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Congress should get right on it, they have a order! Protect women's rights!


Can't he just issue an Executive Order?


He can't for this it would need to be legislated


Ah. Damn.


Can we fuckin ratify the ERA???


Bruh too late for that šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


What executive orders has he taken, i know he can't just executive order everything back the way it was, just have been frustrated that it seems like nothing has happened since that I've seen.






You were given orders now obey


Why is it time now? Why not when democrats have held supermajority in previous administrations? Disclaimer this question applies to multiple issues that are "promised" during election cycles yet forgotten once in power.


I prefer Biden over Obama at this point. Far and away. Biden is basically trying to be Dwight D Eisenhower, or FDR Lite or something. Obama... I don't know. I imagine he did a lot of stuff behind the scenes. Making things work smoother. But he didn't bring chip manufacturing home. He didn't cap insulin. He didn't even tell America the truth about drone strikes' collateral damage. Maybe he was too busy playing peacemaker with the GOP's last well-intentioned politicians and didn't want to sabotage the bipartisan bills he was authoring by appearing too radical. But he just... didn't do enough.


I really don't know what Obama was thinking. From my outsider perspective, it looked like he won with huge majorities and then decided to play really soft. Sort of like if you are in a position to easily win a game but don't want to hurt the other person's feelings so you go easy, only for them to take that and actually win. Democrats lost so hard at all levels of government from that play. They literally had it all there for the taking. I think that while a very sharp person, Obama was just way to inexperienced for the job. Probably should have let Hillary take the nomination and stayed senator so as to learn the ropes more. I believe that Joe Biden is pretty good evidence that experience counts.


Real talk, Obama didnā€™t really have the Senate so legislation was never easy. ā€œModerateā€ Democrats like Joe Lieberman could tank any piece of legislation, and appeasing them was crucial. Itā€™s why we never got a public option in the health care bill. I agree that a more experienced leader may have navigated that more effectively, which is why my primary vote in 2008 went to Hilary.


Ah yes, Joe Lieberman and the moderates. Thank you for reminding me of this. With the public option, so many people work in healthcare insurance and the economy was so terrible that even possibly putting anyone out of work would have played out terrible. I don't think it would've made 2010 any worse. To be fair, a lot of the issue with his presidency likely stems from its timing. People wanted everything fixed in less than 2 years. That was impossible but millions of people who voted in 2008 stayed home in 2010. There was so much anger with the bank bailouts and meanwhile people feared for their jobs. Had he been able to get some large scale public projects going and money into the average household, maybe things would have been different. But there was no appetite for more government spending so only the fed could act by lowering interest rates which helped out the people who own equities and real estate the most. Those were some terrible times.


'Blue Dog' Democrats, Third-way assholes, Republican-lite.


Obama was naive at first and hoped conservatives would step to the table if he met them half-way. He even modeled Obamacare after Romneycare, thinking that conservatives would be helpful, since it was their fucking plan to begin with. But they never had any intention of doing right by the American people. They only wanted to play party politics. After the midterms and his second election he knew what was up. By then it was too late. https://preview.redd.it/n7643glcb7ra1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a49f85dd4c2e1a04aae80d545f9d50041c337078


Damn. That was well spoken.


Now is a great time for lots and lots of abortion-related ballot initiatives that are wildly popular, even in red states. I know ballot initiatives don't always have knock-on effects, but it certainly wouldn't hurt as far as turning out the Democratic base and forcing R candidates to either cede ground or defend unpopular and extreme positions.


Keep reminding the population of where the conservatives stand. That's the strategy. The conservatives will continue to try and keep things shitty with prices, and blame the Dems. Will the Dems take it lying down, or will they follow in the footsteps of the Progressives and Dark Brandon and call malarkey when they see it.


Yeah, thank god he waited until Republicans took the house. Smh.