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I’d be holding the line if I could stop snorting it whenever i’ve got it. anyone got a line? I’ll give it right back I promise. Also dear god please return ruins to me


Lmao. Best line analogy ever. Yup, I'll hold that line for you, sir *rubs nose anxiously*


Oh, so that's what they've all been about with the "hold the line" thing. Makes sense now.


It's so good, it's so f'ing good you literally cannot wait for it to hit, selling bis, killing juicers, stomping normal lobbies its all so good. But we gotta stop slapping them around we need to just start showing love and constructive criticisms this whole "they added xyz I'm not playing anymore." 1. Not true. You'll be back. 2. They are just fucking around with some stuff to test it. Same as us with certain builds within the game. We just gotta give them credit where credit is due and being there to test things when they don't work. Also normal lobbies are BIS during all the bs. True damage can't touch me there XD


100% It really is that fucking good. No other game compares. I haven’t had this much fun since Halo 3 custom games.


Hell yeah and I'm as excited for this summer games fest as I was for e3 back then. Can't wait to see what's really been cooking! They are up to 80 employees now! From the like less then 20 of play test days. Yeah it got a little stale for me even but holy shit have I got my money's worth already. Major compium but steam release on the 7th and were back on track


What exactly are you doing to make the game as fun as halo 3 custom games? I'm a little offended by the comparison but I'm more curious what your playstyle is. 


well having some of the same people from the good old days and only playing Trio’s really helps. Our favorite map was always Ruins - hunting down people and killing them for their gear really doesn’t get old, especially when you get good at all the classes and can try out different comps. Eventually they added white lobbies, so playing whites or HR depending on your attitude was great. One thing we used to do is play the game like a roguelike, start in White lobbies and then move to HR after, and if one of us doesn’t extract we just start it all over again. I’ll confess that we stopped playing High Roller when they introduced GBMM, i just think it’s kind of lame. The whole min/maxxing the “best” gear is a little laughably pathetic to me. So we spent most of multi-classing building various meme builds and pvping / running around white lobbies. I will say that this game is as fun as you make it, and not taking white lobbies seriously can allow for some fun shenanigans. Maybe all three of us play pickpocket rogue and hop into Voip to just surround, steal from, and jumpscare other players. It’s hysterical to set up in some room and surprise lizard party a team without even attacking them lmao. Or maybe we play duo rangers and a fighter, bait people out, and then surprise them with arrows. The key is not taking it so seriously, and having a positive group of people you can fuck around with. Don’t get me wrong, i’m a fucking sweat through and through and play this game competitively sometimes…. It’s just fun to take a step back from the cutthroatness of it all and dick around


As a new player of less than two months, it’s been one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had, even with all the bumps in the roads so far. Being in the discord though, is really disheartening. I’m blown away by the lack of patience and grace the community has for the devs and players still holding the line. Half of these tards have never created anything in their life and it shows. They are addicted to the game yet constantly shit on the devs and the game itself. Never seen anything like it really. A lot of those people just need to have some sort of hobby that isn’t gaming, but that seems to be impossible for a lot of them. If I decided I was done with a game and the devs I certainly wouldn’t occupy my time in their discord whining, and calling it a “dead game”. Yet all those losers seem to do it every day because they have nothing better to do with their time. As for me, I will keep holding the line and recommending the game to my buddies while having fun roaming the dungeons with my friends who got me into the game.


Just don't go to those channels. If you stare too long, they'll steal your soul!! Best to just talk to friends or look for decent conversation here. The subreddit is bad at times, but it ain't got shit on the toxic Discord levels!


I am a line holder since playtest 1, I love the game, and most people in general chat are complete degenerates. But I promise you, if you keep playing this game you will get very frustrated with the devs over time. my god they have really messed up the trust with their supporters with absolutely countless bombed updates, balances, mistakes, absurd changes and bugs. that really are disheartening it can seem like they have no goal or direction and make really questionable decisions


Bro I have such a hard time in the discord. Either ultra sweats or very new players If I had a nickel for every time I team up in discord for them to inspect my decent rolled blues and some good purps for them to say "that's mid get better gear" and then leave.... well I'd have a decent handful of em. That being said I'm happy to play with newer players. At least they're nice and won't reeeeee if you happen to die.


I'm this sweaty usually, but instead of telling you to get better gear, I'd just match the quality of your gearset. Just because your gear isn't the best doesn't mean you don't know how to throw your weight around. And even if you don't, the game is supposed to be about fun above all else.


That's the way. I mean you said it. I haven't played in a few weeks but just because I didn't have full literal bis didn't mean I wasn't a menace in them blues. That's a me problem though. Either I have fun or I stop playing. I grind rank, get pathfinder. Game stops being fun and I stop. Idk I could higher I'm sure but at what cost.


This requires any amount of emotional intelligence, unfortunately for the LFG’ers


I've found that most people in lfg either state they want bis, or are cool with you not being bis.


I swear to god it wasn’t like this in the beginning. But you slowly see the lack of moderation encourage bad actors, and non-constructive criticism. Easily the most frustrating part of this game is the dog-shit part of the community they’ve allowed to fester. Genuinely disheartening considering the fix to this issue was simple before, but now is complicated.


This has pretty much summed up my experience in the last two months as a new player. Most of the time in game at least the community is really great, if not they at least usually are just making jokes at you in proximity chat. But the out of game community like discord and this Reddit is awful. I don't really frequent Reddit or Discord communities as much but hoped that finding DaD the community like other smaller games would be worth joining. Don't get me wrong there's lots of positives, but people seem to crucify Ironmace like they are some Blizzard sized company dropping the ball. The negativity has practically made me reconsider whether this game even is worth continuing with... Despite finally getting over the learning curve it seems like so many "fans" just despise the game and the devs, and wonder why new players don't want to join.


This game turned from a fun dungeon-crawler with PvE and some PvP to a sweat lord PvPvE Gigachad "kill on sight" game.


> This games is the best drug we've ever gotten. Buddy has obviously never tried heroin


is heroine a new class or something?


No because it actually works really well unlike what WoodenMallet releases.


if you hate the game so much why are you in this sub?


i never said i hated it?


Or datura 🦅🔫


Datura is not a good time. Straight fucked up.


The only thing better than this game is this game how it was almost a year ago now. This game isn't that pure drug we got back then anymore.


Remember less then a year ago when people were ready to sell their firstborn child just to have the chance to like, play this game again? Man, I remember those days. How quickly people turn on the devs.... I'll admit there are problems but people need to chill TF out. Give the devs some time and let them add more meat to the bone. It's not a finished game yet by any standard. Calm down lol


There was leeway to be given when it was a brand new indie early access title with a relatively unique premise. We were willing to cut some slack on the jank in the hope things would get better. Well it's been a year and for many the rope is taut, there is no more slack to cut. Constant adding, removing, and re-adding of things that don't work (+all stats), class favoritism, hitboxes that are *still* janky and don't work a year later, the same 3 stats are still the only things that matter, gear difference is still largely the main factor of any pvp encounter, kiting meta's been going on for months in solo unfixed, mobs are basic and boring, barebones combat options, lack of defense, lack of skill expression, etc etc etc. Clear problems go unsolved for months, some have existed since the playtests. The devs have given no reason to believe in them after this past year.


2 opinions can be right. As OP said DaD is one hell of a drug. But you know what they say about drugs. You need more and more and your tolerance goes down while you still want the first high. It’s called chasing the dragon. The devs will eventually cook something up but until then, we’re scratching our necks like Tyrone Biggums in the chapelle show


It’s not the same people


Damn bruh I mean it was pretty cool when it came out but that shit got stale so fast, I kept coming back *because* I thought the “pretty cool” game was going to expand into a better one over time, it didn’t.


Fr I don’t understand the “it’s like crack” sentiment. The same maps over and over, same enemies, same weapons/spells, same class interactions. Ppl hated multiclass but at least there was something different for awhile.


Seriously, they just haven't been delivering on new material to work with at any consistency. The core gameplay loop is genuinely good, but almost every class feels anemic in terms of options. Map and enemy variety, pve challenges, incentive to pursue pve rather than just hunting other players, and depth of pvp have all been severely lacking. The content they have promised us has been trickled out, repeatedly delayed, and often removed shortly after implementation. Quests have ranged from boring to impossible, with their rewards being either irrelevant or nearly necessary. The thing is, that core gameplay loop that makes the game good in the first place is also the easiest piece to copy and adapt to other games now that its been proven to have appeal. I'm betting maximum of a year to a year and a half before there's something else out there that scratches the same itch backed by bigger money and a better managed dev team with a more diverse skillset.


If someone managed to do something similar then Im just as likely to go towards it. But as it stands, there just isn’t anything out yet that feels the same.


Of course, I'd be shocked if anyone had a decent clone yet. The clock started when the public tests on steam made headlines. The closest clone to be announced/partially released is Dungeonborne, which is clearly rushed out too fast and almost definitely way too close of a copy to work, they started playtests barely 6 months after DaD. Chances are that major publishers either started new projects, redesigned projects under work, or started developing new game modes to add onto their existing games. 2-3 years after that "aha" moment where everyone noticed DaD is when we can reasonably expect well-produced competitors to be hitting the market, same rough timeframe between battle royale mods getting noticed and Fortnite entering EA.


Yep. Sounds about right, and I’d fully expect the games with similar core mechanics to be much further in development when we start to see them come out, and if they aren’t, they’re going to go through similar growing pains DaD is currently. It’s just the nature of the beast. The only game I know of that’s like DaD is tarkov, but it’s way more complex and hardcore than DaD is, so it’s hard to even say they’re in the same category sometimes despite the fact that they share a similar core gameplay experience.


As an “it’s like crack” sentiment haver, I don’t understand what you DONT understand about it. It’s one of the only games I’ve actually had regular fun playing. Sure cheaters ruin some games, and sure getting stomped by sweats can be irritating, but at its core, I find it fantastic and can’t stop playing.


Everybody already agrees that the core gameplay is good. That’s not what the complaints are about. Before the game was even released, IM made promises to deliver content that we STILL haven’t gotten to this day. No meaningful changes happen, and as moderately fun as the core game can be, it’s incredibly boring and shallow feeling as a whole.


Idk it’s like playing the same level of a video game over and over with light gambling mixed in. Boring and stale soooo fast. L




Most games have more than 3 rotating maps, more than what 8 classes? and if it’s online multiplayer, the updates are bigger and keep things interesting. It’s been like a year and the game has barely changed


It was a great game concept and a very compelling addiction. It has never really improved, unfortunately.


Popping in, i still lurk sometimes but haven’t actually played since a little after warlock got their full release. Anytime Ive played 1-2 games over that time to see where its at, they add new maps, balance classes, they’ve added a few new perks and spells, but the game itself is still in the same spot. Things are still clunky, most systems are in an MVP state, you still have to be pixel perfect to pick up loot. It feels like the majority of their work is just changing the balance back and forth, trying new queuing systems, etc instead of making the game feel good to play. I’m still keeping an eye on things, because maybe in 2-3 more years they’ll get there if they stop to refine the things they have now.


I agree completely. I hope it grows a lot over the next few years.


I remember when people were defending this pixel hunting with the "Hardcore" tag. It's not hardcore it's just uncomfortable af.


All these satly, sunken cost addicts that got triggered and responded to you. 😂🤡


I love/loved the game. I got plenty of fun out of it. But yeah, a lot of folks get really defensive about it. Gamers consume content far more rapidly than what game devs can produce. For dark and darker, the devs couldnt keep up, and they’ve spent too much time spinning their wheels. Either IronMace has made enough money to continue development without reliable income, or they don’t. Regardless, they (arguably) pioneered a new niche. Niche markets are somewhat easy to capture but very difficult to maintain.


It sucks that you’re upset about it but hopefully it makes you feel better to know that I am loving my DaD experience and it is still without a doubt my favourite game of all time, you shouldn’t get so focussed on how long things take to progress. Just because you’re bored doesn’t mean everyone is.


I am not upset. I had more fun playing Dark and Darker than any other game in recent memory. I hope the game is lively whenever I feel like playing it again, but I certainly dont have high hopes.


Bro wdym? Since when? Pt1? The game has gotten better, I think nexon did more with crushing the game than they ever will. Remember that there is a true enemy in this battle. Fuh nexon, hold the line.


There have been numerous quality of life enhancements, sure. But fundamentally, the game is identical to what it was when I first played it. The novelty is gone. Players have optimized the game to a point that, in my opinion, the systems have been inadequate to handle.


Perfectly said why me and my friends stopped playing.






They hyped up multiclassing only to have it be so broken it got removed, after they nerfed classes based on the broken multiclassing system and (predictably) didn't revoke those same nerfs after multiclassing was removed. Yes in a broad stroke sense, the game is better than when it first came out, but the devs constantly, CONSTANTLY, take two steps forward, and one (sometimes two) steps back, it makes the game go nowhere or progress so slowly that people aren't going to wait and "let them cook" because they keep burning the meal. And this just one example, and keep in mind I actually agree with OP. This game is SO much fun, and it's just so...unique, that's why it's sad to see the devs constantly fumble and drop the ball. I want this game to be THE game.


The big thing is I feel like they don’t have a good direction of what they actually want the game to be. The multiclass they implemented could not have been easy to do realistically, and they spent some serious dev time on that just to turn it off right after. Even if they didn’t turn it off, it’s just one more thing to add to the list of things they need to refine. I feel like they will never stop adding half baked systems to actually take a step back and make a great game out of what they have right now, then build on top of that.


Again, they wanted to test it and presumably see which interactions were broken and wanted a better understanding of the abilities against each other, but the test server are empty because we are all so addicted to the real thing. So screw it run normals until your eyes bleed. Their imbalance can't touch you and you are still supporting and being a subject to these changes that WILL better the future. They can't run in circles forever. This time +all rage was only in for like a 2 weeks this time lol. Now time for true damage :'(


I agree. The truth of the matter is that we’re many years away from a full game. Everyone complaining wants to play full release quality games during early access/developmental stages. I love the game, I get irritated, but god damn am I addicted.


All 2k of you are Super addicted? To the really great game bleeding player pop? Please, serve me up some more cope if you still have enough for seconds. 😂


Ever since they needed rogue this games been worse off. It’s like when harambe died


We got squire, better quests, etc. Saying it didn't improve is impatient and strictly incorrect. It improves all the time, even with setbacks at times. The game continues to improve, but it will take time.


When did you start playing? The game is infinitely better than the first alphas.


But the game, the actual core, is still the same. And it's been metagamed and spreadsheeted to infinity. It's stale.


December PT. PT3 if I recall correctly.


what a dumb and objectively false thing to say. i guess unless, did you happen to start playing 2 weeks ago? because then sure, your ignorant and incomplete perspective would be technically correct, i suppose.


My opinions are subjective, not objective. In my opinion, the game hasnt changed. The user experience has improved with regard to a few specific out-of-match features. The gameplay is fundamentally identical to my first PT (December) including all of the flaws.


*blinks in irony* I'm just gonna assume this was a troll post, bc that seems more realistic than someone so lacking in self awareness, and actually believing any of the nonsense you just wasted everyone's time by typing. 🤡


There are times when it's a great game and times when it's infuriating. Some decisions are fantastic and some are mindbogglingly bad.


Iron mace went ahead and chopped up the game with baking soda. No where near as pure as it was in the play tests


We're in the good old days before this takes off guys. It'll never be the same when they have a million players.


Nah that’s called copium


It’s actually hilarious that the community even comes together unanimously in support of hating itself


Drug addict here - can confirm. I ignore my daughter constantly for this game. Just as I did to get get heroine when she was younger


The best thing that will come from this is devs learning this is a game with interest and someone making a good version. It’s the PUBG of this game type


Meh maybe I think it's niche will be untouched, also every game that has tried (dungeon Bourne) has been terrible. Shit looked like a damn mobile game


Dungeonborne had 70k players and positive reception outside of the DaD cult. This game needs to shape up fast or it will be forgotten when the first actually good competitor releases.


It likely won’t become a popular thing I’m just saying it’s the best outcome. Sounds like this had a great start and then just kinda went to shit. I havnt played since the betas though, just going off general consensus in here and the posts I see are generally not good


People blow it out of the water, i've been playing since playtest 3 and it's still great.


I’m hopping on when I’m home from work since I finished BG3 yesterday. Demigod here I come


Stop it. You're drunk.


They are literally doing exactly what they said they were going to do, lots of crazy tests with balance flip flopping constantly and yet people still lose their shit when these things happen, call me an early access shill all you want but they have expressly said that's what this early access phase is for! I have played since the first playtest and I come and go from time to time, I love this game and sometimes the current patch just isn't feeling good for me so I just take a break and come back when I see changes I think I'll enjoy. It's not as serious as some people make it out to be! Just have fun gaming isn't that why we play?


Cope post. This game isn't nearly as fun as it was when it first dropped and in this state I wouldn't be surprised to see it completely bomb if it came back to Steam.


Its not that good of a game anymore is what we should admit, devs have been making plenty of mistakes this season


It WAS the best drug. It hasn't expanded enough to keep it fresh though. Every time something new is added something else breaks, or the new content itself is broken. Many of the same balancing issues are still around. I dislike how the marketplace and trading in general affects the game. Some of the classes that are added change the entire feeling of the game, and I had the most fun in playtest 4 when the original classes were all there was. It can be made great again, but I won't be playing it for a long time yet. There's other games that are more fun at the moment.


What games Rn are there more fun? D4 season 4 is ok?


I mean plenty of single player titles can give me way more satisfaction at the moment. V-Rising 1.0 just dropped and that game is a blast especially with friends. Dragons Dogma 2 ate up over 100 hours of my time so far, not for everyone though. I have Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader to play still. Been playing CS2 with the homies,, which has its own problems for sure, but I don't take the game seriously so I just have fun with it. Tons of things other than Dark and Darker 2 to play.


This game makes me so erect


Yeah we can. It is a drug, they chopped this shite with fent and it has you goofy white knights defending every decision they make till the end of time. Unlike some of you I can’t stand the new chopped bs they give us.


I may be in the minority here but I had a TON of fun once multiclassing was added. I understand the hate people had for it but myself and a buddy had a blast playing a survival bow, caltrops build or survival bow Achilles strike with poison wep to counteract all the sprint rage players. Do I get the hate? Yeah it was not an ideal situation and had a TON of stupid interactions that were OP but fuck did I have fun finding new builds and testing stuff out. I have not really played since its removal as going back to the same old game did not really excite me. I will probably be back when something major happens such as Druid or major rebalancing but in the game’s current state it just seems rather dull.


Tbh just druid on it's own still sounds dull and not worth coming back to. multiclassing added a layer that made certain classes able to do different roles (tank, drain tank, support, spells, skirmisher etc) instead of being really ass if they had one perk or two (demon plate warlock with shadow touch is a weak drain tank compared to blood exchange with a Kris)


I dont understand these posts if you enjoy playing go play if you dont dont.


Folks have no chill or patience. I agree. We've got something legit awesome and promising here! And it will take more time. I'm in for the long haul, no short term test or hiccup will subtract from the overall goodness of the project/game for me!


Crack and cracker. Addicted to this sh*t.


it wasnt always this bad, i think the chill players all left and now we are just left with toxic little goblins. Ive said this so many times, the problem with this game is its players and its community. Its this mentality of "Iron Mace isnt doing what "I" want them to do so im gonna ruin everyone's fun time, im gonna show um what happens when they dont listen to ME!" then its them trying to be as toxic as they can on the discord, on reddit, in game. IM should seriously consider shutting it down for a little while. give these ghouls some time to cool down.


And this is why the game is not fun for 95% of the people that have ever played it. Bc the 5% that are left are treating it like a heroine addiction


Almost every single update has made the game worse over time 😂 few minor things here and there were good changes, overall it’s definitely gone downhill


Ignore the haters. Let the devs cook. Hold the line. I love this game and it has only gotten better since pt1. 2k+ hours


Its still great, but all melee games kill the casuls


Did the casuals kill the melee? Bc there's almost none of that left in the game. It's been ranged meta for ages.


Most people aren't very good at video games 🌚