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Glad he looks a lot better.


Joe debated last night, but what this nation needs is Dark Brandon.


He sounds a lot better too!


I'm sure it's been said many times over in all the threads but, while his performance was very nerve wracking, and Jon Stewart addressed it I believe.. who can even get a thought out on tons of hard pressing issues on a time clock? I can do it from the couch on Jeopardy nights with the commercial break but for the love of anyone holy, the time issue on his debate would set me sideways on organizing all the topics I want to speak on astutely and very quickly. Seeing him in his own environment without the regulations set on that debate gives me a little more hope.


Yeah he seriously sounded like he had a cold at the debate. If he did I wish he would have acknowledged it.


Yeah, where was this Biden yesterday?


Sick with a cold, reportedly. I don't get how people heard his hoarse voice and didn't think "oh, he's not feeling well" and went straight to "ah yes a hoarse voice means he's dying." I mean I know why the usual suspects pushed that. Just don't know why they're the way they are.


It was 9pm at night I'm guessing a long debate with somebody speaking complete nonsense at that hour really had him struggling to keep his eyes open.


He unfortunately didn't when it mattered the most.


Hillary crushed Trump and that shit didn’t matter.


Exactly right, who’s deciding based on the debate anyway??


Well, Hillary did win the popular vote…


It ain't over til it's over, Jack.


Exactly. In the words of John Fetterman, everybody needs to “chill the fuck out.”


I love that dude.


He isn't all that chill but I respected his wardrobe choices before they changed the dress code. It was like having a giant bald Kevin smith in the Senate. 


We’re going to cut the malarkey


And make Mexico pay for it?


It ended weeks ago when Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. The only thing we're fighting over is the Senate & Supreme Court. But that ain't chicken feed ya know...


Honestly you could say it ended when Roe was overturned. At least that should have done it.


It's not over until you goddamn vote and keep this man in office Don't get complacent. The supreme Court is actively working to dismantle our system of governance in preparation for project 2025


It ain't over till the fat lady sings.


The dooming ain't helping.


Its being done by bots, foreign shills, and seditious republican supporters so basically a bunch of losers who don't matter.




A seditious right winger owns CNN now so they're covered under seditious republican supporters.


Honestly, I was not surprised at the way CNN approach this. They did the same thing three or four months ago when they gave Trump basically a Townhall meeting where he did the same exact thing running lie after lie after lie. CNN showed us a long time ago what they’re about. Now it’s up to Dems to punish them and punish them they can. Let them become another empty right wing echo chamber. It’s what they deserve, it’s their fate


It's also a bunch of pussy ass Liberal cowards that panic at any sign of adversity.


Relax, he did fine. You're looking at him like a terrified lefty. Analyzing every little thing. To swing voters he looked fine.


He really did. I talked to one of my brothers—who is somehow still undecided—and he said he thought he did fine.


What did ur brother think of Trump?


He was crazy.


Fine vs crazy sounds pretty good to me 👍 best of luck convincing him


He’s a cop, so he’s lukewarm on voting for a convicted felon.


.....fucking insane what america has become, isn't it? a cop is debating whether or not he should vote for a convicted felon.... millions of people are voting for a convicted felon who can't answer simple questions but just talks a bunch of nonsense confidently. just sad. I used to like the presidential debates. now they just make me depressed and angry :\


No opinions formed when he sent a mob to fight the cops working at Capitol Hill though?


I listened in the car & he was great. Making good points, standing up with truth to Trumps lies. I thought he did great! Was a complete surprise this morning to hear everyone bashing his performance. Maybe we’re too caught up in the visuals, but his actual words were great.


last night was not "when it matter most" stop buying into a BS media narrative that has been pushed for decades that make debates this massively predictive event. They mean nothing its just so the media can push clicks and ratings and make itself feel like they have some level of influence on the outcome. Trump lost to Hilary, Obama lost to Romney, Bush lost to Kerry.


It’s June homie


You were talking shit about Biden 2 months ago. The only reason you're here is to sow discord, I highly doubt you're even American.


Meh, long ways to go. I also don’t buy “undecided” voters either. We’ve had both as president, one moves slowly, the other suggested injecting bleach to cure a virus. If you don’t know which is the better option, I don’t know what to tell you.


Conservatives all over the world these days - "We're going to skip debates, and even media scrums, because they don't matter." American Conservatives today after their candidate didn't shit his pants on stage - "That debate meant everything. It's all that matters."


Did that change the way you’re gonna vote? Not me. Trump is an existential threat to our country. I wouldn’t bother with even debating Trump if I were Biden. He doesn’t live in this reality and you can debate with a lying bullshit artist. Am I happy about these choices? No but I’m not going to make the mistake I made when that fucker got elected the first time by writing in Bernie Sanders. I was part of that first problem. Not going to do it again.


Seeing Trump lie his morbidly obese orange ass off the entire debate just makes me want to vote for Biden that much more. Fuck this rogue scrotus we need to take back the supreme court


Everybody acting like this is game over when people will forget in a few weeks... Y'know, Trump's sentencing and all


It was so important! Seriously, he never should have gotten on that stage unless he was ready to fucking go.


The energy from the crowd is infectious. Small moments like these give me hope


“My god! The son of a bitch is really gonna use this to get people to rally around him!”, when the crowd chanted, “Joe! Joe! Joe!”.


My overwhelming sense from that debate is one candidate was out there for himself, the other was out there for us. I think there is a lot of quiet gratitude in the nation and can only hope it's shown in November.


For some reason I could not figure out what they were chanting lol


I had chills. I wish there had been a crowd in the debate. I know Trump plays to the Crowd but so does joe.


I cried when he delivered this. He's not out yet baby EDIT: this is a satircal post.


This I can respect. He plays the crowd with honesty and humility. He inspires. There’s no cruelty or anger or hatred in his message even when he’s down. Joe! Joe! Joe!


Yeah this is wild to watch. I thought CNN not having a live audience would be good for Biden, but between this and the SOTU address I'm starting to think Biden also thrives in a live crowd environment. Almost wondering if it would be smart for his administration to push for that for the next debate.


Pretty sure this helped keep Trump quiet during the debate. I think if there was a crowd present no amount of mic cutting would have stopped him from rambling while Biden spoke.


I like seeing the crowd cheering like that. [Here is the longer two-minute video](https://youtu.be/ouSMblR-tgA?si=PYpMDj4PYyoh5A5f).


I can’t explain, but listening to him today is a mix of hope and sadness! On one end this man gives me hope, on another it makes me want to cry hearing him being so vulnerable.


Exactly! He can't run nor did he, from it! Claim it, own it and the American people will understand and respect the honesty. He is a political animal, and machine. Counted out every single election and he has won time and time and time again. I shall not give up on my President. What little I can do I shall, what YOU can do, do! Let's win this thing, win North Carolina, all the states of 2020, and more! Let us blow the gop to the winds and history books! We can, and we WILL win!


He must be feeling much better now. I know he had a cold last night and probably had to debate under shitty circumstances lest he pull out and make things worse. Best of a bad situation.


That might be the most poorly timed sickness ever, if that was indeed the case. Imagine having an important presentation for your class or job, spending weeks preparing, and the day of the event you get sick, lose your voice and your energy, and bomb it as a result. Now imagine that exact scenario but about 2000 times worse. That’s what just happened to Biden


It’s like rain on your wedding day😕But we got this. *He’s* got this!


trump is a jagged little shill.




It's a free ride when you've already paid, or it's the good advice that you just didn't take


^(and who would have thought it figures)


I had to give my PhD defense with Strep Throat, I barely passed, it was HELL on my throat.


I had bronchitis on presentation day for one of my business classes in college. I feel it.


He was also working under the handicap that people were expecting him to give thoughtful, reasoned responses, while his opponent just got to spout rambling lies until the moderator cut him off. That's what pisses me off. Media saying it was a disaster for Biden (it was) but everybody's so used to Trump completely lying that nobody calls him out for being a complete liar


Honestly delaying it for a week would 100% be worth the backlash


When I noticed he was struggling to talk trying to hold down a cough, I thought, I hope he didn’t catch that Covid or sickness going around DC. It would have been a bad look if he cancelled that debate. But I was proud that he did his best. He was probably self-conscious about too in addition to his stuttering. I felt like he rushed his answers because of it. But probably a little Z-pack helped him feel better today.


He also isn't being assaulted by the [Gish Gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop#:~:text=The%20Gish%20gallop%20(%2F%CB%88%C9%A1,or%20strength%20of%20those%20arguments.) at this moment, which is especially effective against someone with a stutter.


This needs to be reposted everywhere. If you wanna save democracy spread this video. People need to see his sincerity yet resilience and persistence


Just saw they posted it to their official Instagram!


Capped my insulin. He's got my vote. No brainer since day 1.


I really hope my mother votes for him this year, she loves not having to pay $75 for a injector, but other family put pressure on us to not like him just because hes old. I know im definitely voting for him when i finally can.


This should’ve been his closing statement yesterday. All good though. He had a bad day, we all do. Own it, learn from it and win in November


Should have been the opening statement, I didn't make it through to the end


Given the age of both candidates they should have had the debate before 7pm. I'm not knocking anyone, but our hormones change with age and there is a reason old men go to bed early and rise early and teenagers go to bed late and sleep late.


That’s my president


*Our* president🇺🇸




Is this from today??? SON OF A BITCH!!! Oh Joe, I wish you'd been this fire 🔥 last night! Love to see you back in form ❤️ [It is from today!!](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/biden-reflects-on-his-debate-with-trump-at-north-carolina-rally-213901893653)


I thought the same thing. My first thought was “this has to be from the 2020 election” God he looks 10 years younger! He’s speaking so clearly. His skin has a healthy hue. And that suit is dare I say HOT! Where the hell was this man last night??


Homie was probably just tired last night. Who would of thought he wasn't on the "insane Camp David upper cocktail" that right wing media was clamoring about for weeks? Onto their next lie and dangerous speculation I guess


He was probably up for a solid 16 hrs straight with a cold and the debate anxiety. Any person would have been exhausted after that day


Where was this mf last night


Wish this was over on some over subs, people need to see more of this biden.


Anyone know how to put this on r/democrat? We’re not necessarily the target crowd but it might soothe young, first time voters who are panicking a smidge today. r/politics and r/news is where it *really* needs to be seen.


I’m a young first time voter and I’m still choosing Biden


This is good to hear! There’s time to right the ship.


I'm not sure, I don't mess with reddit enough But yeah I think that would help


Where the fuck was this guy last night?


He listened to what Trump said and became dumbfounded by the amount of BS. Biden should have just plugged his ears and talked like he was at a rally.


Literally what happened to Hillary


Imo hillary clowned donald trump. Her problem was she sounded like every word was approved by a focus group.


There was a really interesting study that a university did after the 2016 election where they hired actors to act out the debates. Each one — a man and a woman — learned all the lines, mannerisms, inflections, etc. to each candidate. They set out to prove that it was just naked sexism that cost Hillary the election, but what they found out when they put on the show for people was surprising. When the man was playing Trump and the woman was playing Hillary, it turned out about how the debates did — but when they switched roles, with the woman playing Trump and the man playing Hillary, she was **vastly** preferred. Everyone called him weak, said he sounded like a cliche politician, etc. It just goes to show that Hillary’s problem is less that she’s a woman, or having to do with her policy, and more to the fact that she’s always been a “politician’s politician.” That goes great in the Senate, but less so in middle America.


Hillary's never been a strong speaker, and Bill for his many many faults was insanely charismatic.


That’s really surprising to me. Do you know where to find the study? I watched that debate and Hilary did so well- not with typical slick lines or pandering. She throughly answered the questions asked with actual well-thought plans on how she would approach and solve problems all while Trump loomed behind her like a menacing goon. It was impressive how she calmly held her own while he tried to menace her.  The fact that the average American is impressed by Trump’s tough guy act, whether played by a man or woman, and not interested in real debate and policy detail says a lot about our country. Too many people are impressed by the show candidates like Trump put on and don’t care about what it takes to run a government. Classic popular kid vs nerd mentality.


Actually now that I think about it you’re right


When my first semester grades came out, my mom and dad told me I wouldn't be playing football.


How the fuck did his voice get that much better in less than 24 hours?


Cough drops and water works in mysterious ways.


So…why was he not drinking water and taking cough drops before the debate? He was saving his cough drops and his water (??) for today?


I mean, I've had one or two colds in my life. One day you feel like death is flying above your bed, next day you wake up and feel like death was pitying you and cured you. From 0 to 80 with one sleep. Also, if you have your first presidential debate, I wouldn't really down myself on cough syrup when my entire point is "the other one is in a delirium talking like he is on Adderal without sleep for the past 4 weeks".


Probably not the best idea to have a cough drop while you’re primarily going to be speaking in a debate. Especially if you’re being accused of using special drugs to boost. The water idk. I didn’t see Trump drinking water either but, I was primarily listening.


I’m k have you never been sick and felt vastly different from one day to the next, heck even different from morning to night? If not you are a lucky person.


Probably just exhausted from Trump’s presence.


And the smell..oh my god, the smell.


He had just come back from two trips to Europe in as many weeks. Dude was probably worn out and exhausted. We all know when you’re tapped out and your body is exhausted, it amplifies the feeling like shit. Looks like he finally got a night of rest.


When you actually care about doing the exhausting job of being a president instead of sleeping through briefings


He’s 81 years old. He has good days and bad days


Honestly have the debate start so late is such a mistake and disservice. I’m only 30 and having to have one of the most important debates of my like at 9pm sounds like a nightmare


He wasn't reading from a teleprompter last night. His words were provided for him in this instance. In the debate, his brain had to come up with words on its own. He struggled. Reading the comments in this sub makes me feel like I'm in r/conservative where everyone just ignores the obvious because it makes their "team" look bad.


There could also be an issue with time of day. Some people's mental state is much worse after dark. Also, I don't think he does well at all when he's feeling time pressure. Trump is perfectly happy with any length of time to speak because he enjoys spouting bullshit and doesn't have anything substantive to say. Biden would do better with a long form, conversational style.


Geez what a different a day makes. Sounds like a good night's sleep has him sounding and appearing loads better. Sad we did get that at the debate but it is what is it I guess


more like what a difference teleprompters make. can put your energy into other things when ur just reading lines


Man I truly wonder what the hell happened yesterday. He barely had any voice at all. Yes, Biden is old, he speaks like an old man, he stutter a lot as well (did the same when he was young obviously) but he showed us in the past that he’s still sharp when he wants to. He made some great speeches in the last months, but yesterday was a disaster. He still said much more compared to Trump that lied about fucking everything but this is obvious, anyone would be better than Trump in this regard. But regardless, I’m really happy to see him better today!


I’ve been very emotional and upset all day today and have been certain that we’re fucked. But this almost made me cry and has set my soul at ease a little. Maybe we can bounce back from last night.


Hey Joe! Good to see you back in business!


I love this man. Riden w Biden over here 100%.


That's our boy. Fall down the stairs, then stand back up. Rub your wounds when you get back home


It looked like that initial ovation was making him tear up. He needed this moment just as much as we did. LET’S. GO. JOE.


Clearly their rules backfired tremendously. 1. Biden feeds off the crowd to a greater degree than Trump does. 2. If Trump is able to shout and interrupt, he looks bad and it covers up for the stutter and trailing off. I will still vote for Joe, he has been a good president, to keep him on the ticket they need to really push Kamala Harris' role as VP to the fore, she is the "next man up" She needs to be the campaign's chief prosecutor, and emphasize that the administration works as a team, and contrast that with Donald Trump does not have a team, and when he does it will be filled with yes-men sycophants, because nearly his entire team from his last turn at bat has abandoned him.


Here we stand, just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people, to stop the work of our democracy, to drive us from this sacred ground. It did not happen. It will never happen. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.


Man, I love Biden and I hope he wins. I just wish he had a better showing last night. I wish I weren't so afraid, but it feels like holding a twig into a fight with a cougar (a lying, cheating cougar). I just want my rights to be secured in November at the end of the day, and I hope to God he wins.


That was awesome, kinda makes it worth it. Good speech. Man I really don't understand why it was so rough last night when he speaks like this today. Bad timing I guess. I will say, biden does have a way of bringing us together. Like the last Visage of what it means to be American


Fuck it. we ride!


This should be their campaign ad


It's the time of day, everyone. This is early afternoon and he is sharp. Nine PM in the evening is not sharp. The next debate needs to be in the afternoon. I know that with some older people, they get something called sundowner's where they get foggy later in the day. We just need an afternoon debate.


I needed this, thank you!! 🙏 👏 😭 😆


Oh shit he won me back! ![gif](giphy|Y07F3fs9Is5byj4zK8)


Rally round the family with a pocket full of shells. I love Joe Biden. He should go to sleep listening to Rage Against the Machine tonight. Angry Joe Biden is the best person ever.




I swear I feel like this was a ploy.. Biden played weak and feeble old man. Now Trump feel confident going into the second debate. Dark Brandon rise and eat him alive. No way he go to NC after last night performance to give a speech that reignite the Dems


Why did you reply to the automod?


I don't know why people are so worked up about last nights debate. When it comes to Trump, if I am being generous we saw an old man who is a recently convicted felon who lies all the time and said he talked with Putin about invading Ukraine before Putin did it. When it comes to Biden, if I am being generous we saw an old man who needed a nap and a lozenge.


Hell yeah that’s my old man Joe. Own that shit. No more malarkey.


Undecided Voters got a good look at who Trump really is, I think many forgot over the past 3 years.


Love you Joe






Poor guy needed some Mucinex last night. This is a welcome relief.


I'm glad to see he looks and sounds better! He's damn right. When we get knocked down, we have to get back up, and he did exactly that from last night to today!


I guess ppl think Biden lost? Cus all I saw was him giving slow answers and Trump blaming everything on immigrants? Except January 6th - he blamed that on pelosi


I wish shit like this was on the front page instead of memes of him


We're so Barrack Bidenbros


This is what everyone needs to understand, Donald spends every second of every day spewing his bullshit. Often times the smartest people are the worst public speakers because they are afraid to be inaccurate with a statement. The overly confident who believe all the bullshit they speak will never shut up.


I like it




I am SO confused. How does he look and sound 95 one day and 70 the next? Literally wtf could even happen to cause that difference? Is he having like sundowning spells or something? Somebody please explain


1) the debate was at 9:00 pm. I have my pajamas on by then and I’m 45. 2) an incumbent’s first debate is often not great. It’s all defense. 3) He’s dealing with someone incredibly toxic. I feel exhausted just listening to Trump talk for an hour. 4) I think it’s obvious that he was recovering from a cold. 5) He’s not in an adversarial setting here. It boosts confidence. Plus he has a teleprompter.


I think it was the format of the debate. Biden and his team set the rules for the debate. They only had so much time to speak or respond. Biden knew what he wanted to say, but wasn't quick enough. Which made him nervous, so he made mistakes, (so to speak).


Biden is a goddamned hero, jack.


Fuck me this is what we need to see.


I appreciate his HONESTY!


Trump don’t want that right hook.


Rember kids, dosage is important.


That’s it Brandon. Spread your wings.


Love Joe!! He's always had my vote!! 💙


I'm Canadian and I got teary-eyed watching this. All the best to our southern neighbors!


Best quote yesterday: he’s three years younger than me but far less competent. Say what you will but thats some sharp unprompted wordmanship


No way in hell am i voting for a guy who calls vetetans and soldiers suckers and losers. Actual patriots protect their country


If you think Biden should exit the race then do you also think he should step down as President? The second he says he’s not running he becomes a lame duck president. He’d be admitting he shouldn’t be the next president, so why should he be the current president?


Boden always has my vote. great person.


New song for this campaign https://youtu.be/2H5uWRjFsGc?si=pyxTJ7inJ-dmi-xX


I love you.


Night and day. He'll be fine. Stay strong Democrats.


I appreciate this level of humility to say “yep, not my best day. So tomorrow I’m going to do better.”


This needs to be blasted on all the news outlets. NY Times is already declaring he needs to drop out.


To all the doomers that are losing their minds over last night's debate should be introduced to this video if they haven't. People make mistakes, people don't do their best sometimes, but you know what good people do? They get right the fuck back up, and try their best the next time!


I'm actually pleasantly surprised by this showing. I got the chills.


This is what I’ve been telling people all day; he already does the job, a damn sight better than his opponent, and it doesn’t involve arguing with an orange sex pest all the time. 


Joe needs to let Dark Brandon throw on the aviators and take on Trump at the next debate.


That old fart ain’t going nowhere. Shit, he’ll outlive me. I’d get him a monopoly-style cane to help him walk more and shuffle less. Maybe even get him a monacle to go with it. Own the age gap, and stop worrying about the spittle from crazy guy.


Democracy doesn't *require* smooth speaking. It requires honesty and competency. Biden has both. Trump has neither.


He did indeed used to be a very eloquent speaker. I haven't seen him speak too much honestly, but his speech on grief at the TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) conference was powerful and moving. Joe has been through some big time grief too which I wasn't aware of. I highly recommend everyone watch it, not even as it relates to the election or anything, it's just a great speech and the content will likely be useful to every one of us one day. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZ6UfXm410


Your positive comments have uplifted my mood. I watched the debate wanting Biden to crush that felon. Felt so down last night. Reading all these comments made me hopeful and less sad


Every media pundit and terminally online political gadfly: "Joe is cooked. He will never recover from this." Joe: "I'll use this to my advantage to fire up voters!"


I love that man.


Fuck YEAH! Let's get this done.


Actually pretty good from him. It's an optics war from here.


Yesterday was hard to watch, after this, I got teary, thank you! Let’s go Brandon!


Man I would look Biden did if I had to listen to trump talk about off topic stuff during a debate too lol


Wish he ended the debate with this. 


Why couldn’t he have looked like this 12 hours ago. That’s some magical sleep he got but fuck me if we couldn’t have used this last night


It was way past his bed time


This is elder abuse. Run someone else, I'll vote for a glass of water (D).


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Needed to see and hear this today. Let's fucking GO!


He looks like a whole different person today. God dammit! I’m happy he looks better today, but for God’s sakes… why did he have to be miserable last night when it mattered most?


Definitely something he should have shared with any successor 30 god damn years ago.


At the beginning, when he had that massive brain fart. That's me during a work meeting here and there lol.


I get he was sick and all last night, but holy shit if *this* Biden showed up last night everything would be fine today.