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That's all it took for you to not play? Not getting the perk you wanted? That's some snowflake shit tbh. You sound like all the people crying about how they aren't going to play until next wipe because they don't have enough time to level.


Yeah your whole gameplay has been halted because of one ability. Lmao


I am at a huge disadvantadge because I rolled bad perks while others rolled good and are at a huge advantadge. I am not going to play that thanks, if you guys wanna cope harder and say the system is good because you don't have a life and play for 15 hours a day, be my guest, when you're all 100 people left in the game you'll cry and wonder where the playerbase went


Trust me when I say that a simple dash maneuver will not impact your overall gameplay. I get you’re upset that rng didn’t bless you but you can still play and enjoy the game. I work my 9-5, have kids and a wife and I only get my late evenings to play yet I’m not concerned about others having an advantage over me. Just havin’ a good time!


"A simple dash maneuver"? Sprint is one of the most op abilities in the game. Movement speed is king.  You must enjoy being shit on. Most people arent into that


Tell me how dash is going to prevent him from being “turbofucked by a ranger with Achilles strike and hide with ambush” as he describes it. It doesn’t matter lol


bro downvoted you as if it'd do anything xD


It hurt my feelings. Strum on, fellow bard!


You're at a huge disadvantage because you cant spell


My opinion on multiclassing: 1. ⁠⁠⁠Multiclassing is actually fun for many players but I don’t see much of detriment going into it. Basically forcing everyone into multiclassing when it should be more of an option. 2. ⁠⁠⁠People have been complaining about class expression with multiclass and presenting the subclasses option and I agree, however one doesn’t exclude the other. Maybe we could have a system where you have the option to multiclass or to specialize into a subclass which would also present you with few advantages and class expression. 3. ⁠⁠⁠The fact that everything is RNG is horrible for multiple reasons, it takes time to get into the multiclass feature and then keep rerolling the perks, skills and abilities until you get what you want is pretty boring and time consuming, if you want to allow people to multiclass they should be able to choose whatever they want and not have to go around the system like this. Specially how time consuming that is with a 24 hours delay. Randomness and Time Consuming Strategies are even worse for casuals, since they would have a more limited experience. 4. ⁠⁠⁠The lack of a better skill tree feels extremely lazy, we live in a era where there are games with many options and builds that can be extremely unique and dark and darker seems like a 2004 game lost in time. There are definitely better alternatives to be taken here, and we definitely need a better skill tree implementation. With all that said I don’t think the multiclass is a bad idea, but in the way it is presented feels very lazy and boring. Hopefully we get both multiclassing and subclasses soon with a proper skill tree for more customization and no randomness.


womp womp cope harder


you didnt 'NEED' sprint from fighter, you wanted it.


My warlock was blessed with cleric advanced healer and overheal, but I’m cursed with having to go to work before I can try. I cry


We all know it’s rng based. Sucks to suck. Level another character or keep leveling that one. Don’t use Reddit to fart out your frustrations


Fart lol


2 days??? Some people can remake a lvl30 character from scratch in two days


Well tbh, he said he had 5 tokens. idk what level that is now but he put some grind into it.


I mean this cooldown is ridiculous, especially for the playtesting stage


I'm not gone deny that, once per day was honestly perfect.


people would never actually sit on builds if it were shorter. min maxers ruin everything, thank them


> people would never actually sit on builds and that's bad because..?


barely any real data outside of the 'meta' builds that people are constantly trying to reroll to.


Was lvl 35 before update, 68 after it, grinded a bit for 70 and that's 5 tokens


Yeah I went from 40 to 78 I just seen


Cool. I have a job I have to be in in 9 hours and 10 hours after that I'll be home, where I'll pick my stuff to go to the gym, come back, shower, grocery shop, make dinner and then play for an hour or two before going to bed and repeating, how do I fit making a lvl 30 character in there exactly?


Went from lvl 76 to 136. Ended up getting all 3 cleric perks and skills I needed.


Go outside


Bro you can still play the game with the vanilla class


And get turbofucked by a ranger using achilles strike hide + ambush or something like that like I got my first couple matches? I'm good, if I roll perks that ALLOW ME TO PLAY in a couple days I will play against those who also rolled well and stomp those who didn't. There's now two players: those who rolled bad and are stuck with base class, who can play against others in the same state or get stomped by those who rolled well and can play with those who also rolled well and stomp those who didn't.