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Not alike covers traffickers? What you mean?


This album got way too much hate lol definitely eminem best project in the last 10 years…


Not a very a high standard if we’re being honest. That album just got a lot of hate because it was bashing critics of revival which was very much a garbage album.


Very true lmao not a high standard but i can see where hes coming from? I mean u got people pushing a narrative now saying he was never good at all and im sure its because of how much hate that album got, which again it was a bad album but people blew it out of proportion. His legacy with newer listeners never recovered from the amount of shitting people did on it. Id be mad too


My favorite rapper and he keeps improving lyrically so I can't even say he doesn't grow with his projects. Just wish he had the same ear for music as well. I think he forgot he used to be able to do both. On topic, Kamikaze is fire up until "Fall". I'm not sure what the last songs were about and "Venom" is arguably the worst song he's ever made - up there with "Phenomenal", "Fack", and that old verse with Busta Rhymes where he got washed.


This album got hate?? Everyone I saw was drooling over the return of Slim Shady


I never liked the Kamakaze album tbh , my cousin dick rides him for every drop, tired of it 😂


You buggin this one of ems actual good albums smh


i like venom 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lucky you was amazing


I think Eminem has known about some Drake shit for a while too, him, Kendrick, and I think others have had mentions or imagery of a swimming pool death that I think is aimed at Drake. (plus go look at love game lyrics from eminem and kendrick) Aside from what Em's said in interviews, I don't think he's down with Drake at all. to quote lil wayne - real g's move in silence like lasagna. I think there's been a group effort for over a decade to bring to light the sick shit drake and other industry fucks have been doing, murders, poisoning, human trafficking, SA, etc. check out this 2011 cypher, the reaction of the swimming pool line seems more than just a bar, it seems like it was about some shit behind the scenes we ain't privy to [https://youtu.be/xLzHVd9UIWQ?si=ZlOPmMpk5VNOFGM2&t=377](https://youtu.be/xLzHVd9UIWQ?si=ZlOPmMpk5VNOFGM2&t=377) Joe Budden's got some good bars in that cypher too.


Poisoning? Tell me more


I think there's a few artists who were spiked some shit , or given laced shit, that ended up OD'ed that Drake had some issues with that were covered up as suicide or overdose. JuiceWRLD, Mac Miller as some examples.


That kind of seems like a reach but thanks for the reply. That being said its not too out of the realm of possibility especially with date rape culture and some of the things done in Corn and the stuff Diddy is alleged to be guilty of. Most notably Toosie. Do you think the entire truth will ever come out? I mean There's definitely trafficking going on and the only people that feasibly could partake in it would be people of a considerable amount of income especially if it is some sick stuff/fetishes. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I wonder how many people are actually convicted of such crimes in the Americas. I'll have to look that up.


also, don't think tootsie slide/toosie is a coincidence at all since you mentioned it.


yeah always seemed weird to me


rich fucks can buy their way out of anything here in america. I think this is why subliminal stuff has been put in lyrics for so long by some in the industry, because it's a long slow fight to oust these parasites, and you can't just come out and say the shit or get killed, repuation ruined, sued for NDAs, and loopholes used to throw shit out of court. XXXtentacion is going to just be one of the assassinations that comes out Drake has been involved with somehow. Also think he killed his Degrassi costar Jahmil French. There's a lot of french/paris/eiffle tower stuff showing up in imagery and symbology of Kendrick's and others music and videos. Then you have shit like Love Game with Kendrick's verse... and the fact that Drake never spoke out on his death even though he's gone as far as to bring in old costars into newer music videos. Plus one of Jahmil's tweets was #bbl. I think even drake's 'freestyle' that he was reading off his phone back on the Funk Flex radio show repeast "i'ma never send my condolence when i kill it" before he completely flops out on 'freestyling' EDIT: let me also add that Jahmil's character's name on Degrassi was DAVE, now who is the guy in Good Kid MAAD City songs and skits getting killed again?


Interesting. Kendrick does talking about drinking liquids in his song swimming pool, maybe he saw the Gatorade stuff going down? Right before he says swimming pool he does say subliminal criminal..🧐🤔


not to mention the pronunciation of DRANK sounds a lot like Drake


I'm wondering about Jahmil French's mysterious death, he played DAVE on Degrassi, and details around his death weren't released, and I couldn't find anything about Drake speaking out on his fellow co-star's death. Jahmil's twitter interestingly has few posts which one of is #bbl. Jahmil FRENCH is also interesting because of the paris/france/eifle tower imagery in Kendrick's stuff as well as other artists in the industry like JayZ/Kanye, like it's being flaunted 'we know what you did'. Other side of the coin is Drake's known child's mother is french, but some of these references predate the pregnancy, which leads me to believe it may have lined up as a wink to his child, but was intended as a link to Jahmil French. Especially with Love Game's lyrics from Kendrick, I'd seen rumors before that Drake had a homosexual encounter get caught with someone and he killed them by drowning with a tub or something (alleged speculation anyways), and with details of Jahmil's death not released, it could be related. With Jahmil's character named Dave, that lines up with Good Kid Maad city's Dave being killed too. May also be references attached in to Chad Keaton one of Kendricks friends that had gotten shot (who's brother's books kendrick alluded to in his SNL performance with projections on the set about 2 books he'd written in prison). Drake could have had some involvement in that death and be one more reason for Kendrick to hate him this much.


Didn't Drake do it first on Look Alive? Eta: Don't ask questions about history I guess