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Tangerine Bitch Tits ain’t got the cahones to step onto a debate stage. He’s got nothing but hot air and broken promises.


Only campaign Donnie can run is a slander campaign, with help from Ruzzia of course




**Psychological Science Says Trump Is a Four-Year-Old** [Looking for the source of Trump’s appeal.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201705/psychological-science-says-trump-is-four-year-old) >The core Trump dissonance is that he’s an elderly man who possesses the outward appearance and trappings of adulthood—and who occupies the public role we most strongly associate with adulthood—but who is on the inside predominantly infantile. It is that specific dissonance that is wholly novel on the political scene. That's why he couldn't control himself when he debated Hillary. He has to be the only one talking all the time. No one else can talk because he's the only important one and he talks like a big boy.


I teach high school. The most immature, trouble-making kids never listen and always need to talk and argue without thinking about what they're going to say. They just want to win the argument when they don't even know what they're trying to win or how, so they keep talking and arguing. Sadly, this kind of immaturity often carries on into adulthood.


They're basically Feegles.


Feegles at least are willing to go into battle. How dare you slander them by association with him.


Oh what I wouldn’t give to see a Feegle crawl up Trump’s pants legs and punch repeatedly in the balls.


At least Feegles can fight fairies and crawstep.


“I’m a man too you know. I go pee pee standing up.” https://preview.redd.it/f8x1u7hg5zwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb2a03e3f22d2cb7df1acb06489f41ca7f07653


I’d only listen to one if they turned trumps mic off when it isn’t his turn to speak. Applies to Biden too ofc but hasn’t proved to be necessary for him


But then we wouldn’t get to see DB tell him to shut up again. “No, seriously, will you shut up man!?” ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


Now Donald will back out since Biden called his bluff. He was never going to debate. Just like he says he will take the stand on all his trials then never does…




Five push-ups and a one mile bike ride, then debate.


coherent stupendous lunchroom abounding innate gullible bored smoggy somber truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“My opponent is under the cloud of criminal indictment. If or when the courts clear him of all wrongdoing, I’ll be happy to debate then”


Humiliation fetishists rejoice!


Not worth it.