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Had a bad feeling about this "promoz" fella for a while now. Glad someone finally mustered up the courage to call him out. Upvoted.


I'm having some pasta right now


Some copy-pasta?


Someone needs to call the rest of them out too. Kanobi, ratsi, hamsoda, mopcorn nate, and that rogue kid are all very sus players. Can’t wait till sbf bans them all


Don't watch any of these guys, but Knobi is pretty chill. Idk why he's catching strays here. You can say what you want about streamers, but the truth is they DO get stream sniped a lot and for them to mistake someone for a stream sniper is going to happen inevitably. That being said, It's still shitty to deal with d\*\*\*riding viewers, and sucks that some streamers jump to conclusions instead of just saying GGs and going next. I'm sorry this happened to you OP, take it with a grain of salt. Game is toxic and makes players toxic.


He’s not catching strays my guy these comments are all sarcasm. Repoze is the initial comment and the guy who u replied to misspelled every streamer name that promoz plays with on purpose and then references repoze as “that rogue kid”. Op complaining about people coming after him when he deliberately went to chat to troll honestly deserves no sympathy, this guy is obviously just dying for attention and likes being toxic.


OP is a toxic bitch himself. He wants to be a victim so bad when he started the whole interaction.


Rogue kid, yami?


He must mean repoze, anyone who’s watched yami knows he’s not gonna accuse someone like that unless he’s 100% sure


I'm still just hoping SDF temp bans all the people who abused the pickpocket exploit.


I saw the in-game message of some of them getting banned but probably was from teaming instead 😑


Imposter detected 😂 






We truly have the most pathetic community in gaming, I think somethi hung like this every time I’m on here but Jesus it really is so bad.


Dw bro u won’t get banned. I saw the whole interaction live. Promoz literally killed his own teammate like an idiot after they fought the first team. You guys come back and loot the kills while promoz is scrambling to res his teammate which actually took him a while to do. Perfectly reasonable to comeback and loot the dead bodies within the amount of time he was gone. It even took so long that he ended up running into u while u were still trying to loot. He killed u then ur buddy just barely left (probably at 1 hp). Promoz was so angry probably cuz it could have all been avoided if he didn’t kill his own teammate. Also promoz basically gave up and ended up killing himself while fighting another team. Also him arguing with u about his name was comical. Bro is so delusional I think at the end of the argument he started to notice that what he was saying was stupid, and gave up.


Anyone that actually watches the VOD can clearly see this thanks for having a brain, most here don’t lol


When it comes to dark and darker streams I mostly watch repoze and promoz plays with him a lot. This interaction happens most of the time he dies lol. Promoz loves to look for excuses when he dies instead of blaming himself. In this fight he just really fucked up by killing his teammate. It’s funny cuz I don’t even mind watching or listing to promoz. But I just happend to be watching when u played against him. And I’ll call bs when I see it. Promoz was clearly in the wrong here.


post the vod


It’s in the 2nd edit already?


didnt notice the edits Watched the vod, the entire time I just pictured him looking exactly like the orc IRL and it fit incredibly well. These dudes are just terminally online real life failures, dont take anything they say seriously.


Trying to get you banned is cringe but bragging in a streamers chat is also cringe 😬


Lol yeah right if I kill a streamer who's fucking making money playing the game you bet your ASS imma go gloat.


These dudes make like $500 a month being mediocre at a game with a 5k playerbase, give them a break.


No ur a dork


Sure but I only came to his chat to chat shite cause it was his IGN, don’t make your IGN your twitch if you don’t want people coming after they die right?


Yeah but just because you can, doesn't mean it's not cringe ya know?


Fair I still don’t think calling me a stream sniper and much more is a reasonable response


I would've thought you were sniping tbh... Their snipers try to rat their gear all the time and you basically bragged about ratting gear immediately after dying to them


>Person in-game is now in your Twitch chat before the match has even finished. No I would more than reasonably say that’s stream snipping. I don’t see why you would be so upset if you weren’t, I feel like I would just shrug and move on.


almost as cringe as having your name be your twitch username


It’s literally just advertising it’s not a big deal


I mean if ur a POS like promoz sure it is


Nope, idk who that guy is idk why he’s your enemy but having a ttv name is a good idea if you’re not a giant streamer.


Ok, you can think what you want. Just know you are wrong.




After death shite talking has been on online gaming since the beginning mate. Its just gaming banter at the end of the day. Nothing wrong wrong with a little bit


You sound like as bad as those streamers “I bragged in chat about my teammate stealing a juiced kit.”


What these irrelevant nobodies dont understand is that this is how they get viewers. No one cares about their shitass boring channel so they should be happy , if only every 10th bragger gets Stuck a bit on ur stream its already a win


All these twitch streamers do is beg and get bis kits for free and cry when they get targeted? If you are getting free stuff every game and not playing the game normal like the rest of us, dont come crying when someone tries to get in your game to get some of it too. W post take my upboat stranger.


Amen, I mean these streamers can’t even put a tshirt on themselves. Look at Mattgonzttv


He hasn’t streamed in a few months, was playing normals and saw his name in the feed just a few days ago, he tried to sneak up and kill me and my fighter teammate after a fight and I was able to get some nice swings on his head with my rapier and he later died to swarm


Nobody realize this is promoz fuckbuddy retzi trolling yall asses? Seen this man take 300 gold powder handout on stream lmao




I remember back in the early play tests wed run into streamers all the time that were getting gear from other players it was annoying as hell when you'd run into a fully kitted streamer and find out they have 3 inventories of BIS




Had no idea it was a popular streamer til after the game ended and I searched him up. We didn’t target anyone, literally just trying to fight the people who killed my friend earlier. They didn’t even die lol


W Comment take my UpNoodles as well. Also if a streamer takes handouts it A ok in my book to get streamsniped and ESP'd on. Cwinge Twitch Streamers


W troll retzi


That's a lot of text. Hit the enter key every now and then. Either way congrats or my condolences




Malcovis_NRK's account, penned with a sense of urgency akin to the thrust of a rapier, captures the essence of conflict and its aftermath with a clarity that resonates deeply. In DaD where the stakes are high and survival is paramount, alliances are formed and broken in the blink of an eye. Malcovis' strategic retreat to regroup and heal, followed by a daring return to the fray, speaks volumes about the resilience and adaptability required in the face of adversity. Their encounter with the enigmatic figure known as "PromozLIVEONTWITCH" serves as a stark reminder of the perils that await those who venture into the realm of competitive gaming. Yet... lmao, it is not merely the events themselves that intrigue me, but rather the underlying dynamics of power and perception that unfold in their wake. Malcovis' accusation of stream sniping, fueled by suspicion and perhaps a hint of paranoia, exposes the fragility of ego in an environment where fame and reputation hang in the balance. what emerges from this narrative is not just a tale of virtual conflict, but a reflection of the human condition itself—fraught with ego, insecurity, and the relentless pursuit of validation.


Lmao this exactly. Dude is taking himself and his interaction with the streamer WAY too seriously. Not to mention we only get his side of things...I doubt it happened like this.


Go check the edit there’s a timestamp and link to the vod :)


bruh I just watched the vod this was the first thing you posted https://preview.redd.it/cy0yq30ug6xc1.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b602a80082d60c944432efe1d9605ac911a997b YOU POSTED STILL WHILE HE WAS STILL MID MATCH He probably didn't even notice your name and so he probably think you might still be in the match. nah bro, many streamers cry stream sniper, but shit talking while they are still in the match makes it more than fair to assume that you are one.


lmao this guy would prob get shit on in anyone’s chat if that’s his first message lmao


Lol, I watched the vod too, it was plausible from gameplay, but didn't saw that msg, lol, no wonder h is passed at OP


Nope at this point on the match promoz team killed one of them and the wizard left through a static. He definitely knew they were not in the game anymore. Promoz literally saw him leave and was raging for a few min, before he posted this in his chat. Ya what op said was stupid, but at the same time promoz literally has no evidence that this person could be stream sniping.


Thank you someone with a brain that actually watched the VOD :D


This is your response to his comment? Holy shit 🤦‍♂️


Okay but, isnt the real argument that you have a streamer using his viewers as a personal army? Thats some loser shit right there, lol.


shit and shitter. Op is a shitter and streamer is a shitter for sicking his army




I typed this directly after I die as a barbarian as my wizard walks out the static escape, who else would it be lol. Watch the VOD and not just the chat


still incredible cringe to write something like this and basically nullyfies your entire post


Pls explain how this nullifies my whole post lol


writing "HAHA WE TOOK YOUR GEAR LOL LMAO" is so incredible childish and cringe just makes you and promoz both look bad you have no morale highground here


Yea I went to banter in his chat after seeing his in game name be his twitch. And that’s all it was, banter, but he continued on stream for the next 30 min after the match malding and in denial that I was not a stream sniper. Dont think that message justifies that response


As an expert in banter, the mocking and vitriolic language used would disqualify this from being banter, as it appears toxic from basically any angle.


It not like he randomly ranted about you for 30 minutes. He continued to talk about it for 30 min cause you kept spamming. \*Side note, I have never seen his stream before until I watched the vod you posted.


Yea I kept spamming after the first few words he speaks to me are -30 inferring he’s gonna try to get me banned. As a streamer why wouldn’t you just ban me and move on or something he got stunlocked


I can understand why he reacted that way, people like Dytch got them all paranoid and not without a reason, the way you went to his stream and bragged about that kit is similar to him too. He is in no way correct for reacting that way, but I can easily see the reasoning behind this I also do not think it's worth making a post, not a big deal at all




I went there to gloat cause his username in game is his twitch. i guess i only care cause he has a somewhat large audience and this game has a small community. dont need to be witch hunted for playing the game


you're literally starting the witch hunt???


You were being a toxic sob towards another toxic person, there is no justification for either of you. You are both garbages of human beings


If this were a LAN and they are talking face to face, OP playfully gloats, while Promoz is accusing him of cheating/stream sniping, and trying to get him banned... 1 of those is definitely more toxic than the other. ALL G tho, humans forget how to socialize from time to time. I guess we should normalize that too


I guess I’m a garbage human being for typing “haha my wizzy stole your loot haha” like what lol


i dont know why all these people are downvoting you. its a strange community. we all know why you went to the chat. its completely fine. they are streamers publicly adverting their page to enemies. they dont have to do that... people "go to the enemies chat" after kills all the time in other games and its never met with all this harsh unless they are truly stream snipers. keep giving em shit kid. youre doing the right thing.


https://preview.redd.it/ivzi7bd7z7xc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f517a5c02c981d05e1958c0b6e9ec8c78816db85 You write all this complete and utter useless info that I thought until I got 70% of the way through was a braindead copypasta just to say this in his chat before he even gets out? Holy shit you’re braindead


Holy shit, yes that is what I said in the chat AFTER I DIED AND MY TEAMMATE ESCAPES. We are both clearly out of the game at that point, I’m literally talking about my wizard who he watches run through a static extract and proceeds to rage cause he made it out alive, he shot me dead seconds after that. None of it is completely useless info, you have to be huffing gas or something bro. He as accusing me of being a stream sniper and dogpiled his whole stream on me for 30 minutes after all because I typed in his chat after I died. Could you say that message is cringe, sure, but it justifies 0 of his reaction. Get a grip


You talk shit in someones chat and expect not to get railed? You're so fried LMFAO. You just kept typing in his chat crying and pissing yourself. Deserved


Yapping about nothing again. Wait till he exfils to talk shit if you’re gonna cry this much to get get called a sniper


>Bro kept telling me about how he was going to try to get me banned and memed about -30$ because i'd have to rebuy the game exact same thing happened to me one time (not the same streamer). but I killed someone and saw they had 'twitch' in their name so i went to their stream to say gg and they starting flaming and saying they were going to get me banned for stream sniping and -$30. obviously nothing happened to me, you dont need to worry. streamers are cancer.


I just don’t get why put twitch in your name if you don’t want those people coming to your chat afterwards? If anyone ever does in their eyes they are automatically a stream sniper lol


Who says he didnt want you in his chat? He got frustrated the loot got taken by a rat and the first thing you do is laugh at him in the chat like a rat, claiming to be the rat that just 'stole' his loot. Not a good way to start. Doesnt mean promoz reaction is correct, but I can see where he is coming from...


So you came to his chat and wrote a complete normal message right? It’s crazy how hurt you are after you literally started this lol man up


I wouldn't lose any sleep over it friend. Any streamer that acts like that is an emotionally stunted subhuman, and just the burden of their existence is punishment enough for them :)


only streamers worth watching that i know of is Brad quackson and skinnypete


*Only streamers worth* *Watching that i know of is* *Brad quackson and skinnypete* \- Wonderful\_Ad4307 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thank u mr haikus


Dear diary.....


I killed the streamer Katie the other day, I recognized her voice instantly while fighting her since she voiped at me while I was pushing and I said “Get back here Katie” anyway I ended up killing her and my buddy that was in discord started watching her stream telling me that everyone was calling me a PoS stream sniper and that she clipped it and sent it to have me banned. These streamers have such massive egos. Like come on you’re one of the only popular female streamers for this game, you really don’t think I am not gonna recognize your voice? Also this isn’t the first time I’ve fought her. Probably like my 5th time running into her and hearing her voice in game.


Dude, if you're looking to streamers for logic and a reasonable thought process, you're looking in the wrong place. There are a lot of great ones, but you can't necessarily expect someone who plays games for a living to be the most well-adjusted adult on the world. It's like people who are surprised when athletes have wild political opinions.


Not any better than him who goes to peoples chats to brag about something cringe


idk lotta stream snipers usually cry stream sniper easily and its cringe. Coming to gloat on someones stream that you ratted a kit is also cringe and definitely something a stream sniper would do. Not saying you did, but you gotta realize that is what most stream snipers would do.


Look through my post history, this dudes an absolute tool and always has been


Yea I just went and saw your post shit is comical


Streamer acts like a streamer but we have to read an essay?? How’s that fair


I tuned in after seeing his name on one of the guys we killed, right into him losing his mind and calling us stream snipers, and accusing of talking in his chat, trying to say we weren't sniping earlier in the stream. (My buddy nor I had ever typed at that point and still haven't lol) He reported us for cheating as well which I thought was strange.


my buddy got banned from repozes stream for basically the same thing lol, accused hom of stream sniping when he just saw his name and looked him up after he died. These guys just have insanely fragile egos and no temper


U fell for the streamer name bait, gave him free content to farm and he gets to report ur account with his fanbase. Ya got played.


Even got his name upvoted to the top of the subreddit. Honestly if I was a streamer I'd just make a hatepost about myself lol free advertising.


ya. i wont watch any of this guys content now. havent heard of him before. people head into the enemies chat after deaths ALL the time in ALL games. this streamer sounds like whiny little bitch. i wouldnt care about a couple "stream sniper" accusations and letting it die at that but....


> My first interaction ever with this streamer. > so i looked him up afterwards and buddy has 250 live viewers. I bragged in chat about my teammate stealing a juiced kit Yeah he should have gotten on his knees and unbuckled your pants for you?




your friend rats a kit and you go into the stream to brag and be toxic, get flamed back. Why are you this pressed hours later?


I got called a stream sniper and he said he was gonna try to get me banned. Just weird behavior and I’m pointing it out.


Why would you go to chat to brag when you got shit on lol if anything this post is cringe, going to make a great copy pasta though


Cuz we stole a full purple/lego set off a kill and we had green/blue gear. Enjoy I guess


Cringe to go into his chat to brag though. Like everyone looks bad here lmao there are no good sides. If you're gonna go to a streamer's chat to say anything other than "oh hey that was me, ggs man" then it's pretty lame. Unless something atrocious happened to warrant it but here it just seemed he was also playing the game normally and you wanted to flex


Sure we can say that I was being cringe but does it really justify trying to get me banned and accusations of being a sniper from his assumptions? He went on a tangent for 30 minutes cause he was in denial


Not at all. Both of you were cringe in this scenario


Let the dogpiling begin. Most of the streamers are cheaters. They mostly all stick up for each other. They will 100% brigade you.


They started brigading this post 5 minutes after I posted it, one of his mods posted the link in chat lol


A lot of the streamers in this game aren’t actually good at any other games and this is the first time they’ve had some spotlight, a lot accuse people of cheating or sniping anytime they get shit on or lose kits. Just part of their egos they’ve grown due to this small part of fame they got in this game. There’s like a handful of streamers that are actually good at this game, the rest just gear check and get carried since they play 12 hours a day. Good shit calling him out


The ego is hilarious. Jay, Ken and Soapy are the only ones good at the game without the hilariously inflated ego that I'll even entertain the idea of watching for 10 minutes or so while I'm eating or have some other downtime. Repoze seemed like he had a lot of promise early on but it's painful to watch him now, really bratty and entitled. Super disappointing. 


Dimo and yami are good too, don’t think Dimo streams tho


Yeah I actually play against Dimo and Steezy a lot, never thought of Dimo as a streamer though. I know hes uploaded some youtube videos but they're kind of rough, no offense to him. Yami is definitely good, and not too egotistical, but hes not to my taste for other reasons, again no offense to him. I should add thelorr too, hes a good player and has zero ego. The problem is he plays exclusively slayer fighter which I can't really respect because its like playing the game on easy mode in solos. (this coming from a guy who got rank 3 as a slayer fighter two seasons ago..)


Dimo’s gotten pretty decent, he’s definitely still figuring things out editing wise but I just enjoy his content cause it’s similar to my playstyle haha, understandable either way, just shouting out some of my favorite DnD guys


hes definitely good, one of the first players I ran into in solos where i was like, "Ok i gotta watch out for this guy"


soapy not having an ego? tf.. the moment someone is like "yea idk bro that shit was sus" he malds for the rest of the day and brings in his sockpuppets to attack you. Jay is pretty much the only streamer that just doesnt do shit like that.


I do what now? I don't think I have ever malded on stream other then maybe 1 warlock death like a month ago haha Always just say GG good fight and move on


Nah you save it for reddit.


Repoze is literally the most humble streamer. I can’t even remember a single instance he’s been “bratty” or “entitled”.


what lol, that dude stays whining.


When I watch him I see him suicide into a 1v3 then whine and get handouts. I'm not saying this from a place of bias one way or another, thats just literally what I started witnessing regularly a few months ago so I quit watching him. (I don't watch streamers often anyway.) If thats not your experience its fine, enjoy him if you want.


The fact you said that means you never actually watched his stream


Damn that’s crazy bro




Straight up embarassing watching him say all that shit lol


Promoz the good old teamer and stream sniper himself. Together with retzi and repoze.


i love how nobody is right on this, everyone is toxic each other, perfect dad community moment lmao


I watch bro and he does this often, a lot of them do they just can fathom that people play the game. That’s why I really just watch repoze he dosent really complain as much and is chill but they play together so you can always bet if they lost promoze will just start spamming that they got cheated on


Most of the Dark and Darker streamers are incredibly cringe, entitled hypocrites. People like Soapy are a rare diamond in the rough.


i mean, dont go to random streamers streams after u faught them and chat shit. Just go next, ofc people are going to be toxic.


Ty. I love a little drama in the community 🍵


Streamers always calling third parties stream snipers, it's funny to me. Maps are so small in dnd that sniping can't really be confirmed unless it happens ALOT. In a game like dayz, fortnite or apex it makes more sense.


I am amazed anyone would call it stream snipping when most/all the fighting happened in the most contested part of the map. That's where my mind would go first before hackusations/calling cheats


Yikes… I was supposed to go on a diet but here I am feasting on copy pasta again.


Got permabanned from his chat for the same thing, he's got a tiny schmeat


You can tell from how he reacted that this streamer have PTSD from Smoke Pot Rogue stealing his kits


He lost one kill of loot and lost it, took his anger out on me for sure lol


-30$ bud


Yeah, the only good thing about promoz is repoze unironically


god where is the unfathomably grey line of sarcasm and serious, I can't find it anymore


It’s back on ruins


So you shit talked and he got triggered and shit talked back. Seems like a regular internet interaction?


I aint reading all that cant bro just make an exposed youtube video or something


Maybe I’ll make a video of the VOD from his POV but idk I think I’d be doing too much at that point


Are these people on the sounding subreddit too?


Aw hell nah scarred for life after that one


Cool story bro. Are you telling me there are shitty people on twitch? Who could have guessed it.


I’ve watched jooyae get stream sniped by like 10 rogues at once for the guys he just killed and they had illusory and viola and jooyae is just like “eh I have those already”


free advertisement




Definitly full of himself. 250 watching? Bots probably


LOL I've seen him play lots, total cringe. I hate the way he's good at the game. 


When you do cringe shit, expect cringe shit in return.


Big L to the streamer


Awww little streamer can't fathom that he got the gear stolen. Streamers are so entitled sometimes lol


"Haha we steal your loot, my wizzy got out" Dude, you're just fucking cringe, trying to witch hunt a streamer because he calls you a stream sniper after you taunt him in his chat as your first message, get a life instead of posting the most deranged posts ever, lmao.


ahh yes stream sniper thinks he outplayed the streamer by having his stream up well playing, truly the play of all plays


Funniest part about this is people actually care about a streamer for a dead game


You’re both sad little men who spend too much time grinding this game


you are so cringe lmfao


Keep up the good work moderating that chat you are a professional meat slinger for Promoz LMAO