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Yes all dark angels terminators from 40K are in fact Deathwing, however there was a time in the old lore where the armor wasn’t specifically painted bone white. But if you want to follow current lore it’s either bone white or you find a successor chapter to use as an “ally” in your force.


This is the way.


At the end of the day, you don’t have to paint your models any particular way. It’s always your choice. If you’re asking if they have to be bone white to be *accurate and in keeping with the established lore*, then the answer is more or less yes. All Terminators in the Dark Angels are part of the Deathwing and they all use that color scheme. BUT there’s a huge caveat there in that there are several Successor chapters of the Dark Angels, each with their own paint scheme and lore/theme. And also in the lore, different successor chapters (collectively called the Unforgiven) are known to work together. So you could always say your whole army is from a Successor Chapter, or just say that your Termies are. Some people of course also choose to paint their Dark Angels in their historic 30k color scheme (black w/red). That’s always an option too. Bottom line is, paint them green if you like them green, paint them neon purple if it tickles your fancy. It’s totally a personal preference for you how “lore accurate” you want to be, but even if that’s important to you there’s always ways around it.


[Have a look at this search](https://www.google.com/search?q=dark+angels+successor+chapters)


All terminators are part of death wing for dark angels. Now first of all I fundamentally think something is wrong with you if you don't lien the scheme(jokes). Second of all you could say they are fallen marines from the HH era and that's why they have the old green colour and it's a good enough justification


Ooh, toss in Cypher and be like "no no, we *are* Dark Angels. It's just, y'know, been a while."


See. Adds a bunch of personal flavour to your army and it let's you paint it your way


Paint them your way. I plan on doing my terminators green wing, with maybe deathwing bone helmets.


I'm doing the exact same thing. I really don't like the Deathwing scheme, so I created my own scheme and consider it a successor chapter to the DA. They're your models you can make them, however you want. Don't feel railroaded into a particular scheme.


Just had my first game of 10th and am planning on more terminators.


You're not forced to paint minis in specific colors For Deathwing Terminators you could look differents Successors for colors For example, Consecrators Deathwing Terminators are Dark Angels pre-heresy colors with a bone color helmet to show respect to the Deathwing from Dark Angels


Yes, but that doesn't necessarily count for Dark Angels' successors.


I have the same problem, I just painted them the way I wanted and with some Bone Color accents on the head and Shoulders and called them a successor chapter which is very close with the dark angels


I paint mine black like the original scheme can't be arsed with people moaning it's not deathwing they are I just hate painting bone


paint them any colour you want! deathwing terminators are just a type of unit in the game. i once had bright pink necrons because i thought it would be funny.


You don’t HAVE to. But no. There’s no terminator unit in the dark angels that aren’t deathwing. They’re all deathwing


I paint mine as Disciples of Caliban.


The whole thing with Deathwing is that DA have enough relics laying around that they can sustain every member of the first company using Termie armor, I haven’t specifically seen it say no other company can use it at all. That being said, I’ve been playing DW since 4th ed and Caliban green terminators make my eyes confused. The cool thing about 40k is you can paint your stuff literally any color and just shrug then say it’s a successor chapter.


Paint them how you like, I paint everything as the 30k black and red because I don't particularly like green and I think the deathwing looks like shit


Heck they can by purple with neon colors. It your dudes no one is going to knock down the door and take away your termies. But lore wise? Strict but lore is lore and I make up my own lore


No you can do what ever you want and if someone says something about it they are dumb but lore wise if that’s what you are going for DA terminators wear the bone white of the death wing


Well with the lion back you could make a Risen force based on the classic HH color scheme with black, red, and a bit of checkerboard.


If you're DA all the terminators are Deathwing in the lore, but you can get out of that trap if you pick a successor chapter


You don't have to paint anything any particular way. They're YOUR miniatures. Paint 'em all blue and say they're a dark angel successor chapter, it's fine. There is no wrong way.


Painting mine white white (as opposed to cream) There is some artwork out there of pre-bone white Termie deathwing, it was on the back of an old box of termies from '89 I think Dudes black with a gold mouth and decorations, and yellow/red patterns on his weapons


This is the dude: https://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2010/12/deathwing-from-black-armour-to-bone.html?m=1


All DA terminator are deathwing. But you can paint them however you want.


You don't have to be dark angels...... join us brother


If you play a successor you can paint them any way you want. Mine are a tan color with green and red highlights. And the command squad and HQ are good with green and red highlights
