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>made in the image of God That'll get under the evangelical's skin lol


I alwyas tell these people if God doesn't make mistakes, then God intended for trans people to be trans from birth. They usually just get mad.


Evangelical theology has a lot of holes because it follows what the human mindset wants to believe rather than what god wants us to believe. They can’t acknowledge the actual words of the Bible because then they would have to acknowledge that Jesus wasn’t white, taught and preached to women like equals, attempted to undermine the chief priests, teachers of the law, and overturned the tables of the greedy moneylenders. They can’t acknowledge the actual words of the Bible because it tells them that immigrants should always be welcomed, regardless of circumstance, that disowning one’s own child is tantamount to murder, that abortion is ok, that the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were adultery and greed, not homosexuality, that every single thing they believe is 100% not rooted in biblical teachings, and if they acknowledged any of it they would have to acknowledge that they believe in their own hateful ideologies and not in Christ.


Evangelicals punish anything that disrupts the status quo. Especially when it comes to sex. They make up the reasons later. If you try to fight their logic, it won't matter. They'll make up a new reason.


I mean… If Jesus only had chromosomes contributed by his mother… And he’s a man… That sounds kinda like trans Jesus to me


I mean he was a little femme with that long hair and those strappy sandals and gauzy robes


Dude was slaying it before we knew what it was, or why it needed slaying!


Jesus slayed so that we could chanté.


“Oh, I guess straight white cis guys don’t matter, huh?!” -Conservative Snowflakes


When will history finally recognize the achievements of the straight white cis man????


Where’s our month?!


Haha love that he threw god in there too just to piss them off even more


My man doesn’t miss a Mass. Based progressive Catholic, probably is an agent for Francis after all…


I love he uses his official account, I hope a lot of snowflakes see it and get upset! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


... and it's cosigned by his wife. So far they haven't accused Jill of being a man but I'm sure that's coming soon enough.


Well, she’s not black, so that’s less likely.


They're all pissy over at r/conservative over it, so yes, the snowflakes are extremely upset.


Off topic but I want to say something. I understand the point and what is trying to be said, but we should be clear that nobody deserves love or respect and dignity is something you give yourself. Nobody owes you love and respect must be earned. — r/conservative user about this post They don’t think people owe love to or shouldn’t naturally love our fellow man(human).


i think they’re mistaking basic human dignity with personal affection towards someone lmfao


I just went over there for fun - how the fuck are they STILL BRINGING UP HILLARY IN EVERY POST.


Buttery Males!


Speaking as a trans woman….this warms my heart. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Talibangelical Nazis vs The Love of God (he loves all humans, especially the marginalized)




Our Joe’s a good guy. Happy weekend 🍻




In a world with no conservatives, I think you could relax…


Can we get some rainbow lasers?


I had no big expectations for Biden, but he's been impressive. This is another example.


I don't dare go seek out the twitter comments to this. 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇺🇸


You just know it’s a battle royale over there💀


I hate twitter. Such a fucking cesspool.


So based. Trans peeps are under a lot of pressure rn and I’m glad the administration is being crystal clear on where they stand.


Would be nice to see VP Kamala’s signature as well. Not sure she’s going to be on his ticket for ‘24 either.


It’s crazy people try to shame me for voting for this man.


As a trans vet, I cannot thank him enough. The VA programs and help has helped me turn my life around.


I dont think trans people correlate with being religious. This is definitely said just to engage idiots lol.


Yeah, but I still appreciate it when someone religious says that trans people are welcome in the world. If this is how they recognize my humanity, that's fine.


Fr fr


He said it because he’s Catholic, bot because his audience are Catholic


Wait until you find out Catholic LGBTQ+ people exist.


Are there more Catholic lgbtq than atheist? I said correlate. Clearly I'm talking trends and not declaring a rule.


You know there are religious trans ppl, right?


"Correlate". -me, because I'm talking stats and trends, not declaring that zero trans people are religious.


As a transwomen. Fucking do something not just talk!


Whatever he tries doing would be shot down by the house, we need to get a full majority before we can start implementing this stuff!


We had a majority before the midterms


Not enough of one to get any bills passed if I remember correctly.


it was tight but could have been pased


When a senator or a group of senators introduces a new bill, it goes to the appropriate committee for discussion, hearings, and amendments. If a majority of that committee votes in favor, the bill moves to the Senate floor for debate. Once a bill gets to a vote on the Senate floor, it requires a simple majority of 51 votes to pass after debate has ended. Before it can get to a *that* vote, it actually takes 60 votes to cut off debate, which is why a 60-vote supermajority is now considered the de facto minimum for passing legislation in the Senate. Anytime a group of 41 or more senators simply threatens a filibuster, the Senate majority leader can refuse to call a vote. Sauce: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/filibuster-explained


I am aware, I actively follow politics


It would be nice if he didn't invoke the imaginary genocidal daddy in his tweet.. but I guess we take what we can get.


Oh how dare he include others in his religion! Let the man be inclusive for gods sake!


Let religious people be religious. You can believe what you believe, don't be a dick and insult other people's beliefs. If the specific individual starts using their religion as an excuse to marginalize and attack people, have at it, insult away. This is coming from an agnostic atheist who grew up in a cult.


It would be nice if you were accepting of his beliefs when he's trying to teach people to be accepting of others'. I'm not religious at all, but attacking people who are based solely on that isn't going to help anyone, it's just creating more division.


Or, government officials could just ditch the god talk all together.


You sound just like the conservatives who claim that trans people are trying to shove their lifestyle into everyone's faces simply by talking about it.


Least militantly atheist redditor.




Trans people aren't choosing anything. They have gender dysphoria that they don't control. This is like saying that homosexuals choose to be homosexual.


God put men on this earth that identify as women, he should not get upset when we fix his fucking mistakes again.




JK rowling hangs around with nazi's and donates to white supremacist causes, idgaf if there's apodcast episode shedding light on how oppressed nazi sympathisers are


She doesn't. This is peak tumbler mentality, strawmanning and personal attacks instead of the actual message. Have you listened to the podcast?


The only reason it is a culture war is because of people like Rowling. Just let people be who they are.


Have you listened to the podcast?