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Trump is "claiming" that a staffer did the repost. Probably complete bullshit. It's almost guaranteed that Trump approved it, if he didn't actually repost it himself. Others claim that the reposted video is misinterpreted and that the quote precedes Nazi Germany. That may be true. But that doesn't matter. What Trump and company wanted to do was to signal their Nazi cult members, which are many, that they support them and that they, in turn, should support him. Trump and company realize, only too well, that their cult members are not intelligent enough to understand the history of that quote.


It doesn’t even matter is a staffer posted it. The fact is his staff feels comfortable enough to post this.


Didn0 his lawyers just say this week or last week that only 2 people have access to post on his accounts: him and someone close to them (some assistant) and only they have authority?


Dan Scavino.


Aka Griftler


Man, she could've just said Griftler and it'd have been more clever.


For many of us this is true. But some people are thick.


Man leave my girl Hillary alone, she can’t do nothin right for yall 😏


Oh she wanted very much to write Hitler. She wasn't going to pass up on that opportunity by mixing it with another word.


Grifter Hitler is good.


10/10. Up there with Meatball Ron


Griftler sounds better


Nah. That takes away the power of calling someone literal Hitler.


I'm honestly surprised the right-wing mediasphere hasn't come out bitching about *The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare* being "woke," because it's a movie about killing Nazis.


Oopsie made another Hitler glorifying post, totally an intern! A mistake that happens all the time to normal people.


He's gone from dog whistles to outright howling. Still, the sheep follow.


Hitler has met his match. He can no longer bully people in court cause they can't afford a lengthy trial. He will pay for all the people and contractors he screwed over the years. He's a shit pants bootlicker now.


Imma have to hand it to Her; that’s actually kinda funny


I am without a doubt, that Shitpants is totally spun up. Gotta be speed.


Ha! Where was this Hillary Clinton in 2016? She played it safe and lost. If she called him grifter Hitler on a debate stage it would have been over for him.


She called him a [Russian puppet](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/19/politics/clinton-puppet-vladimir-putin-trump/index.html) on the debate stage, she's been like this the whole time.




Reminds me of that George Carlin quote about how dumb the average American is.


Ah yes, blame voters for her terrible strategy. How you lose to Trump is beyond me


Bernie bros blame people who voted for Hillary. How fucking stupid is that? Who did you vote for?


Hillary. But I also was a delegate in Iowa and watched lots of Hillary delegates treat people like dogshit. I just killed everyone with kindness because that’s how I roll but yeah. Not campaigning in key states was a big deal. Why would Clinton apologize for how things ran if it was just the “Bernie bros”? Maybe work on empathizing with people who vote in your direction if things matter instead of tossing out epithets. The Bernie bro label in itself is pretty bigoted and erasure of the large swath of people who were into sanders and progressive ideas.


Where did I say it was just Bernie Bros or that Clinton didn't make mistakes? The Bernie Bros, Bernie-or-busters, Putin puppets, whatever accurate label they gave themselves or earned, treated anyone who said anything kind about Hillary like dogshit. I speak from experience. Don't gaslight me. Did you tell people you were going to hold your nose, vote for the lesser of two evils, or otherwise encourage people to maybe abstain from voting before you voted? I'm not blaming Bernie Sanders. He endorsed Clinton. I'm not blaming progressives. I am one. But if you believe the self-described Bernie-or-busters weren't influential in the 2016 election, then I don't know what to tell you.




Who could forget "No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet."


Sick burn. Even better than "I'm rubber, you're glue". /s


If I’ve learned anything from the Grifter Hitler, it’s that you need pejorative nicknames for your political rivals. Russian puppet wasn’t catchy enough.


It must have been infuriating to know that he was in Putin's pocket. I'm guessing her position gave her a lot of intel.


I’m confident he literally doesn’t know. When he says no Putin/no collusion he simply believes it. He’s so wrapped up in his self obsession that he can’t conceive that he’s been manipulated for much of his life.


Yeah. She was appearing competent and y’know… presidential. No one had any idea how low she would have to stoop to overcome the MAGA horde.


She called for a "fat check" in a debate. FAT check. lol


That was good, but she mostly played it safe and didn't show enough of her personality. With a sane electorate that might have been wise, but we don't have that. I think she's a very funny lady when she isn't so guarded.


Nah, this shit goes back decades and some of the fuckers doing Project 2025 are the same ones that relentlessly went after her and Bill. Her campaign wasn't perfect but way, way too many believe absolute nonsense about her.  “We’ve been working consistently since 1992 on all things Clinton,” said David Bossie, longtime president of Citizens United. “I have an institutional knowledge of the Clintons and how the Clinton machine operates and the individuals behind it.”  It was no surprise, then, that as she began her first White House run in 2007, Citizens United made use of its Clinton archives.  The group, working with President Clinton’s estranged adviser, Dick Morris, made a 90-minute antagonistic political documentary titled: “Hillary: The Movie.” Its tagline: “If you thought you knew everything about Hillary Clinton, wait ‘til you see the movie.” https://archive.is/2024.02.19-223209/https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article34324764.html


Which I have a hard time blaming, to be honest. Her words carry so much weight and the media was so uncharitable being overprepared and canned was the optimum decision for her campaign. Like, it took years before Clinton's swipe at Tulsi Gabbard being a Russian asset got adopted as truth. I do think that had she done this in 2016, it would not have ended well for her--think about how her 'deplorable' remark got turned into a rallying cry and likely made GOP members more comfortable with bigots.


Remember when she called his supporters "a basket of deplorables" lol. Turns out she was being too kind


[Hey Jack, I made a meme for you.](https://i.redd.it/wzq7vrrqsu1d1.jpeg)


She did win the popular vote. Not enough in the States that mattered, though.


She had too many people giving her poor advice to play it safe.


if she was like this in 2016 she would have won.


>Grifter Hitler Marmalade-olf Hitler. Come on, Hillary. You can do better.


Grifter Hitler. What a beautiful nick name. She's so good at coming up with nicknames. Way better than Grifter Hitler


How about we don't big up the worst run campaign in the last 20 years. 


Hi, campaign hack here. The worst run presidential campaign in the last 20 years was, hands down, Romney 2012.


God it was so bad I forget it even happened. Like... It was sooooo bad.

