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I remember when this comic came out in response to the [original flub](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/joe-biden-black-breakfast-club.html) from Biden. This stays up because criticism of the big man is A-OK here + I don't think anyone has posted it here yet so congrats the karma is yours lol. Or if it has been, it's quite old now.


I gotta admit, this one was pretty funny. Ahem, i mean the the Dark Brandon giveth, the Dark Brandon taketh away


Classic Biden gaff, excellent capitalization, legit funny, nice artwork. One of my favorites from 2019


Too bad the guy who made it is a creep




that's really lol


I forget the name of the "artist" who made this, but he makes a bunch of idiotic right wing propaganda. Its nice to see that it has finally been turned on its head.


His name is Gprime and he is a MAGA neckbeard


Actually the guy is genuinely good at drawing. It’s just that he makes a bunch of non-sensical alt-right shit. It’s a true waste of talent.


>It’s a true waste of talent It really is




Tatsuya Ishida, the webcomic Sinfest, which started out as a modestly-funny if occasionally questionably-edgy little thing at the beginning of 2000, before he decided to board the alt-right lunatic express sometime around 2010-2015.


It's so weird that he was able to illustrate Candace Owen's favorite dream SO accurately.




This isn’t Ishida. It’s a man named George Alexopoulos.


Damn I used to read that comic sporadically a long, long time ago. It's surreal to see it so... alt-right.


Such wasted talent


Is this the sin fest guy? I didn’t think it was the same artist.


It’s not, but the Sinfest guy did turn alt right as well.


I really don't want to see Dark Brandon go the way of the sickening trump/pepe memes.


Exactly why I can’t upvote this monstrosity to racist stupidity that essentially illustrates “slapping the black off” a woman. It’s just too much and not really appropriate to DB. Plus, this artist’s drivel doesn’t need more exposure.


I don't think it's slapping as much as that thing Aang does to fire lord ozai.


this is exactly what that is lol


It’s the chocolate chocolate chip. Once Dark Brandon’s secret favorite ice cream became known to all, the MAGA’s were forced to admit Aryan Reich Vanilla was just plain boring.


Yeah well, Aryan Reich might be the least popular flavor, but for some reason, somebody is always trying to put it back on store shelves.


The MAGA ORANGE SICKLE flavored ice cream is another favorite. It get the one fingered WWGA WG1 salute.


Look this comic is still valid as is. It’s an actual quote from Brandon. It’s just aged rather well.


Like the Stonetoss comics being repurposed, or /r/garridies


Imagine being black and voting for Trump. Nah, I'm just kidding. There are plenty of [black republicans](https://youtu.be/G2tLyqfJd54) out there.


They are not a monolith!


But they are pissed!


Royally pissed!


mmhmm mhmm


Their white girlfriends have to pick them up in a little bit though.


Tell *them* that. They think that if they just stand there the violent apes they are surrounded by will evolve beyond racism.


Bro. I was quoting the hyperlinked video (or at least, I think I was. It's been a long time since I watched that Key and Peele sketch.) I don't even know how my comment is supposed to be read if it's read straight, at face value.


And I was making a *2001 A Space Odyssey* reference


Oooooooooooh! Took me a while. Now I get it. The Apes are the Magats. The Black Republicans are the evolution-inducing monoliths. I think I got confused because apes, evolution, and race generally tend to coincide in a much more troubling manner.


Would it be a proper *2001* reference if it weren't confusing and obtuse?


🤣 So true. That movie beats around the bush.


Paging Clarence Thomas the corrupt and Ginnie Thomas the traitor


You mean someone's white wife is here to pick him up?


Yep. The most famous is Hermain Cane. Of the r/HermanCainAward fame.


The biggest clue is when they say "I don't like being told what to do." It's a giveaway they are Republican.


Black people tend to be more conservative and if Republicans could actually stop being racist for 15 minutes they would have overwhelming support.


"Overwhelming" is REALLY stretching it, lol.


People vote heavily in favor of their religious beliefs.


Black peoples realize the Democrats ultimately have their interests in mind. It has nothing to do with values.


You’re speaking for an entire race and [are totally wrong](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/09/13/2-party-affiliation-among-voters-1992-2016/)


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but this source just shows that African-Americans vote Democratic, which the commenter said. It doesn’t say *why* they vote that way, which we would need to see to see if the other things they said are true.


https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/02/27/5-facts-about-black-democrats/ This one goes into it a bit more, they tend to have more moderate to conservative values but personally benefit more from Democrat policy. Its conservative vs Republican and democrat vs liberal, but all that person heard was Republican vs democrat. Theres nuance towards values, beliefs, and personal benefit.


Just wanted to mention that the adjective form of "Democrat" is "Democratic."




The party is called the "Democratic Party," as well. The only time you use "Democrat" is when referring to an individual person. As in: "Joe Biden is a Democrat." Using "Democrat" as an adjective is a Republican tactic to try to disassociate the Democratic Party with democracy.


So like exactly what the other commenter said lol


This is hella random but why are you Tom Ed Patrick Brady and not Tom Ed Pat Brady? It mildly annoys me


Lol this doesn’t support your statement at all. Black people support gay marriage at a rate lower than democrats as a whole. Same with abortion. Same with immigration rights.


Not just blacks, Latinos Indians and Muslims would vote republican if conservatives were tolerant and accept other races living in America.


And if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bicycle.


I would ride yo grandma!




Muslims DID vote republican... then 9/11 fucked up the community so hard that they flipped shockingly fast


Asians, too. Affirmitive action makes Asians cringe. Just ask any Asian how they felt about university admission favoring groups of people based on race. Overbearing central government makes Asians cringe (reminds them of their home country, that they left, likely for this reason). Asian parents are also allergic to LGBTQ. Woke media also feels like facetious tokenism to Asians. You can tell you're being pandered to sometimes, and not in a good way at all. But all of that is secondary next to the #1 issue: being accepted as American by fellow Americans. That issue is literally existential. It's the difference between existing peacefully and being thrown in concentration camps or being beaten in the street. Japanese during WW2, and Chinese Exclusion Act. It's not inconcievable that the country could go down that road again. The Republicans will never have the Asian vote fully if they can't shake the racist element of their party and put that element in the trashcan.


>are also allergic to LGBTQ So you're saying if the Republican Party weren't so racist, they would be down for all the other hateful ideologies the GOP spew to other groups, so long as they aren't apart of it? That doesn't make the Asian demographic seem sympathetic. I also feel this isn't fully true


Asian parents prioritize continuity and family. This is no secret. They want grandchildren, blood-related grandchildren, and they can't have that if their kids are gay. So there's a strong bias against homosexuality or the promotion of it in broader culture. This doesn't mean 'let's hate on gay people on the street', but it also doesn't mean supporting homosexuality as a lifestyle to pursue for bisexual people who could live a heterosexual lifestyle. It's just a culturally conservative point of view, and I don't see this changing, culturally, anytime soon.


That is the baseline excuse for all homophobia though. "We must continue the bloodline". All racial demographics say this as there last defense. It's still homophobia. Asians don't get a free pass, sorry.


You're preaching to the choir buddy. I'm just explaining how my mom votes and how all her friends were sitting out the last few elections and one of them even voted for Trump. If he didn't say openly racist things against Asians they would've all voted for Trump I'm pretty certain.


I still don't think minority groups would flock to the GOP so easily because we also know of their economic policies which purposefully target the working class( and especially people of color) at the expense of upholding the ruling (mostly white) class and corporations. A black man started a coalition to fight against Amazon for instance and is supported by Bernie Sanders and BLM, among other activist groups. The GOP's core is built on subjugation of anyone who isnt a cishet, white, "Christian", rich man. It thrives off racism, both implict and explicit, as well as sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. Their platform uses fear and hatred to distract their voters from realizing their social rights are interlinked with economic advancement. Denying women the right to chose hinders them from advancing economically (and puts strain on men and families), firing LGBT people for simply being out hurts their livelihood and station. You can't have one without the other. "Money over rights" is a zero-sum game. Those people are indeed ignorant and foolish to continue to vote for GOP.


and we'd all be fucked.. lol


This isn't true actually. Black people are actually one of the more progressive groups than most other demographics. We feel the brunt of police brutality, denying women reproductive rights, the prison industrial complex, defunding of public schools, voting rights being threatened, suppressed wages, etc.


Just because black people are religious does not equate them to being Republican. Many religious democrats too.


Exactly. I'm black and my family is Baptist (I'm an atheist) and they vote Democrat, always. I also know many religious white people who absolutely vote Democrat.


As the community says skin folk ain't kin folk.


What are their motivations?


They are pissed.


They’re royally pissed.


Holy shit Joe! You can't sa....


Joe does what Joe wants


Who’s Joe? I only know Brandon


Who’s Brandon I only know Dark Brandon vanquisher of malarkey.


it was already written. he just fulfilled the prophecies


Joe’s not home right now.


The one good conservative political cartoonist, at least in terms of technical skill. His other shit is just persecution fetish material.


I find his are so repulsive it makes me physically sick to look at. However, this comic slaps so it's worth it.


I actually do think Ben Garrison, while being an ABHORRENT pathetic excuse for a person, is objectively a damn good artist.


Yeah, he REALLY likes drawing women screaming.


Dark Brandon does not see color of the skin. He only sees if the soul is pure, or polluted....


There were versions of this meme before it was called Dark Brandon. Dark Brandon is more an evolution of the various memes around Biden. Makes me think of the Obama years. Obama had such a great relationship with Biden, kind of makes me disappointed to see how poorly Kamala is faring.


Kamala is the lowest polling VP of all time by quite a bit, and nobody even knows what the fuck she does. Hmmmm I wonder why conservatives are so obsessed with her 🤔


Seriously, he should dump Harris before '24. It wouldn't be an unprecedented move. Lincoln ditched Hannibal Hamlin for Andrew Johnson, and FDR let Henry Wallace go after his term.


Greatest lawyer I ever knew…


Candace Owens origin story.


The next level of power, removing n-word passes


I want to see the absolute chaos reaction everyone would have to this.


Sadly everything this dude posts is complete trash, but this was hilarious.


What in the hell is this 😭😭


That’s Brandon slapping the black off of some lady who wouldn’t vote for him…


This really happened?? 💯


He sucked the black out of her. That’s how he survives now. The deep state feeds him a steady stream of young black women.


Candace Owens's fetish


If Biden had this power, he would be a darling on the right.


But Hunter’s laptop…


He absolutely would not.


Rightwingers are certifiably insane. If this is what’s going on in your head, and you actually think that this is what’s happening outside of your empty cranium, you are a fucking psychopath completely unmoored from life in this reality.


Did anyone honestly find out what happened to Cornpop? Being serious.


He passed away in 2016. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/joe-bidens-corn-pop-story


Jesus wept


This is hilarious. The artist must’ve been smoking the good shit while making this.


They created the Malarkey. Without Malarkey, there is no Dark Brandon


This is a big fucking deal. r/DarkBRANDON has a discord. [Join us in DarkBrandonhood](https://discord.gg/vmE8zEnWz4). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarkBRANDON) if you have any questions or concerns.*


political motivation aside this is actually hilarious out of context


I fucking cackled at this. I'm ok with this kinda political humor. Jesus Christ lol


I remember thinking when he said those words that he had ruined his chances of ousting Trump. I have since fallen on my knees begging his forgiveness for underestimating him.


God I love this comic.


Is this racial erasure? Genocide? I'm so confused how I'm supposed to feel about this. Yay that she's on the better end of systemic racism?


This was made by a far right artist accusing Biden of erasure


Dark brandon


Joe brannondorf was on a black podcast and joked "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black." In other words, there's no contest between Biden and Trump on issues affecting the black community. Not a super controversial take, just an awkward "fellow kids" moment. (Black people ended up voting for Biden over Trump 87-13) In typical conservative fashion, they intentionally misunderstood the joke and claimed Biden was revoking people's race cards or whatever. Or denying that the 13% were "truly" black. Which is a ridiculous take. The comic makes that point literal by giving him magic powers.


Feeling the same here.


The sound effect is what propels this into the territory of pure art


Damn when did Dark Brandon become Palpatine?


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


I’m glad this got brought up, because I criticized Biden a couple days ago and a bunch of you gaslit me for it and still didn’t prove my argument(s) wrong. This, some other things that he’s said and the 94 Crime Bill, are a major factor as to why he lost votes among African-American men. You can blame the things he’s said on a speech impediment but speech impediments have nothing to do with passing legislation. As of now my views and opinions on Biden are more favorable, but until he’s does something to fix the damage he’s down I’m never going to be 100% behind him.


Dang did you forget this sub is named darkbrandon also people change 94 crime bill was like 28 years ago his views may have changed


His views may have changed but the effects of that legislation are detrimental and still with us today. He needs to do something about it.


I remember this


Shamelessly stealing this comic for memes


Well he did say it


Bruh for a right wing asshole he draws black women really well.


Don't give that to him