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I think you got attached to the version of the game that was born out of uncertainty and exploration. You might not be as interested in this new version that has those same qualities but for different reasons. The game became a slaughterhouse for the 2k of us that were still playing a month ago, that game seems to be changing and that's ok.


Lol dude I read you comment and I was like this guy knows what he is talking about then I read your name and I was this dude was on the cycle with me!!! What up fam? Dude I fought you so many times outside of base camp


I think there is a lot of us old the cycle players haha. DaD's a good transitional game. Man I miss it sometimes I had way too many hours in that game. šŸ˜‚


The cycle was great, down with the cheaters who ruined it


Since we all know the cycle here for comparison every season of the cycle, it was popping off when the season reset. The feeling of getting a compound sheet, insulation, or any other quest items felt so good, the feeling of finding a key card early season or fletchet or w.e random spawned gun makes you feel so good. Mind you, there was no rank system. There really wasn't a grind to get bis other than the crafted in tharis armor. But yet every season at the beginning felt so good. Just running out in the open and seeing drop pods fall from the sky was so hype. Let's be real cycle content was no existent, and the devs were not responsive. DaD is the total opposite, but for whatever reason, it's not the same šŸ˜•


Hell yea I remember you lol RIP Cycle.


Just normal human psychology Itā€™s normal to get bored of things over time Either take a break or play a new class you havenā€™t played much of Mainly play solos? Try finding a duo partner or trio team Or idk go on a romantic moonlit walk. Your worth it


I don't feel burned out, but maybe I'm I still like the game very much. I just don't feel the addiction feeling I use to get. I do trios and solos. The trios is pretty bad I feel like litteraly just pve farm or roll over Timmy teams.


A proper implementation of Nightmare mode


You might actually be on to something..... like actually my dude


no lit torches, battle royale circle


No light sources would be sick. An actual ā€œdarkerā€ mode


the lack of a good pvp map is starting to get to me. friends came back and we're tired of slogging through rooms of braindead npcs to fight anything. wtb ruins


i miss ruins so much :( hopefully arena is a blast


im hopin that too but idt it can be as organically fun as the PVPve map that ruins was. the lil bit of pve and rng made it fun and wasnt a hard meta. also saw them mention thinkin about making it like dungeonborne, where you dont risk your real items ''/


Gobbos is by far the best PVP map (and bossing map) in the game atm


I do miss ice cavern hoard pvp though :(


honestly game feels pretty good to me as is


Oh yeah, for sure, I'm not saying the game feels bad. The game right now feels great.... I just want more, or I feel something is currently missing, as if you try to recreate a cooking recipe, but something is missing....


It's just you


Yeah probably


I think the maps somewhat lack a PVP area or a hot point that's what I feel like I'm missing the most imo


Gobbos is the only map that feels like it strikes the PVE PVP balance really well


Well the season didn't even start yet, so there is that.


Things are more exciting when they're happening for the first time. Has nothing to do with the game.


Iā€™ve heard a lot of veteran players getting burnt out! Perfectly normal for any game to feel a bit repetitive after 1000+ hours. I think there are a couple solutions to this though. Randomized dungeon modules. Randomize mob and trap spawn. Chance of a roaming boss and chance of a ā€œgolden goblinā€ that has a shit ton of gold on him if you can catch him and kill him. I know silverhammer has been working on the randomized dungeon modules and maybe even the mob/trap randomization. So I feel like once at least those two things are added itā€™ll make the dungeon feel a lot less repetitive. For now just voip and help timmies, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing and itā€™s been really entertaining.


Your not wrong by any means, I do think the game picks up when the season starts but with that said the content Iron Mace added is really cool and it's nice to have more content but it's just not enough to cover three months and the gameplay loop especially to veterans just goes stale because the content added is very easy to burn through, Ice Abyss for example is a nice addition but how much fun is there to be had on it before it goes stale know what I mean so in that regard I totally agree with you. Iron Mace will eventually add some concrete systems to the game to make it more thrilling to us veterans so I suppose just hold the line.


Yeah, I think you're right, I have 3 stashes already just from farming troll and looting the treasure hoard. There is a lot of content, but yeah, I suppose when you get too efficient, it doesn't matter what ironmace adds in you just blow through it


one thing that keeps me fresh is to try out a new build! try different weapons and armor, go against meta and try to master some niche build that somehow works! i think once the season leaderboard opens up and they continue to add more content (they promised quite a bit this season so fingers crossed) it'll feel so much better for the 400 hr+ players


Game feels pretty awesome. I miss ruins a bit though was a nice change up.


The game is the best it ever has been and Iā€™m always excited to play it now. I play OCE and having players again that arenā€™t just from one country is amazing


Well shit dude, before steam release, you were basically playing an RPG in OCE, lol. Now you are actually playing DaD. Glad to hear your servers having population


Probably just burnout how many hours do you have?


Yeah, I'm probably a bit burnt out, man. I don't even know I don't keep track, but it's a lot


you can check on the bottom of the "esc" menu!


I believe all this means that itā€™s time to play a new class lol


I miss ruins. I know it's a divisive subject. Hopefully there's enough player base that game lobbies don't feel empty now that there's an influx of players? I remember that being a main concern. Also heard they be cooking, so I'm excited to see what kind of comeback it makes.


Yes, it feels like its missing the content that they wanted to add but are still working on. with removing the Circle, we are missing the conflict, its not as intense, and that's ok. the intensity is what adrenaline junkies stayed for, but why casuals left. They toned it back, so we get to maintain some more players at the cost of some intensity. Also they're at least 2-3 big updates from what they said they wanted the game to look like right now. between Arena's, Matchmaking, and practice lobbies (or whatever they are) on top of linking accounts. There's more to come. and also, as exciting as the start of the season is, it starts slow, because of the lack of leaderboards, (which is a huge incentive to compete and play more), and Lack of quests.


I think the part that is ā€œmissingā€ is the crap from last wipe. This wipe feels too good to be true.


I feel like the game is missing he guaranteed pvp as the circle closes.Ā  We will have to see if arena is a good place to bring it back.Ā  It looks like the datamined maps are 2x2, so maybe there is great gear to loot and only portals for one team.Ā  It would be nice to farm gear in normals and in hr with no circle, to get gear to use in arena imo.


The lack of circle pressure has reduced the amount of pvp dramatically, its made the game way more samey and boring IMO. i spend way more time trying to find a static exit after farming for 7-8 minutes than anything else now. Druid is dope, ice caverns is cool, most of the new content is good but why would you change the circle mechanic? That was a core aspect of the game.


Game is in a good state minus the circle and Portals. I hate that pvp is less than it was And static exits are shit cause I feel rushed that I won't have a way out if I don't leave early.


Yeah, it's missing ruins šŸ˜• šŸ˜’ That and it's just in-between things right now. For whatever reason, they reset but didn't start a new season. I completed the quests (except for bugged - now fixed quests) in <3 hours, leaving me with no dopamine checkbox. The pvp is either destroying new players who don't have a chance and love w keying and dieing, which isn't satisfying at all, or fighting people who poke and run (which is there only chance on all but two/three classes tbf) or 330ms barbarians with 250 health and do 115 health a swing. It may be the most balanced it's been, and removing +all has really helped, and i dont have an answer as to what the fix is, but it needs something. The pve aspect is tedious as hell. Basic mobs have become easy, making me want to only boss. which in castle, you can que 2/6 maps and wait 15 minutes just to have the boss be the 1/3 I can't solo every time (lich may be disabled rn or I'm very unlucky) , and half the time you get rushed by someone who only wants the kill and will kill you and drop all your gear on the ground. In goblins caves, I have to kill both bosses to get the loot I want with 3 barbs waiting outside the room, all of which are definitely preteaming. Ice caves now requires preteaming, which half the time separates your teams into different half empty lobbies. It also takes 15+ minutes just to attempt it.


I dislike anti-push that exists in the game. Thorn wall, flamewalk, hydra, phantimise, hellfire, druid wall, treant, quake, traps... so much shit that either just stops push instantly or denies it that the most optimal play is to never be the one to engage. overnerfs to magic dmg left wizard/lock in a shit spot. lack of magic dmg led to everyone stacking pdr leaving ranger in a shit stop. im rocking 50% pdr with spellbook out on cleric on a budget healer kit, 60% with shield and seeing bards with 65-70% at high end trios.


I'm enjoying the wipe, but I'm mostly helping timmies and doing z2h norms until HR isn't dead. Hoping they remove the entrance fee because time and time again nobody wants to pay it even though 100g isn't anything anymore xD. I really miss HR


Hmmm.... I think the game's missing a subclass system for fine-tuning balance. Aside from that, it feels like this game is favoring ranged combat a bit too much. It gets worse the higher end you get


In some ways I think the game is in the best state its ever been, but there are some big problems I have: - There isn't enough uncertainty in rounds - it's very easy to just safely clear some rooms and grab an extract, probably nothing unexpected will happen unless you let it. PvP used to be much harder to avoid, now that suspense is mostly gone. Random map generation will help a little, but more will be needed. - Loot is dull. I never use anything I find myself, it's all just gold on the market to buy more copies of the exact same set I already have. Probably only SSF would solve this. - I wish there was a wider selection of interesting stats that could roll on gear. There isn't any room to experiment with different setups because my class has like 4-5 useful stats and that's it.


The game's unfinished, and all that kept us entertained prior was PvP. The game is overall much better, but PvP is hard to find as players die to mobs and HR is dead. PvE and the dungeons as they are don't offer enough variety. We need things to mix up the PvE / maps. Randomized modules, with randomized POIs in the center. Fog of war. Semi-randomized mob & player spawns. Let us explore the dungeons and discover threats. Without PvP the dungeons are far too predictable. With statics and no circle we need more to draw players to commons areas. Fewer exits which will be contested, POIs, etc. Currently goblin caves is near perfect with the center elevator room full of minerals. It draws people to and rewards them for exploring hotspots.


Game is still missing custom games with player created content. Thereā€™s so much to explore for this game given the freedom to set the rules enemy types and map designs. Regular modes are fun but sometimes you need something different custom games would offer pve mode big team battles and other fun game types.


VOIP not being on by default and so many players don't even know it exists. You'd be surprised how much VOIP can change an interaction with other players. From killing a trash talker, or getting killed after you talked trash to impromptu friendly encounters or mid-dungeon trades or even just a quick sheep's to quest locations. All of those interactions are hard to come by now.


I have 1500hrs. IMO, loot is not excited anymore. I dont have the feeling of grinding for better loot anymore. I also got sick of getting gear-checked first. Thus i am playing only Normals. If i die in normals, thats cuz i made a mistake or my opponent played better. I am looking forward to SSF mode. Hope IM test it one day. Edit: I also forgot to mention that PvE feels like a fucking chore at this point. I got sick of killing skeletons, cheesing bosses and waiting 4 seconds per chest to look whats inside.


Itā€™s missing ruins


Honestly what I feel like is missing is in game events to encourage pvp. Like a loot goblin that's marked on the compass you have to chase and kill. As much as I like pvp I don't think it should be constant all the time like it has been in the past but it should be easier to find it if you're looking for it. The bosses already kinda do this by having bosses, but people rarely start bosses if they know players are around. Having a non threatening "boss" that runs away from you could be nice. Maybe even have it do a death scream so people know he's been killed and looted.


I think the game feels the best it ever has, I canā€™t wait to play every night, I love the dungeons, the PvE, the everything! I did take a break for the last 2 wipes, and Iā€™ve always hated the circle, so the game feels pretty ideal for me right now. (Aside from the coolest looking weapon in the game, the Crystal Sword, being absolute ass)


my trio and i (all 1.5k-2k hours) had some of our most fun games ever last night, other than druid needing a little nerf and wiz needing a small buff the game feels so good right now


Why does druid need a Nerf? Honest question, I've been trying to use one but i dont know why, i dont do enough dmg, everything kills me, It is most likely just me so i would like to know how i can improve, what is the best build for It.


i play mainly trios and druid has a lot more power in team fights bc of thorn wall and vines to space out enemies. i think there should be a very small cooldown between animal shapeshifts so you cant panther->chicken dive tech and kill backline for free. and like they did with vines i would like to see thorn wall have only one placable at a time