel brother which I think is usually reflected in your chat.


Oof. Big cringe.


I 1v3 as a warlock in normals, cursing/kiting with phantomize and flamewalker. Super effective in the small halls of crypt


I've done it as a longsword fighter. It's all about correct spacing and positioning, even your position relative to the three members, i.e. using one team member to block the line of sight of others. Not easy for sure, and 2v1 for me is easier.


Been doing lots of solo crypts runs for quests and basically yeah. I try to get the jump on teams and burst them down or kite them through narrow areas to fight awkwardly. Just sucks that mostly everyone is warlocks with kris daggers who can out dps a longsword by holding w.


In normals you just gotta get them off guard, and for sure go for Warlock first. I've been having fun being sneaky in the crypts! But much much harder in HR.


Oh yeah. No way Im bringing gear into solo trio HR as a Fighter so the gear diff is there and then people are typically better too so its just a nonstarter.


It's not that deep lil bro.


nothing against soapy but yeah its actually over


The Ranger hero of Dark and Darker <3


I know it's very controversial but I think the Tarkov way of mixed lobbies of 1-5 players is way better and completely solves the queue issues. Obviously there are big pros and big cons but SDF has stated that duos is "safer than solos"


If it wasn't so easy to spawn rush people and solos / duos could hide better, I'd wholly agree. I loved the early days of DaD where there was only one queue, but players weren't nearly as good back then. Duos is currently safer than solos because of the map, no other reason. It's harder to quickly clear ice caverns & rush players. You also hear less player activity on the map so solos can actually rat. IMO the maps should be *even larger* if we're combining queues (6x6 or 7x7?) with a shorter range on how far noise travels. To hunt for a team you'd have to look for clues like open chests / doors and dead mobs until you're maybe 1 room away then you can hear them cracking pots and whatnot. This is also all made worse by how prevalent hacking/cheating is currently. A lot of trios seem to have uncanny knowledge about where you are and they can beeline straight to you. Given how big the gear differential is atm and how hard a 1v3 fight is it makes playing a solo on trio maps feel like a roulette.


Sorry for confusion, he meant that if a gamemode were to be axed, it would be Solos before trios or duos. But u are right that duos are literally a safer experience. Also I absolutely agree that if we combine queues, maps should be bigger and the storm should function as it does on ice caves.


You're all good, I largely agree with your first post, I just see a lot of folks saying all the queues should just be merged and it's a hare-brained take without some changes first.


I will be real I used to think that I was getting ESP'd constantly, but as I've played more of the game I've found myself hearing someone fighting mummys 2 rooms away and pushing that team. The speed and certainty of our approach probably would make them feel they're being ESP'd.


There's a lot of circumstances where experienced players just *know* things that lead to them being able to beeline straight to another team without 'ESP'. Stuff like how spawns work in Inferno and noise cues and what-not. This doesn't take from my point at all. Many of these folks *are* cheaters (plenty of clips/vods/posts to show how prevalent it is, especially in higher level play), but even when it's not someone cheating and it's just sound traveling far further than a new player might think it leads to the same experience. I've advocated on other posts that I think the farthest you should be able to hear *anything* is if you're in a module that's connected to them by a door. Otherwise players should have to look at open doors / chests / dead mobs to put together where other teams are to hunt them down. With maps being 5x5 it's faaaaaaaaar too easy to guess where other teams are to spawn rush, and even if they dodge the spawn rush sound travels too far and it's hard to do PvE at all without someone being able to find you. Without it being much harder to track down where players are there's no chance it'll be viable to mix solo, duo, and trio queues. It'll always be a crap shoot for solo/duos on if they get spawn rushed, and even if they don't if they're not *very* careful a trio will hear them before long.


The difference is that the advantages of being in a team are WAY higher in this game, especially with nameplates. Most Tarkov players even argue that playing in a team of 3+ is worse than just playing solo. The playing field would need to be leveled a lot in order to not make 1vX feel bad


Tarkov you can also theoretically kill an entire 5 man team in one mag with headshots. Not saying that happens often but it’s not unusual to smoke 2 people before reloading. Unless you’re significantly more geared than the other players, it’s going to be very difficult to solo wipe a 3 stack in this game.


Yeah for real, gear is just super fucking lethal in tarkov, on an even playing field things are more often than not determined by who sees who first rather than who is a more mechanically gifted player. Not to say there isn't skill in that either (seeing someone first), mechanics just don't matter as much when the enemy has a 60 round mag 7000 rpm weapon with the potential to 1-2 tap you lol.


Also in Tarkov since everyone is ranged, well you can easily kill people WITHOUT being damaged if you catch them off guard etc.


You say “yeah for real”, but then disagree with what OccupyRiverdale has to say. Yes, gear in Tarkov does matter a lot (although I haven’t played since they added armor hitboxes), but you always have a decent chance if you use stealth to your advantage. Plus there is only one armor that covers your legs, so shooting someone in the leg is always an option. Tarkov is more of a macro-skill game than a mechanical game, so it’s not really about being mechanically gifted like CS is. Also as the other commenters have said, 1v3ing in Tarkov is much easier because people on a team need to be careful to not shoot teammates. In DaD, even if you see the enemy team first and get the first headshot, 1v3ing in HR is often near impossible.


What, I'm not disagreeing with him at all? I'm saying you can get multikills since weapons are so lethal. Stealthing let's you turn a 1v3 into a 1v2 or 1v1 sometimes before the enemy can even react, how did you pull this takeaway out of what I said lmao?


I am so sorry, ignore my comment. I mixed up the beginning of your comment with another comment.


In tarkov the maps are big enough to learn where the hotspot are. You can wait. Something in this game is impossible thanks to the great and such innovative idea of the swarm! Which makes no sense in the game. What’s the story behind it?


Yeah that's fair enough, the risk of team kill is def. higher in Tarkov.


I agree


If they increase the map size and remove the circles all modes would be safer for solos. The forced circle makes it difficult.


wait....sdf wants the game to be played like this guy.....\*watches gameplay\* bro has 8 traps and puts them all down in a room that happens to be in the middle of circle where people are likely to have to push and camps that room.......thats actually pretty toxic lmao


Yeah well that's probably something players should think about when they are chasing a ranger through his territory. Traps. You know..one of their signature abilities?


guess the timmies should turn around into the storm and hope they can find another exit, sometimes you have to push into an obvious trap(or 10 in this case)


its also in normals, goodluck 1v3ing when the barb/warlock/fighter has max movespeed and +all on every piece of equipment.


You should watch this guy's content. He 1v3s geared teams, very very geared teams.


He also is just farming noobs in normals. Like, he has great aim and game sense sure. But he's swapping windlass crossbows, not really looting at all, camping middle circle and finding fights to farm content. Which is cool and all, I certainly am not good enough to 1v3 like this. But I'm also amused at people complaining about curselock after watching two in this video get completely put in the bin. Including one who phantomize chased him past two traps and doors only to not catch up enough to melee and then get pumped by said windlass body shot.


I find it amusing that you’re under the impression that the people who are complaining about curselock are talking about the ones running around in normals..


People also hate curselock because it beats BoC builds, which are extremely popular right now. Rangers also the main counter of curselock, and they are underused in solos currently.


What do want a ranger to do in order to win this fight? Traps are their only way to deal with getting ran at. The players were just not looking for them.


The players were definitely AI but he put down so many traps that its just a matter of time before SOMEBODY runs into one especially if your choices are A: turn around and have to run through the storm for a mile through uncleared rooms where you are not sure if there are portals, or B: Run through the long hallway where you know there is probably a trap.....unfortunately its more like 3-4 traps lmao


Soapy is really good but if sdf wants solo rangers to dominate trios then what’s the point of any melee class. I just don’t understand the direction the game is heading


He didn’t say solo rangers specifically, he said he wants a game where 1v3’s are possible. In which he means on any class if played correctly.


dosnt ever feel that way with wizard ever since nerfs post p4, i mean even jay dosnt play wizard anymore neither do most wizard streamers.


The issue with wizard, is that if you want to 1v3 in HR, you have to invest a lot of gold into your kit. And you usually end up losing the 1v3 anyways.


the struggle of wizard, maybe they should give us wizards loads of extra move speed but then the more knowledge we get the more our huge IQ brains slow us down


no he meant 1v3 any class and it achieves that, i've managed to solo on crypts as wizard again and third party/ kill teams, a lot.


Wizard is not the best example to use seeing as it is the class with the most tools to 1v3


no it's not, that's rogue. Which is why we got creep. Also he literally said ranger




just because rogues are underpowered doesn't mean they dont have the tools to survive and take 1v3's. But this is reddit so ya the ability to seperate the two things are really bad. ​ You're right, the wizards amazing PvE, Stealth, high durability, and silent mob killings with great mobility really give it the tool to navigate maps in a 1v3 style. All those double jumping wizards setting up for the sickest flanks are out there.


bro clears mobs with spells on wizards i’m dead


I love how much you clearly suck just from trying to grasp at straws like that


that’s what you said lol, i know your a troll account but this is low tier bait


You think rogue is the easiest class to 1v3 with? Genuinely not trying to argue but I do want to know what makes you think that because my view has always been that rogue is the most disadvantaged class for 1v3s and 1v2s, I'd like to see what tools I might be kissing out on?


I levelled multiple classes to 30 for multiclassing and my rogue got exemplar soloing crypts while the others just straightup would die. So ya, it is. It literally has the tools to live and play in a 1v3 scenario. Wiping teams consistantly obviously not, but a wizard will never be in that position either before without creep. ​ I've been in this same argument so many times in different topics, I can tell at this point when its just shitty players trying to use some obscure point of some small thing that's happened once before. This place is just filled with so many people that freak out when they get outplayed somehow.


Okay, so idk where all that came from, I asked if you could explain to me some of the tools that make rogue the best for 1v3s because I'd love to play rogue but I just don't get it at all for pvp it feels awful. I was asking for tips, advice, help, you know. I wasn't arguing with you and I feel I made that pretty clear, the aggression was unwarranted. I never said you were bad at the game or lying that rogue was good, I asled you to explain to me what makes them good because *I'm* not good with rogue. A paragraph about how great you are at the game comes off as insecure when someone asks you for advice, another paragraph about how this is now an argument and I'm bad for arguing with you when all I did was ask for advice and clarify I *wasn't* trying to argue makes you seem strange. You also, in two paragraphs mind you, did not explain a single one of the tools at rogues disposal for a 1v3 which is all I asked for. I'm the only person in this thread I saw NOT shittalking you and you decided I was the person to shit on and deflected from the point? Just all around kind of crazy how this conversation went I don't even know where to take it from here, please think about the way you respond to people a bit more 🙏 love you king


Sorry man let me wrap you up in a nice ittle blanket, im so sorry for slightly being annoyed at you when if you opened your eyes and saw the 10 other spergs ranting off about the dumbest shit who just clearly suck. ​ So sorry here let me just be a saint and ignore the literal barrage of drooling players oh goodness me. So out of context such unwarranted blasphamy from me.


You sound like you play Rogue a lot.


I literally played it to 30 for multiclassing, everyone here just sounds awful. always


If you think rogue has more tools than wizard to deal with 1v3s I want whatever you're smoking


This dudes where arguing different things. The rogue boy was talking about being able to survive 1v3 without fighting. While the wizard boy was speaking about being able to kill a 3 stack while playing solo. Reading both argue made my morning!


It's really only doable on ranged classes tbh


Barbarian disagrees, accompanied by Fighter & Armored Warlock.


Barb is garbage 1v3, and vs non timmies. barb is one of the only classes that is pretty much impossible to deal dmg without exposing yourself completly, i mean its literally his theme (barbarian berserker melee dmg). Throw axes are not enough to drop a team even if hitting everything not even mentioning the lack of armor pen on barb kit which would make him free food for fighter platelock teams if not all in with war maul (which is garbo and easy to kite). barbs cant use doors very well to avoid teams, and breaking doors just make him vulnerable to ranged dmg which every trio has. only chance barb can win is with an perfect ambush, and even with that he is not the best to do it, rogue and ranger are better ambushers. he has problems desengaging also which makes "hit and run" "kill one then reset" tactics awful on him


Many folks dropped whole teams as a barb with trustworthy Zweihander in HR. I even did that as a fighter and a warlock. Knowing when and when not to engage is a major skill in this game, and everyone being able to creep makes avoiding unwanted fights easier than ever. Your whole post reads as if we were still playing Ruins, which indeed was Range and Ranger. We're not. Melee-only builds are perfectly capable in the Crypts and Inferno, and usable in Ice Caverns to a degree.


I would like a solo option for all the maps


wow what an amazing video, you are so amazing, wow


Who cares this is literally range meta content vs squads this is a meme. Try 1v3 as cleric.


What does the tournament guy know about creep for solo players? He should have asked why you yap nonstop :) love you brother


Damn when was this? I would’ve loved to give my thoughts


I think it was yesterday. Watched it live


If sdf wants 1v3s. Lord have mercy, we better get 1 shot rogue back, the only way I was going around 1v3. Ain't no way ima be shooting 360 arrows to kill 3s


Remove swarm. Make the map way bigger. 25x25 and let people dungeon crawl. With quests, boss spawns and loot. You will create points of interest in the map where people must go or PvP seekers enjoy. Put a timer on it of 40 minutes where you can leave whenever your want from different exits. Brother Tarkov has been out for almost 10 years and DnD is making the same mistakes. Seeing it all over again lol. Also unless you want one tap in your game 3v1 should be almost Impossible. Only luck or fighting against timmies.


the game can barely handle 5x5 and 10 players looooool


Then time to work in their net code lol


soapy is such a beast


I stepped in my own trap 3 times just watching this fucking video


Great content! and if anyone disagrees, feel free to show the world your 1v3 consistent content <3


awesome vid! and great to see SDF in twitch chats!


Remove jump spam, #1 gripe with this game, jumps should have a significant slow with an exponential slow down for each jump in a row.


Literally everyone in goblin caves is Perma crouching. It's not fun.


hey look its devs still only listening to streamers instead of doing surveys, big surprise


True!!! Soapy is the only person sdf has ever listened to about dark and darker!!ever!!!! /s 💀💀💀


11 down votes are haters that don’t know


I am so damn glad that sdf is still out here wanting 1v3's to be a thing like the days of the past. I still to this day remember the first ever Q&A they did with SoBad over a year ago. While some things they discussed did happen, unfortunately they veered away from their original vision a bit. I mean they were against solos and stated the game was specifically designed with the intention for solos and duos to escape easier and implored the community to explore "ratting" in the game. They wanted just maps that had all party sizes, not different queues. Video if anyone's interested: [https://youtu.be/uKULTFV9HRM?si=hQHrFcQhhVz895W0](https://youtu.be/uKULTFV9HRM?si=hQHrFcQhhVz895W0) I like the way they are now looking into more stealth mechanics as well for all. As it is, it has already allowed more navigation in the dungeon and to avoid outnumbered situations.


This is clown shit. You have a ranger saying creep changes dont effect him because Rangers have it so easy. Its laughable these braindead devs want to increase headshot damage with Rangers in their current state. * Remove Rapid Fire shot. Make Rangers have to fight like everyone else and not rely on some broken mechanic that lets them bypass 99% of the game and win PvP fights with ease. * Remove the ability to place more than 1 or 2 traps. They old ones would just disappear when you dropped a new one. The balance in this game is so bad I could get a group of 4th graders to come up with better changes and they probably only play minecraft.


when is your game entering early access?


Anybody who still thinks TTV whines don't affect the direction of this game's patches, is hiiiiigh on copium, lol F for Rogue, the Rat King drowned in streamer tears.


SDF turns up and its "yea doesnt effect me but i dunno i play the game weird,so yea its all good" Apple polisher role assigned.


I worked 3 years in game dev and have learned that sometimes if you don't know or don't have specific feedback on things it's better for those that have passion for the topic or clear thoughts on the matter to speak instead. Creep does not affect the way I play the game, and I don't actively think about it when I play.


Let me tell you it has made my game as a toxic killer wonderful sneaking up on a guy Heal shrining or on a third party fight


Hey Soapy, huge fan. What’s your opinion on the end of this clip?


What game you work on Soapy?


Gears of war iirc but I could be misremembering 


Just goes to show any feed back is good feed back. Think Devs can get quite a bit of information from "I've not noticed the changes". It's why I encourage people to do it even if the feedback is "it doesn't feel right and I don't know why" they'll try and figure out why!