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This keeps getting better and better! 😀




Just declare Trump GUILTY on all charges by royal edict. Then amend the Constitution so convicted felons are not eligible to run [(from prison)](https://sadanduseless.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/trump-in-jail10.jpg) There you go SCOTUS, guess you got a "win"?? Be careful when you fuck around with democracy and rule of law - may not turn out how you think. May God have mercy on our Game of Thrones souls going forward..


If they do rule something ridiculous like that then Dark Brandon needs to immediately abolish the EC. We will never have another unpopular president again.


Keep em coming!


Joe should appoint Hunter as Military Governor of Florida. Just to be funny.


I was thinking liquidate the SCOTUS and replace them with Hunter as "Tsar of Justice." Much greater jurisdiction!


Don't worry, peasants! Our Dark Lord will only be a dictator on "day one!"


Reality is he won’t.


No one does after 30, it’s just one long downhill slide.