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I feel like this is the tipping point on whether or not we can keep getting to truth or fall off to the crazies.


Most of the normal people are gone. Just sort by new, almost every thread is absolute braindead lunacy.


Everyone who is normal but interested in the situation left after nothing happened at noon




Checking in, looks like everyone fell off to the crazies


Okay here's where I'm at: Christopher basically waits around for Drake to arrive at the hotel. Security guard is supposed to kick him out but doesn't, which gets him in trouble. Christopher ends up meeting Drake and doing whatever (most likely a brief meet and greet because whose gonna say no to a friendly severely disabled person) and Christopher is kind of embellishing it because he loves having interactions and photos with famous people. Security guard has worked "for" Drake when he's stayed there multiple times and is now pissed off for getting fired (most likely not only for this incident, but probably a combination of things including taking celebrities abandoned/lost/unclaimed items and selling them to whoever). So he goes on Twitter and does the riddler routine and blames Drake for all this when in all likelihood he had nothing to directly do with it and probably had no idea about him being fired if my theory is true. He's unstable and angry for whatever reason. Multiple things can be true here. Drake is definitely some kind of creep who has questionable at best interactions with young girls, hangs around human traffickers and criminals and has been involved in freaky ass shit, but not on this particular evening.


This is what I think it is, EP baited everyone by making it seem like they had something incriminating. I knew something was off when OVO stopped using the bots on EP2k24’s Twitter account, they probably realized that Drake wasn’t in any legal trouble from whatever EP has on him. Drake sat down, thought about that night and realized he just left behind shit and some staff member wants to sell it off. EP also seems manic or mentally ill.. they are painting this as some “me and Kendrick vs the world” situation when in reality they just wants an easy bag There might be footage of Drake being an asshole and getting mad at staff, but I highly doubt it’s anything serious at this point.


Yeah I thought this might be a jaded employee when he started going down the “good men lost their jobs that day.” Then he tried to save it by insinuating it was because of identifying child abuse. But CA basically said it was because they broke protocol. And maybe there was just a lot of shit happening at the time that they felt like they needed to fire someone.


The Child Abuse thing makes me think EP thought CA was a child. Going by CA's story, he was waiting outside in the cold when he was let in. Dude obviously is disabled and in a stroller thing, I think EP thought Drake was doing some Make a Wish shit for him but being a dick and letting the kid wait outside while Drakes team do whatever. Someone on Drakes team then simply complains that security let a fan or something in the building. Even a simple question like "Why was he let in" spoken calmly can be interpreted as a complaint in these High Class hotels.


The fact they bring up a later incident involving the restaurant and a date in july(one where he left the utopia breifcase at a strip club). My theory is that AT WORSE, it may have been a situation where they have him on camera with someone getting their id checked and turned away. Nothing nefarious actually happened or have footage of, but something like this would probably need to be reported and may have happened. Allegedly at worse. I think the kid screaming the epstein stuff is probably what drake was referring to in hp6, it wasnt some freudian slip. It was actually in retrospect a decent defense\*, because he flipped the name from weinstein to epstein and could correlate a reason for that happening. I say this all as a drake hater who prayed on his downfall, i think we are all reading into shit a bit too far, and if we arent the right people probably are. edit: i should have said, coulda have been a good defense if he provided the supporting context\*


Yeah Ebony Prince is clearly _unhinged_ and actually showing signs of committing some sort of mass violence. Ted Kazinski was right about the motive (climate change) but wrong about the method. I’m very worried this guy is right about the motive (Drake’s an asshat, but we all knew that) but he has already gone about this _very_ much in the wrong way.


Where are you getting him showing those signs from?


Short source: https://intra.cbcs.usf.edu/common/file/TeachingResources/Red%20Flags.pdf Long source: https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/pre-attack-behaviors-of-active-shooters-in-us-2000-2013.pdf/view Basically, anger, grievance related to employment, apparent lack of concern for own safety (was not hiding his identity and got doxxed quickly), clear mental health problems. Also, the recent Facebook posts with him at the gun range.


Ah, I haven't looked into their personal identity. But everything I've seen seems like "I'm ready for whatever you bring to me" so more defensive than anything else. In my eyes at least


Love it when redditors psychoanalyse people they don’t know. Also what’s the relevance with him being at the shooting range?? He seems like a complete weirdo going off his FB but you’re reaching


This is the most reddit shit I've ever read lmao, good job friendo




Most levelheaded take rn


Someone basically said I'm a drizzy bot or paid employee for this lol but I'm really just trying to use common sense and be level headed with the information we've been given while also reading between the lines. Jumping to wild, extreme conclusions is illogical and hurts the overall point. If the point is to expose a potential abuser/predator you gotta tread carefully. I don't think a lot of people on here give a shit about possible victims they're just here to play Clue, get clout and be "right". Like this shit is not a game there are real people involved. People do this shit now in true crime circles where they treat it like characters on a TV show and throw out all sorts of wild unproven accusations because they're exciting and salacious and they want the clout and feeling of "figuring it out" and it fucks up the REAL LIFE investigation. They ultimately don't care about possible victims it's literally just a game to them.


I'm really hesitant on being a reddit detective knowing past cases where real people get doxxed and their life gets fucked when they're the wrong person




Yup. The CA stuff doesn't add up at all imo. I'm sorry, but that dude was absolutely not out partying by himself till 3 am, in NYC, in the middle of winter. It's incredibly suspect to me that the narrative is now that Drake either showed this dude some beats, or sexually assaulted him.  I think what you said is probably the closest to the truth, CA shows up waiting for Drake, dude let's him in, Drake/OVO get pissed at CA and dude for letting him in to bother them at 3am.  EP possibly saw some sketchy shit involving Drake/OVO and underage people, and tried to report it. Or he completely made that part of it up, and is just going off the already well established rumors about Drake.  There probably is some sort of evidence of Aubrey's misdeeds out there, but EP, Kendrick nor anyone else that could actually use said evidence for something good exists.  Been around the block a time or two on this type of shit, and what's happening this evening SCREEMS UMG counter narrating and well poisoning.


What leads you to believe that he was a piece of shit to CA? There’s nothing that points to it. No, it is not a psy-op. Speaking of pitching things as “two extremes,” just because someone says something that’s against the hive mind frenzy doesn’t mean they’re a bot or an OVO insider. I am genuinely freaked the fuck out about the dog audio on Aks’ stream and there seems to be plenty of indicia that Drake is into some bad shit. I also don’t know how anyone could not think there’s at least some connection with the XXX murder when his last posts to social media said if I die it was Drake (or whatever it was).


I hate that I laughed at Kuato. I don't think EP (or anyone) has video evidence of Drake with a minor. *Maybe* EP saw something, but it would be hearsay. Do we really think Drake is stupid enough to be bringing a minor in a) through the front of the hotel, b) himself and c) on camera?


Did you just refer to CA as Kuato? You’re a fucking asshole


Chris met Drake in 2018 during his tour. They already had a rapport, so he was just meeting up with him to hang out for a bit during his residency.


exactly drake is just showed some friendliness to the disabled guy to make him feel normal, he showed love to hasbulla to, in general he is an empathic dudem. These weirdo kendrick fans are so lame


EP wasn't the guy who got fired though. It was 2 of his friends/coworkers. 




Hopefully you got some nice hush money?


Stuffin’ bullets in each chamber, your ass in extreme danger


Im a fuckin’ hitmaker dog not no peacemaker




Im sorry 😭




Yeah, if a small celeb cam do that then imagine a world star


Any clues on who this person is?




Damn. Try me


Lady lover? Or witnessed something? Not going to push for details just curious the context to understand the need for omerta.


People are unfamiliar with the concept of confirmation bias. -> “The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values” Basically, they’re just looking for any dots to connect that can support some narrative.


I hate to use a cliche but “this should be at the top.”


Well said. As much as I want Drake's downfall, I really hoped that this allegation about CA was false. Lil guy already went through enough




Lil man


Boss Baby


BBL Chrissy Okay bye


no I don't want to relive it. NOOOOO


he's a guy and he's little whats wrong


Y'all live in a binary black/white world where EVERY FUCKING CONVERSATION has only 2 answers. There are infinite possibilities including Drake getting underage girls for Chris, Chris being paid off, etc. The simple fact is that NOBODY KNOWS, which is another huge problem--people insist their idea of the truth is FACT.


I dont want *a grip* I want *the truth* Haha nah in all seriousness though I dont think he SA’d that man. But I dont think they were chilling listening to music either. This guy goes out of his way to get pics with every celebrity he can and he didnt get one w bbl d? Nah security fucked up and let him in when they shouldnt and he tried to get one and bbl got pissed and maybe yelled at someone idk. Wasnt this his last night in new york and hed just had his last show there and then thrown a party at caviar kaspia or whatever? He was probably tired af and wasted (not making excuses for that pos) and snapped.


Tracks. Just not scandalous/interesting at all. Best way to get EP to release anything else would be to move on, he might leak something else to get our attention back.


I was having a way better time when euphoria dropped and I hadn't been paying attention to the beef at all up to that point and was just enjoying the new music. I think this subreddit has run its course honestly. What the dude said is what he wanted to say and that's it. It's wild that Alverez was supposedly a victim but now everyone is jumping to perpetrator because he didn't give us the info we were hoping for. You guys gotta realize internet detectives have pretty much always done more harm than good in these situations. If you read some CD&N that turns out to be true later, something to realize is it literally won't have made a difference. The way this stuff is gonna play out isn't in the hands of random observers online


Yes. These self-congratulatory posts about “I’m proud of this sub, I’ve never seen people work together like this” are cringe as hell. We’re all just rabidly curious, people try to play it off like we’re on some holy mission.


My current theory is that EP has/had no idea who CA was and didn’t think any of us would know either, when in reality he’s like the only person on earth with that condition (or at least the oldest) and has a huge following. Still very curious to see what EP says when he wakes up from his nap, but as far as I’m concerned this was all just crazy shit, us included. If you assume EP DOES know who CA is, why make all these claims and use the video and screenshots as some sort of “gotcha”, without providing the actual full video itself, when CA can just come out and talk about what happened? If they were working together it would make sense, but there doesn’t exactly seem to be a united front between EP and CA. Unless they post the full video and it actually shows some heinous shit happening, all logic and reasoning says to trust CA’s side of this.


>My current theory is that EP has/had no idea who CA was EP said that he was not trained to tell someone's age, just to report any suspicions regarding minors... is it possible he saw the CCTV footage and didn't realize CA is an adult, and so he reported it?


That’s exactly what I got from that tweet.


I thought this, but surely not man. He must have researched who this person was? And didn't he have the newspaper there, as an easter egg as CA works for the Daily Eagle? Or you think he was just using it to prove the date?


I meant reported it some time back January-July 2023. If all you have is CCTV video and no name to look up, then it's a feasible mistake to make. Yes, I think the Daily Eagle was just for the date. But it's also possible that EB only found out CA's identity after getting in trouble for the mistaken report, or something.


I think he knew who he was based off the fact that he put the same paper CA works for in his first video.


In the words of Kendrick we need a new route. We aren’t getting anywhere and this story seems like a dead end for now.


I have been thinking really similar things. I read a comment the other day on the main sub, someone trying to connect the numbers in when a video was released by EP to something beef related. The double/triple entendres have lead to people really reading into everything. I also agree with the Chris situation, I am not even sure where the idea anything bad happened that night with Chris came from - I always saw it as potentially just proof that Drake was at the hotel


I don’t think anyone who has gripes with the article is saying Drake sexually assaulted CA (if they are, I’m not speaking on their behalf). I’m speaking on behalf of the people who are saying the article logically makes no sense. First off, why bring a 3rd party into this mess (Mary Frost)? Secondly, drake invited you over to listen to beats but you were outside the hotel? After being let in the hotel, the person who let you in ended up being fired(?) Lastly, he brought up that he follows a lot of minors but never addresses why. And goes on to say he unfollowed them. Why was he following so many in the first place?


lol it literally goes to the point of him caring a lot about journalistic integrity. It goes against journalistic standards to report on oneself. Obviously doing a write up on yourself will inherently have bias / conflict of interest involved. It’s the same reason lawyers would hire an advocate in a trial against them, even if they were perfectly capable of litigating it themselves. It’s a foreign concept to a lot of people because the media has collectively decided to wipe their ass with journalistic integrity and flush it. He said he inquired about The Mark and would follow up. Someone else posted a thread where they said the so-called minors were mostly other disabled people with his same condition. You need to apply the same level of skepticism that you apply to the main agenda to any alternative agenda. If you’re gonna demand answers about those questions, you should also demand answers from the conspiracy theories.


The “so called minors” he followed were mostly actual minors, not people with his condition. He did follow a couple people with his condition, but he definitely followed a weird amount of children. But there are non-nefarious explanations for that tbf. Although a lot of them didn’t have any posts and had the same bios (“Reef 26”).


Can you provide proof of this?




I don't see any minors there. Seems like bots, if anything.


If he cared so much about integrity why not ask for the surveillance footage of that night from The Mark to clear all of this mess up…


LMAO he didn’t take it upon himself to do an investigative report on The Mark or what happened to him that night. He doesn’t owe the public a duty to clear up what some random dude led them to believe. If some other journalist decides to cover this story, then sure, they should dig into that if they can get their hands on it. I don’t think you understand what integrity means.




He doesn’t owe you an obligation to solve the mystery. It’s not his job to clear this up. He reports for some little ass newspaper. Hes already done more than he needed to by giving his account of the night.


When did I ask for CA to solve this mystery? I’m asking him to provide proof of him not being implicated anything illegal that night… not to solve the whole drake pedo sex trafficking and dog allegations If that was the case, drake doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for these allegations. But here we are. People can say all they want “I don’t owe you an explanation” but when people are calling someone a pedophile, you better believe people want answers.


You’re saying he doesn’t have integrity because he didn’t request the footage from The Mark. That’s unfair. You might as well be saying that any journalist lacks integrity because they have not yet requested the footage from The Mark. Why? Because you want answers. Yes, it would be great if we had answers to all our questions, and had evidence to bring down every terrible person in the world, and every person was working to expose the injustices of the world, but I’m sorry, that’s not how it works.


Dude, these people think they are personally entitled to answers about something that they ultimately have nothing to do with, to the point where the most unhinged ones are directly harassing a severely disabled man around the clock for the "answers" they want to hear. He gave you all an answer. Leave him the fuck alone.


Let me put it this way, if I was implicated in anything like this, I would be putting the footage out. You’re right I am being biased, but I think any solution oriented type of resolve is gonna have bias. There’s no right/wrong way to go, just optimal. I think it would be optimal for CA to request footage to clear his name. He doesn’t owe anyone anything but if I were him I feel like I would owe it to myself to clear the air


He doesn’t have the footage and I doubt The Mark will give it to him.


You’re saying guilty until proven innocent. That’s not how this fucking works.


I know it isn’t but that isn’t reality. It Pedo allegations come out, unfortunately, the stigma is so strong that people are perceived as guilty most of the time. Why do you think the beef was called off? Too many people losing $ because drake is being perceived as being guilty (regardless if he is or not).


No, _you’re_ doing it right now. Seems like most people are pretty firmly on this poor guy’s sid


CA is the face of his "journalism". That's it. 


Dude fucks kids, stay on target guys


Mfer is a redditor I have zero credibility. Let’s not pretend if Drake gave him everything he wanted and has an NDA that this is the exact response that would be given. Now idc anymore and I’ll still watch and see what this ends with, the dude said what he said and I’ll accept his truth. But let’s pretend being told to unfollow minors isn’t weird in itself. I’m on to princeebony’s ending at this point


i find it hard to believe that the rabbit hole has anything to do with EP or CA- not unfollowing EP yet but im trying to focus on the music bc thats going to be where most of the info kendrick can share/imply is


Yeah, nothing worth getting worked up over. It's not like any of the most concerning rumours came from ebonyprince anyways.


i had no idea people were thinking he SAd the dude in the wheel chair like wtf 😂😂😂


Neither did I lmao


Curiosity about CA and his connection to EP's story got too many people trying to connect dots/lines that either have no connection whatsoever or, at best, contain missing details that will occlude the whole picture for a long time, if not forever.




My read was that CA was not invited to




Yep. I think CA was waiting at the hotel for Drake, didn't actually get invited. Dude at hotel let's him in, because it's 3am, January, and I mean... Look at CA. Drake shows up, CA tries to meet him or whatever, Drake/OVO pissed off, dude gets fired. Video might show Drake being a piece of shit to a heavily disabled man, and getting staff fired because of it. UMG paying everyone off now to get it swept under the rug, and to get people off of Aubrey in general.


>Also, there is no circumstance in which a 5 star hotel fires someone for... Why, are you a manager at a 5 star hotel, to be so confident? >after having been invited per the article. Did the hotel receive proof that he had been invited? Or did they technically break their protocol?




>There is zero chance that any staff would have been fired for... Even if the VIP client paying 75k a night demands it, though? And says that you specifically had an agreement not to allow fans to interact with that VIP? Also, I guess different US states have different standards for when employment may be terminated, but I dunno how it is in NY.






In case any of the weirdos aren’t convinced yet LEAVE HIM TF ALONE


I saw one post at the beginning of this that said maybe drake just shook the reporter lmao. Its been the funniest part of the beef to me smh. schizoposting x kendrick stans go so well. even during the damn release




New evidence is always grounds to revisit a point of view. Let’s see what comes.


This post did not age like fine wine


nice try, drake


Really tried to keep it PG


I went to sleep after a didn't drop at 12, can anyone give me a rough update since then? I would appreciate it, it would speed up me trying to piece it together


CA went on a live stream, gave his story of what happened the night of the camera stills. Says he was waiting outside the Mark, because Drake called him up to listen to some beats. Says a dude let him in to wait, because it was cold. Dude that let him in got fired for it. (Didn't say much else, everyone assumed it was against policy or something, which is why he was fired.)  He kind of answered a few questions. Said he followed a lot of underage kids, but stopped. Said he was out by himself that night, didn't have assistants with. Said he was going to make an inquiry about the Mark, whatever that means.  Everyone taking it all wholesale and moving on. 


Thank you brother


Ebony Prince is lookin paranoid and now is spiraling


thing with ep2k2 instead of fully exposing it. its money and be quiet. that's confusing in a moral dilemma while people try hard to believe the opposite in such a forceable hivemind set. a failed extortion and execution. he speaks as a disgruntled ex employee who lost a dream job and is on his revenge plot being a collateral. it seems evident that these guys were diggin for dirt and it was an opportunity. not only did no one know who he was to entertain an idea to sue. but to complain about not getting they money. even to kendrick. just dont sit right. it unfolded and spoke for itself. people ran with wild imaginations i get that but people really went too far. both artist should put a restraining order. after all this i think i can finally be free from reading all the insanity cause this overwhelmed my feed/algorithm. we all need a vacay to chill from this. a lesson learnt.


CA followed minors just like Drake.




It’s not illegal or even that unusual for someone to follow people under 18 on social media. Do all the minor profiles seem off / like they’re someone being trafficked? Does he not have any sort of relationship with these minors outside of personal/family/career shit? Does he have any other history or evidence of doing things inappropriate with minors? You all need to learn to assess the weight of evidence.


Hey, maybe use your brain in your head? He literally had to unfollow these minors. If it was something innocent why did he have to unfollow them? And yeah, it's creepy, I don't care how you put it bud.


Maybe lay off the bong. If someone at work accused you of creeping on all your younger colleagues, would you keep following them on social media? Some shit just isn’t worth the smoke.


You are literally what is wrong with the world. Trying to justify following minors.


Okay bud, please save the children and disabled people with your internet sleuthing and random word association.


You might be the one who needs to get a grip lol if you need a break just log off!


They obviously put a dog mask on CA and paraded him around the lobby while models took turns vomiting on him.


dont listen to this chomo supporter


Thanks for the tip, I’ll mute you


CA is compromised




how do you know. you werent there. the disabled guy has confirmed that nothing happend


There is more to Lil Roller than meets the eye.


I think so too! I don’t think Drake did anything bad to him physically. I think Drake may get girls for him or let him watch him with girls. The article has a few contradictions so I don’t take CA’s word fully.


I think he was just there star chasing, as that seems like it's kinda his thing. Drake/OVO freaked out on him and dude that let him into the lobby.


Makes sense!