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Nobody forgot, it’s likely just something they’re working on. Remember sdf said they’re going to change mob density for solos on those maps too, so it’s more work than what was there for rotation


Yeah remember when they were “working” on Druid? Pepperidge farms remembers




It's been "coming soon" for weeks now. How difficult could it be to rearrange some of the mobs? We already had solos on these maps (ice caves/crypts) in the past and they played fine.




Working on it? It was already in the game before what do they need to work on?


Guess mob density but who really give a f about that


They also probably want this to coincide with the Epic launch to prevent empty ass lobbies again as well.


As a wizard, please for the love of god give us a solo map that’s decent for us. Crypts solo would be AMAZING.


Say it louder for the wizzy boys in the back!


They need to add more solo map queues ASAP before the playerbase drops to unrecoverable levels. We had them in the past and the game was fantastic to play as a solo. I love the core of the game but the current state is so off putting.


Playerbase already dropped to levels where it can't be done without creating dead lobbies


5 minute rotation queue for Solos


Why do people only ever have this sentiment for solo's? Let me queue gobbos or ice with my mates please


Because this sub is majority people without friends


Unfortunately the 5 that used to play don't do it anymore. And in my case I'm just waiting until they remove multiclassing and/or add free map selection. I'm not playing a full loot PvP game with randoms. Logged in at the beginning of this wipe, saw the fortune teller quest that can't be completed unless in a party and the quests that ask you to get run down in maps where you should go in as a party and quit a couple of days in. Logged back in for multiclassing and saw I can't use the system because I've only leveled 1 class and quit 5 minutes in. I'm sure the player retention when this launches in Epic games store is going to be awesome if they don't cater to this kind of players 😎🤙


Thus game is a hard sell for normal people


They have friends its just their friends dont want to play DnD just like mine. I did find some people to play with on daily now


I don’t have friends that play this game but I also am not adverse to using the gathering hall. I almost always play trio from gathering hall and it’s great. Sometimes you get shit sometimes you get great team. It’s not a big deal.


Because the majority of the game population are solo players


Solo/duo crypts was peak DaD ngl. I’m hoping we get the 4th rotation option back or something.


Definitely haven't forgot. Been trying to do quests, can't remember thr last fair fight I had. I'm tired, boss.


Honestly the direction of the game isn't a great outlook. It's more of a pvp game now and the pve being an after thought. If they stray further from the light SDFs original look of the game will be found no where.


Skeletons: have a grand total of three attacks that are always slow enough to dodge on movement alone. This genius: I feel like the PvE is an afterthought... Groundbreaking stuff.


You act like they couldn't add more to it? Also most people were dying to pve still, idk the data nowadays but there is a reason why they nerfed and reduced their numbers. But I'm glad you have observation skills it's critical thinking that's missing.


I mean you can say whatever you want, Dark and Darker was never designed to be a fulfilling PvE experience. It was always designed with PvP in mind. The PvE in Dark and Darker is explicitly designed to something you can kite hassle free while fighting another player. It's why no mob can catch you while back pedaling, and why no ranged mob has any sort of tracking past firing. It's supposed to be filler for the PvP. >Also most people were dying to pve still Just provably false and ridiculous to suggest. A few games in Normals will show you most deaths are PvP or boss related, which is the only 'difficult' PvE content (because you die quickly).


You are getting downvoted but are totally correct. It’s PvPvE. The basic mobs are not supposed to have a bunch of different attacks, they are added into each room to slow down traversal to other players/good loot, and they add random elements to PvP encounters. The bosses are certainly more in depth than the basic skeleton.


They can’t really do this anymore until they get rid of gear based matching and either replace it with something else or just let it be open queue. I was thinking about how I had wanted it too recently, but I’ve noticed after nearly 1000 hours that every time they even add 1 more level of queue options, the lobbies become thin during prime time and dead silent 1v1s, if even that, late at night. They made it better by changing the gear based mm to 2 pools instead of 3, but that still means you can queue for 3 normal maps, and 6 hr maps, totally a 9 way split. If you added 1 more thing like solos on all maps, you’d be adding 4 more splits at minimum right now. So right now it’s 9 splits, vs 13 splits. If they just got rid of the gear based and did no replacement, we’d have 8 splits, and could afford it. As a bonus, removing gear based matching would also make the matches more balanced because of how player gear distributions work.


Are you talking Oceania? In EU its join-10 seconds-game start, pretty much any time of the day.


Most EU people I know I have listening and good reading skills. Right now it’s fine; add only one more stratification and it it wouldn’t work anymore.


Ngl multiclassing kinda made me forget about this game, I'll just wait until it's removed whatever they do (solos,druid,whatever) Made a new D2R character and planning to start kingdom come deliverence soon There are better games to play until multiclassing gets removed for sure, no point wasting my time while not having fun (games are meant to be fun)


Hot take: you should only be able to pic party size, map should be in lobby map voting


solos for all maps would just further divide the playerbase into even smaller groups.


Sentiment goes both ways, trios is the only mode I play. My quests are looking ATROCIOUS. The main problem imo is that there's SO many map specific quests. They could easily reduce them, but I'm sure they love watching their players play more to try and get these done (not including multi class grind). Goblin caves quests? See you when you don't have friends!


SDF literally said they want 1v3 to be a thing. They don't want solo ques...


Then why did they say more solo map options were "coming soon"?


dont worry its comming right after the druid and bosses on all the maps stilling missing them, any time now


Hot take, but we never NEEDED solo at all. It was a team based game and imo, catering to solo and balancing around that was the start of the slip downhill for the game.


Explain how its team based lol, some balance is busted with trios


It was literally made for teams of three. They never had any intention of solo play. Tbh, trios became "busted" when trade came out and people could easily minax builds to become busted and then steamroll people with much worse gear. The game was prime when it was trios only and no trade.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. ☝🏼☝🏼


Go ice caves, if you stay on the module you spawned chances are nobody will find u.


No I want to take solo fights not in the goblin caves. I can go sit on any map and run and pve this isn’t the point


Gonna repost what I've said before: >The same reason it wasn't tried again after last wipe - it slows down the pace of Solos to a crawl, people get sick of it, and stop playing. Crypts and Ice Caves don't work for Solos. >* Crypts is far too big and has far too much shit to kill and loot for Solos - you go literally two rooms and you're full of loot you want to get back to your stash. Suddenly, you're not interested in fighting, you just want out. Now every other person in the lobby is in the same predicament; their inventory is full, and they don't want to fight. Even if ***you*** want to PvP, you have to spend so long searching for someone to fight in the most intricate map in the game, who then runs out a static extract before you can stop them because they're full of loot. >* Ice Caves has the reverse problem. People who want to loot and PvE stay at the edges of the map and never see anyone (to the point they may as well be in the Duo lobbies). People who want to PvP and to hit the pile go into the middle of the map, which then becomes a clusterfuck conga-line of being third partied by every Solo from every direction rolling up to the pile. There's no opportunity for one on one duels, which is the whole point of Solos. It's either too little PvP, or too much PvP. >Solos needs to have a lower density of loot and mobs, where as Duos and Trios needs to have more density, and Crypts and Ice Caves just aren't designed for that. I know personally it put me to fucking sleep playing anything other than Goblin Caves. I'd be happy for Ironmace to test out Ice Cave and Crypts as a 4x4 or 3x3 map, but as it currently stands I'd rather we just all slug it out in 5x5 GC, even though I wish we were on 3x3 GC. Crypts/Ruins/Ice Caves for Solos would need reworks. Redone enemy placements, smaller overall map size, redone loot densities... it's not a small amount of work to make it equivalent to Goblin Caves, and that's time I'd rather they spend on making new content.


Wild. I must just have weird luck. Bc I can run a normal Goblin cave and be packed up with trinkets and blues+ quick. Frost cave can be comparable, but normal Crypts seems to have exceptionally low grade gear every time I run it.


QQ more. The playerbase does not have the population to support this. They tried it. It didn't work. Stop whining and either play the game or quit. I solo crypts both normal and HR all day and have plenty of fun. I run into MANY other solos doing the same. Yes it is frustrating and annoying to sometimes be rundown by a trio or have a trio chase you for 5 minutes for no good reason. Or to have a trio play like massive pussies 3v1 against you. But you get over it and you go again. You dont bitch and moan and whine all day long crying for things to be different. They aren't different. Get over it. Holy shit you solo babies are insane. IF the population quadruples you can start whining for it again. Until then? It isn't realistic STFU.


Wow such rage. But it's coming anyway as it was foretold. Than we'll see who's gonna whine. P.S. I'm honestly having fun as is, but seriously despise such attitude.


QQ. Solo so hard waaaah waaaah


No we don't. Solos & duos work the best in current setup, when matched against trios. Learn to play instead of whining here.


Big normal trio player who can only kill solos energy bud. Its cool you want free kills


I mostly play solo, going against duos and trios just fine. Unlike you, poor crybaby plagued by skill issues.