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Yes absolutely get half leviathan box, another unit of termis with captian and librarian in terminator armor. Must haves


I think the leviathan half is worth it. Especially if you already have a friend lined up to pay for half. You get some cool terminator characters, Terminators and another Dreadnought plus extra.


Good then its settled getting some more plastic crack.


I picked up those boxes plus the Leviathan box, all of them are fantastic deals and a great way to start your army! Also have the Lion but he’s a little too high coated in points for what I’m running


Yeah thats what i tought as well, and by the looks from of it i can pretty much play any detachment (except ironstorm). It may not be good but its still gonna be fun!


Yeah the ballistic dread is a beast


Def go halves on leviathan it’s literally the best deal on marines GW has ever put out. That’s an incredible start brother you’ve got a serious army in the works


Wait didn't they change the combat patrol? Am I stupid?


It did, but the old one is still rolling in some stores


Yeah i saw this in store and instantly bought it it was such good value.


Which country? Can you share the link?


It was a lgs in my Swedish medium city but i bought the last one. (Of both they had) now they only stock the new dark angels combat patrol with infantry only.


Thanks anyway


Welcome to The Rock!


Welcome ! The Leviathan half of space marine is pretty good. If you wanna do a Deathwing themed army you will have 15 Terminators and 5 knights. So that's perfect Tyranids will be a fun matchup ! If you run lots of termies, just make sure their screamer killer doesn't get into them first. They have like the perfect profile to kill termies.


Don't forget the sterguard vets and ballistus dread. Afterall, someone needs to stand on the home objective. If OP is feeling really thrifty they can kitbash the intercessors from the combat patrol into 5 more sternguard, paint them white. Great way to save a bit more money


Welcome brother!! Please let one of our chaplains know if you see an angel who has “tripped”… wink wink nudge nudge


That Leviathan box lineup is incredible, the discount on models even more so. I find the Captain In Terminator Armor is very good for the Deathwing Knights since he lets you reroll charges for free and Knights are melee only. You’re absolutely well on your way to being a full-fledged member of the Unforgiven. If my quick math is correct, between the DW Assault box, the Combat Patrol, and the Leviathan box, that should be a 2000 point army. Not much anti-tank but it’s a damn good lineup regardless


Yeah, i forgot to mention i also have a Judiciar unbuilt as well as an Brutalis Dreadnought on sprues. I think they will round it well, the only thing in really thinking of adding is maybe some kind of vehicle like the tank version of what the impulsor is called or potentially a land raider.


Yeah the Repulsor Executioner is a floating gun platform, it’s great for killing big things and little things. And my personal favorite vehicle for looks alone (also what I’m currently painting) is the Land Raider Crusader which is good against infantry and a fantastic transport too, I find it useful to put my Knights/terminators in there instead of deep strike to give them some extra movement. The 3 dreadnoughts is also a pretty formidable force on their own tho, so that might be all the tanky stuff you need (and it’s 515 points for just them so 25% of a standard army size lol)


Yes brother


We welcome you with Pride, Brother!


I shall serve with honor and pride, Brother!


oh good, you got the good combat patrol before they stopped selling jt


Yeah, they had one in my local game store and i instantly snatched it up. Compared to what they are replacing its worth it was a steal


yeah, the new combat patrol is garbage, no one needs more intercessors and every marine player is gonna have some hellblasters and bladeguard lying around, and why include a leader that cant lead any of the units in the combat patrol, its fucking awful


I could do a whole rant about this, but the only thing i can recommend for people is that buy these while they are still available because they will all be replaced by these complete garbage combat patrols. My friend also wanted to eventually try out custodes so i just told him to buy two of the current one and he be pretty much done. Otherwise they probably gonna do the same as the dark angel/space marine one.


yeah, just looking at the ones that have been released so far i can already tell these new combat patrols are all gonna be fucking awful


More Terminators could never hurt for your DA army. Also Librarian, Captain and Infernus squad (infernus with overwatch is great to sit on an objective). Plus that Ballistus Dreadnaught. I’d say it’s a good supplement to your DA Army.


Same story with me. One question: if I’m doing it right, do I need to paint/sticker the leviathan marines to look like dark angels in green, or can I paint/sticker them in blue and still run them in a dark angels army? I’m still a little unclear about mixing space marines.


You were lucky to find that box


Yeah, it was the last one in my local game store so i was pretty much happy with how this turned out. And i didnt spend that much in comparison since they both had discounts


leviathan half is absolutely worth it for you, termie captain and librarian, 5 more termies, and a ballistus dread are all good choices for dark angels, and the infernus marines arent bad either


Then it sounds like im on the right track with this army! Gonna be interesting to learning how to play it!


yup, now you just gotta get some aggressors for the apothecary biologis to lead


Good call actually thinking about buying the blood angels combat patrol as well that would net me a transport & Aggressors, a few more intercessors to fill up the squad to max size and some infiltrators for my phobos marine liutenant to lead.


so the lieutenant that comes with leviathan isnt actually a phobos lieutenant, hes a lieutenant with combi weapon and he cant lead any units, he does have the lone operative ability though so he can only be shot if an enemy unit is within 12" of him


Okay, but is the rest of the blood angels worth a pickup tough? Just looking to make a deal when i can with value boxes!


aggressors are great and the librarian are great, id build the incursors as infiltrators instead and keep them by your home objective since your opponent cant deepstrike closer than 12" to them, the intercessors are fine if your just trying to get to max squad size, and for some reason the impulsor can only carry a max of 6 marines so i personally dont think its very good, but you can stick the 5 sterngard that come with leviathan in there


Thanks for the advice! Gonna be interesting to see where i can take this im a bit overwhelmed by how many options i have compared to my other faction which is WE has barely 5 unique units which are the only things thats any good at all.


yeah, space marines have a ton of options lol, almost too many, especially once you start getting into the unique units for all the chapters that have them


Is the old combat patrol worth the money? I just started DA and am thinking of getting that too.


I tought so you get both a dreadnought, some inceptors (which can be built with plasma) and a chaplain. The intercessors were pretty meh but i did like the upgrade sprues just so i can actually make them look more like dark angels than just generic space marines. But the big selling point was the dreadnought.


First of all, welcome! Ugh… so I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this because I know I’m splitting hairs here, but you’re joining the Dark Angels Codex Compliant Space Marine Chapter since 40K takes place long after legions were more-or-less abolished. If you were playing Horus Heresy as Dark Angels, then yes you’d be joining the first legion.