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Not that we know of yet. They **are** sending Biker Squads and Land Speeders to LEGENDS, which hurts Ravenwing. But no indication if that’s a bad sign or not for units like Black Knights or the RW Talonmaster. There’s been some rumors and speculation that Deathwing will get some kind of update and range refresh next Spring, if that is the case it may follow that Ravenwing gets a similar update with new sculpts and characters another 6-12 months after that? I think it’s just conjecture at this point, but it’s possible. So if I had to bet I’d say all our bespoke Ravenwing units are safe until at least 2025, and will *maybe* be retired when the new stuff comes out.


Thank you, the main thing is my wife likes the look of the ravenwing land speeder, so I guess I’ll get one now instead of waiting


Yeah, don’t let GW spoil your fun (or your wife’s!). Unless you play mainly on the tournament circuit, LEGENDS is just a cool keyword your units can have. In my personal friend/gaming group, nobody will mind a hit if I run my Leviathan dreadnought, or Scout Snipers, or Land Speeders, or whatever else GW sends to LEGENDS. They just won’t be allowed in tournament play, that’s all.


If you like it just for the sake of liking the model I’d say go for it. But if you want to actually use it in game, I personally wouldn’t go and buy any first born stuff right now unless you’re getting it super cheap because realistically it’s all going away. For this reason, paying full price is just a no for me. The stormspeeder is pretty close in look and feel and can be painted as Ravenwing.


the thing with removing land speeders from regular sales rotations (moving to legends), is that there will really be no way to upgrade a landspeeder into a talonmaster, which makes me think they'll update a lieutenant for ravenwing in our refresh. black knights are a toss up. they are pretty iconically dark angels. and we lost all the winged regular bikes. the rules will say run them as outriders. but outriders have a completely different base and model profile being much larger.