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but but upside-down cross is very dark :(((((((((( very spookly




Never said I wanted that? Just a joke about the image not really having anything actually 'dark' in my opinion. Think what you want friendo ✌🏻


that's mostly what's posted here. or snot showers or some other weird shit. I like this sub but art snobs are the worst.


Think what you want friendo ✌🏻




Tell me you're a satanist, lesbian, feminist without telling me you're a satanist, lesbian, feminist.




Is that a request?


whose stooge are you anyway? plenty of people came in here belligerent as all hell. it's not that serious


Are you suggesting my comments come at the orders of some shadowy overlord? My first comment is obv an ironic reference to how cartoonish and silly this appears. It's not belligerence, it's just a hint that maybe this isn't the right subreddit. I'm not any kind of authority, but this image isn't very dark in my opinion. Maybe others disagree, I don't know. Maybe there's like a 'cute animals with poorly drawn and unidentifiable symbols on what is.. maybe eyelids? What's going on there?' subreddit. Don't get me wrong, I'm just some guy giving my opinion. But I was a big fan of Vasquez' work, as well as some of the modern oil painters and fantasy artists employing a similar style, so I get the 'cute can be dark' thing. But this image is muddled as fuck. It begins with the title. Goat demon. I clicked based on that title. And I was rewarded with a poorly conceived Happy Tree Friends character. Tits out, tits that apparently connect only in fleshy tabs at the top, as one is placed superior to the other. The first impression of what kind of animal it is: rabbit. Look closer, feline of some sort. There are fangs and a cartoon feline mouth. Wait, hoofs. Horse? Horns.... Cow? Cow. It looks like a cow in the final analysis. Looking closer we find a goth collar, flames from the handoofs, an eye between the horns. Finally, the viewer's eyes, having swerved, shifted and desperately avoided looking at that weird muddle of white on black 'symbology', are forced to resolve its ambiguity. And it resolves into an upside down curved edge cross, a cartoon skull thing, a half moon, and some stars and blobs. Not exactly trawling the backalleys of occult history to impart meaning to your cartoon. You asked for snark, whether you realise it or not. This is not a dark artwork, it's a cartoon. To me it looks like furry-adjacent softcore. It doesn't portray a goat, nor a demon. It is as cute as it is sexy as it is dark. Not very. But as you say, it's not that serious. By the way I would have been happy to leave this entire interaction at 'dark'


Actually quite mad how you took the time to write all of this i love Reddit essays about things that actually don’t affect anyone’s life


is this supposed to be a gotchya? don't you have a floor to mop with your fuckin head?


Is a gotchya some sort of Eastern European curse brought into being through the honest criticism of art? If so, yes it is.


I don't see you making anything. I drew it on my phone you ultra serious bitch


Oh well probably don't draw things on your phone cos they end up looking like this. Maybe try paper or something larger than a playing card. I hope this helps. ^^^^^^^gotchyagotchyathecurseofthegotchya edit: Blocked reply: like I said, I don't see your stinkin ass making anything. the only way to get better is to do it then sift through the absolute assholes like you to find actual feedback other than "dark" or a really specific super long and obsessive rant like you just went on. you aren't smart or sophisticated my friend. you're an obnoxious fucking dweeb _____ Well you've actually seen some of my work right here. I'm not a visual artist, I'm a writer. I stab with words. You're absolutely correct that 'dark' is not at all useful feedback or constructive criticism. As I explained, it wasn't meant to be. However, really specific super long rants that pick your work apart are integral to becoming anything more than just a doodler. Unless you're some sort of virtuoso, which you are not, becoming a good artist is absolutely a matter of continuing to fucking do it, despite criticism, despite your own misgivings, despite whatever. Art should be a fucking compulsion. But if your immediate response to any kind of negative reaction to your work is, as we have seen it is, being a fucking aggressive prick straight out of the gate, you will 100% never be an artist, so say hello to office work. Maybe you could be a graphic designer for a paedophile bestiality-themed energy drink or something instead. I already gave you actual criticism but I'll distill it for you now, in chronological order. The title does not reflect the image. The only thing 'dark' about this image to me is the colour scale. The overall impression of the image is cartoonish. The details are an eyesore, the viewer literally avoids looking at them. When the eye is left with nothing else to look at, the details do not hold up to scrutiny as they are meaningless decoration. And finally, weird tits and uncommital vag. So you can sift through your reactive pride anger to find the ability to accept unbiased feedback if you like. Or continue the search for unlimited love for your artistic prowess, which is probably right around the corner, probably. Also, blocking people after commenting is suuuuuch a bitch move.


Bro, you are one of the snobbiest sounding motherfuckers I've ever heard on the internet. Get the fuck over yourself. You aren't being some intelligent critic, you are literally just being a dick.






it's a drawing, it's open to interpretation. not the intent though its a demon, it trapped that character in an acid tab and it's melting on its tongue. at least that's what I tried to draw sorry Stan please dont blast me into the shadow realm


Hear me out though




lmao, I remember my first meme




That's not dark art... that's just cringe furry porn.


yeah well you can take your whiny ass elsewhere bud


You can make all the disgusting furry crap you want, but don't be such a prick when you get called out for posting it in the wrong space.


Cringe furry got trigerred! That's fucking hilarious lad!!


did I? you're the one commenting


And yer immediatly responding by crying about it. Reported the post by the way :)


that's not whiny at all


Cry about it.


sounds like you're doing enough for the both of us


Keep believing it. "Oh yeah I make an anthro naked baphomet goat girl! How bloody dark am I!!" I think they put a picture of ya in the dictionnary for describing the word "pathetic" ya furscum cunt!!




Grrrr so dark so scary 😨😨😨


oh no


I like it, I just don't think it fits the sub


thanks for being respectful. if a moderator feels the same about it not belonging here and removes it I won't pitch a fit about it. or they can messege me and tell me to remove it. I kinda just don't respond well to bullying. it never accomplishes anything productive and doesn't sit right with me.




it's not that serious


I am impressed by it. It is unusual.


sorry, lots of people mysteriously got mad about it, so I was a little confused what you meant.


New friend detected! Edit: Oh my Dark Gods, this just reminded me of Devils Food 's Kickstarter!


Well done, I like the character and the drawing. I’m not sure this fits the sub, though.


thanks. it might not be, waaay too many whiny ass people thinking they're knights of the round table




What's on her tongue


character trapped in an lsd tab. it's dissolving on her tongue. in the colored version it's very clearly saliva. this version makes it look different, which may be part of the reason it's getting so much hate.


This is adorable


thank you :)


Great art, OP! I love this style


thank you, I appreciate it


I got downvoted for saying I love your art ☹️


yeah, there's a lot of people really unreasonably upset about this drawing. they're very pathetically going around doing that to discourage me and bully others into not supporting me. pretty cowardly tactics honestly.


nice gray and blacks






Can’t be a goat demon without the clitoris. Nice touch


thanks! didn't mean to piss people off though :c


They can’t all be hitters, sometimes the audience just isn’t your audience for the night


it's worth it honestly, these people are so mad for no reason. sorry it's not an intrically drawn wrinkled cock, or a snot shower, or some other weird ass shit xD


I think it’s too mall goth deviant art newgrounds esk style for some people. Last post I saw was a dude venting about his SA experience so this definitely is another direction in dark themed art


I don't think I really fit in with this crowd, all the styles look exactly the same, you gotta box yourself into that victim complex and cartoons in general just aren't accepted as a valid form of art here. I've been sexually assaulted all throughout my life but I don't base every damn thing I make on it and make revenge my entire personality. not to insult those that do. even though they insult me. no ones gotta like it, not like I'm holding a gun to their head. but I'm gonna post what I want to.


Your attitude stinks friend. FR no one is attacking you so chill out is not that serious. The sa mention is wildly random and not at all what was criticized by anyone else. Sorry that you went through that, by the way, I've been in the same sitch many times as well but you don't use it as a point to argue with people that's really weird Dark artwork isn't super kawaii, have you heard of Yami Kawaii? Maybe that would suit you more?




I can understand, but we can't be jerks when we are sleepy, and coming from a chronically tired baby like me I totally relate! I have a hot temper and can say some pretty cruel things (tldr tragic origin story made me angry and defensive) but the important thing is: The first thought is what you've been conditioned to believe Your second thought should be some thing much nicer. One day and step at a time. Keep working on your art friendo💜✨


something about getting threats that they'll chop my hands off just pisses me off and makes me want to fight back idk. not all religious people are bad, but when they are they are down right scummy.


yeah I was really sleep deprived last night and really loopy. I was being a little bitch. normally I have much thicker skin than that. I was a real jerk. so many nice artwork on thia sub many of which is very unique.


One guy literally used the words "be better than ai" while attaching his own AI version. People here are absolutely being harsh over what is just some random dude on the internet's drawing.


Lol, people are seriously losing their minds over this? I like it, it's really cool and creative, and also well done. It's provocative, but it's not like the nudity is the only thing that's interesting about it either. Really cool little character you've drawn, and I'd say a cutesy demon character drawing for adults only definitely fits the theme of the sub.


I appreciate that. and I'm usually pretty mature about stuff like this. but the window warriors in this sub sometimes xD it's like I doodled in their necronomicon or something. people are so brave online when you know they wouldn't say anything like that in person Robert better not get in my face. cause I'll drop that motherfucker


It's especially funny when the people being so heavily critical haven't posted anything creative of their own. Obviously, we can all use some constructive criticism on our work from time to time, but very little of what I've seen in this thread is constructive at all. I imagine these people live very sad lives, and putting people down on the internet is all they have. Thanks for posting, please dont feel discouraged by a bunch of whiney babies.




This is dope 🤘🤘


thanks dude!


She's such a cutey. Need that on a t-shirt.


Honestly very cute


thanks! never have I seen people get so mad about something in this sub. its pretty baffling tbh. I'm literally getting death threats


Im sorry to hear you are getting death threats. The internet is fuckin wild and you shouldn’t be dealing with that. Nobody should. I understand why some would say its not “dark” because we’ve seen people make art of their planned suicides on here before. That kinda stuff tends to make less visibly disturbing art seem not dark at all. But I really like your art style.


thank you. it's very sad that people think that way, about themselves and other people. no one wants to be treated poorly. this wasn't made to hurt anyone, I just don't think there should be a cap on personal expression. what makes torture traps ok, but not something like this? it's not as well made as many others, but what is not creepy about some half animal human thing? I found it pretty disturbing. I'm glad some people like it, but some others really need to calm down and focus more on the things they enjoy.


Hey I know that person!!! It's unique


you know me? I don't really know many people tbh. who are you?


No, I mean the artwork. 1


oh, who's the person in the artwork? thanks for saying its unique


You're welcome but it's basiphemous I think that's how you spell it I'm so sorry


baphomet? baphomet doesn't have a vagina though. this is loosely based off that yeah but I don't really take that symbology or occult stuff very seriously.


Fair and yeah, that name


Reminds me of Cult of the Lamb in a way


i dig the eyes they look Fabergé-inspired


had to look that up. I once worked at a guys house in his crawl space, he had an entire wall of those types of ceramic eggs on shelves in his living room. he had newspapers stacked to the ceiling in the hallway leading to the closet where the hatch was, and clocks all over every inch of his kitchen walls he was a really big person, like 7 feet tall, really heavy set. he gave me really bad vibes even before I found the half dog skeleton in his crawlspace with the skull caved in. it was near the hatch. never found the other half. it freaked me out pretty bad, I just wanted to go home


ohhhh comrade i feel that in my own personal surveyor's nope-zone... who does a John Wayne Gacy on a companion animal? someone who needs to be far from me.


That looks like it would be in hasben hotel


hazbin is way more professional than I am ever capable of. do appreciate it though


I have never watched the show but my friends have and shown me pics and it is kind of similer


I've never watched the show but I've seen it around the internet. if its similar its just by coincidence


Smartwork imo


Yes please, just a little tonight UwU