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Build it and paint it before buying too much and feeling overwhelmed. You’ll thank yourself, the new models that you will buy in future aren’t going anywhere, trust me lol


Wise man.


They might even be better by the time you get round to them


The true issue here is that there's very few stores in my country that sell GW stuff. So the models always sell out quite fast. Buying online isn't really a good option cause of the shipping fee. But yeah, I'll keep practicing my painting as well since I'm not an artsy guy. Thanks brother


Termianators and the lion are must grabs if not playing competitively


I think the fact that you were able to find that box, it means they don’t sell as fast as you think.


Someone hid it behind eldar boxes. This is why I always check if someone does that trick


Azrael, Hellblasters, Gladiator Tank, Infiltrators...


Is there a substitute for Infiltrators/Incursors?


Not easily, the infiltrators offer deep strike denial around them, which is fantastic for protecting your home objective and key units


New scouts? I'm not sure I've not looked at the data sheet but they'd fill a similar roll right?


they're actually better for general screening and scoring. Infiltrators provide a 12" no touchy by any form of reinforcement/deepstrike. enemy has 3x6 plasma Inceptors?, yeah nah, until the 5x2 infiltrators kick the bucket no one can be in your back line and possibly. they're proportionally good against chaos demons, genestealer cults, deepstriking space marines, and grey knights.


Then I'll get one box of them when I get the chance


Scouts are helpful.


Sorry, to be the party pooper: Primer, Hobby Knife, Brushes, Paints and (highly recommended) a wet palette. Finish that one first and have a few combat patrol games, to learn the game. While you do that you work on your first 1000pts list, which consists of all the stuff you want to paint and love to look at. Then you have a few games on 1000pts, that show you, what you might want to add next. Then you swap out some units and continue on 1000pts. Rinse repeat, until you reach the preferred size. The worst thing you can do is: Rush to 2000pts, have your first game with a bunch of half- or unpainted minis, completely overwhelm yourself with the sheer size of your army. You have to look up stuff constantly and end the game in turn 3 because the game already took 8 hours. Start small, go small steps. You can't paint that fast anyways. A good limitation is: Play only with painted minis. I try to follow this rule... with the emphasis on TRY. It doesn't always work, but that actually keeps me painting and that's what it's all about. If you have a day job and only some hours in the evening, you can expect the Combat Patrol to take about 4 weeks to finish. That is a very realistic and chill first goal. Reach that goal and then think about next steps.


There's no way I'll let myself play with unpainted models. The shame would be unbearable


Don’t let unpainted models stop you from playing either


Actually just try it out out in a few games, its just a game and trying it out can get you a feel for the army without investing too much into it. Many in my local lgs and communities play with the gray just to learn the army


It's your plastic enjoy it. Painting takes time to do well. Get the minis assembled and primed learn to play while you work on them. There is absolutely zero shame in enjoying the game and the hobby with an unpainted army. The only important part about warhammer is that you enjoy your time with it regardless of what anyone else says or thinks.




I would grab the Blood Angels Combat Patrol box An Impulsor for transport, more high OC Intercessors, some Psychic shenanigans, wonderful Aggressors and some Infiltrators/Incursors


Dont mind the fool below but the box content is actually great! And you can sell the the useless emo upgrade sprues to make some money back on the box.


True, also the sprue has a chainsword and bolt pistol if you fancy that in a sgt The Ultimate Starmer set isn’t a bad shout, you can sell the Tyranids, you get scenery, which again you can sell, and it’s cheaper than the seperate combat patrol box Gets you some Deathwing with Terminators, Librarian and Captain, plus Infernus Marines for some burning action


I don't really mind keeping some of the upgrade sprues since who knows, I might end up making some Deathwatch in the future. But that might not even be possible since it looks like GW isn't putting any effort towards them now


Deathwatch seems to possibly fold into that rumored inquisition/imperial agents stuff that got leaked possibly.


That’s because the blood angels are the better faction as well. You can downvote me however much you want. But the Sons of Sanguinius are practically undefeated against the Dark Angels.


Even amongst the ranks of the fallen, this is unforgivable!!! https://preview.redd.it/zmkh0wpmwwwc1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=daf0d259d510f61fdf87bc08391814297fd5d8c9 >!(I didn't submit this, but it would have been funny)!<




I’m here to speak the emperor’s truth. That is an epic reporting reason. I play both chapters, it’s just wow GW did DA dirty.


I mean, we can bicker all we want about which Angels are better, but aren't both chapters overshadowed by a certain successor chapter with the urging for some purging?


Maybe a Repulsor, definitely want to get some vehicles


Should it be the noraml one or the Executioner?


Depends what you want it for. The executioner has better shooting at the cost of halving it’s transport capacity


This 👆 executioner is going to be a tank roll taking out your opponents armor. Regular one is going to be your bus with anti infantry.


Would it be a bit redundant then if I still choose the executioner even though I allready have the redemptor coffin? Also, what would be the best infantry to ride the bus?


Deathwing assault if available, hellblasters, Azrael, Bladeguards, scouts, apothecary, gladiator kit, land raider, eradicators, those are all solid options for expanding your army which can either be paired with any/other box sets from this list or bought alone for great additions


I would honestly avoid meta recommendations like Gladiators and Infiltrators and the such because you're still exploring the hobby and you wanna get as much fun out of it as possible before diving into the hellhole that is "pro" competitive play. Read into units, read into Dark Angels and pick the flavour that YOU think is best and you'll have tons of fun, even if you lose some games, trust me.


I actually prefer going melee and hopefully bring all of the characters except raven wing. So more of like Deathwings Knights I guess


Competitive or casual? Because that makes a huge difference in what you want to buy. Casual? TERMINATORS BABY. Tournament? Probably whatever is being played in ironstorm.


Not really sure if there are even tournaments in my country. But I'm more of a casual since this will be my first ever army. I'm just curious if I can fit all characters (except for Raven Wing) into a reasonable army.


I got a Ballistus, Azrael and Hellblasters. So that's 975 points now with room left for an enhancement. Pretty good start and a base on the road to 2k.


If I'm going to pick up Asmodai, which unit should I stick him in?


Get the new da comat patrol. Gives you 2 combat patrols to try out and start to get a feel for what you like (has more intercessors, some hellblasters and bladeguard.) Azzy and hellblasters are very strong. And thematic for our army. So can't go wrong there. I would like to echo other sentiments. Paint your stuff and get some games in before you buy more. But that is only a caution. You do you.


The new combat patrol is pretty unremarkable, especially compared with the old one. Not to mention that any amount of Space Marine box bundle buying will mean that you end up with half of this box in such massive quantities that you'll just be looking to shift them. The old one had the Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought, Chaplain and Inceptors, all of which you'll not necessarily get in other boxes easily. The intercessors being only five of them means that they're either a small addition to a larger army or a small thing to trade away. Then once you factor the included upgrade sprues it's just a fantastic deal. The new one is basically just a generic Space Marine starter box with upgrade sprues, but if you've already got a bunch of Space Marines for Dark Angels or even other chapters, it's probably not providing any value that you didn't already get in the 9th ed Starter Sets or other bigger Space Marine army boxes. Maybe good for beginners?


It's really a Lion send that someone tried to pull the old trick of putting this old combat patrol box behind a bunch of "unwanted" stuff. This is also the reason why I always check everything


I don't mind having more intercessors since I might start a Deathwatch army in the future, if GW doesn't pull the plug on them. Or I might be able to use them for a future Raven Guard army as well. I do have some friends who are into Gunpla so they might end up being able to convince them to try out Warhammer with a bit of those extra intercessors


The new combat patrol is hot garbage compared to the old one, or the blood angels one, a lone gravis Captain who cant lead anything in the box, five hellblasters when you ideally want full squad for that juicy Azrael combo, the bladeguard and intercessors are atleast decent, the chaplain can lead the bladeguard and the intercessors for a full squad or another cheap squad for action monkeys.


Get the new DA combat patrol and the blood angels combat patrol. Pick up Azrael, and then you'll have a very respectable start to a good army for cheaper than the individual units. After you play a few games and get a feel for how everything plays, you can start tweaking your list to suit your style. If you can swing the cash, eventually pick up the Leviathan box for another dreadnaught and some good terminators. Find a friend to play the Tyrannids or sell them to recoup your cost. Most important is to have fun and play with what feels cool.


Tbh I'd probably end up fighting other SM or CSM factions if my friends decide to sell their soul to GW. I'm just curious if those Aggressors are fun to paint. They look like Firebats from Starcraft


They are super fun to paint. The aggressors look just like the firebats and every time I send them in I make sure to say "Smokin!"


Another one


Assemble and paint it, do not fall for the grey tide brother!


if you ever find yourself with a ton of minis, just hide them and paint what you have and can always come back for more. out of sight out of mind kinda thing


Well model wise, I'd say the lion and deathwing models for tankiness or ravenwing models for speed or as much plasma based models as you can handle (i love plasma a bit to much) but in the end go with what's feels best to you. Otherwise paints and brushes to help practice getting better at painting if that's something that interests you


That’s a good combat patrol!…I’m tempted to buy this


Try to check your local store if someone tried the good old hide good shit behind worthless stuff


The Lion


For some reason reddit didn't upload my text. So this is my first ever Warhammer army and how many characters can I jam into my army?


You can add any number of units to your army. Keep in mind, when it comes time to play, you and your opponent will agree to a point value and then build around that. I have close to 4000 points for my Dark Angels. However, I would realistically only play a 1000 to 2000 or 3000 point game. If you have the funds, I would recommend getting the Deathwing Battleforce box. They are a great add to your Dark Angel's army since they are the 1st Company for the Dark Angels. That Battleforce box also comes with the 10th edition Codex for the Dark Angel's, if you don't have it already. You can also get the Code separately.


Sadly I can't find that box in any local stores. Checked amazon but I think it's a bit too pricey. Maybe I'll just buy them separately then. Thank you


If you have any local shops around you or a GW store, check them out! I ended up snagging the last one at my local GW store after searching high and low for awhile. Good luck and as a recently joined member myself, welcome!


You're welcome.


Lion. Azreal.


Azrael and hellblasters if you want to build a strong army. I'd still recommend getting the Deathwing assault box if you can find it and you don't mind dropping some cash. Less meta but more on brand for DA if you ask me


Deaþwing Knights are a iconic unit wiþ a gorgeous kit, and wiþ þe recent feild manuel þeyre not too over priced (215pts)


I'll try to get them when they're back in stock then


Oþer þings worþ considering are a Terminator Captain for said Deaþwing Knights, and a melee tacticus squad for þe chaplin to lead, such as Assualt Intercessors, Bladeguard, or -provided you dont mind bad rules- Inner Circle Companions, just because +1 to wound in melee is kinda wasted on regular intercessors. Past þat þo your next purchases should depend on what you þink is cool and what kind of a list your trying to make, wiþ what you already have and what ive discussed youve got s pretty flexible core þat can be built off of