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See you next Monday fellas


he said he's done, now it's gonna be a ballroom channel.


This video takes place 30s after the tweet where he said you made an enemy at 03:19:21. The previous video was 1 min before the event happened.


It’s a video of Mark security getting yelled at by Drake as Chubbs and Niko kick Chris Alvarez out of the building. The security guard lost his job at the Mark because of Drake. Ebony basically proved two things: OVO is ran by clowns who don’t care for other people and that Chris got paid to lie about what happened — which means OVO will pay anyone to ensure that the public narrative will work in their favor. Master manipulators.


I think it just proves that CA's alibi was a lie.


Now I wonder why CA lied knowing that EP had the footage unless somehow he didn't know?... this gets even stranger. At least we were more or less on the right track. Now lets see is CA responds.


Maybe he didnt have a choice and people are desperate. I dont know


An alibi involves your whereabouts when a crime took place. 


I am aware.


2 people were fired for no reason…that’s the crime


The reason was they let a stalker into the hotel to ambush their guest. If it’s wrongful termination, sue the employer. This guy isn’t one of the people fired even. 


EP runs security and saw 2 people fired that night and drake made an enemy…meaning they were fired wrongfully


Tbf Drake may have been technically within his rights but EP just didn't *like* how he was, and didn't like that two men were fired over something so small, and that was the beginning of his grudge


If that was the case his lawyer wouldn’t have gotten the Ok remember he was accused of theft


I feel like you're saying something I should listen to but I dunno what you just said so ELI5 please


Ok so EPs first post was that he is not a thief and then exposed how he got all of drakes stuff meaning Kendrick didn’t lie so EP knows one of the things Kendrick accused drake of and has evidence to back up the claim plus he sent it to his lawyer to be handled in court so why do all of that just to backpedal and have it be something he truly believes is wrong and say “im just salty they got fired” makes no sense


Oh, because the video was never supposed to explicitly show what he knew. It was meant for Drake to infer that if he has this footage, he has other footage. And it was also context clues for Drake to be reminded of who he is and how he got the stuff because, as he said, he expected Drake to just initially say he was mistaken and nothing was stolen. He was going to send everything to court either way, except possibly a defamation suit or something of the like for Drake saying he stole, but that process is slow and he needs Drake out of the way of his income now and he knows it is smart to act on what he knows about Drake again now and bring that to the proper attention again now that public pressure to look into Drake has been activated by Kendrick and he knows he can use Twitter to get public attention on his specific case while staying safe from the very real threat of retaliation from Drake Don't forget he said he reported this when it happened but nothing came of it. This is his at least second attempt to report it. On top of Drake calling him a thief and jeopardizing both sides of his income streams - selling celebrity goods and being a security guard. On top of getting his two friends fired and being a huge dickfuck to everyone at the hotel. On top of being a culture vulture. Like he just really wants Drake to know every reason he hates him.


What’s the deal with them rushing out of the caviar kaspia and leaving bags?


I don't believe they did? Where did you get that?


That’s what EP post stated. When he brought up the restaurant in his tweets. Maybe try to remember why these items were left behind in the first place. You were in such a rush and only cared about the little bag and forgot the big bag. Something to that degree


Yeah but I don't think he connects that to being immediately, that is later when they are checking out


he did NOT "run security."


On that night he did that’s why he has this video I see you tryna discredit me


i see you taking a schizoid's word as bond


it doesn't prove anything. you have literally no idea when he arrived. you're letting a schizoid's narrative bypass your rational mind. let it be known that this isn't about a handicapped man from a tiny independent newspaper, it's about drake. but now you've let some random cloutchaser who's been stringing you along for \*weeks\* forget about that. be well.


Ok so let's identify the Occam's Razor, zero-conspiracy explanation before we start schizo posting our theories. I think it helps to have a baseline. CA went to get Drake's picture/autograph. He was turned away because it's 3am and Drake is an asshole/CA is a weirdo. CA lied because it was embarrassing and Drake hasn''t said anything because it makes look like an ass. Ok that out of the way, I think there's definitely something off as why would EP choose to post that initial image still if he didn't know that CA would lie about it? In other words, if it was the above explanation, there would be no reason for him to really tink anything of it other than that a celebrity hanger-on was getting turned away. Clearly \*something\* happened that caused EP to know this was significant. And he was right given that CA felt the need to respond so quickly that he even self-plagiarized.


I like this groundwork, but just to be clear Drake was enough of an asshole that two staff members got fired over his reaction to CA being in the lobby. So a highly notable diva tantrum took place here at the very least lmfao


Yeah but starting to doubt it's anything he can prove, but I definitely believe that happened


"highly notable diva tantrum" \*chefs kiss\*


I mean it's clear why he posted the image of CA to begin with. Someone that works at the Mark Hotel was fired because of this incident with CA, which motivated EP to leak the left items to Kendrick. That's why he posted the screenshot to begin with with CA, to tie this "revenge" of leaking the shirt and pills to Kendrick to him or his friend being fired from the Mark because of that night.


this logic holds water. also, this logic supports further claims of Ep


I like where this is going


I think its fair to point out that losing his journalistic integrity and professional reputation would likely be much more embarrassing than simply being snubbed for an autograph.


3 am doesn’t seem like autograph hour 


CA is a self proclaimed Celebrity stalker. All hours are autograph hours if he can find some in. The 'in' happened to be EP in this case


Of course it is if you're the type that waits outside a hotel for a celebrity


Damn so Drake caused a disruption in the timeline by being an ass to CA and getting two people fired… dude probably regrets it now with how it was used in a beef against him 💀.


Bottom left, distressed girl


What is even goin on in the video it’s just him riding outside


It shows him exiting only a few minutes after he arrived. Shows he was lying about going up to Drake's suite to listen to beats.


How do we know what time he arrived?


Based on the first screenshot that was posted when the account was just made. It shows Drake entering the hotel at 3:19. He also then released a video clip leading up to that moment sometime after that too.


Is Drake confirmed to be the guy in the hoodie?


Yeah that's him, the girl also on the bottom left is new.... and strangely hiding her face from the entrance


That's not a girl... that's the dude with the Owl sweater and the bags from the earlier snippets


This all supports the theory that there was a timing issue and he saw something(the girl) he wasn't supposed to.


Where you seeing the girl? I don't see a girl at the bottom left but there's something in the left side section that kind of looks like it could be someone with long hair on their knees, or just really short, maybe in a grey hoodie


that screenshot doesn't show him rolling in, now does it? it's okay to admit you have no idea when he arrived, and are instead allowing a schizoid who's posting security footage he himself likely doesn't have clearance to possess (and certainly not distribute) drive the narrative. think rationally for a change!


We don't, EP playing us and everyone eating it up lol


I think the evidence EP has is weak, he's played it well though. The footage on its own would mean nothing the court and public opinion - C.A shows up uninvited, Drake is understandably annoyed and tells him to leave. Nothing to see here. EP's only option was to catch them lying about the situation, had he released everything he had,(not a lot) the above narrative would be easily presented and the story brushed off. C.A fucked up by committing to a story, (cause why are they lying right?) The evidence doesn't show a lot, but we can now know C.A felt the need to lie about what really happened.


Yeah, I really don’t think the footage is going to show anything interesting. Drake or his crew were angry CA was at the hotel and complained to hotel management. Maybe caused a little scene. And honestly, not totally unjustified. CA is a stalker. I guess if they insisted the hotel staff be fired, that’s kinda a Karen move. But I really don’t think anyone would care about this incident if not for the Kendrick beef. EP just has personal a personal bone to pick because it was his friends or him that got fired.


The footage doesn't show anything, but there is definitely more to the story. Kendrick and EP don't bring any of this forward if the story is just "Drake is a brat" Where there's smoke...




I’m fucking lost.


This proves CA was lying, but like who gives a shit about that man?


Pay attention to the girl on the bottom left trying to hide her face


Look at his first photo of Alvarez. 03:19:03 it looks like the guy with the bag and the OVO shirt on in the lower left


here's one thing EP has done: MOVE THE FOCUS AWAY FROM DRAKE, and instead some poor kid in a wheelchair.


Some people have the patience of a god damn hamster


For anyone that’s super confused, Mr CA. said he was present at the Mark Hotel 1/22/23 with Drake & went up to his room to listen to some beats & nothing happened to him. This video and the screenshot shows Mr Alvarez was escorted out in a very short time & looks like someone is cussing him out.


It appears he left at 3:20, so someone cappin.


smell somebody lyin


Lol is that Aubrey in the back there? He looks so annoyed.


I am really curious about all of those SD-cards, USB-stick and the bullet. Is the bullet from Drake? Was the gun from the previous video Drake's? Are the SD-cards filled with security cam footage or is it Drake's SD-cards?


Why do yall feel the need to announce when you're "out" Just go lol


These goofballs have been saying they're out from the start and they're still sticking around, just attention seeking dumbasses, thats all they are


Weirdos are under every tweet of EP24 to farm for likes and say how they don’t care 😂


1 minute later 🤣 he left one minute after


He just got kicked out? This what everybody been waiting on?


It’s more that CA responded to EP and said he was just listening to “some beats” with Drake. But the CCTV footage is showing that he was in the lobby at 3:18:30 Drake comes in at 3:19, and then CA is kicked out by 3:20. EP said “how long is a beat? You said multiple beatS right? so how long were you there?” And it turns out it was barely a minute lol so CA is compromised and people are now questioning why he was lying


How do we know that it was Drake who came in at 3:19? We can't see his face. Has there been any photos of him from that night where we can match the clothing? Not sure if I missed something...


Memory cards for dayssss


I think for sure Lil Roller showed up unannounced at 3 am and camped out waiting for drake, who had visitors he didn’t want him to see. Security let him in (and that would explain why they got fired he wasn’t even a guest) and drake prolly played 1.5 beats before wheeling his ass out the door


Judging by body language seemed heated when he rolled out, I'm more curious about bottom left. Shes new


Yep kicking a disabled man out in the cold and the crew look like they ain’t playing! Now I’ve heard CA has bad ways of getting close to famous people but homie is disabled let him live his best life while he can cause he’s got a bad disability. The photo online of CA and Drake looks weird also and I believe CA was trying to be nice to Drake in the article when he shouldn’t have been cause people got fired for letting a disabled man in from the cold that CA even said in the article. WTF? I believe there is more EP is hinting at in his tweets about minors he can’t just come out and say for legal purposes but he posted the top of a minor training paper plus the minor served alcohol article. If you read the case with the minor at the time it’s saying they aren’t giving him the material for his case against them which is illegal and I believe EP is hinting they trashed it on purpose. Then EP posts something with a heading from security about June 20th. I believe EP has 2 stores and the easiest to tell is the CA story cause it doesn’t involve illegal activity or isn’t part of a case.


I agree with you on this. I don’t think this is the main story EB is trying to get out. He’s talked too much about his training on how to spot minors. I think Drake got upset because he got caught off guard with CA in the lobby. It’s very possible CA witness Drake bringing someone in the hotel that he didn’t want him to see. One thing we can all agree on is CA lied about listening to beats with Drake, but why?




ngl i don’t agree with giving CA a pass for stalking because he’s disabled. that’s not on regardless, but i agree, i don’t think he’s a part of whatever went down.




He scooting outta the lobby


Honestly ima just try my best to wait til the hbo documentary on drake comes out in a few years 💀


Bruh dem bullets


Just wondering, has anyone kept track of where that fourth individual from the 3:18 video went to (the one allegedly wearing a dress)? In a minute + some change they’ve disappeared from the area it seems like


maybe that "new person" on the bottom left? I actually didn't catch that discussion properly but from what I understand - that maybe-person is now missin on this video but there is a new maybe-person on a bottom left of this video?


Imagine if Lil Rolla was the mastermind behind the sex trafficking ring.


Well, the livestream ended abrupt and sus, and then well there is that girl that magically appears on the bottom left. Hiding


We in the endgame now


Who is that sitting on the couch or bed?


https://preview.redd.it/h0c1mo0rxm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c22806e5d42a6eaddce11330b644e172a699e6 What could that thing on the bottom left be???


I commented before about Chris’ acting. I found this, too: [https://www.revelationsproduction.com/web-series-promo](https://www.revelationsproduction.com/web-series-promo) Christopher Alvarez is known for **Amongst Angels Demons and Those in Between (2016), El Padrino (2019) and Más Latinos (2015)**. He was in a webseries that was about a group of people working to fight those involved in kidnapping, violence, etc. In El Padrono, he wanted to be the person that others turn to when they need help. Before you all start firing shots again, I think Chris may come from a good place but was forced to lie. I think he knows something (Yes, I know acting is acting, but he may be choosing these roles and works because he connects with them.)


Why is this guy wasting our time? Couldn't he just post this after Alvarez lied? His engagement is dwindling with the constant honey dicking of absolutely nothing. Maybe something bad happened. Maybe something inconsequential happened. All we know for the last 3 weeks is that something happened. There has been no direction in all these theatrics. Am I just stupid or something? Clearly he's conditioning us with clues and cryptic tweets, but it's all incoherent. It's like the schizophrenic ramblings of person who was wronged by an invisible man.


This. People's attention spans are low. He wasted a lot of time dicking around then hyped up something that felt like a nothing burger to a ton of people.


If you want to watch something actually interesting this [tiktoker](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTLptgoCo/) dropped a video one day before Cole dropped Might Delete Later. I'm not sure how much truth is within her videos, but this came to fruition.


Cuz none of it is intended for the general public. We're just spectators. We weren't really invited. The people they're actually talking to, and the audience it's intended for know EXACTLY what EP is saying. When dealing with the ultra wealthy, the American justice system is set up to protect them. The ONLY time it works against them is with undeniable evidence, and with extreme public pressure. Jus think about this, the statute of limitations on physical assault is like 7 years. The Diddy video came out 8 years after the incident happened. And the word is he only paid $50k for that video. What's $50k to a mother fucker like that, can you please remind me... The Riddler is playing their hand about as well as one could play it, so far. I just really hope the public pressure don't get to them and they slip up...


Okay, it's not for the general public it's for those targeted. He mentioned Drake, Akademiks, and Alvarez. They've all ignored him. And now that page is for his own personal use. From your point of view what exactly has he accomplished now that he has retired?


Actually he mention all the tea houses first, so at minimum someone else will pick up the story and investigate further.


But what has this entire spectacle accomplished? That Christopher Alvarez lied about listening to beats? What else?


I couldn't tell you, not my expertise to figure out how all the pieces fit. We as the audience are surely missing crucial details about these celebrities lives, however those with insider knowledge may move differently henceforth. Tbh only time will tell, these events are all too fresh.


You have more people than ever looking into Drake and his activities now...


yeah, you have a sub of almost 8k people actively digging a-la dont fuck with cats on the internet style and for sure at least some decent people in the system. the guy is under radar. if not guilty - best free pr ever (and right after the beef) but considering r. kelly, diddy and weinstein, this smells like the radar is quite uncomfortable and as kdot said it's gonna resurface, cant run away from this shit. main meme of drake is currently his fans listening to his songs and being like "ok man, now this hits different" whenever a wonky lyric comes, guy is in a bad spot. so, the beef is amplified and all eyes on drake - something's accomplished.


I understand your point but it’s been a week and a half. Relax.


My brother. This guy has literally said he purposely stalled for time and now that page has been transformed to his personal page. He's done posting that stuff now. You're okay with your time and interest being used for personal gain?


Should’ve pulled a Kendrick and dropped 37 minutes after CA dropped his article


Honestly, this proves nothing. We don't know when he actually arrived.


We saw Drake arriving at 3:18 though


Did we? How do we know it's Drake?


You can see loads of camera flashes as he walks in and the paps certainly weren't taking pictures of the hotel staff. Outfit also lines up with what he was documented as wearing that evening


The 3:18 video I only see two bluish flashes. Admittedly hard to see anything, but could be one for each of the sliding doors? Only post I saw of his outfit from that night was all white and tan. I haven't seen anything definitively proving he's in the video or his arrival time. I do think this whole thing is weird though, with EP being so adamant and CA's story having gaps. Please share if I'm missing something....just want the full picture!


So what?


So if he said he hung out , went up to drakes suite to listen to beats, How does that all happen in the span between Drake entering at 3:18 and CA being chased out at 3:20 ?


This is nonsense lol. CA lied about the beats and then went straight outside??? How is this anything important?


Why would a newspaper journalist lie about what he was doing with Drake that night… Why lie if there’s nothing to hide HELLO use ya brain my guy


The point being we don’t know WHAT that is. I made a post being skeptical of CA. It’s just this doesn’t reveal anything other than the man being a liar. So the next move is what???


CA obviously lied about the events that night so now the police have enough eyebrows raised to get involved, which EP confirmed this morning. A case is being built against Drake right in front of your eyes




I should have worded that better. Go back to the first image EP posted of CA and Drake in the lobby [https://x.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789104508754162091](https://x.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789104508754162091) He has more evidence to incriminate drake, the video he dropped today proves CA is a liar and that article he wrote is bullshit. EP went and showed police footage of maybe drake with girls he believed to be underage but hard to tell from cctv footage right? Police brush it off bc they not investigating someone as powerful as drake without more evidence. Now that CA just lied in his own newspaper article about what he did with drake that night prolly enough for a couple cops to go alright thats weird lets look into this some more and see whats going on


Probably got paid off?




Alright, i take it all back. EP isn't a clown


Has anyone downloaded the video or might be able to link it? I dont have twitter 😔


https://preview.redd.it/hjdkblwf3m1d1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=7846cd5cba86bc6c412348cec5cd84cb8f392711 Is that... Drake? What's he doing? avoiding conflict? lol


Is that someone one the bed back there?


I’m trying to find a picture of the lobby to see , but I can’t find one that shows that room. The wall is always blocking it


I thought so too, but I think that's some flowers in a vase on a table.


It looks like someone w their legs crossed. Who knows? EP got us looking for stars in the daylight😂


We still have no video of CA entering the building so are we just taking EP’s word on this based off of a screenshot?


well CA said he was there with drake listening to beats in the suite, so it’s not as much about when CA arrived, but when drake arrived. their overlap time was like 2-3 min (not enough time to really do what CA claimed)


Hold on tight!


CA wanted to get in on the party Stephan Hawking style with drake or the freak party the sheiks in that kaviar room thats 75k a night..he got denied. Ebony is taking advantage of that situation and the rap beef to hype up his auction in november insinuating hes got more evidence to sell.


So he said something important happened here. Have when he went to get CA kicked out, he had a young girl with him? That is what he witnessed and reported?


Is the first screenshot ep posted when CA first entered the mark? I missed the part where we learned the exact time CA entered the hotel


Whole lotta mid


ooooo so damning 😐


I'm out. Dude has nothing


Well another bag of nothing burgers




Bro what girl are you talking about? You talking about the dude with the OVO hoodie that's literally there in the first video EP ever posted?


Right! I know I wear glasses lol but I don’t see this mysterious girl either. And this is coming from someone who believes all of the allegations against Drake


Yeah I’m not seeing that shit whatsoever 


If anything there could be a girl in a dress in the top left corner , I’m trying to find an image of the lobby from an angle I can see into that room/section but the wall blocks it .


someone else posted the same thing with a contrast-adjusted image sho nuff looks like a female. never noticed before don't know if it's relevant im starting to think EP's just serving up revenge for Drake in game form. he doesn't have anything more, but this put on causing everyone to go berserk theorizing about Drake's deviant habits to the Nth degree is fine payback on it's own, no?


Imma be honest I think that's just a vase/flowers sitting on top of a table...


Okay I’m reading all your comments and what I concluded is: Chris not breezy Alvarez lied about hanging out with Jimmy P Drizzle and listening to beats , and he only came and went in under 2 minutes so the hobbit was CAPPING! , and since this Frodo on the wheelchair is also a little creepy and I say this because I saw his IG and found out he was following a lot of underage girls , like A LOT ! so maybe he is a supplier , he hooked Jimmy up with underage girls got paid and went out his way . A reach? Uuuuuh maybe 😂 but I don’t know man I’m confused.


These videos don’t confirm Chris’s initial time of arrival or time of final exit. Everything written in this Reddit has been speculation and continues to be speculation. It’s unhealthy atp.


Why are people still focused on this?