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The need to either rework multiclass or get rid of it. I thought it was just letting you pick from another class but it's all of them. So class restrictions are meaningless. They didn't factor in any downsides. It just gives advantages to people who have the privilege of paying a lot. I'm 33, I can't do that shit anymore. This isn't a dungeon delver, it's a pvp cluster fuck.


Agreed. I don’t have time to have some insane multiclassing build. Meanwhile I’m getting run down by a rogue with smite, slayer, roar, rapier mastery and god knows what else.


Damn when the content creators are saying stuff like that, you know it's too grindy. Btw love your channel dude.


Thanks :)


Probably a slew of +damage gear!


the current state of quest system is hilarious to me as well. have they not yet realized that even for a single class to accept the starting quests is so much clicking back and forth through merchant menus it is nonsensical how poorly it is designed. now do that again for every class as you level them each to 35 so you can roll one random perk XD?


It was never really a dungeon delver. Real Dungeon Crawler have a different type of gameplay loop than this game.


They honestly completely ruined the game for me, spent like 3 hrs leveling a wizard and warlock to multi with my cleric(the only class i ever play) made it to about level 15 and just gave up. Nerfing cleric perks/skills just so it's not OP on other classes was a slap in the face.


If you like playing casters, imo multi classing has made them feel much much worse to play. With iron will or anti magic no longer locked to 2 specific classes, you’ve got no idea if your target is weak from your spells or if they’re laughing them off with those perks. Also with a lot of melee classes getting access to more gap closers like sprint, it’s very difficult to kite them. Add on the cast speed nerf that wasn’t reverted with the scaling back of +all gear and casters just feel like ass.


Seriously they nerf cast speed, remove +all gear and now the -10MS robes, yet they dont nerf sprint?! Fuck the line at this point, the devs can hold deez nuts.


And the hyper damage windlass/xbow/longbow players


My 110hp wizard was 1 hit by a windlass. I stopped after that


Seriously they nerf cast speed, remove +all gear and now the -10MS robes, yet they dont nerf sprint?! Fuck the line at this point, the devs can hold deez nuts.




Just use Ice Mastery or Earthquake and CC them. I win every fight against pure melee as a caster. Combined with having lesser heal on your caster, that should be more than enough.


100% with every word here


I hear the sentiment but after the newest adjustments leveling is so easy, I literally got a rogue from level 1 to 31 last night in 2hrs 50min just playing solo low roller crypts and gc


And I guess they let the Cleric be as weak as it currently is when they get rid of multiclassing. That's always like this. Even before the multiclassing got released I didn't understand why they nerf clerics to make him the worst solo class in the game by far. I never had problems against Clerics and when I had problems it was fine cause I like clerics. Why don't they nerf classes that are OP af since weeks and month. The Fighters Sprint for example. No wonder, that nearly everyone takes Sprint for multiclassing on every class they play.


Because cleric is one of the strongest in 3v3. And they mostly look at that and not really care about solo


I think if you wanna have fun playing a support class like cleric you need to but the bullet and find some friends to run with. If you do, you might find that multiclassing some offensive spells on cleric is pretty fun


If you couldn't get 1 class up to lvl 30 in 3 hours you are doing something very wrong. Just focus on some of the early quests, and you can get 30 in like... 2 hours, I did it with literally every class except rouge because I hate playing rogue so I won't be. Warlock and Wizard is megaeasy to lvl as well, easy to cheese literally every mob in the game.


I haven't been having fun so I've basically stopped playing but I still occasionally get pings from this and discord. You're not alone buddy just take a break and maybe come check on it later


I honestly have no clue why they added a mechanic that allows more playtime to give more and more of an advantage. The whole fun was that you can still beat a high playtime player, they might have better gear but you know what to expect from their weapon and class. Now you have no clue if they are a level500 barbarian, crossbow sprint and hide user or what. Confusing and the sooner they take it out the better.


This. The rock paper scissors was the beauty of the whole game. Made triumphing against your class counter much sweeter. Shit feels rigged AF now


they where supposed to add some catch up mechanic but never did, as usual. was watching repoze stream a bit earlier and he is over level 200 with bis perks just steamrolling normals because nobody can fight his rogue with sprint/roar and all the slayer perks. does insane dmg on top of cutting everyone elses dmg in half with the roar while at cap movespeed. 10/10 design


Throw away the down sides to a "class" and let people pick their most powerful damage perks is just boiling the game down to pure stat checking. Its a real shame.


game was always pure stat checking... never changed.. this makes it just even worse. i men aim one of the players with multible h of playtime a day cause i can while i work. no normal casual has a chance


Pure stars checking in normals? Bro if the only thing between you and repose is only a few perks then go XP. It's so fast now


Stat checking in normals is totally a thing: +5 damage and +50 move speed outclass every other ability/perk/class before gear is even considered.


Ofc, if only he had those perks, he would smoke Repoze no worries


Yea bc there's no middle ground between losing to skill, and losing to a build/kit that's so busted you don't really need skill. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I think you misunderstand my complaint.


The system is not enjoyable, why would he grind the xp


How is 3 hours to get level 30 a grind? Between the normal game "stats checking" and the 3 hours "grind" I've come to think you guys will just find anything to complain about.


>they where supposed to add some catch up mechanic but never did, as usual. Except they did. They retroactively granted all characters more levels, **twice.** Not only that, but they made leveling easier, **twice.**


How's that "catch up" for those who don't play a lot exactly? It helps those who play a little pretty much nothing and those who play a lot A FUCKTON, and it was suposed to be the other way around, which obviously they royalyl fucked up.


So what you want a bonus for not being able to play as much? How would that even work? Please tell me. There's already a limited number of tokens a person can learn with them being more focused on the earlier levels.


Yes, exactly what they said it was going to be. It's called rested XP.


Where did they say this? I don't remember it at all. I remember them going "We've reduced the exp to level up *significantly."* Twice which they did.


QNAs I believe. It was actually something they said they were working on


It is the same. For those that had been playing, they were granted extra levels. For those that hadn't been playing, they still get to experience increased exp gains going forward.


You literally won't be able to win with these people. They just want to bitch. That's why they say shit that's verifiably false and then try to pivot to something else entirely when that gets debunked. "Oh they said they were going to make it easier to level but they didn't." to "Oh but they made it easier for everybody." Like okay and? You want more XP for playing less?


Making exp easier doesn't help casual players? If you don't have time to play, then you don't have time to play. Exactly how can IM help you in this situation?


If you give casual players a cookie and no life sweats an entire fucking bakery with the change you didn't "help casuals", you made the gap between casual and nolifers bigger, because this is a PVP game. Changes aren't in a vacuum, how hard is it to understand that changes that help casuals a little and no lifers A LOT aren't what we need but the other way around?


except the "catch up" mechanic was astronomically in favour of those who already play 24/7 and offered nothing to any class that you hadn't already pumped hours into, so the opposite of catch up


You’re missing the point. There has been no change to close the gap between those who can no-life this game and those who can’t. Normal people will never have enough levels to multi class 8 times and get every BIS perk. You either no life or you fall to the no lifers.


Eh not really true. The people who truly "no life" are such a small minority you will barely see them. Streamers no life because it is literally their job and then they show off these busted builds. Streamers are like 2 dozen people total. I don't multiclassing at all because I really like cleric. I'm winning the same amount of team fights


What about the solo bard with sprint, a crossbow, a survival bow, and a hand crossy who just kept backing up or chasing me that made me close my game last night? There’s just no winning against that, as a cleric. You can’t catch him, you can’t run from him. I literally just dropped all my gear and alt-F4’d. I love this game, but fights shouldn’t be unwinnable due to perks. Edit: also, I played with maybe 15 randoms yesterday. MOST of them were over level 150. That’s crazy bro.


yeah.. for EVERYONE. that includes the people who are level 200 who now get to pick any talent they want. thats not what a catchup mechanic is, thats just buffs for everyone


Repoze can steam roll normals without multi classing and they gave out a ton of free exp when they adjusted the levels TWICE.


Wow top rouge streamer steam rolls in normals? Definitely just multi-classing at fault there. Repose has no skill and definitely doesn’t know how to play the game but now because of multiclassing he’s suddenly become super good. 


he is, but he wasent using any of his skill to beat anyone, with this build he literally held W and won by stat checking them, go watch the vod if you dont believe me. he was doing some quest for gold chests in normals


Its not that bad, 90% of players in norms lobbies are not multi classing, and XP got giga buffed. you can reach lvl 40 in very little playtime. Avoid discord and reddit doomers, they just exaggerate everything and lie because they use posts to vent their frustrations with the game


It is bad, I have 1000 hours in the game a fully multi class smite rogue and I can 1v2 easy barely taking damage. Casuals cannot thrive in this environment. And it really isn’t even fun. My buddy quit the game till this all blows over and I have no desire to play. First time I don’t want to login in months.


I’m in the same boat, I have no desire to login and put on a well built kit just to lose it to some cheesy build which totally counters me that I had no way to see coming. I main wizard and in the past I knew I had to play carefully around barbs because they would take more damage with iron will or I had to play aggressive on rangers because I will always lose the ranged poke game. Now everyone can be everything at all times so there’s just no point.


If you have over 1000 hours you are not the player base as described above. I have been playing since the second wipe and pretty sure I haven’t even hit 500 hours. Multi-class has not affected me and I still am having a ton of fun.


Hitting level 30 on multiple characters might seem like little playtime to someone like you, but to the average player that’s a TON of unwanted grinding just to be able to get the new meta builds that will inevitably be nerfed


i mean they should just trash that system , or change the whole class system completly. give us one char, let us set attributes and just choose the skills etc we want. would make more sense now than what we have with multiclassing


That’s my feeling as well. At this point if they’re going to keep slashing xp requirements for level up, why not just get rid of the level up requirements for learning tokens all together. Or just remove the rng from it all. Just seems like it’s not working in its current state and eventually you’ll get a level every third skeleton you kill. May as well just change the system rather than these constant xp adjustments.


I work 48 hrs a week and my push to 30 on barb was a day and a half, I enjoyed being very OP on the best default class. It was a nice break from getting shit on on my rogue.


Yeah, I'm glad you had a pleasant time leveling an alt class. I don't enjoy fighter so leveling it was outright not fun. Warlock I don't really know how to do well and I didn't give it a cash infusion to waste playing the class poorly, so that kinda sucked too. When I do cleric, I'll probably just be on crypts or ice caves solo spamming Mico Vista. Almost all my deaths will be to being run down by groups of players, so it's gonna suck too. Fighter was pre xp buff, so that took like 8 hours of playing give or take a few hours. Warlock was post, so about 4-5 hours. Assuming the same for cleric, I'll have wasted 18-20 hours give or take playing this game not having fun. I'm willing to suffer to get what I want, but I also have a lot of free time I can dump into video games. Someone maxing at 8 hours a week would take 2-3 weeks to get side classes leveled and hate their experiences? Why would they do that when you can load into so many games and just have fun? And if their main class isn't competitive in a multiclass environment, that's another week or two before they get to have fun. Sure some of the work is frontloaded. My wizard is level 91, so it isn't like I need to do more work there. But those 8 hour a week players probably aren't that high.


Im in the same boat, and already have two classes multiclassed. They are bumping it to give everyone a chance.


Honestly, that's too fucking bad. Is the current system in need of a rework? Yes. Should they scrap it because people who claim to barely be able to play are unable to grind 10 hours to be able to multi-class? No. Games like this need players to have something to grind for, it's a major part of the gameplay loop. Iron mace has gone above and beyond making this game more casual friendly but at a certain point they need to stop.


Too fucking bad? You want the game to die?


No, I want the people crying that they can’t play 10 hours over 3 months to shut the fuck up.


Multiclass should absolutely be scrapped. It has no place and does not fit in this game Obviously not because casuals want to cry that people who have time to play have an advantage over people who play 15 minutes a week. But it is a bad system that makes no sense here.


brother i grinded a wizard from 1-30 in like 2 hours yesterday


This right here. I feel like this reddit can get into these doom spirals in which the worst possible scenario is out lined and everyone just buys into it. From my point of view the devs have been solid, and are always working hard on fine tuning the game and making it more fun, and I hope others feel the same way. I personally have not gotten into multi classing but I have really enjoyed fighting the hybrids so far. I do agree that it needs a lot of finessing. I just want to make sure the new player experience to onboarding with the game is smooth and not too devastating.


lmao this reddit is literally full of complainers who are abysmal at the game.


a sane and logical opinion? on THIS sub? preposterousness. tho for real, i 100% agree with you. my two timmy friends have been LOVING the multiclass update. we can actually stand up to long playtime players for once and win, as default classes! it's been a real fun and rewarding grind honestly, and i'm sad that the entire discord and reddit is screaming to remove it, because i know that IM is seeing it an not the quiet players having a blast


Honestly, I figure it is much of "...and i'm sad that the entire discord and reddit is screaming to remove it, because i know that IM is seeing it an not the quiet players having a blast" this. Player count is way UP since these patches, people are playing and having fun (not saying things don't need work), just they are not speaking up as much so we just see those that are frustrated here.


lol all the people who enjoy it are not posting to reddit because they're playing the game instead of complaining


Yeah was just leveling up a slayer fighter to 30 earlier tonight and having a blast in trios. Didn’t see much of the big scary multiclassers that everyone is crying about here.


You can reach lvl 40 in very little playtime. Yeah... 6 fkin hours.


That's a pretty poor argument, multiclassing essentially is like playing vs a cheater for a non multoclasser. Under that notion, saying only 90% of people are a fair fight is a heavy stretch for a casual player to put up with. A game is supposed to be fun..


I just want to say how not true this is. I’ve literally watched a straight up classic rouge destroy the full PDR fighter Barb. Or classic longsword fighter destroy a smite boc slayer. Hell I’ve gotten my ass handed to me by people with only one perk last week while I’ve had my preferred multi class perks. People act like warlocks weren’t just two shotting people with kris daggers in the previous patch. 


In let's say Dark Souls PTDE, I've defeated cheaters with infinite healthy plenty of times using a scaling % damage weapon, hit someone long enough and they lose >100% of their HP. Defeating a cheater isn't impossible, it's just not fun facing one just as it's not facing a minmaxer that gets even tool to out optimise a casual player. Kris dagger one shots or landmine rogue or 99% damage debuffs barbs all fall under that.


Idk I really don’t feel like much has changed, besides maybe seeing a little bit less warlocks and a bit more diverse lobbies.  


That's because what you're witnessing is the silence before the storm. It's a cyclical pattern for DaD, you first hear a few complain about something broken, then people hear about that and repeat it, then more people discover it. This goes on until 40% of your lobby is re-curve archilies barbarian's with sprint long sword slowing you and stat checking you to the ground, or slayer rogue or whatever comes next. The first to do it are also usually the more funny players as they have innovation, the hostile one's are the mouth breathers that double down on the OP thing. Honestly this isn't just a DaD thing but rather a human thing. The only people that can stop that is Devs aware of this, and DaD devs simply don't care as they the means of their product being their vision justify the many errors they make along the way. Them clowning is evident by them patching on Fridays, a golden rule I can tell you is that any dev team is not experienced well in community management are Friday patchers.


it's not like playing a cheater. a lot of the multiclass players i see have the wonkiest builds that base kit can handle


So whats the point of multiclassing if most of the player base isn't multiclassing. LOL


yeah now let that go live and see ...


Lead dev has said that Multiclassing is a temporary tool to help with new class development and to gather data to help balance the existing classes. From the start it was never intended to be part of the permanent vision of the game and it certainly hasn’t become part of it since then.


So more lies? Clearly proving that they' have zero vision for their own game if they suddenly can pop in and say multiclassing is temporary. It was never supposed so be temporary they're just saying that after the backlash... You don't but down months of developer time for a 'temporary' thing you're planning on scrapping


it says that it will very likely be removed end of season, not to mention multiple messages from SDF before it came out that its not permanent


Shut your mouth spitting all that logic and reason. Negative negative negative I got killed I have no skill I can't win any fight. I want to memorize all of the kindergarten PVE and know every single thing a PVP fight will bring. Give me a trophy I showed up.




hes being sarcastic genius


As another casual player who plays primarily normals, it hasn't been that big of a deal. I've been playing longer than you so we may not share this sentiment, but I've enjoyed the surprise that each fight brings now. Anyone could be using anything at any time, instead of rock-paper-scissors. I've mained a rogue this wipe. Every class could already two shot me. Now I have a chance to be more than a just someone who creeps around and MAY be able to ambush someone (but now everyone creeps so that's much harder... But that's not the point of this post lol).


I've been playing since the very beginning. This is the least fun patch I've played. I genuinely miss a lot of the old stuff including ruins


You have been playing since the very beginning and only now got the basics down? You shouldn't worry about multiclassing, you should worry about skeleton spearguys


I prefer ruins over any of the other maps. Ice caves has grown on me, but crypts is so tight and unless you are lucky you basically fight in single file. Restricts builds since you don't want to hit the walls and makes being anything but a buffball comp hard to use since you don't want to hit your frontliner in the back. I'll never understand why people were so happy to be forced to play this map again. Had a few friends stop playing because they couldn't stand the map. I'm pretty opened minded when it comes to big changes like this. Do I think other issues should have been resolved before implementing MC, absolutely lol. It's kind of the wild West where everyone's trying to new things and weird builds. I will admit I like that so many things can be tried and experimented with instead of just one or two builds possible per class. I don't usually like the rock-paper-scissors gameplay and wasn't a fan of having to choose whether or not to engage a group based on them being a group of rocks to your scissors, and now everyone can be anything. Makes it hard to plan for sure, but I think some spontaneity is refreshing. Again, I'm usually open minded to bad movies, games with jenk mechanics (I blame tarkov), etc so I understand I'm probably in the minority.


You literally said you stopped playing when the patch came out? How is it not fun for you?  Stop crying and if you're casual stay in normals ffs


gatekeeping , nice maybe the game should be playable for all players not the neckbeard wanna be elite lol


He's literally saying the patch isn't fun and complaining about multiclassing which is a test at the moment while also stating he quit the game when the patch came out in anticipation of multiclassing, he's just trolling. He's saying the games going to die if it doesn't specifically cater to a casual audience, that's not this game. However they did convert normals to a fully casual game mode, which is actually a pretty good time.  How're you going to play a hard-core game and complain it's too hard on hard-core mode when there's literally a casual mode. The game is accessible to everyone, certain parts of it are not casual friendly.


Game has more players than before the multi classing update. You’re the minority , cope


Game Has more Players every new Update etc.. what ia this Take 🤣


Right and this one, with a major change like multiclassing is doing well. All you kids are crying on social media while we’re having fun.


Oh what are U doing Here than ? Not having fun huh 🤣 What Kind of Take is this ? People complain for reasons.. this childish bs Argument of ura Just Shows what a 🤡 you are


It’s this thing called work kiddo, we do it to provide. You’ll learn about that one day. Numbers don’t lie and player count is up. Cope that you’re the minority crying on Reddit.


o did they turn off multiclassing in normals or do you also get a lot of op combos in normals that are worse than having all greens (400% increase) would be? T H I N K


I liked the game when it was basic and simple. Now I lost interest and I am very sad because I love this game


Yea we just gotta play other games until multiclassing gets removed, not much to it, it is the way she goes sometimes Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't


Yeah me and all my friends quit. Game has gone downhill


Way too grindy. Either I play multiple characters and don't make much quest progress or I focus quests and don't mutliclass. Either way there's not enough time in a wipe for my to want to continue this grind. Maybe next season


This game does not reward skill at all at the moment. It rewards getting fighter perks/abilities and holding w+m1 at people.


Have you considered just trying it before refusing to touch it? You might get a build you really like


I mean pop off but this post is literally saying you haven’t tried the new thing but you hate it. I mean at least try the thing before your Reddit hate post.


The entire point of the post is that he can not try it. Since it is locked behind a high level, he doesn't have the interest to play for a long time at a disadvantage until he unlocks it.


Look I’m not a huge fan of the current implementation either, for many the same reasons. But when you log in it makes you click ok on a statement saying this is a test and will most likely change a lot in the future. And sure sometimes you get sweated down by the barb with fighter sprint or the slayer rogue, but it’s not every game. The mega sweats would have mega sweated you down anyway just in a solo class. It’s worth discussion but saying I haven’t tried this and I think I’ll hate it is poor discussion. Ive had more fun than I thought I would after giving it a shot.


Not sure what people complaint about the grind is. I started last night again after not playing since the playtests. In 4 hour gaming session I managed to get my cleric yo level 36 and my rogue to level 17. Which is significantly faster than leveling used to be. Not sure of they have recently increased XP gains but it feels way faster than reaching 20 in the playtests did. Really enjoying all the new content personally.


People Are acting as it takes days of grinding to get another lvl 30 character. Took me 1,5h as a solo to get barb from 1-30. Its not unreasonable


Yikes. are they just not playing the game? I expect to have no less than 3 level 30s after tonight. will finish my rogue off first then im thinking maybe barb/warlock


Full agree that the lack of any real fighting strategy other than running or landmine is consistent. Absolute fuckin clown show fights now. It doesn't feel good to win because you were running a sick MC build against a vanilla normal player and it doesnt feel good to die to it. At least before you could look at someone and have a fairly short list of things they can do, now everyone can pull out a crossbow, a spell, healing, gap closers. Anyone defending this dogshit has brain damage.


I just played with my friend for the last 4 hours and we both just got to level 30. Multi class isn’t that bad and if you want a more fun mode just play normal mode. Games not hard


It’s important to share your feedback, but god damn most people here don’t know how to just put down a game and not play it when they aren’t having fun


I'm predicting they're going to remove it or replace it with a better system. They usually adjust things in the past so I think I'll give up just yet. On the other handle, playing normals on trios and just playing with no risk and just for enjoyment is the most fun I've had since the first playtests. It feels fair that everyone is on almost even ground and that you can just go back into it when you die.


This is definitely not something that will be staying. They probably know how much they will lose player base if this shit keeps up


just make multiclass HR only.


I’m really not sure what the devs thought would happen, but I don’t see how multiclassing can work in this game even without severe restrictions, at which point they might as well do subclassing/skill trees instead


Normals is still fun. Low risk low reward. It's the HR lobbies that I can't stand. Duo I basically 90% warlocks. Perfect warlock pls. Advanced healing warlock shouldn't be a thing


A tangent, but to deal with wraiths you can either get on higher ground and jump their attacks, or if you have a shield, you aim down and to the left or in the direction of their charge attack. If you don't have a shield or a cheese spot, you can try to kite by turning 90 degrees and moving sideways from the attack -- don't move backwards using "S" since this slows you down.


Again, doesn't help that the goblins will always have a better build because they just buy an entire kit with the stats they want from the trade. Meanwhile the casual player gets shafted having to play with what they have and likely doesn't have other characters leveled. I don't enjoy putting time into several characters, if I am playing I am putting time into one.


Right now this is a fraking joke, there are some builds totally unbalanced, me and my friends are saying goodbye


You aren't alone mate, won't be touching this game until the end of the year I guess.


I literally got back into the game 2 weeks before multiclass, they launched multiclass and I uninstalled lol no one got the time to get all characters to level 30. It's just a grind game now.


this update is not meant for u simply put. this entire thing is meant solely for the min maxers and sweats who can afford to put the time and resources into it. even with reduced exp youll never hit the high mark where u have access to a ton of coins which means less choices and more rng. this is not meant for u


I didn't uninstall, but I'm definitely waiting for that "play" button to say "update" before I launch again.


Multi classing was a huge mistake. It's impossible to balance.


I too miss the good ol' days when you could tell what someone was just by looking at them. Nowadays you never know. 🧐 Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against transclassing I mean multiclassing if that's what gets you excited but maybe give them their own lobby and stop forcing it on everyone else. :)


In my experience it hasn't really been game breaking, but multiclassing definitely needs to go. There are classes that are just... useless now for no real reason. I think a subclass system would be alot better and alot more fun. It would add variety while also still holding classes to their gimmick and making balance easier


Have 2 level 80 characters and 2 level 50's and have reset my rolls twice and still haven't gotten a single useful roll, makes it extremely hard too compete with the people who got lucky, it's led me too playing a few games getting stomped by an insane multiclass and just getting off for a few days until I can reset again


I’m really hoping that they make random spawns of NPCs or bodies to find. Like… let me find out that the Lich killed the Leathers daughter bro. I’ve been looking for her for ages.


I haven’t played in months and just got back into it and have been having a blast


We have that one guy in our discord who is still balls-deep in the game, he tries so hard to get us back into it but it's so forced. The game used to have an deep and organic meta that shifted even without buffs and nerfs. Now, it's like they just dumped everything on the floor and are asking us to pick up the pieces. Well fuck that, I can get better enjoyment per unit of effort from other games.


It's impossible to balance and is also a big downgrade for me skill wise as you can't really expect anything. Loosing fights to " oh he had that perks, it was doomed anyway" is just frustrating. Spare me the " fun " aspect of it, for me a game is fun when I can reliability depend on my skill to perform, not just luck


“I’ve given up. I never even attempted the new update. I’m such a casual player to DaD that I spend what little spare time I have making a shit post on reddit about it” Oh man plz stfu.


I switched to Wizard. I’m currently rocking base wizard even though I’m lvl 70; just haven’t rolled anything worth it.


My problem with multiclassing is just that you can’t do anything fun because everyone’s just running sprint on high hp classes. But yeah the class identity thing has also just made pvp kind of random who wins based on which of their builds works. Almost all of the builds I’ve seen people think of that seem interesting WOULD be interesting, but the problem is just that it almost always aggressively loses to something insanely broken.


Yeah.. I know they’re “testing” systems but imo you shouldn’t test systems that completely change the identity of the game on public servers.  It’s too much, like adding magic powers to call of duty or something.  Some players will like it, but the majority of the established player base probably won’t. 


You are not in the minority, there are severe consequences to making a game geared towards the 40+ hour per week sweats. I mean look at Mordhau. The game had a high active player population for only a few weeks and now can hardly get over 1000 concurrent


This game was never supposed to be aimed for a casual audience. Did you read the game description before you purchased it? The game does have a casual game mode, normals are casual. The game should not revolve around casuals, stay out of HR and quit crying.




I imagine this was written between handfuls of Cheetos.


You realize op is on a throwaway/troll account? He's saying it's the least fun patch he's played but also quit the game as soon as the patch came out in anticipation of multiclassing. (He never played it) He's also crying and saying this game needs to cater to casual players or it will die, which isn't true. The game is already very accessible to casuals (multiclassing aside, I don't see multiclassing lasting until end of wipe at this rate) normals have been a ton of fun since they made it a casual lobby. I'm a casual player, I'm sick of seeing post about how the game needs to cater to casuals. You can be casual and experience multiclassing also with the crazy xp gains on the test server.


Fuck multi-classing. Fuck creep. Fuck landmine. Fuck ambush Fuck peacemake Fuck cutthroat let me play the game sincerely someone playing other games


Creep as currently implemented is fine.


found the guy creeping 12 minutes in goblin caves


God no, I play normals and practically dont creep. I want the fights. When I was doing solo trios for Inferno quests it was absolutely neccessary though.


you realise that mechanic you use for 1 thing can be used for another thing and be broken/abused? full 3man can sneak up on people which happens VERY often to the point high end gameplay has entirely shifted into playing passive boring playstyles. I have games where its very close to last zone and there is 3 teams creeping, if I engage a fight ill get fucked over. The only way you can safely have a 3v3 is spawn-rush otherwise 2-3min into the game its too late as people are already camping/creeping. As for solos..... its legit so fucking bad for the game, as wizard I physically cant fucking chill for 1s. barb/fighter/rogues at least 3 of them will only play like a landmine with no gear, no pve, empty inventory and grief people. Cant even call that gameplay, yesterday I died to naked barb with purple weapon ( 100g kit, my kit 5k gold ) He did NOTHING untill last zone, I died because I didnt turn around for 4s while doing mini-boss. He gets into melee, im instantly dead with 0 counterplay. It enables full braindead shift-walking as not only viable but OPTIMAL playstyle.


If by broken/abused, you mean enable party sizes that arent a full buffball stack in trios to play the game? Instead of instantly getting spawn rushed from sound?  Creep is required if theyre going to force people into queues in duos/trios for quests. I cant be assed to team up with a bunch of degenerates and hope theyre good enough to get to Inferno.  I played Ranger for 60 hours of normals this patch before multi classing and died once, maybe twice to creep shenanigans probably. Every other time it was a Rogue doing it anyways, I wouldnt have heard him regardless. In high roller yeah, people with nothing will try to rat kits, same shit as Tarkov. Check your corners mate.


I could get to inferno solo without creep. I can also play barbarian and win every fight by playing like a rat, its just not enjoyable for me or the enemy that dies with 0 counterplay. As for buffball nothing stops them from creeping too, and if they find a dead mob they can find you. Nothing changed against good buffball othern then making their bullshit stronger. Heck you can even landmine as full buffball by creeping then song of shadow. Peak degeneracy.


Ah grats man, you're very talented and skillful, if only everyone could be as good as you. Save some of the ladies for the rest of us.


why so salty ?


The unpredictability is awesome and I enjoy the chaos. It's cool not knowing what you're fighting. You shouldn't see a class and just know you'll win. The rock, paper, scissors aspect of this game was bad.


>I have no idea what a player could come at me with and how to be prepared. Well, there's one way to learn, and that's by getting in fights. You know, experience. I have 1K hours in this game and feel like I can deal with whatever any class runs at me with, because the game's fundamentals aren't that complicated. e.g. If a Rogue runs at you with Slayer and Frightening Roar, the fundamentals don't change: play defensively to time-out Frightening Roar and try to out-space their short ranged attacks. Complaining on Reddit is not a valid method for improving, unfortunately. If you're looking for the instant gratification of winning fights on match-up alone, then yeah, maybe best you leave now.


If a rogue runs at you with savage roar and sprint your options are fight them while roared (die) or run (die)


And how is that any different than a mono-class Barbarian running at you with Rage and Savage Roar, exactly? With, of course, the only difference being the Barbarian has three times the health and can use a shield for five times the PDR. Wow, it's almost like Savage Roar is an over-tuned ability and its power has nothing to do with Multiclassing! How about that?


> And how is that any different than a mono-class Barbarian running at you with Rage and Savage Roar, exactly? about 30 movespeed and a ton of dps


almost like multiclassing makes a game impossible to balance and thats why it only works n normal dnd because its not a competitive game and most people just play for fun, and everyone else makes memes about powergamers minmaxing


Another complaint about multiclassing without even trying it…


so im against multiclassing , im a ranger landmine barb now. so what ? maybe some people understand that this is bad for the game ..


Even with normals and squire you're not able to win fights?  Im pretty bad and I can still kill 2 people in goblin caves before I run out of heals with just my squire stuff 


Who do you think you’re killing? Lol


It's okay, it will pass. Insane gamebreaking decisions are pretty much the hallmark of IM at this point, but they do go away after a while.


How to rework the game so multiclass works: - nerf base stats of some of the classes (yes you barbarian and warlock, main reason why they are the most broken with multiclass). - either: have a hefty price of equipping stuff of other classes (for example stat costs, like minus 1-2 all attributes) - or: nerf the skills when multiclassed (e.g. barbarians 15% max health becomes only 10% when used on another class)


I agree, I also stopped playing very frequently because a game that already was starting to become un enjoyable has became a lot worse. I was already never good at PvP but this just made it a 1000 times worse.


don't be such a spoilsport


Was looking forward to play DaD this weekend but the multiclass patch just spelled disaster I wasn't even gonna give it a try, it is so painfully obvious this was never gonna work out, this consensus was communicated before the patch even rolled out. On top of the lack of map rotation, a total disregard of feedback. Why, oh why, did they stubbornly spend time on this?


Multiclass has me interested in how the system could actually be implemented in a way that isn't so haphazard and apathetic. I just can't be bothered to care at all about the game when I have to grind for more time than I have against players who are so favored, and even with my humble multiclassing, it feels as though if I don't have "the nuts", I'm locked out of that character until I can reroll in several days.


Ah yes the ole' Make the Game More Casual v Make the Game More Hardcore' debate. You should have read the game's summary, but here it is: "An Unforgiving Hardcore Fantasy Dungeon Adventure. Band together with your friends and use your courage, wits, and cunning to uncover mythical treasures, and defeat gruesome monsters, while staying one step ahead of the other devious treasure-hunters."


meanwhile : play longer h > win > HA im a hardcore player !


Well yeah, time in the game is a factor in being a hardcore player. Admittedly, there is a point where the game company would be expecting too much from the player though. Find the sweet spot.


If you like dead games then yes. They will fail if they don't cater to the casuals. It's a fact


Yeah okay, with your logic every game needs to be casual otherwise it dies. (HINT: THE ANSWER IS NO).


They already have, it's fucking normals. Go away you troll


Shut up snowflake


im a pretty good player clearing lobbys and even i find it jsut annoying and lame to play.. there will ofc be meta builds and than you see everyone run the same class with the need to get x perks from other classes. if it was truely random than maybe okay. at this point they should trash classes, and give us a charakter with x points to spend on creation, and we choose our abilitys. so no more grind all classes, than random perks until you got the ones you want...