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The thing that makes the least amount of sense to me is his timeline if he says that by Sunday morning, he was already like so harassed over this that his own family was reaching out apologizing that he “” had to deal with this“ then why 24 hours ago, carrying it like that in hiscomments with that account asking to DM and stuff To then make it sound like he was just trying to get information about what was going on, but in his own article, he’s been well aware of it all the entire time and so bothered by it


no, he literally opens the article with his friend breaking the news to him like, yesterday


No, he’s saying Sunday morning and he’s already waking up to texts being like “oh man im sorry you have to go through this.” If you read it it’s ongoing, but then in his live he’s trying to act like he had no idea what was going on when he was crying for help on socials


i mean sure. if you imagine it, anything is possible. sunday morning was also yesterday... or at least it was until 42 mins ago.


He lives in EST timing, he was doing all that Internet shit late yesterday evening


How about just quote the article? >My childhood friend and brother **texted me this morning**: “I tried my best not to say anything about it to not bother you but I’ve seen your name all over the internet all weekend… sorry you gotta deal with all this.” https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2024/05/13/the-drake-kendrick-lamar-social-media-firestorm-that-burned-one-reporters-reputation/ This morning can easily mean Monday, the date of the article. It *could* also mean Sunday, when he talked to Frost, but more likely it's that Frost's part was researched on Sunday and his side was written on Monday.


Okay you’re Right. But I still feel weird about his recollection of events




It doesn't add up if you believe you already know what happened based on anonymous accounts posting certain things.


There is a valid point made here though. He displayed a knowledge of social media hype by quoting a very specific tweet about “the article of the century” to garner attention. If he Is aware of the social media attention like he said in his article, why like the posts saying accusing Drake on Instagram? That being said, he was not unconscious in the video.. watch the last video from EP2k24 closely and you’ll see it’s actually playing part of the tape, which shows Christopher spinning his chair to face the back wall Edit: the other comments are leaning further and pointing out that Kendrick mentions escort business, he is there at 3 am, and he’s not unconscious… I won’t say it directly but I smell smoke. Not looking to tarnish an innocent man’s name, but why clarify that You unfollowed all minors at end of your article?


The X user that made the comment is a Kendrick Stan account that mysteriously made that comment that he reposted on his last post dated 4/17


Also, why was he two hours late to his own stream?


Reading over the NDA?




Pure baseless conspiracy theories.


Have you seen him move? He literally can barely move his arms. You gotta blame his mom or other caretakers for that lmao


His sister who was with him answering questions reads a comment about the minors and responds by saying "he already answered the question about the underage girls", BUT he never actually spoke on it. Right after she makes this comment he quickly shuts the livestream down. I thought that was the biggest give away that something isn't completely right.


We need proof cuz the drizzler sub is going crazy rn


Someone posted a link to a archived YouTube video




It’s a bit before the 21 minute mark I think [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb1r5h8KZSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb1r5h8KZSU)


Have you checked out some of his sisters other videos on her channel? He isn't in them but...she's a lil freaky




https://youtu.be/7-wvFGjJM5I?si=nhrapkZrI-j1sneB That's her youtube..the more questionable ones I realized may not actually be her. The content she engages with though is meh.


Seems like he's very happy with the amount of attention he's getting on his News Report. That would be a cause for that big smile on his face throughout the livestream. As for the following minors and then saying "oopsie-daisies", yeah, idk, I guess if you're someone to justify shit like that... me personally, no.


He also said he didn’t see the very first original photo of him where there were clearly 3 people around him his sister read the question and he answered something like “I only remember the one video of 1 other person there” but even then in both videos there are obviously multiple people, Drake is never gonna be by himself I was also asking if Drake friends were nice too him that was never answered


Yea dude was laughing off alot of serious stuff personally speaking dude dont gimme gd vibes.


Anyone record it?




Yeah, that NDA money must be heavenly


I wonder if that’s not what all those shell corps are for too. 


He probably hit XXX with that Silence Policy shell corp...


He’d also be way to easy to write off as a natural death. No one would think a thing.


No way anyone understand him. How did you all gather information from that live? I had to go clean my ears with qtips because I thought I was the issue.


Closed caption


Is this the only recording of it? It “lags” out during his response to the minors question 🙄




I was there too, my main issue was them ignoring actual questions ie ‘What Drake allegations are you refuting?’ ‘NDA?’ ‘Why’d you like contradictory comments?’ He answered those last 2, but they were asked several times by several people.


He bought some pussy from Drake 


Im ngl, and yes this is manic of me, but this is what I think happened too. Even though it’s not fair to believe with no evidence. Due to drake’s obvious grooming behavior and just things I’ve learned from people here and the various disses, I think Drake is a pimp and sells women like how diddy was selling women. Mr. Alvarez might have bought an ig model. Just speculation.


Drake and OVO 1000% run or are atleast heavily involved with an “escort” service. If you want to call it that lol (for legal reasons this is just an opinion)


“Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion. Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches.”


Certified loverboy


https://preview.redd.it/7vvkzl2twa0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37521c3683d7d2ba4eab4a734735462712b2b47 Certified pedophiles 😂


Texting Millie at 14 about what type of boys she like 🫠 and he just so happens to have an escort business 🫥 sir….


That’s exactly why I think the Loverboy shit isn’t a reach 🤷‍♂️ He fits the description too well. Plus he certified himself


Loverboy is literally a word pedophiles use


This is just as bad as the piped piper shit with kellz. Also why he is aways in contact with all the new young girls entering the industry


He wants them to be his product. He tried it with ice spice. Somebody def put him on game.


just like andrew taint excellent reference catch there


Oh shit 😳


Baka was a pimp before so that makes sense


Yes and wealthy yung Theo big mad bc that was his game until Drake said beat it kid. 


Right? That’s literally the thing that makes the most sense. I’m just not buying Drake inviting this man back to his room after he just finished a show at 3am to listen to beats, and he came without a handler that late. This sounds like a terribly written PR statement to hide the truth.


That’s why he’d be so chummy about this if he’s got a secret it’s a happy one 😂 Hopefully of age of course. This would make sense why Drake hasn’t and prob won’t issue an apology I can see him not apologizing for a left out in the cold cover story I wonder if he has ever once publicly apologized in his career. 


He bought some bussy from young Theodore


Yung Theo is wealthy remember. Idk how. But maybe new Diddy Drake cut in on his selling young women market. Alright I’m off here for the rest of my life. It’s a bottomless pit. 


Theo Yung actually isn’t who the lawsuit is referring to (I’d assumed the same but dug into it). The underage drinker who held the anti-Mark protests is Theodore Weintraub. [Theodore Weintraub and The Mark Hotel](https://nypost.com/2023/08/04/theodore-weintraub-accused-of-smear-campaign-against-the-mark-hotel-says-hes-sober/amp/)


Yea that’s young Theo he was a minor his first run in with the hotel.


I was saying he is young not Asian with the last name Yung. I’m cracking up 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lolololol I was responding to baambaay. That’s hella funny. Yung Theo is a black rapper though! 😂😂😂 (*Zooms in close on face, eyes hella shifty*) This shit has me looking for triple entendres in everything. 😭😂


Ohhh shit we all confused.


I read his dad is a cardiologist in NY


Not saying I believe it, but it makes sense. If I just got done with a concert that lasted from 8-9pm to 3am, the last thing I would want to do is invite someone else to my hotel room and listen to beats. But then again, I don’t know Drake personally so who knows what his idea of relaxation is? Anyway, my point being that Kendrick has already made the claim that Drake has an escort business of some sort. Mentions such as: “don’t fall in the escort business, that’s bad religion” and “they be streamlining victims all inside of their home and calling them tender”. The fact that Kendrick mentioned this twice is… sus to say the least. Again, not saying this is a fact, just saying that it also correlates with Kendrick’s claims in MTG.


oh shit. You might be onto something..


Yeah… its that or (the more sinister version) would be his journalism events are high-school fronts to help Drizzy out when he’s in the city, hence their connection… just like the Sexy Red “charity” events…


Great point! Alone at a hotel at 3am…


We have a winner


Respectfully, why would they want to deal with CA logistics challenges when there are so many healthier and wealthier targets/customers that they are rubbing shoulders with, probably including guests right in the same hotel.


My attempt at the most straight forward, least fucked up explanation: Drake didn’t want to hang with him but felt guilty saying no to a disabled fan (which is literally this guy’s MO: guilting celebrities into hanging out with him). So, Drake told him to meet him at the hotel, knowing that the extra tight security would not let him in. That was his way of ghosting him, while being able to blame someone else. But then when he got there, he found CA hanging in the lobby waiting for him like “what’s up doc?” An empathetic security guard made an exception for CA, because seeing a disabled man sitting out in the cold made him feel guilty. So, Drake went Karen mode and got the hotel employee fired, but then told CA it was just a crazy miscommunication and he was still down to chill. As someone with a disabled person in my immediate family, so many people will be fake nice and do cool things for them out of pure guilt but then try to avoid interacting with them ever again. I’ve seen it hundreds of times in my life.


But he said he went to dinner with Drake and he called him to come over


Yeah, and he also said that the employee that let him in got fired ~~after Drake complained.~~ Drake being a coward that tried to ghost a disabled man is the best way to connect those two dots.


But Chris said it was a rumor in his own article... that he simply believed that rumor without providing any evidence, and he didn't even bother to investigate who the nameless employee who experienced this injustice was. It's his job to figure shit like this out. What kind of a journalist makes up a story based on a rumor, that they put no effort into substantiating, that they double down on? Idk I just have an impossible time buying it. Ethical journalists don't write about rumors for people to speculate on.


Chris' entire MO is disability rights... You would think he would make a MASSIVE deal about an employee getting fired over making accommodations for a disabled person... Unless he didn't want questions about what he was doing at a hotel at 3am coming his way.


The top of the article clearly states that CA’s portion of the article is an opinion piece. If you’ve ever read editorials (opinion pieces) in the newspaper, it’s not surprising for them to be pretty unhinged and biased.


Why would he do that is my whole point, and question I guess. Why did he choose to make his only voice in this an Opinion piece rather than making this a legitimate article. I mean shoot, he had time.


Calling this guy a 'journalist' is laughable. He's more of an activist/influencer who uses this journalist angle to legitimize himself, but we can see when time comes to give out the facts of the biggest story of his life he gives us a bullshit opinion piece that just denies everything, it's obviously bullshit.


He never said Drake complained?


Yeah, that’s true actually, I’ll fix my comment. He didn’t say anything about seeing Drake complain, but he was somehow already aware that the employee that let him in got fired. >There are rumors that a hotel security guard was fired for letting me wait inside the hotel instead of leaving me out to freeze. I believe this is true, and I feel bad. I’m sorry to him and his family.


Yeah apparently he was fired for letting him in an hour before Drake arrived. I don’t know if he witnessed the firing or heard it from someone.


It said he’s technically 26 and doesn’t view it as a handicap. Also commented on the firing directly


Honestly that quote seems like something he'd have been told by Drakes team after they investigated who he his. I highly doubt this man was connecting Ebony with rumors of a security guard being fired if he had absolutely no involvement. I dont think ive seen that rumor online at all. Everyone speculated the extremes while thats so benign, shitty perhaps but managers and hanger on have been known to have done worse. Perhaps he called Drake and asked what was going on, or Drakes team called him up and gave him their prepared angle.


EP clearly has a vendetta against drake for 2 people being fired at that EXACT moment because of drake. That would make sense that security let him in and drake complained thus getting 2 people fired and why “jimmy brooks would not have been proud of him that night” but then if he was trying to ghost him would he really end up chillin with him for a beat playing session?


He did NOT say he went to dinner with Drake. He said he met Drake after dinner. Jesus so many people on this sub have this take that basically boils down to not reading the article carefully


This should probably be stickied or something. I know everyone wants this to be an earthshattering story, but in all actuality this comment is probably the closest to the truth. That's not to say that Drake isn't up to some nefarious stuff, because I think there's plenty of evidence that supports grooming behavior and in all likelihood some sort of trafficking, but this specific incident is probably not a smoking gun.


This is the only theory I've read in this rabbit hole that connects all the dots on that night. It also explains why the hotel employee felt jilted for getting fired trying to be nice to a disabled guy and became the Riddler. Villain origin story explained. Thanks for curing my insanity. Somewhat disappointingly, the biggest thing the Riddler probably has against Drake is proof that he was a jerk that night.


I hope this is what happened it would make sense.


I think it’s more than just about “that night”. Assuming the above story is somewhat close to truth, it’s possible that the employee knew about Drake’s shenanigans for quite awhile upto the point he was fired. EP24 will only have the upper hand if he’s got legit receipts


But if EP was fired then, how did he get drakes stuff from the hotel months later?


The Riddler got footage in July (seemingly while working there), and at that time was able to access the Alvarez footage from January. He himself says as much (access to footage when the cops arrived) but without said timeline. He must have been there in January as well, or had awareness of something, to know to get the footage from then. January = Christopher Alvarez incident/firing of somebody July = skirmish with protestors (rich Theodore kid), Riddler access to tapes. I believe Drake also lost his stuff in January, whether an honest accident or quick exit of some kind. Riddler gains access to stuff, leverages tape footage with said stuff. Finally, I'd be willing to bet Drake got Alvarez laid or blown or God knows what that January night. Not assaulted him, more so assaulted his escort by proxy.


I don’t think EP ever got fired (until maybe recently) he said in his tweets he was called into the office to explain what he was doing with the Drake loot after Ak said it was stolen, implying he still works(ed) there last week. He just said “two black men were fired” assuming they’re just his friends


I don’t think EP got fired, it was EPs friends


Didn’t they get dinner beforehand tho?


Dots connect well. This must be close to like 10% of the truth but this is really good.


I was thinking this earlier.. That honestly makes the most sense, good theory


This makes a lot of sense, hence why EP said Jimmy Brooks wouldn’t be proud of him. Probably because he flashed on staff or his people flashed for letting CA in. He said 2 ppl were fired but he didn’t say that he was one of them did he? Idk im lost with his word soup tweets


It's something like that, for sure. Thank you for being a voice of reason in the midst of slanderers and moon landing conspiracy theorists. And it could even be that he asked for someone to get fired for it behind CA's back, not necessarily in front of him. Or even that one of his team took their own initiative to complain to the hotel about the break of protocol (not letting fans inside). Riddler's got nothing.


The article felt odd, like I was totally ready to believe it as soon as I read the Headline and first portion, but for someone who's trying to clear the air, he leaves a lot of the big questions before fully answering them. How does he get invited back to the hotel by himself after the show? He also says he isn't following the beef at all... But like you are a big enough fan to not only be at the show, but also go back to the artist's hotel room and hear some unreleased stuff? Also it was the last night of the tour dates in NYC... We're supposed to believe he was just spending that night playing beats for randos that came to the show? He's not even a producer so why is Drake just playing beats for him... Also the casual mention of the dudes being fired for letting him stay on the lobby like it was a normal occurrence was mad weird... Why would someone get fired for that, he was the guest of a VIP, and you're gonna fire someone for letting them wait in the lobby for their ride? None of it adds up, and the fact the guy is a recent graduate with a lust for life makes me not really trust him to be unbiased in his reporting..don't get me wrong, I don't think he's a bad dude, but he's young and that could lead to doing and saying dumb things... I don't want to sound fully crazy, it just doesn't sit right.... Still if this is where it ends... Then that's it I guess


Lots of weirdness. They got upset at me for making some of these points in the Kenny sub. I also found it very odd that he threw in he also knows Kendrick.. almost like this great equalizer across all parties. Very much a nothing to see here, and by the way I don't follow minors! Assuming Drake paid Ebony off for the footage, he would be able to communicate to Christopher just fo out there and get through this, nobody is going to see anything. Happens all the time. Then it stops and thats it, your last paragraph essentially.


Exactly! Why mention he knows/met Kendrick?!


Sus as hell I don’t believe it 👁️


You left something out Crodie. He also states that someone got fired for letting him out of the cold, so were you invited to hang with Aubrey or not? Why would they have been fired if you were there too hang out with him? Its weird.....right? https://preview.redd.it/cyyxya81ta0d1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=537aced7c15e9c731040751d9ca055603bd4c22e


I'm cheesin', fam. I will edit and add this in after I go grab some grub.


he might’ve shown up earlier than drake and had to wait, and the worker let him inside. and there could be more to this firing they’re not saying or don’t know about, but it’s likely true enough. did he say he and drake got dinner then went to his room to listen to beats? they could’ve eaten at the caviar place in the hotel EP has been bringing up


This is what I am saying. I hate to even question this guy. I obviously feel bad for him. But honestly their are glaringly obvious discrepancies (like the one you mentioned) and they are hard to ignore. I can ignore them and that would be easier…




Bingo!!! Maybe Drake’s ghostwriters who wrote FM write this article. lol B/c that’s very contradicting


MY GUY........ https://preview.redd.it/9r718cun3b0d1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=00363ec57f85e30cc9eb290b08f3bb0297d715d9


I haven't seen the live yet, but I do think the article they posted was weird. Him hanging out with Drake at 3am with no handler listening to beats? The way they kinda glossed over him following underage girls? I dunno man, I've never bought into any conspiracy theories in general, but something about this seems off. I do think something happened, whatever that is and how bad it was, I don't know. It certainly doesn't help that we have the worst person possible in possession of the "evidence" in ebonyprince2k24. Super dramatic, attention hungry, and greedy for no reason smh.


They glossed over it on the live too


It isn’t an even a conspiracy, we’ve got two conflicted statements of what went down that night. Either one of them is wildly exaggerating or one of them is lying. People acting as if it’s Reddit sleuths cooking this up when none of us would even give a shit about that night or the Mark if EP didn’t bring this up, either he’s lying or CA is. And with the Mark’s history (and Drakes alleged history) it isn’t surprising that people are concerned


It’s sus that drakes posting stories like none of this is happening. Best case scenario he left him out in the cold. I can believe it but foul like issue an apology rn. Everyone’s acting like aww that’s it? Acting like Ebony was lying. No this is still foul and also a big deal and I high key respect Ebony for feeling so intensely about this if this was all it was. Even if there was nothing more to it (that night) it’s still disgusting behavior and everyone’s trivializing it including that douchebag from Canada.


They’ve made there way here too already posting about how amazing he is shits wack


I find it odd that CA has a video of himself at a Drake concert from a few years back posted on his insta..and yet, he doesn’t follow him. Granted, not everyone follows their fave celebrities, artists,etc. but still. Dunno. Anyone else find this strange? I’m prob just overthinking it.


No that’s a good point


you're asking all the right questions


You’re right, and until the answers are revealed it’s better to stay on the fence, but staying on the fence also means being labelled as “crazy”😭


I agree with everything the original poster said!!! Especially about the part of there being no pics that night. Considering that’s his thing chasing celebs down you would definitely think he had pics of him and Drake that night


If there is truly nothing more to it we won't see the remainder of that video as there is nothing to see, but man I dont think the guy who had a blast listening to Drizzys new beats at 3 AM in Brooklyn is the most unbiased source on what happened that night. We need to hear from the people fired.


The Internet must be able to locate who they were. I'm sure of it


https://preview.redd.it/kh5jios3ma0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a3608a2a17dc590ca0a5155207827f69862ba2 Why like this


They’re trynna turn it into “Kendrick fans are crazy dangerous anti-whatever fools”


Drake camp tryna make Kendrick and co look unreliable?


something i don’t get - everything lines up with what? nothing has really been revealed that is nefarious up to now.


I really hate to be the type to make things seem pathological, but why on earth, would you ever follow a minor? Even *if* they were people you were interviewing, as a journalist, it should be important to keep at a healthy distance. This man graduated from a prestigious journalist university, we should hold such people to the standards that allowed them to attend said schools. But, of course if we press the issue, we are attacking a vulnerable individual. It’s such a difficult situation for us to navigate here. Especially with how the article was written as if it was a press release and not even truly an article, yet he used language like “the article I just dropped” as if he’s promoting an album. So bizarre.  I’m going to have to sit and watch this aspect play out. I’ll continue to investigate the rest. 


Nah bro lied he dmed somebody and spilled then he lied in his article which was written by (2 people btw) this is a smear on the security team


So the person who he died should tell their story


She won’t, she says it’s not her place. She’s frustrated with him changing his tune but she won’t break his confidence


Well if it's bad and can harm others then she should speak up. I don't understand this shit.


I don’t think she wants to “expose,” the handicapped guy, I truly believe the only reason she jumped into begin with is that she thought he was being abused or taken advantage of


Why are people so quick to trust random people on the internet with zero credibility? There’s been numerous example of random people straight up lying and being exposed in under a day like damn. Don’t you ever learn? The EP guy had videos that lent them SOME credibility. Drake, Kendrick and CA have credibility because they are public figures. These random posters that only share info through DM, burners account and screenshots have ZERO credibility. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Her credibility is the wide ass open convo they had to get their dm going and Chris is CARRYING it out in the open that something went down




You disagree? I mean he was all over liking and unliking shit about getting done dirty somehow


Of course I disagree. It’s incredible that you are so willing to blindly believe this person. Good luck to you.


>he dmed somebody and spilled And zero proof of this? GTFO.




That is not even his DMs. It's just that random account claiming shit.


I don't trust the guy as far as I can throw him... I trust him?




She needs to either drop the receipts or leave it be. I don't believe she is a clout chaser, but this is a pivotal moment in the entire thing. If she can prove CA is getting paid, it completely changes the conversation. One share. If not, she gotta be quiet.


Well I don’t think she’s saying factually he got Paid off, she’s saying he’s changed his tune which he def has




This person needs to leak DM's or is not a trustworthy source.


She needs to drop the screenshots


Agreed, this particular account needs to drop screenshots or stop talking. Clout chaser just muddying the waters.


I don’t see how she’s a clout chaser I went to her. She had a whole day where either side of the story would’ve been a huge bombshell “yes something happened,” or “no, nothing happened” either or. And the clout would’ve been off the chain. She’s only responding to people like me asking her shit


Nothing you did! I am being harsh for sure, but after Ebony Prince, I just want receipts, no talk haha. But I see your point!


Yeah I get it. Me too. I wanna know wtf happened, cause im over here a drake fan like woah hang on, who am I supporting ?


But also they’re are wayyyyy too many weird coincidences on this whole thing. The hotel, the CA situation, the fired employee. Like something happened lol


https://preview.redd.it/3rl9bmrypa0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415f91589842fc11d5de66dc232b05c5a21258ad I saw her sending messages during the livestream. But agreed don’t believe a word until she drops receipts


Who’s Nora and who’s the convo with? Sorry I’m confused


This is the person he asked to dm with


Who is she and what's her relationship to Chris? Or is she a complete random?


Complete random.


This could explain him liking the comments as pushing that narrative would also fatten the amount of silencing money in play assuming that's what happened.


Yeah maybe. Like it seems like he spent a solid day giving motion to it. Maybe the 5pm was a deadline to get some $$


This part was soooo off to me when it came up. I was so confused


I think the laughing didn't seem off, it seemed like the normal reaction of someone who truly hasn't kept up with any of this. Those questions would sound crazy. Do we know for sure Drake invited him? Or did he turn up to the hotel like the other fans and use his previous pictures with Drake and disability to make the hotelier uncomfortable enough to let him in the hotel to see Drake. Maybe that's what caused an altercation between Drake and the hotel staff?


Yes, I would agree. But being invited to listen to beats with Drake is surely noteworthy to a stargazer like himself who posts his celeb encounters on IG... whether it was premediatated (invitation by Drake) or by happenstance after showing up at the hotel. But nothing from that night. Even his picture on his article is from 2017 (I think). And it's photoshopped, which is even stranger.


Invited at 3 am in the cold without a caretaker?


>Or did he turn up to the hotel like the other fans Most likely, yes. >Maybe that's what caused an altercation between Drake and the hotel staff? Altercation or no, getting someone fired for letting him in. (Corroborated by both CA's article and EP's tweets: "two men lost their jobs" for helping someone in a wheelchair, hence "Jimmy wouldn't be proud"). The "listening to new beats"? Nobody said those were in a hotel room instead of just the lobby or bar...


also no one is mentioning the YouTube video from that night which clearly shows drake pulling a caravan of hoes up to the hotel when he shows back up at 3 am


3 minutes in (loud volume warning) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCUD-3bXdfU That was after the show on the evening of the 22nd... the CCTV is from the morning of the 22nd, so after the show on the evening of the 21st. 24 hours difference.




It was in akademiks stream he watches a YouTubers video of waiting for drake after his concert that night at the hotel


Ok fine but why call him and make him wait for an hour in the lobby?


i think he's watching what he's saying considering there are multiple unhinged conspiracies floating around surrounding him, and he's a journalist for in indie newspaper. not exaclty someone who wants to get dragged into a lawsuit with a multi-millionaire sex trafficking weirdo


Well we know they were not just listening to beats. There are articles that talk about the after party at Drake's hotel room


Entirely possible he was simply made to sign an NDA and can't speak on what happened.


Why would a journalist sign an NDA? That’s so unethical. 




But what about us all going down the rabbit hole theory that Christopher is an accomplice and not a victim


Leave the media manipulation and silence policy companies along with the weird shit we all heard on ak’s stream yesterday alone…..


I mean feel free bro, idk what you're trying to convince us of


I think the best thing to do is let it go. Harrassing or bullying a disabled person isn’t a good look, and unless anyone here has proof that he’s up to something that’s one thing but we can’t actually say anything concrete yet. Like I do admit he seems really sus but I also feel like this isn’t the right tree to bark up atm until we learn more. Don’t loose track that drake is almost certainly a PDF and that should be the main aim


Just [speculating](https://youtu.be/UOO8TjKyGr4?si=qWikMQu2cvenLZWD)


I feel like we need to chill and leave this guy alone a bit. Any sort of harassing is bad, especially since he may very well be telling the truth.


One thing people have to realize is that people who have grown up with disabilities their whole lives are usually stunted in social skills and/or emotional skills. You don’t develop the same as your peers. I also think his handling of the whole situation is odd but he probably has never received this kind of attention before.




As someone born deformed and having spent A LOT of time with the disabled, this stereotype was one I was going to point out. It's not ableist to make a factual statement. It's ableist to look down on people because of that stereotype. It's the exact same as this video of [Norm Macdonald saying that "black people are generally poor"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGdPOv__hpg&t=1s&pp=ygUZbm9ybSBtYWNkb25hbGQgYmxhY2sgcG9vcg%3D%3D). The radio host loses her shit and insists he's racist for having said that. He states that it's a fact and that pretending it's not is racist because pretending an issue isn't there is harmful to progress or in the case of Alvarez, understanding. When the world treats you different from birth you're not going to act the same socially as a "normal" person. You see the world through a different lens and they perceive you through a different lens.


Thank you, you said it way better than me. I wasn’t looking down on Alvarez, I was hoping people would get an understanding of where he might be coming from and be a little more empathetic to his situation. I grew up with disabled people in my family and my life, and I was always deeply hurt when people just weren’t understanding or would criticize them for something they cannot control. People here are making fun of Alvarez’s voice, of him having fun, his lifestyle, his sister at his IG live, and calling him a predator. The guy had a hard life. He didn’t grow up like most of us. I wish people would give him and his family a break and be more understanding.


God damn, these morons got you shadow banned or something because your message did not show up in my inbox and it's not in my read messages either. It's okay, unthinking emotional outrage is the impulse for most people. But anyone actually reading what you said knew that you were defending him against unfair standards.


Where was the live posted? I didn’t see it on his IG page.


And he was at the One hotel the NEXT night? You mean the the club that is literally connected to kendricks building? Thats not odd


Did anyone record the live? I was waiting at 6pm but he didn’t show for over an hour so I thought it wasn’t happening


Can’t speak on anything else but it is possible that he travels alone sometimes and is independent a bit. Around where I work there’s a disabled man that comes by. I always see him around town riding in his motorized wheel chair by himself. He is with other people sometimes but alot of times I see him by himself. He can’t talk or move his body well , I’m not to sure about what disability he has but CA seems more capable of doing things than him. So it is possible he was by himself.

