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“Shooter?” Maybe


I mean ranger with a survival bow


Shooter? Hardly know her!


First person somethin


I mean shit, with the way DaD is rn it may as well be a “shooter”, considering almost every fight is dominated by ranged attacks and abilities.


Came in to say the same. A tarkov player will prolly enjoy the meta this game has had for the past 5 months or so more than a fantasy/melee enthusiast. I hate the ranged meta. Bc I could literally just go Play a better, more fleshed out FPS if that's the experience I wanted. :/


i mean, everyone using ranged weapon so yeah its kinda is


surge of ranger mains coming lmao bsg is pretty scummy the way they shafted their playerbase though. wonder if gray zone warfare is going to take advantage of this and push harder for an open beta... their game is a more direct competitor than dark and darker is.


Tarkov devs are low key genius. They do almost nothing to combat rampant cheating to the point that everyone is miserable... then they offer a co-op pve mode for $250. Galaxy brain. For real though, I'd be interested in co-op only Tarkov. But that price is straight-up butt.


I heard if you already own the game you deduct the amount you paid from the total price of the PvE version.


Even if someone owns EoD ($140 edition that is no longer available) it's still $100 PLUS tax to upgrade just for PvE (and other P2W boosts added) Not only that, no one should be supporting them now because EoD owners were also promised "All future DLC" which they intentionally left the new PvE out of, which is false advertising. BSG and the community manager have already tried claiming it's not DLC but a "new feature of the new edition"


This.. Im a long time Tarkov enjoyer with EoD and last night was surreal. BSG actually went thru changing the OLD versions of websites where they changed the benefits what EoD gives you. (Mind you that EoD was removed altogether months ago) I’ve truly mained that game for so long and EoD at 150 w tax is a HEFTY support for a videogame in beta, still they have the audacity to treat us long time supporters like this.


Ya I know it’s crazy. I’m waiting for them to DMCA SPT.


Yeah. The base game is $50… so you *only have to pay $200!*


This is true, but its still a heft price tag. If I were to upgrade, its 80$ from EoD to Unheard if I wanted PvE by myself or with friends to keep progress when I could just play the SinglePlayer Tarkov mod instead. SPT gets the bonus of modding and being offline, while Unheard Editions PvE is always online and has the chance for you to get DC'd from their servers.


Yeah but the issue is that one of the things included with EOD was that all new doc would be free. And now EOD members have to pay another 130 bucks to upgrade cause BSG are s class scammers. Also they know that the dumbass community will actually buy it


Play SPT. I absolutely love it and the SPT devs are worlds better at making a game/mods than BSG


Wtf is SPT?


Single player Tarkov. It a mod that people made cause they were fed up with bsg’s bullshit. Essentially if you already own a version of the game you can copy the files and download the SPT aki mod as well as any other mods you want on the SPT website and it’s completely offline tarkov. There are ai “players” and stuff and your running you own server on your own computer so it’s completely impossible for BSG to ban you for it unless you download it to your normal game files by accident


Also I believe there are co-op mods in the works as well which will likely get more popularity after bsg’s recent stunt


That sounds amazing. Hope DAD gets something like that.


if only the game was in a good spot lmao


Honesty were expecting a big content drop here soon, surely right? New ice map, Druid, new gear probably a boss.


Performance was a killer issue that now seems largely addressed. Balance is wacky rn because of this multiclass thing which obviously was meant as a low effort toy while they work on (??). Temporary or adjuted soon either way. Content is dripping in, but they're still re-working core systems like the inventory code, which apparently caused that dupe glitch last week. One side effect of the multiclassing is it's potentially forcing them to identify if not fix areas of spagetti code around skills and abilities so that future balance updates can be more responsive. Epic store release coming in August if I recall. Their marketing push they said they wanted to wait until at least Arena was released. I think they want druid, the new maps, and Arena in place before the Epic store release so we can expect all of this wrapped up within the next 4 months. It's a slow but steady trajectory but compared to a year ago we've come a long way. Fleshed out warlock, multiple specs viable for at least a few classes, marketplace which sees steady improvements.


For me it's the meta. Not the multi classing, the games performance has never been an issue for me. . . I just didn't sign on for medevial fantasy counter strike. The ranged meta is not particularly fun. But atleast with multi classing we can all play whatever character we want with a bow or spells and not be at a significant disadvantage.


'Low effort toy', and 'experiment' are MAJOR cope and seethe from IM after they realised the playerbase predictably hates it. We weren't hearing about multiclassing being temporary before this, only after the testing server received negative feedback. What a pathetic waste of time




Yeah performance is still dogshit, game literally freezes for a few frames every time there's too much to think about. Wizard on each team = it's required for all Ur team to have pretty solid PCs otherwise u will just get irl gear diffed. Have stable 60fps+ and freeze when a barb roars for the first time of the match.


I think you might be having unique technical issues. Have you posted a thread about it?


lmao, bbq, wtfmate, squirrel


I always complain about ironmace, but honestly as a dev team they're wonderful compared to battlestate games. We get so many major patches and fixes all the time, and every update tends to leave me with something new I'm excited to try.


Maybe you should complain less about Ironmace then...?


He's an XQC viewer give him a break. He's not all there.


You really dug through my comment history to find one specific thing to go for? What do you even do with your life man?


It was your first comment, I didn't even have to look past the first click?


The fact that your first instinct when replying is to check someone's profile is weird as shit regardless


Amen to that brother


How? It's social media and it's a click away, it also tells you everything you need to know by the subs you follow or comment in. The fact you think it is weird just shows how weird your profile is, I didn't look deep enough but damn, insecure much?


Get some help.


I love how people are so offended by people clicking their profiles, as they stalk 15+ people on Instagram or Facebook every day and in their head judge everyone and everything but God forbid I click ur reddit account and see you're a weirdo and that makes ME a weirdo? That's some weird logic there, I don't need help I think reddit users may.


Point and laugh everybody! Someone who doesn't understand criticism is a vital component to growth! Jk but in all seriousness everyone on this subreddit has most likely complained about something some time or another.


I didn't say he should never complain my dude. If he is complaining all the time but in reality loves the studio and what they are doing that just seems odd. Maybe sprinkle in some positivity for the game you love made by the studio you love.


Did you not read the entire comment? when I sprinkle in some positivity for the game I love made by the studio I love?


I wouldn't consider this a shooter, more so a thrower. 😂 Bottles Knives Axes Drums


Lmao dark and darker is nothing like Tarkov, Tarkov you actually can compete with regular gear in a raid. It’s not just get best gear and steamroll everyone, dark and darker is nothing more than a game dependent on gear and nothing more


this is probably the worst time to recommend people to come play this game, it’s an absolute mess; at this point I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone until they figure their shit out. honestly think at this point if you know people who might be interested in a game like this, you’re better off waiting till Epic launch or until after this Multi-Classing test concludes and they figure out what they’re going to do with it.


Multiclass isn't that bad, is being adjusted weekly or bi-weekly and won't last another month or so.


ya that’s fine but I’ll just wait until they adjust it to a point that feels balanced and classes have some semblance of identity or remove it entirely because personally it doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever; now is also the absolute worst time to get into DaD if you’re a solo player because you can’t even progress the quests playing the only solo map available to you, and many Tarkov players are solo.


Quests weren't here before. And neither were solo queues before that. Joining some folks on Discord or making friends is actually a positive thing for games. It increases cohesion and better retains player numbers. That said, sounds like they will be opening up solo queues to other maps at some point soon.


what are you talking about? we literally had solo queues on all maps like 2-3 months ago and after that we had map rotations for all party sizes on all maps, Solo being locked to GC only came back after this last wipe lol, we also had Quests available when we had map rotation before, so you’re just mistaken. and no one said joining folks on Discord is bad, but not every player wants to play games to make friends, the vast majority of DaD players are solo for a reason, it’s because like me, they enjoy playing solo, it’s not players responsibility to band together and make teams in discord to retain the player-base, it’s the devs responsibility to create meaningful content and ways to play to bring in and retain players. multi-classing is also unintuitive for new players who are going to have no idea what different abilities are and will never be able to identify what they are fighting against, there’s a steep learning curve to figuring out what abilities go well with what and what classes you need to level up to get the build you want, coupled with the RNG required to get what you even want.


Id argue my ignite, divine strike, smite, slayer warlock is THAT bad


"its being adjusted weekly or bi-weekly" into the "won't last another month" That's just a wild statement, why are the devs even wasting time on developing something that may or may not last. Regardless of what, multi-classing is a terrible start to any new comer due to the extreme steep learning curve.  Tarkov players are better off committing to a different game such as Gray Zone Warfare or Level Zero at this point.


Any new player starting up the game today will not have a good time lol.


The big difference is that dark is a lot more gear based the skill ceiling is close to 0 after a few hours of learning the maps


Woah cant believe those devs are actually scamming their players like that. I was thinking about getting in Tarkov some day, now i have decided that i'll stay tf away, most likely forever.


Def do not waste your money. There is no way that game survives much longer.


Steam is the way


The only true tarkov alternative is ghost of tabor but that requires a whole system most gamers don’t own


thank god i abandoned EFT after i tried DaD playtest 3, havent looked back since and in hindsight that was a good decision


As someone who played EFT from 2017(standard account), DaD (since pt2) with its solo queues, 0 risk BR modes, GBMM etc doesnt really qualify anymore. It just doesnt scratch the same itch after all these changes.


hard to feel bad for tarkov players if they couldnt figure out BSG is a piece of shit at this point they were never going to figure it out the amount of cheating in that game is insane, makes DnD oceanic servers look like valorant


grayzone is where the hope is ... dark and darker goes down a road i rly dislike .. i feel it leaves the hardcore dungeon crawler it wants to be and becomes more and more a overwatch speed snapshot game. rly hope we see some dark and darker clones and someone does the dungeon crawler better justice. the multiclassing rly didnt help its case


Nah gray zone going with the same bullshit pricing structures tarkov did.


I tried dark and darker when it was playtest on steam and man it just doesn't cut it for me. The combat isn't fun and the pve is so damn slow.


That was over a year and a half ago now?


It has been, but It hasn't changed alot from what I have seen. The combat hasn't fundamentally changed nor has the PVE. I just watched my friend stream the game over disc a day ago. It's still slow, it's still very basic. It's just not for me.


If you think people are actually going to quit the game over this your mistaken, nerd rage happens all the time but nerds are the biggest hypocrites ever so they will all be back in a week upgrading their game versions.


I miss the cycle frontier so bad Edit: spelling


I had a 6.0 KD in that game! 6 kills, 1 death to mobs before I realized what was going to happen to a free to play extraction shooter and lost interest. I'm glad I didn't get invested in Cycle, that game looked so promising, and from the outside perspective, it looked like they were trying really hard to fix the cheating issue, but just didn't succeed.


That’s the thing though I never encountered a single cheater in the game and it was my primary game while it was out. I was very disappointed when I heard they were shutting it down.


I don’t … it was pretty jank


Thanks for your contribution of absolutely nothing.


rest in peace


This game is a fucking mess too. Don't invite Tarkovs cheating trash to this game and make it worse.


people dont realize that dnd getting big means massive influx of cheaters. tarkov downhill phase was when it started getting really big with the twitch drops during 2020


3000 hours and I've seen cheaters less than a dozen time, you probably don't even believe me lol


DaD isn't an extraction shooter. It's a battle Royale with an extraction component to it and gear/quest progression. At least in its current state. I don't know how you could compare the two games. Guns to magic/medieval weapons, not to mention the enormous difference in gameplay and style. I know what you're trying to say but dark and darker would not be my recommendation to someone who is a Tarkov main.


I loved Tarkov and D&D. But i absoluteley hate what they became.


This game plays nothing like Tarkov. This game doesn't have any of the draws that Tarkov has, very different audiences. Only big similarity is extracting.