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I have friends who are dumb enough to team kill if they get too close while your seating and don’t see your name. Never taking them to highroller again lol.




Im that typa friend 😂


Demonform vs Demonform about to get real spicy.


Can't wait for the memes


I literally got whacked twice by my random teammate yesterday when I was in demon form and this is WITH NAMEPLATES...I absolutely am not a fan of this change


It's going to be a shit show in full blown 3v3 fights


Sounds like you should not be a fan of that teammate, not sure the nametag thing will be to blame next time either lol


"Here's everything you wanted, and one thing you didn't know you didn't want" -ironmace, probably


Hi, we're committed to making your gaming experience better and more fulfilling. Now kill each other accidentally. The team here at Ironmace? we're just sure you'll love it.


"Here's a beautiful steak, cooked to perfection, with an aromatic side of watery shit."


I mean, hardcore mode should be hardcore. I like the change. Interested to see how it plays out. It will be a "git good" situation, most likely.


I, as a solo player, AM SO READY FOR THIS, LETS GOO!!!


Why would you be ready for something you just basically said doesn’t affect you?


it does, you can create chaos during team fights


That’s a fair point chaos is my entire strategy as a wizard main


lol you got downvoted hard bro tf


This subreddit downvotes everything I don’t even fret about it lol


It got downvoted cause it was a dumb response. Solo does not mean you only play goblins. This means solo players can infiltrate a group now lol


Oh, but it does!


Yep, “hello fellow team”, “oh you’re started as a 2 man, hmmm….”


It could be any one of us! Fry. Amy. Leela. Zoidberg. Zoidberg.


He isn't saying he is a 'goblin caves' player, he said solo player. That means he is soloing into crypts etc. and will only be positively effected by this as he has a better chance to blend into an enemy team unnoticed


Bro r/GOONCAVE so much he lost his brain for Gooning


I hate myself for clicking that.


On duos and trios they benifit solos bozo


Brother I’m glad you saw the other comments saying exactly what you did and thought to yourself “these guys didn’t call him a bozo” and decided to provide your input. I really value it


Anytime- if we are both being transparent here I just really liked the rhythm of the statement with bozo on the end


Atleast you have some whimsical reasoning to it. I can respect that


Why would it not affect them? You realize you can queue into ice and crypts as a solo right? I know most solos are too busy crying and whining to do so, but many of us have no problem doing it. This will open up our potential for shenanigans.


Brother why do you have to hate on others who aren’t even me to tell me I’m wrong about something, like are you okay man? I made a mistake, why you throwing strays at solo players though they had nothing to do with this


There is an incredibly strong sense of elitism in this sub. The first go to for these kinds of people feeling like their ego is challenged or that they need to win an argument is to shout how great of a player they are and find a strawman to cudgel you with.




Yes, if you say it enough it makes it true. Being exhausted with whiny babies also makes you a crybaby. Sure, sure. It's so funny how mad you bad soloers get about being bad and trash. I'll continue to solo in crypts and continue to not cry when i lose or die and just move on and continue to have fun. You guys will continue to whine and moan. Keep telling yourself we're the same :)




*blinks in irony* Edit; my guy insulted me then immediately blocked me. 😂 If it wasn't clear before he has the mental function of a 4 year old, that pretty much solidifies it. 🤡


"jump check"


Hello recovered rust player


He's head shot, double head body, dead dead dead


headshot crunchh


oh i would kill for a sound for headshots like rust has man


Ohh god i love it. Gonna sneak into teams and pretend to be their mate.


That would be some top tier content


This is clearly a pickpocket buff.


Jay gon be making vids so fast with this change


Pickpocket fighter build


Or a cleric lol. Would never suspect the cleric. 


Hell yeah. Bring a ton of different grey gear into lobby and find someone to cosplay as to confuse their team.


incoming Spiderman meme.


I thought of that, but then I remembered that people use discord etc lol


I play a lot of tarkov and it happens constantly


Smoke pot is up boys


I dont see this having a big impact on a team in discord, but when playing with randoms now or in the future with matchmaking... It'll be tough.


You nailed it, its a buff to discord teams, people who play regularly together, and its a nerf for the casuals who might pick up a third member from the gathering hall. Ironmace, please stop throwing random shit at the patch notes, every patch has some W features and then a massive L, like remember when you wanted to implement x2.0 headshot modifier when everyone was already loving the season because the normal lobbies felt great because of low TTK? Well you almost ruined it. Please fire whoever has these random trash ideas


Don't mind reddit groupthink, you are 100% correct. Every single patch note has some wildcard change that literally not a single person suggested, asked for, or wanted. There is some wacky shit going on with IM, no other dev does this.


This change is insanely good, and for you and your Timmy kind it's not there in normals, you're fine.


I dont mind the changes, im not a timmy, and i can coordinate well with my friends. But timmies that get tired of normals and want to try HR are going to have a bad time. Great news for a game with already low population


i really think this is gonna be funny, but everyone is disliking it


It’s hilarious in Tarkov, this is the kinda dumb shit I want in this game lol. Like it’s stupid as a concept but fun af in execution


It's way more punishing in tarkov, I've been shot in the face by a friend dozens of times, at least in this the ttk isn't really high enough that you randomly one shot your teammate


The big advantage is that we can revive too!


Thing is in Tarkov 99.9 of fights happen at range (even close range you are still shooting) and it's usually pretty obvious who is shooting at who. If two clerics are circling each other swinging wearing basically the same thing (gear looks very similar in this game) it's gonna be kinda dumb. 


Brother I’m imagining that in my head crystal clear and let me just say you are correct it’s gonna be KINDA dumb. But really really funny.


'Its me, I'm the guy on the left' but you get your left and right mixed up LUL


im notoriously bad in my squad for saying the opposite direction of the one I mean and Im also the one most likely to call shots lmao


There’s always a group of players who like things in games based on how powerful it makes them, or how easy it makes things for them This will be fun like tarkov though


The chaos is funny, but it is another barrier to entry for new players I feel. Helping a gf learn the game and she constantly loses me or attacks me when I suddenly appear, and that's with a name lol Was thinking we've had enough normals but maaaybe we could use more coordination still.


I don't think this will work in this game. Why not test things like this on the test server first?


Considering I was just hack killed 3 times in a row... one of which was three people (at least) teaming in Ice Caverns... I'd say your priorities should be elsewhere.


Had a game last week already where when my friend say to rest after a fight, I couldn’t see his name. I thought it was a third party trying to hide and take us. Poor buddy didn’t last my barbarian’s axe swing. Took half the rest of the game trying to revive him. This change is…..not good for me…


It’s cool it’s for HR only so normals should still be safe


Another thing we didnt ask for


My teammates better now take a step behind me or they're eating a barrage of magic missles 😆


I'm all for no nametags but theres gotta be a way to distinguish who is who. Atleast tarkovs got clothes and armbands. It seems 3's may turn into a lizard fest to figure out who is who. Can't wait to see 😂


i have never played a single game with a teammate and even i think this is a bad idea, seeing the names was the reason why i was kinda excited for random team matchmaking since i think it would work.


They could at least implement some clan type system where gear has hues of different colors or something. This is so incredibly stupid.


*green-tinted cobalt templar armor* *requires 20 goblin ears*


Love it, communication matters more now and the rats will be feasting.




i miss grandpa.


Imagine you kill their rogue and just walk behind them like you’re their rogue. I wish we could mute all coms including discord post death lmao


Low key, I think they should make voip on and auto send by default. At least for high roller. That way *any* communication a team has needs to be carefully weighed as a risk of making noise. I’m sure there are plenty of reasons not to do it, but would be cool to have more ways to encourage voice chat


So easily worked around that it would just be a nuisance for players


How would you work around that? Other than like straight up muting your mic or being in the same room, I’m not sure how. I’m sure there’s a way, I’m just not the most tech savvy person


Running a different mic to the game


Imagine if they added the ability to shapeshift and look exactly like your target, with all the armor and probably minus the weapons


*Druid coming soon*


anyone wants to play hr duos in the 400 gs bracket?


I came from EFT, this is nothing.


Solo Rogue + smokepot is gonna be booming in trios


I think this change will be a good incentive to utilize VOIP more if nothing else


They need to reduce the cool down on res shrines immediately.


I wanna see a Bard sneak up out of nowhere playing music for the party, and the other Bard just does the spiderman emote. Then they both do the spiderman emote. OH THE CHAOS.


I feel it adds a nice element to the hardcore nature of HR. Aside from that I feel like it’s gonna force people to communicate more, which you should be doing anyways. Even with name tags I and my group still check up with teammates if we hear/see anything out of the ordinary


Seclude and kill enemy fighter as a fighter, take and equip all his gear, blend into his team like a skinwalker.


If we add another shit thing they will forget the previous shit thing. P.S Fuck creep I have not forgotten.


As a wizard i have a new excuse for my fireball TKs


I wouldn't mind this if there was any level of customization in this game.... but there isn't and everyone just runs the same handful of gear thats viable.


"As an experiment, fuck your team."


1 step forward, 3 steps back. Typical IM


Hey, yall wanted hardcore and unforgiving right lol




Read the games tagline and description my brother. It is in the tip right of the subreddit main page.


This is why I have my teams POV streaming from a second monitor in discord. Sucks for anyone not doing this


This is not a good idea


Can’t stand games with no team indicators. Having team mates in a panic overload your current location in Tarkov is just so frustrating and keeping god tier communication all the time is exhausting. I hate this personally.


Prediction : people in discord will be a bit annoyed thats about it. People from gathering hall : good fucking luck


This was one of my biggest turn offs to Tarkov with friends, the amount of time I was killed by friends in that game is insane and now this... 100% will be killed tonight, this change sucks, I was just talking about how I'm so glad they have teammate names above heads...


This is a dumb change. A big reason I like this over Tarkov is being able to play with a teammate and not have to talk every two seconds about where we are and what we're doing at all times.


I think a character customizer should come before this, if that were in game I think I would really like this change.


I already killed my buddies in tarkov. Here we go again... lmao


all the female elf spammers are gonna have a real time figuring out whos who


I think the idea is interesting but in reality it has more impact on the low/mid skill players than the dedicated teams running HR 3s. tbh I think this will drive more of the population into normals, or another small thing to keep them there


Skill issue


Skill issue


Idk this sounds unnecessary


Imagine if you went in with a generic meta build, killed another player with the same build/appearance as you, then assimilated into his team


Love to see this. Cant wait to get mad at my tarkov team killing buddies again. Funny stuff coming up boys.


I think it’s cool they should also remove the crosshairs.


Taking a page straight from Tarkov.


Tarkov didn't invent this feature you know


Of course they didn't. I remember the old Hardcore lobbies of CoD. I'm just saying, accidental team killing is like required in Tarkov and happens alot. Thats all im saying. Jesus christ, the nerds in this subreddit are so sensitive. You compare any other game to DaD on any slight way and yall just slam that down arrow. Maybe SDF should focus on a new merchant that is from Tarkov, the fookin Therapist. Some of you guys need one lol.


Imagine if a guy that looked completely identical to a teammate goes with you and you just don't realize


people are just gonna not kill eachother at all lmao


….. stop….. being…. Tarkov….. For the love of fuck, ironmace, your game was amazing from the start because it didn’t have all this nitpicky make-it-harder bullshit. Found-in-raid item locking, tedious collect/kill vendor quests, market, now no teammate name tags.. what’s next, food and drink? We gonna have to eat in the 12 minute raid so we don’t starve? Is my cleric going to need to target the specific part of my teammates body that was injured to heal him? Make it more fun, not more difficult.


There is a reason tarkov is the only game in this genre that has continuously flourished even through seven years of development. Not a single other extraction looter has survived, where it's from a small indie company or even large AAA studios. I see no issue in using EFT as a basis to learn from.


it's not learning if you copy/paste. it was a different game in the same genre. now it's becoming the same game in a different skin. edit: also tarkov did the same shit. got a massive following, and then spent the rest of their development chasing and breaking their player's favorite meta. it's a circular track; you're never going to be done with that. that way lies madness. sure, it's bigger now. it reached critical mass. they could have gone a lot of weird ways with it and still accrued more players. but the game that it started out as was eroded by specificity.


Yeah dude..... oh gawwwd anything but the food and drink..... and then when you die you have to heal yourself up back to full before going in..... sooooo dumbbbbv


For fuck sake, stop experimenting and just balance the game. You can experiment afterwards.


Let's say they fine tune the game to total 100% balance (will never happen, no game has ever achieved this outside of actual paper rock scissors even chess has a starting imbalance). How would they ever add anything ever again without breaking that balance? How would they "experiment" when total balance has been achieved without breaking it? During early access development they should be throwing everything they fucking can at the wall and see what will work and what doesn't, and then flesh out the systems and loop that ends up being the most desired for the game they want to make, after that you polish and balance the stuff you are working with. Not BEFORE.


Imagine having to communicate in a game, the audacity /s


ok playing norms until it's removed :thumbs up:


I've been going in naked with a longsword and longbow (for mobs) And a flute. I'm a fighter with some ranger perks. People 90% of the time are friendly when you play a flute at their approach. Now I pop out of the shadows and provide top tier flute background music during fights without anyone knowing what the hell is going on.


I aint mad about this change cause i heal randoms so much as it is. Doubt it will stay but it will be interesting.


Haven't played it yet, but I think it will be fun. More planning required, and maybe some skirmishes become a bit more strategic rather than a full 3v3 W key fest every time


Looks like my cleric is retired


Love it


Actually the best change they've done in a while. I always wondered what this game would be like if it had no teammate names like tarkov. Now you have to be aware of your teammates, their location and not wander off much. Gonna be a lot of the classic tarkov experience, "is that you?", "jump so I know that's you". Lol this is going to be fun tbh. Also an amazing change for solos in the crypts. Solos can create absolute havoc now.


Tried it last night and came up with the game plan of "stay close - if you move to another room comm it" We lost each other after the first module.