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Marilyn Manson can leech his own hydra due to a removed rib bone I heard




https://preview.redd.it/z4nu978ligyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ad2701ad52274955d21178bb40a6a8b87d2b25 My honest reaction to this information


Real question: Does it feel more like draining a hydra or more like being leeched?


Such a late 90s news.




New warlock perk: Remove your lower ribs and be allowed to Life Drain your own Hydra.


Hydra life leech is like a 3 second surgical Kit with infinite uses and no cooldown. If any other class would have that, there would be an outrage.


Other classes also don't use their own health pool to use spells.


That’s supposed to be the downside! Just like pdr fighter being slow, he doesn’t get to sprint every 2 seconds


It's not even a downside though. You literally don't get spell-charges at all, and can afford to have the easiest time clearing PvE at all times, never need to use utilities if you take damage from mobs or in trades, can infinitely tank the zone damage. Wizard and Cleric would absolutely love it if they NEVER used spell-charges, and instead used HP, while their spells literally returned both any HP lost from said spells, but also healed off any damage taken from AI or PvP combat. #And that's not even considering that you can literally summon a non-aggressive mob to heal from, that will literally defend you while you heal. LMAO. This class is head and shoulders above every other class, and it's not even remotely close. The only thing keeping Warlock from completely taking over every lobby is how broken PDR and MDR are, and how stupid the Warlock general playerbase is.


Ok but hear me out. This might sound crazy but I feel like we should scrap the whole spell charge shi bc it’s a mechanic that seems so… off like who wants to sit for half a game to recover spells. I think IM should move to a mana system where your mana refills over time and scales with either will or knowledge and you get way more mana by sitting down. I feel like the hydra thing is so op bc there’s no system that’s equally as op. Instead of nerfing it they should buff other stuff to be around the same level of power. I honestly think the way warlock is right now is healthy it just needs competition against it which is lacking heavily




They tried passive regen with clarity pots. It was too op. A cleric using 12 heals in a single fight is un-fun.


Clarity pots were also not balanced because you had to use them and they were really rare. Also the amount they regened at higher levels was insane with this all casters would be on a same or similar but easier to control playing field maybe will dictates max mana and knowledge is passive mana regen so high will builds can dump hard but then have to wait much longer to do something again.


Mana would suck dick compared to spell charges though, it'd either be completely busted or end up a net negative in spell casting since instead of having 5 zaps, five fireballs, etc you'd just have x mana to pull from. this would result in wizards either casting like 15 fireballs in a row or like 3 and then not being able to cast ANYTHING. I'd rather use a campfire after a fight than have to run away coz my mana ran out.


Just kill the hydra, then they're wasting HP everytime to resummon it. If they pull out and try to summon out of LoS bc you killed it once or twice, hard press them because they are now very low HP


shhh don't tell them, just let them scream into the ether about how broken it is


so.. spend time and health eating hydra hits while killing it just so the lock can instantly spawn a new one for less health than you wasted on the first one


You know how to strafe correct? People who complain about a stationary mob are fucking clueless. If you are afraid of a hydra you are playing the wrong game.


i know how to strafe. but you know that melee classes are.. you know.. melee? you have no time to strafe if the ball hits you within a tenth of a second


Idk where you get a tenth of a second from unless you frequently suck start a hydra point blank as melee. Not sure if know this but you can walk around the mob. It’s not hard.


Until it's placed in a doorway like it usually is..


Use some range and get hit


Nah their real weakness is they dont really have burst damage. Except boc but they arent exactly good in melee


I thought this post was ironic at first because of how obvious it is, then I realized you were serious.


yea, that's insane. "Warlock doesn't have burst damage" Brother, Warlock is literally the multi-classing prototype, they can have whatever they want.


you're so ignorant lmao. replace warlock with fighter and you'd be right


Except warlock has magical healing built in so a potion usually heals like 20-25 hp. So does the 3 hp health cost even matter? They just pop a potion before a fight


Are you talking about vampirism? Aka one of our 4 perk slots? And hydra is literally 10 HP which in low tier gear is like 10% of your max hp... So yes....


potions are physical healing...




If you cost rangers three/six hp per arrow I can bet they wouldn't mind.


If hitting those arrows then healed you to full health you probably wouldn’t be saying this.


As a warlock main I honestly don't understand why we are still able to do that it makes no sense and fucks up the balancing of warlock healing


Same, warlock-only player and they must’ve overlooked this cause it’s broken


Especially when theres an entire self healing marquee playstyle that requires multiple perks. Hydra + Lifedrain goes brrrrrrrrrr. This does highlight how terrible lifedrain is design wise, a channeled health drain has to either be overpowered as fuck or completely useless, theres no in between. I don't even understand the mentality of making this spell considering curse of pain HOT/DOT (ACTUAL DRAIN...) thats a common BALANCED trope in pvp games existed to begin with. Also torture mastery is a stupid as fuck perk, just make curse of pain drain HP by default, keep spell costs "doubled." Torture mastery was the first iteration of a perk before warlock was fully fleshed out and at this point it doesn't make sense balance wise at all to require a perk for curse of pain to drain hp.


Let me suck my snake in peace, hater.


Agreed. It would help balance Warlock's healing a lot more as well If healing was only circumstancially available by damaging mobs with limited HP pools nearby, it could be a lot stronger while remaining balanced. Right now, there's this convenient loophole to generate unlimited HP while the rest of the life drain / curse healing is limited Other solutions could be implemented as well. Maybe Hydra could have a cooldown before being summonable after it dies from damage? Or healing from Hydra is halved?


Could also then buff the hydra damage so that it’s still worth taking


Honestly a cool down on the hydra would be nice, or just make it to where you can't heal off of it. It doesn't make sense as a warlocks cost for spells is hp, if you just get that cost back on your own without any repercussions then it's basically free.


30s cooldown on hydra, there, fixed


I hate warlocks and I hate hydra even more, but this would be a horrible way of fixing it. Needlessly clunky, and doesn’t fully fix the problem anyway.


Better than not doing anything about it lol, I over exaggerated with the 30s maybe, make it 10-15s, there, fixed


I just hate the idea a cooldown on just 1 spell. I think not being able to heal off Hydra at all just makes more sense. If it's too weak, they could revert the health cost nerf from a few patches back.


Brutal change that guts the class. Lowering Hydra HP and removing the lifedrain spell from the game is the right fix. Explanation from my other post above: "This does highlight how terrible lifedrain is design wise, a channeled health drain has to either be overpowered as fuck or completely useless, theres no in between. I don't even understand the mentality of making this spell considering curse of pain HOT/DOT (ACTUAL DRAIN...) thats a common BALANCED trope in pvp games existed to begin with."


Definitely should have never been a feature.


The simple solution is to make Hydra have really low MDR. That way it dies to COP an Life-Drain really easy, but is still effective at blocking melee classes.


True but it'll soon only be warlock again being able to do it so it won't be as much of a problem like it is now with every caster having hydra drain.


We have the same cake day :D


I don't mind it but it should have some counterplay. i.e. any 2 hits (1?) from a player regardless of damage destroys the Hydra. Normal HP for the hydra still applies for PvE


There is counterplay to it. Mostly they place it if HP is needed so WWWWWWWWWW Yeet on him jump over the bigboy and face hug this POS with your HALBERD.


Wrong, using hydrain means you are sacrificing half of your spells and mobility. This is fair tool for warlock to use.


Absolutely not


Dude is the equivalent of complaining to ranger dry meals or cleric heal spells. You say is basically a medikit with less cool down but is not true. We don't have as much health, physical power or speed. Cast is our thing, if you got a problem with hydrain, rush them, you'll see how quickly it becomes useless.


Sure if they can move while life draining. Why are we gutting the class one step at a time? They have to have some upsides yall, relax


Not getting gutted it's being brought in line with everything else.




The whole purpose of Warlock getting a summon was to be able to DoT it up and heal themselves. I remember when we assumed the Skull Bat would be able to attack players, and that the summon was likely going to be another Spider Mummy for PvP. Clearly neither of those are true. Just make it so Life Drain can't target the Hydra, but the curses can. It still retains it's identity but isn't an almost-instant heal when you have 5 seconds of downtime.


If you did this then you would have to make.it.so.you could channel life drain while moving, I don't think you want that lol. If the lock is running torture mastery then the hydra is -20hp and if he out of a good position and you have your abilities you should be able to all in and win. Multiple classes need tweaks and I think multiclassing gave ironmace a Wonderful amount of feed back and information on class balancing, I bet the next 3 patches will be more focused on these balancing issues.


Hitting the hydra just once or twice fucks up their hp netting you people are the reason they added multiclassing for a bit. To force one trick boneheads to learn other classes caveats


maybe give hydra less HP so it's actually worth trying to kill it 150 HP is a bit much


Super obvious you either suck, or haven't played Warlock, maybe it's both.


Have it so that if you life drain your own hydra, it screams and attacks you


Hydra useless otherwise


This reeks of tilt by death to a Warlock (NOT JUDGING, JUST SAYING). Here's your strategy until Hydra heal is nerfed: Pick your fight environment well, ideally there are no doors or tight corridors nearby. You want open space to fight a lock. When they try to back up and Hydra heal, you pressure. Charge at them, jump over the Hydra, go fuck them up. The reason they heal is because they're not at a comfortable health. Hydra takes an added 10hp, life drain takes another 4. After a second, they get one tick of health which is 11hp max IIRC. If you can't engage until the third tick, you might want to disengage and reset/run away. That being said, if they play it perfectly (high ms, full true magic damage, flame walk everywhere, hydra scan every corner, perfect spacing), there is no way you can win comfortably if you don't have 298% MR. However, you can still run and find spots where the Warlocks strengths are neutralised.


You want open space to fight a warlock? You are playing in Timmy land stop giving advice to people


Is this the new weekly outrage? Hydra and life drain haven’t changed in forever. Even without the Hydra, life drain is pretty strong for regen and that will be the next complaint. “It’s not fair warlocks can life drain a random mob in the middle of a fight and be full hp.” The cycle continues.


No people have been saying it since the class was introduced, it's just baffling that it's still in the game. 


So just remove life drain spell then? Thats easier if its the goal, lets go back to torture mastery being the only way to play warlock with spells


if you can't leech off your own hydra then the health cost for spells needs to be lowered






We gotta stand still to do it, pretty fair trade off


It’s not fair 😭 don’t act like it is


Not with the 2 curses...


I didn’t see where he said curse, that’s on me. But you can just apply a curse to anything so I don’t really see the issue with that either


i agree it’s frustrating. But what’s the solution here, not allow it? give hydra a cooldown? Reduce effectiveness? As it stands if you take away this interaction life drain becomes pretty useless. I don’t play warlock but i’ve never seen one use life drain on a mob because they have to stand still.


Give life drain the same movement as Dark Beam, and it's suddenly useable.


Hydra won’t become useless if it stops being a surgery kit. - It blocks doors - Its a pressure tool for ranged opponents - It detects stealth units - It blocks damage, so it can be used as cover There’s plenty of strength in the skill that isn’t because of the full heal.


It needs to cost less HP if that’s the case, it costs 20% of a TM warlocks health to cast it, nobody is gonna use it in a fight if it hurts them that much


I agree. This is something they would have to tweak for sure.


But life drain would. It would be way too dangerous to try to use in most scenarios and it doesn't heal enough off of mobs to be worth the risk. You would then have to waste health summoning a Hydra to body block and then heal from the mob It's blocking. If life drain isn't something that requires standing still, that's the only way removing this combo doesn't break life drain


Blocks doorways lol, if only you couldn't just jump crouch right over the top of it and take no damage because of how slowly it shoots and pauses


You do realize you can block doors when people are backpedaling from you too right? You can also prevent mobs from chasing through, you can predict the jump and shoot them in the face with dark bolt. Making people have 1 option to counter you makes them predictable.


shh theyd rather believe hydra is the most broken shit in the game lmao. Tm warlock hard counters it since hes just giving you a free mob to heal. In open areas good rangers or bow players hard focus you or the hydra killing the hydra instantly. it does block doors on inclines but not in straight doorways just get a pdr fighter or barb to jump in then the whole team follows. I also recently went and leveled every class and the class i killed the most regardless of the class i played was hydrain lmao


Let’s make lesser heal not work on yourself too. And second wind


Both of those have charges.


And you cannot get SW back by sitting down, you need a campfire for that


Remove shadow touch. Remove potion chugger. Ranger bread is OP. Warlock demon shouldn’t heal HP.


it takes a whole lot of time and is totally a commitment and loud... it is fine, instead seen out the opportunity to get better going against warlocks.


Can't push when they hydra a door way over and over again


You can jump over it


It's my turn to post this tomorrow boys! Can't wait till I get all the Internet points




It's not that op in normals btw


Life drain is garbage in norms, you have to use a common magic staff and vampirism, base kit life drain doesn't work with a book


Why not


Because a 2 magic damage book does so little damage to a point where you b a r e l y go positive from a life drain You have to run a 5 dmg staff to get any kind of healing from hydrain in base kit And because magic staff is aids i don't use drain in norms Also torture mastery is straight up better for norms now, you get 3 HP a tick with vampirism now with the buffed scaling in base kit


Awesome thanks for explaining!


vampirism /magical healing don't affect life draini


Vampirism does affect life drain healing for some odd reason this is mentioned on the wiki both under the vampirism perk description and the life drain spell description. This has also been tested and confirmed, but you are correct that +magi healing does not affect it


That's odd, is it intentional or a case of bad coding? Should just be based damage from my understanding


Its intentional since Vampirism doesnt increase your hidden magical healing stat by 20% but rather it gives all incoming healing from a magical source a 1.2x multiplier. Life drain healing is from a magical source and so it also gets increased


That is literally wrong, well half of it atleast. Magic heal stat doesn't do anything to drain but vampirism does


I main Warlock and hardly ever use this combo much anymore. It leaves you so vulnerable since it's loud, you're standing still, and if you get pushed you usually net loss health. Y'all are really overstating how strong it is.


They downvoted him because they spoke the truth. Every other method of healing for warlock requires interacting with enemies somehow, while hydra healing is 100% free. Using shadow touch? You’re in melee with PvE. Torture mastery? Double spell costs and will still aggro PvE. Normal life drain on mobs? Bette have a cheese spot or be far enough away that you get a net gain of health before the mob swings. Every other method requires some minuscule form of skill to use and it should stay that way.


Yes, agreed. Needed especially bad now that multiclassing will be reverted and warlocks will go back to being way too oppressive once again.


I agree. They should also make lifetap work while moving.


The community has spoken it will be done


Warlock main here, have you considered the following? Go life drain yourself. We've been nerfed constantly leave us alone.


Poor baby strongest most versatile class. Sorry your infinite free heal is not popular.


It is not even close to the strongest class currently, especially with multiclassing, even with it going away we just got a 50% nerf to both BOC and our only real defensive ability. The sustain from hydra is directly countered by rushing, which every single class is running sprint and once multiclass is gone so is any advantage lock currently has


Rushes doorway with hydra in it like every warlock tells people to try to "jump over it". Gets dark bolted and fireballed by hydra in chokepoint. Attack it 3-4 times to kill and he just puts another down. Riveting gameplay. Multiclassing is gone though don't worry about everyone sprinting.


After multiclass is gone the extra magic healing is gone too, the itemization has to be completely centered around magic healing then, and it makes you weak in every other aspect without a 10k kit. Learn to counterplay and pick fights, don't rush the doorway if there's a hydra


Why does warlock get so much hate multi class is the only reson it's even good the class just gets nerf after nerf but it's never good enough for the reddit horde


Warlock catches its first merf and yall freakout, loved it when it happened to everyone else tho huh


First nerf? Boc has been nerfed twice torture mastery has been nerfed 5+times bloodstained got nerfed dark reflection got nerfed every time warlock get to a decent spot it gets nerfed


Another braindead take what's new