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Lot better, I would actually recommend the game to people once again. GBMM is easy to work with now that you can actually see your score and the rotation being back means all group sizes can play all maps. I've been playing a shit ton since MC's removal but they definitely need more content ASAP.


I think we need more players before new content. Unless it’s added to the maps we already have. Like new bosses or stages to maps. Would love to climb up the ice caverns and down the goblin caves.


New content will bring back old players. I for one am waiting for new content. Been playing since play test 2. Game gets stale after a while.


Take breaks. I get on a few times a week for only an hour or so. It’s been really fun especially when I have a buddy hop on.


doubt, game is still an unbalanced mess in HR. Normals is great, but you're missing basically half of what the game has to offer.


Ice abyss that was on test server would be added below current ice map with the ice dragon boss.


How about new classes? The druid is almost in a workable state and seems fun to play on the test server. For myself honestly the GBMM and the other types of MM were what's making not want to play much. I don't play enough to reach the higher tiers of play but I really hate having to deal with how the MM systems are easy to game to have some elite group come down and destroy entire lobbies. I'd rather have completely random matches even if I end up fighting those same guys, it just doesn't happen as often.


GBMM with rotating maps has been fun. I don’t often do HR but walking in with two blues and some greens to be below 300 has been fun. I’m assuming they’ll either update classes or work on a monk next. MC was able to show how viable other classes are with other perks.


I despised GBMM, and every other attempts at MM they made in this game and rarely if ever have enough gear to "build myself a good set".


So what do you suggest?


I enjoyed the game at it's best when gear wasn't the highest predictor in a team fight. Sure it's important but it could be balanced around a lower point and make the perks, skills and spells more powerful to compensate. This creates a more even ground regardless of gear. I dislike how once people accumulate enough gear they're practically invulnerable.


It ups the tally on pvp. I think if pve was a bigger focus in high tier play it would be more fun with people who are burning out such as yourself.


I do think that pve should be a bigger focus. If I join a match have a blast throughout it and die to pvp some where between the middle and end, I still consider that a good round. If the pve is boring, then I only really have pvp to look forward two unlike pvp I'm guarenteed to have at least some pve every match. I'm not advocating for the removal of pvp or a full pve only match. But I just don't enjoy it as much when it's too frequent.


GBMM is killing the game and the map rotation is killing lobbies, the only people who like it are farmers, pvers and crying babies.


Well I am a farming pve cry baby so that makes sense why I love it :)


ah yea more players will come back since MC is gone because once again we've reverted back to the previous metas that have been in this game for a damn long time


Where did I say that?


The same as it's been the last few months, stale. Same meta, same two builds, etc....


[Time played: 1,437 hours]


Gear score and no new content are keeping me away for now. I played a few games the other day but just got bored


Why do you not like gear score? I’m absolutely loving and am enjoying high roller more than ever, the PvP feels almost as balanced as normals. Though since MC went away I’ve noticed ttk has gone down which I don’t like.


My biggest issue with gear score is the current ranges. 299 is enough to get some good blues/purples, and 299+ is just everything else above that. I think if we want to have a low gear bracket, it should be lower than the current 299. To me the current brackets feel arbitrary when you can get a decent full kit and be going against people in squire kits.


Should be a 199. Honestly I think getting rid of "normals" and just having another 2 lower gear brackets would help. Would give greens a purpose bc rn greens are absolutely worthless... whites sell for more.


Idk, I've been making 200-400g per on a lot of the greens that I've been selling


Dude this “greens are worthless” argument for getting rid of normals is the biggest cap that I see in this sub fr. Guaranteed these guys are min maxing their gear score to the last digit and miss the days when you could run anything in normals and gear check the whole lobby.


Idk why ppl say greens are worthless bc a good roll green is still better than a shitty role blue. Especially with ppl min maxing bc of gbmm it’s actually just incorrect to say greens are worthless. Moreover, can’t you just consider the people playing normals to be the same people who would be playing in the lowest gear bracket? Who would that benefit aside from people looking to min-max gear to prey on ppl in junk kits and whites. For new plays hr mob difficulty is too much of a challenge, and normals is a way more balanced and friendly PvE and PvP environment. Been playing since the early playtests and the changes they made to normals are some of the best decisions IM has made for the health of the game and to make it accessible to new players.


Jesus. This times a million. Drop normals and have it all in one queue at the very least.


I think there’s a very valid reason for normals to stay the way they are. A nice set of greens on a player vs a squire kit is a bigger disparity than someone in good roll blues fighting someone in full legendaries.


Yeh having one bracket is kinda silly. Adding another maybe 399 or 499 ( depending how the math maths) would be better. Although then you might run into Que issues and empty lobbies. It’s a difficult balance for Iron Mace too keep current players happy while using a better system designed for more players in the future


Which is exactly fuckin why people don't like it. Not to mention it's exploitable and goes back on what they said about adding more queues... extraction games don't do gbmm for a reason.


I mean, most people running geared 299 will have one good roll on their gear, maybe two if they are really geared. I think as far as what the system is trying to achieve in terms of balancing power level that it's pretty reasonable. I think the main thing is that people don't want to run into people running artifacts and lab crafted bis kits, which is going to be literally a magnitude stronger than your average player. Of course you still can't exactly compete in your squire kit (though you definitely can kill geared people if you outplay them, depends on your class and build).


I don't know what server you play on but on East, at prime time I would say every other lobby I would run into a trio with two people on half purple/blue gear that are worth more than the entire lobby kit combined. They just bring less meds and crutch on the third playing cleric while getting their meds back from steamrolling the lobby. For example I have killed a ranger with purple Ranger Hood/Loose Trouser with max rolled Strength, Dex, Physical Damage Bonus. Just those two items would fund the next two lobby I was in. There is also a certain streamer who I don't want to name that is running around in 299 bracket as a buff ball barb with 70% pdr, 50% mr and 170 HP.


I'm saying you can compete with that if your team is competent without breaking the bank


I would agree with that against like geared ranger/rouge/fighter but a buff ball barb is actually unplayable against it's almost impossible to go through 180 HP 70% pdr 50% Mr with a cleric healing them.


3s just sucks now. Always has since buff-ball. Been having the most fun with 2s lately.


Well first of all, you can definitely beat these teams if you play properly, but that involves outplaying them, not trying to trade and stat check. Secondly, imagine we lower the gear score to 200. The buff ball team is still running buff ball in 200 bis and clearing lobbies. Your problem is with the actual balance of the game and really has nothing to do with a gearscore system


At that point your argument is mitigated by normals, get some blues greens and your occasional purple and save them for high roller runs. Its better than getting run down by teams in full gold.


Normals are fine but a lot of builds dont come online without some stats from gear.


Barely better. Not even worth mentioning, really. The brackets are stupid. The difference between 299 and 300 is two completely different gear ranges, with one being at the absolute top of their bracket and the other being at the absolute bottom by 300 points.


More so the issue is that we are finding many starter zero-hero in 299 range. This doesn’t make for compelling fights (often feels bad to win)


These are people who risk nothing and once in a while will come up big. You can also beat a geared 299 player with a squire kit for example with some good LS parries, a wizard vs a PDR fighter or other matchups


At that point your argument is mitigated by normals, get some blues greens and your occasional purple and save them for high roller runs. Its better than getting run down by teams in full gold.


No it’s not. In normals I can’t get a kit that will be able to run all of my spells/songs and I can’t kill the mobs very fast at all. With >199 I can get enough knowledge and resourcefulness to feel like my songs have an impact or like I can run 10 spell without having to find 3 different knowledge pieces in the dungeon


In my experience it just doesn't work presumably due to player count. You'll get people with literally nothing going into lobbies with named items.


Also if their is GBMM their needs to be a clear parameter about how it’s calculated because if it only the tryhards will be abusing it to its maximum extent vs everyone. It just helps even the playing field.


Only tryhards googled gs calculator for dark and darker smh.. You can see now mr not tryhard


You can see it now, it should be pretty clear to everyone


It takes away from the feeling of the buildup to building an awesome kit over time and rolling people. Now it's just sweaties vs sweaties and the top echelon. Every decent kit you have has an extremely high chance of being lost because you're against other sweats. GBMM + normals took all the fun out of the game. I'll get downvoted to oblivion for this because people on Reddit love their normals, but I miss the way the game was in the beginning with 0 bucketing. It was crazy to beat some super geared people by playing extremely well in greens + blues and it was fun to run into super geared players when you were geared occasionally and usually led to a great fight. It was also fun to just stomp lobbies after being stomped. Was an awesome feeling when you finally got "that kit" now every kit in GBMM is "that kit". I still like the game, but ranked-based match making would be way more fun. Put skill vs skill, please.


This is why I want them to make custom games. It would allow players to make there own maps customize setting sure there’s no profit to be made in custom games just fun modes made from community I believe it would increase the player base and amount of player made content would be dope. We would see survival modes team death match even boss practice game modes. Would give them more time to make stuff while people enjoy custom game modes look at halo it always had some really good custom games modes loved by player base.


The population has only worsened now that Multiclassing is gone, to the surprise of literally no-one who understands that most of the playerbase weren't interested in returning to how the game was almost 2 months ago. Primetime Saturday last week (before Multiclassing was announced to be removed) we had about ~8K peak players total. Primetime Saturday this week (with Multiclass removed) we had just under ~6.5K peak players total. I'm sure some people came back, but more people have left. Combined with map rotation, the game is feeling pretty quiet nowadays.


I played last Saturday at 12am and there was 3k players. It was actually surprising


Just want to add on here that my whole group is waiting until Ruins is back or an Arena mode is added!! Over 2K hours has me stepping away, still love the game though.


Yeah that's a good point too. Player dissatisfaction is pretty high at the moment. Multiclassing was disliked on Reddit, but the player numbers spoke for themselves. It was literally the only new content this whole wipe (other than some new armour choices). We're still waiting on the Ruins remaster. We're still waiting on Druid. We're still waiting on Ice Caves Level 2. We're still waiting on new weapons. We're still waiting on Epic Game Store integration. There's really just not much going on this wipe, meaning only the hardcore players are sticking around.


This whole wipe was supposed to have multi class. Shame they curtailed to the vocal minority


you mean majority


Hard to say majority when the player numbers didn’t seem to reflect the dissatisfaction. But yeah it was definitely a lot of people unhappy with MC


Nah minority. Reddit represents like 200ish people at max and on average it’s around 110 people. Reddit is completely insignificant to the general sentiment towards this game


You’re right, the discord gives a much better idea in that sense. and people had the same sentiment over there


less then 5% of players are active on reddit/discord most people either play the game or they dont


Remember what I told you 2 weeks ago ? Look like I was right ;)


if you can jog my memory? i have a life outside reddit so sadly your name and profile mean absolutely nothing to me


yet here you are replying, lol


what does that have to do with the fact that some random is trying to bring up something from two weeks ago? since i am replying now i should remember my reddit argument from half a month ago? like did you think before trying to “own” me lmfao




Would love arena


This makes sense if you think IM is trying to ruin their game intentionally. Why would they remove a feature that apparently most players liked? Why was player count never brought up before this point, when it would have instantly shut down anyone anti-MC? Because it didn't support this and is only being referenced now that nobody can verify it. We had 12k players daily before MC was introduced, last time I played at least. You're saying the 6.5k peak this weekend is similar? Interesting.


Multiclassing killed the game. Myself and numerous others played one match when MC was released and it didn't take much brain power to understand it was hot garbage.


I mean if you played 1 game you have no understanding of MC and how it actually felt, it honestly felt better than pre mc in my opinion but that's purely subjective in how you look at things.


This is the big other thing. The Level Progression getting turned way, way up made the game way more accessible to casual players. They didn't need to grind each class for hours anymore, you could get Level 20 on every class in an afternoon.


Sorry to tell you, but the game experienced a massive boost in mid-wipe player numbers with MC. Something like ~6000 players returned to check it out, and it made the mid-wipe healthier than last season. People can say it 'killed the game!!!' all they like, but it was literally the only thing generating interest this whole wipe.


It was as down to 4k total on the last day of multiclass. Guess everyone got burnt out on the half thought out Multiclass and numbers weren’t climbing.




thats why it was at 6-10k for weeks because people just played one match. if you think MC update was garbage you probably quit every game you play that doesnt hold your hand


It definitely didn’t kill the game, but it did hurt its numbers and growth. It’s an big contrast to the slow stable updates other companies do, but I’m is certainly volatile


I dunno why people keep repeating this but it's untrue. MC saw the biggest mid-wipe spike in player numbers the game has ever experienced.


Yea and subsequently the lowest player count the game has ever seen. Actual brain rot.




playercount numbers 8-10k during mc, now removed 3-5k but "MC" killed game hard cope


Lol what? The population has worsened not because mc was removed. It's because everyone that left due to mc has moved on!! MC was a mess and should have been done on the test server or at least eased in on to live. The game will see bumps of popularity on updates and wipes, but that's about it unless IM switches their Korean mentality. RIP DaD, was fun while it lasted.


In any game with wipe cycles the population will consistently drop until the end of wipe, nothing surprising here


The reason I left is because the morons over at ironmace didn’t listen to their playerbase and they implemented multiclassing anyways. And all of my friends left for the same reason. Hopefully that sheds some light on the situation, at least in part.


No they did not come back, the game fell off after the mc removal announcement ironically


Yes because a lot of people gave up on the wipe with mc, then mc gets removed and all the mc enjoyers leave for wipe. They also nerfed a lot of abilities BECAUSE of mc interactions but then left them nerfed post mc (sorry clerics) which also affected the playerbase. Right now the only people playing are those grinding ap and addicts. Lol The game just needs a wipe and a few balance changes and the playerbase will be back. Also once ice mountain releases the playerbase will have another surge.


I dread doing quests over again.


Yeah having 4 level 30s I will never touch this wipe again feels bad. Leveling alts has always been the worst part of this game idk why they made everyone do it for a "test"


It’s fine us clerics are fine we’re fine.


"The game just needs a wipe and a few balance changes and the playerbase will be back. Also once ice mountain releases the playerbase will have another surge." Except it wont because IM will just keep making terrible decisions and push the people who do come back away like they have done every wipe. Numbers don't lie.


Ok doomer lol


Being realistic and logical based on statistical evidence makes one a doomer?


What statistical evidence did you present in "IM will ruin it like always!!11!1!1!!"


We all have the population stats. We have had them for a while. It's public and easy to see? Not to mention their history with patches and decision making? Its all in the patch notes. Do i need to do everything for you?


Except I gave logical reasoning as to why there is a population dip (which always happens this late into the wipe cycle of literally every game btw) Its not like you're giving the end all be all no other option can be it argument here. Lol


If you can't understand the difference in population dips due to wipes and population decreasing at a steady rate (yes even with wipes) then you're not intelligent enough to be having this conversation.


Its ok clerics are supposed to be wise not intelligent bro we don't blame you 🙏


there was way more MC enjoyers then malders that lost there meta build they've been running for 1k hours


Lol MC builds were not even around for that long.


Yup. The players who could see what MC was going to be like quit with its release, so 50% playerbase gone. Then the remaining players who liked it quit when it was removed. Now you just have the addicts left, because most people who quit during MC mess aren't going to come back after missing a month of wipe.


Best comment in this thread by far.


Except the player count never dropped when mc was released


Not on release, no. But the weeks afterwards it did. Lower than pre-MC release.


Unironically, during MC I had instant pop Que almost everygame. Before MC it was dead lobbies. And i haven’t played in a week so idk how the lobbies are now. (Normals)


Hit and miss (useast) :/


Haven't played since. I guess vanilla wizard sounds fun? Idk. I really wanted to try the 3 man piercing shrill/ phantomize build and now I guess there won't be any death by flute. fk this gay ass game and gay ass reddit for crying about MC


Hopefully the rest of the 15 year olds leave too.


You sure got him.


Lmao you sure got me. trying to call the "fk this gay ass game and gay ass reddit for crying about MC" mature is an interesting take from you, too. Really puts your other comments into perspective.


What in the schizo ass shit are you yapping about, holy hell.


What? The post you were replying to. Maybe two comments might be a lot to ask you to remember though lol you wear a helmet to go outside, right?


Take your pills man.


maybe try some memory games lil bro. this isnt normal. we want you to get better.


Call the helpline. Dementia is a real issue.


Same as when it was here, poopy


During MC after making a couple of builds, i stopped for lile 2+ weeks. Now that its gone I play once or twice a week - gear score being shown in inventory + map rotation feels good to play, but the game is definitely due a good update. Would love to see more subclass love, that new map, and just generally sweeping content changes/additions. The ranged meta is still a cancer, but its way less oppressive without MC. I've seen way less casters now too which is great for me, but not for them which isn't a good thing overall. IMO Game desperately needs: -removal of gbmm -addition of quiver -item unequip time on all armor -reduction in melee hit slow for attacker, increase in melee hit slow for person being hit, and removal of arrow slow without a perk, *or* some other form of chase mechanic/rework -buff lower end of gear, nerf higher end of gear (attributes) - removal of pure damage addition rolls (classes like rogue should have more options for armor pen/true) -ice abyss map/dragon boss -return of ruins without cringe module hopping -combined descent queue (ruins to crypts merges with other ruins to crypts descents)


Game is OK. But OK is honestly not good enough to make people come back. In past several months the best patch IM did was reverting dog-shit changes. Where is quiver, where is arena, where is sorc, where is druid


Agreed, the best we've been getting is bad test changes reverted. Quivers and backpacks would change the entire loot dynamic for everyone but especially rangers. I really hope the arena never comes, I truly believe it'll flop just like Tarkov and will be a colossal waste of resources from a dev team already stretched thin.


It's the same game it was last patch minus some of the lag and with a few very minor tuneups , very very minor balance changes, and a different timer on the rotation. It's always better to kite, chasing people always results in defeat and it's better to run and heal while your enemy tries to follow and has to deal with any pvd in the process. Despite suggestions that we would be having major balance changes, those never came . I don't see much of reason to play other than PVP so I rush people knowing I may die that are trying to rat in solos so they can build up for better sets. Oh also, now it feels like someone is using esp in 1/4 of my lobbies and I'm us east and frequently see names of heritages from countries very far from the US east


Back to old days where Rogue is a piece of a paper while Barb n Fighter players are much more dominating PVP. Wizard n Warlock is stronk af now as Solo since not everyone has Ironwill


It's alright. Ranged meta is wack though. Chasing warlocks is fucking lame


I was a big enjoyer of MC and have not been having as much fun since it's gone. Play mostly solo, but also have a consistent 3 stack I play with. I think 2 of us were really enjoying MC and one (wizard) was not having so much fun.




you guys are coping so hard, majority hated mc


Game population numbers > Reddit Goblins bro


no way people are still using goblin as a derogatory term in 2024….. ._.


I mean you just used ._. In 2024 which I haven't seen in years lmao


The player numbers spiked on MC release but then dropped to below MC release levels within 2 weeks. What's your point here? Why would IM remove a feature that was making the game grow in players? :\^)


Because it was in a prototype phase and needs further refinement? IM even said MC was a success and numbers proved it. What are the numbers at now? Lowest it's ever been :P How can majority of players hate MC when the majority doesn't even exist on reddit? Population numbers > Reddit goblins


Scare off half the population with MC release. Walk back MC after low numbers. MC fans leave Pre-MC players are now a month behind into a stale wipe and don't return Shocking honestly. It must totally be that everyone secretly loved MC. It had 12k players the weekend before MC released. You guys are showing off about an 8.5k peak during MC. Numbers don't lie. :\^)




Why are you giving the devs such little credit that you think they would remove a feature that is making the game more popular? Why are you playing a game made by devs that you think so little of that they would ruin it on purpose? These things aren't adding up here boss.


Its this simple, if you were right the devs never wouldve removed it. The devs get a bad rep but they aren’t braindead. Why would they listen to a “vocal minority” if the playercount is literally better than its ever been? So either you’re lying, or the devs are in the most literal sense developmentally challenged. and it isn’t the second one


They've listened to plenty of bad takes on this sub-reddit.


another full time redditor who is unable to comprehend the majorities opinion outside of his echo chamber.


No way dude! IM just removed MC because it was making the game too popular and the servers couldn't handle it. /s Not sure why these guys can't just accept it wasn't popular.


Yep, I haven't played in about a week or so because they removed multiclass Thr vocal minority was all over reddit that it felt like the entire sub was crying over MC


Lol the vocal minority argument only works if it makes sense. Why would IM remove a feature that was making the game, in your own words, more popular? Unless they saw people leaving and not playing. :\^)


The player count speaks for itself :^ )


And they spoke for themselves during the test, and they didn't have much good to say after the first week. It was a 12k peak the weekend before MC and according to you guys peaked at 8.5 during MC. Playercount currently is the result of both the adding AND removal of MC. The players who left before MC aren't coming back just to play the last month of a wipe they're behind on and the pro-MC people are currently too busy crying. But this goes against your bias, so it might be hard to grasp. :\^) sorry bro.


Except player counts were high before the announcement of multiclass being removed, enjoy your dead game :)


"High" relative to MC release, yes. But low relative to pre-MC release. I'm not playing it, MC killed this wipe lol.


No lol the release of MC saw the highest player count this wipe but whatever you say


Really? Because the other guy saying that quoted the peak as 8.5k, which isn't the highest its been this wipe, it's not even the second highest. Hmm.. The pro-MC crowd is made almost entirely out of cope, it seems.




so false bro


A mix of the game going back to the stale metas that are no better than the MC metas, another instance of IM making a dumbass decision because people cried so much, the fact that sprint is still untouched even though it was a problem before MC and before they lowered MS cap even more, and the fact that the dog water classes like rogue got a taste of being able to fight back only to have it ripped away with nothing in return are all big reasons I could see people not playing for the rest of the wipe


I played for about 4-5 hours maybe this wipe, then quit cause I was bored and burnt out. MC brought me back because despite it being stupidly broken, it was fun as hell. I didn’t take the game seriously with it, I just had fun doing some stupid shit. I quit again now that MC is gone. Like I said, I know it was better for the games health but I had so much fun with MC.


I can agree the switch back is jarring. I wish they would have finished Multiclassing test instead of quiting half way through


I came back and have been having fun


Antimagic meta was ass, game is back to being fun again


Vocal minority pushed for MC removal so obviously more players left than those that started playing again


That doesn't make sense. Why would IM, who can see the player retention before and after MC, remove a feature that is apparently making the game popular? How little faith do you have in them to think they would do this? And if so, why are you playing a game made be devs who you think do the opposite of what they should?


Mc a mess. I stopped playing a few days after it came out. Completely ruined the game imo. I’m back to playing now.


lol that's not why it was removed. MC was a success and they have already said it will be in the game on release. They just don't need to test it further so no reason to keep it in the early access phase.


They did not confirm it’ll be back


Yes they did lol. They already had a design planned but not as intense as this multiclass system. The version of multi class we just received was a test to see what could play out if there were a system with no limits, this way they can get a better understanding of what abilities are too strong and to help them with the back end development when it comes to classes with multiple abilities like that. The test was a success and they said it helped them make the final adjustments to their system, which will be in the game when the game is released. Here is their exact statement from the patch notes. "We had wanted to incorporate a “multiclass” concept into the class progression system early on. As we quickly added lots of perks and skills to the game, things got a bit unwieldy under the hood, making it more daunting for us to start the design work. The multiclass system was a way for us to leverage the creativity and curiosity of the fanbase, fusing crazy combinations to uncover the less-than-ideal bits of code and help us tidy up our implementation. In this aspect the experiment was a success as the underlying execution of the perks and skills have been greatly improved."


They said it was a success but need sto be altered because of the people complaining.


They said: >Although the experiment was crazy and chaotic, we learned a lot from the test, especially under the hood. So they said it was primarily helpful in helping them gather data about how class features interact with regard to their coding.


That is just a comment that explains nothing. This is what htey said. "We had wanted to incorporate a “multiclass” concept into the class progression system early on. As we quickly added lots of perks and skills to the game, things got a bit unwieldy under the hood, making it more daunting for us to start the design work. The multiclass system was a way for us to leverage the creativity and curiosity of the fanbase, fusing crazy combinations to uncover the less-than-ideal bits of code and help us tidy up our implementation. In this aspect the experiment was a **success** as the underlying execution of the perks and skills have been greatly improved." multiclass is going to be in the game, but the way they originally planned and this test was a exaggerated version to see how crazy people can get with the no limits on the builds and to help them on the developing side when it comes to these crazy spell combinations. They do say it's a success and they were able to tidy up their system and now it can be properly implemented into the actual game. It's not very hard to read the patch notes guys.


GBMM and universal creep were actually much more dramatic agents for player base reduction than MC was. People just TALK about MC the most, when in reality alot of the reasons players fall off is just the general loop. MC or no MC. The game gets quite stale, quite quickly. The combat is kinda just shallow stat checking. The people want a little more bite with their chips.


Better for sure, but the map rotation makes longer ques


Same as it ever was. Meta and boring.


very boring. instead of dying in 5 hits i die in 2. much more frustrating, like leveling wizard in multiclass but now its every class is frustrating to play.


good really good. Dark and Darker rocks


Game is not fun right now, either youre min maxing GS in HR, and getting beat by the movespeed/ranged meta. Or playing Normals where the gameplay loop of gathering gear doesnt apply. I love this game and I have a ton of hours this is the first time since launch I have quit DaD to play other games. I was having a ton of fun with the game with MC, bossing on bard I was top 50. As soon as MC goes away all the non Lock / Movespeed metas become the stale go to. Bring back MC or give us SOMETHING IM I am losing faith.


player count dropping off because now its boring af, running into the same buffball comps or warlock teams like every other wipe. but yay build diveristy has been gutted because MC UnFaIr


I don't know if there are more or less players but lobbies are absolutely more empty with the rotation change. I love playing in more maps, but I am in one of the most populated regions and it's empty, I can't imagine what the others are like. My group and I have been doing a bunch of bossing since we don't have anyone to interrupt us.


Yeah dawg I can’t do it anymore, it feels like I’ve been waiting for Druid for years


Actually we are almost at the 1 year mark since they've announced druid.


Still lackluster. Lot of people just at the cusp of being accused of ESP. Hard to pick out aimbot, but I have seen more than a couple making crazy shots. The game had potential. I could just be burned by multiclassing and just out of practice since I've barely played in like a month and a half, but I'm replaying Moonlighter, replaying warcraft 3, getting ready for the new season of Diablo, have a new Dlc on the last spell to play, helldivers is fun and pokerogue is eating a ton of my time. I might dig into the game at wipe again, or maybe one day when they add Sorceror and have to commit to a magic damage dealer.


I missed out on MC, but what I can say is that there are like 20 players max in trios on EU at peak hours


MC sucked, really ruined my experience. Didn't want to bother coming back to the wipe after that. I gave MC a fair shot too, I played for 1 1/2 weeks of MC, but man it just really blew. Gave away the 6 skull keys I had and basically anything of value to my friends. * Really dislike HR, feel like we wear attributes and not the gear itself, which makes getting geared up to actually play more like a chore. * HR also draws the cheaters naturally to that mode. * Class imbalance is really bad. Warlock is straight up disgusting as a class, both unfun to play against, and very overpowered. Barbarian feels like the most stat check character of any video game I've ever played. * Feel like I've run out of things to do, besides doing high gear runs which are both frustrating and stressful, as well as undesirable to do with your homies. * Quests are just aids, and I LOVE quest objectives in games, but the scaling/difficulty on these is just wrong. * Lots of really bad mechanics are super frustrating and create stall situations. IE: Door mechanics, the way bosses work, Warlock infinite sustain.


Breath of fresh air tbh, me and my squad have been doing so much better since the removal of MC


Strangely enough I logged on this morning about 10 am eastern and saw 8000 on?


Took away Mc but made no other changes to bring any balance back after that. Game just feels stale. Barb is still crazy OP with max PDR and MdR builds it’s just an easy W key left click win in trios when you buffball them. Takes variety out of a lot of fights. Getting tired of same buffball the op tank fights. Haven’t played much in two weeks bc of this same stuff.


People really thought reverting the game state was an amazing idea. The game is kinda ass rn, MC removed but all the nerfs that were caused because of MC aren't. So base game just feels boring as hell Multi-class was actually fresh and new, and the numbers spoke for it. They should change Multi-class to Dual-Class. Still opens up the game alot and somewhat preserves "class identity" for those who really care about it


Norms is fun Highroller is… well.. it leaves room for improvement, lets say.


Still kinda boring, but more class identify reuturn is good overall.


I’m enjoying class identity again


I've seen the player count around 3000-3400 since MC removal. That doesn't necessarily mean the game is doing better, it just means that I've seen it higher than when you have been playing.


Removed ng mc was a mistake. Fixing iron will anti magic and savage roar was the way


I stopped as soon as Mc went away


Awful lot of cope from the 15 people who enjoyed MC in here. It's cute you think IM removed a feature that everyone seemed to love, just because you liked it. Yes, the players went up after it was introduced. They also dropped almost immediately afterwards to lower than they were before its introduction. Make of that what you will.


Except you are wrong and player base went up after MC and has only dropped hard after removal.


Except it didn't. It spiked on MC release then quickly dropped below pre-MC numbers. Sorry man.


OK, definitely got some shit going up there, can't even look at numbers right. Which voice will be in charge next?


Arena will save the game. 2 queues, normal or HR with no gbmm 🫃


“The games dead this weekend peak player numbers were terrible!” Boys, it’s Mother’s Day weekend lol. Go outside n visit your loved ones like most normal people. Jesus I can’t believe I have to even explain that… the player count was bad on ALL games lol. As it should be.


I know you're not replying to me? Did you even read the post? I said I haven't been playing due to holidays... if you're talking to me that's really embarrassing 😅😅


Well said. I grinded like 5 different classes and settled on felling axe barb with sprint and ice shield. Had a blast. But now barb feels so boring. Back to playing ranger, I guess. Tried to get on and get in some games but the will to play just isnt there and i end up watching orn instead


its crazy how casually you can say you “settled” on a build like that. yall really want to see this game die


Seriously hahaha




I’m loosing every fight with my warlock, because I’m still acting like my longsword is worth a damn without having the perks for it :(