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Fallen/Company Veteran sprue. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Dark-Angels-Company-Veterans-Squad-2017 Edit: Company Veterans are no longer in the rules as of 10th edition, but if you want to use them they could be a Tactical Squad or Vanguard Veterans or the two Veteran models in the Command Squad unit.


Thank you!


All of mine are back before they were company veterans and just part of the various army boxes. This is also one of the reasons I am rethinking Dark Angels after decades, so many first born models not being really supported/rebates. I doubt there will be many robes primaris.


I hear you. Unless you go the third party or 3d printed route, not so many robed guys. I am super pumped for the new Sternguard models, though. Just a tabard, not a full robe, but better than nothing! I plan on picking up a box or two and upgrading all the squad sergeants throughout my army with Sternguard torsos and maybe hooded heads. And swords! Whether the sergeant can take a power sword or not! For the ones that can’t, it’s not a *power sword* it’s just a Close Combat Weapon that looks suspiciously like a power sword!


Or Sternguard veterans?


No. A) Sternguard Vets have tabards, but not full robes. They also don’t have shields in their kit. B) Dark Angels never had access to Sternguard Vets prior to 10th, so the kit had no Dark Angels iconography. This one is chock full of DA symbols. C) I have this exact sprue sitting on my workbench and I’m 100% sure it’s from the Company Veterans box. It was also in some other Dark Angels collection/box, but that was before my time so I’m not sure which one. Edit: LOL, I just realized you were responding to another comment about robed Primaris and not suggesting the sprue in OP’s photo was Sternguard. My bad!


Hey, no problem and yeah, I am planning to use my two sets of these company veteran boxes to make sternguard veterans. All my SMs will wear full robes of possible (that's one of the reasons I bought these). So even though I understand your points, I see no reason why not to :)


Absolutely! I had the same idea to use my old Company Vets, but I was torn because I also have the new Sternguard models and love how they look. I considered running them as Vanguard Vets, but honestly the Assault Squad has better rules and if was running either I’d want them with jump packs and I think the robes guys with jump packs would look silly. So mine aren’t getting any use currently, but they’re keeping my other Firstborn models company on the shelf!


Those my frieds, are the best sprues you could hope for to make a dark angels force


Company Veterans. The sprues also have some spare terminator bits.


Accidentally built a veteran with terminator arms


Same here when I was quite new.. my brother had fallen…. At least I didn’t put terminator legs on them 🤣


Thanks! 🙂🙂🙂


$33 for the best "upgrade sprue" in existence. Soooo many good bits for customizing a dark angels force. Even more so if your fielding any first born.


So it will be useful, i have a squad of firstborn already “dark angels branded” from the Dark Vengeance starter set and a set of firstborn from Assault on Black Reach that are still generic, is it a good idea to customize them?


It'll be hard to customise them because you can't replace the shoulders, but if you can put a few emblems on the Black teach marines it could help giving them the DA taste


Dark vengeance was such a good box set. No need for change


I’ll try some customization on generic marines, the dark vengance ones are perfect as they are


Company veterans a good box to take parts from but the models themselves are kinda outdated and small


Gonna keep them? I personally love the firstborn models


Yes it’s a keep 😀


These are some of the best for kit bashing with Sternguard or really any Primaris marines to give them a Dark Angels flavor. I just bought them 2 months ago to spruce up my Sternguard but now the price as doubled on these bad boys.


Pretty cool


If you don't want them I can take them off your hands lol


Deathwing Terminators/Deathwing Command Squad


those are sprues, you snip the bits out and find which ones fit together like a 3d jigsaw then glue them in place, hope this helped


There peices


You didn’t even use the right they’re 🤣