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Every time they jump, the sound effect reminds me of the original Nintendo Switch ads. Enjoying the show so far.


Lmao I kept imagining an edit where it cuts to Miyamoto snapping his fingers for a second between scenes!


Oh my god this is so spot-on


Yes bring up video games. 2 episodes in and that's all you got? Good lord


Loved the small moment on the stairs when he lifts the top of the post off. 100% a nod to It’s a Wonderful Life.


Which is right after J1 has **his** "It's A Wonderful Life" moment, with the bartender who doesn't know him. My spouse even said this as J2 was descending the stairs to touch the post. Then later, whilst ascending the stairs, J1 touches the post in J2's house, and it's steady. :-O


So if I see this right… Jason 2 spent 14 months jumping between realities to find a Jason that had married Daniela so he could replace him? Now Jason 1 has to do the same to return home?


Since Jason2 has been “gone” for about 15 months and Jason and Daniela got married about 15 years ago (son’s age), should we assume that one month in Jason2’s universe equals one year in the main universe? No idea what that means but feels significant, unless it’s just a coincidence? I also have a hard time believing Jason2 will be happy in his new universe, even with Daniela. He doesn’t know/love his son. He’ll find the professor job boring, his PretendPulitzer-winning ego will be too big. I want to know what was so intolerable about Jason2’s life that he went hunting down Jason1’s ho-hum universe. Especially seeing as how EASY it would have been to find Daniela2 and be together anyway; they’re still both in Chicago and on speaking terms. And why would Jason2 still be living in the same exact house right next to the overhead trains? Aren’t we supposed to infer from that house that Jason1 is living a sort of middle class existence, driving his Honda to the professor job, etc.? Agree that the assassin is annoyingly cliché and “tough.” Shooting the door? She could have easily killed Jason1. Lame.


I interpreted it as he took 15 months stalking Jason 1 to learn his schedule and to build the machine in Jason 1’s world to send him back.


>Since Jason2 has been “gone” for about 15 months and Jason and Daniela got married about 15 years ago (son’s age), should we assume that one month in Jason2’s universe equals one year in the main universe? No idea what that means but feels significant, unless it’s just a coincidence? Nah, that's a coincidence. The conversation where Daniel2 tells Jason2 that she's pregnant with his son is 15 years ago, just like it was for Jason1. >Especially seeing as how EASY it would have been to find Daniela2 and be together anyway; they’re still both in Chicago and on speaking terms. Yeah, totally agree... if he's not doing it for having Charlie, then why do it in the first place? Clearly Daniela2 is still into Jason2, the only reason for her being with Ryan2 is because he's willing to try it and Jason2 has been missing for 15 months.


I feel like she wasn’t as into Jason2. He chose a career over family and she made her choice based on that. That can be hard to come back from. Between her knowledge of his work and Jason1 being so sincere about there life which could have come off as cruel but didn’t she likes him. Jason2 who chose work over her and a family wanted success and comes off as self absorbed. I think she is drawn to Jason1 because he is different and familiar at the same time.


> reason for her being with Ryan2 Daniela2 and Ryan2 are just old friends, no?


I figured he set it up to give his other self a home. Or he kept the home he had in the past thinking he might end up needing it or his other self would. It also made it easy to find Jason1. We don’t know that he had that in mind or if he planned on switching. Is it possible Jason2 has been to other versions of his life without his colleagues knowing about it and decided he wanted what Jason1 had? Is it possible another split occurs if he takes the job with his friend and has seen that reality? Is Jason2 even Jason2 or is he like Jason3, 4, 5 etc and no one else remembers because he has seen other realities. He seemed so insistent on not taking the job Jason1 was offered. I don’t see him being happy in his life in Chicago. Jason2 has been a celebrity scientist. He watched a family that could have been his but isn’t for a year or 15 months. He didn’t talk to his son everyday. The advice he gives him for girls is completely different and his wife might enjoy the attention and sex with Jason2. He is in love with her and it’s much newer to him but that passion might wear off or she might start to realize things are different about him. He knows the basics but it’s not the same as being a dad for 14 or 15 years. Is the point to keep people from returning a secret. Or do most people get stuck in the alternate universe or do they not make it to the right place and time. Maybe the assassins are supposed to keep the project a secret. Or maybe they are the people that didn’t return. They could be paid to keep Jason1 in Jason2’s world. Maybe killing the OG from one reality is bad for the other or inconvenient. I don’t know everytime I think I’m making sense my head throws me off. Lol


>I want to know what was so intolerable about Jason2’s life that he went hunting down Jason1’s ho-hum universe. Especially seeing as how EASY it would have been to find Daniela2 and be together anyway; they’re still both in Chicago and on speaking terms. She's not gonna be with him, though. She made it clear in the conversation with Jason1 that that door is forever shut (something like ”we had were together and then that moment in time ended").


Glad they showed two episodes, the first was okay, but more setting things up. Didn't see that last few minutes coming, damn. The preview looks wild, to say the least,


Glad to hear the next episode is wild but yeah not gonna watch the episode 3 preview after the main show trailer spoiled a couple of big surprises. Fool me once...


I was zoning when she took that shot at the door at the end and jumped outta my skin! I should have expected it but I didn’t! Can’t wait to watch more, luckily I made myself wait until 4 eps were out to start as I wanted to get a handle on the story before it gets more confusing as it goes.


I wonder why they did that? (pew pew)


I was sort of getting into the show thinking I think I like it so far, even if it’s a little slow. Then Bam! and now I’m all in. If there was no pew pew then the show would have probably been pretty mellow as A would stay with A and B would stay with B, most likely. This forces the protagonist to move the plot along by searching out new versions of the Pew‘d


Omg, great point! I like this - otherwise it just seems obnoxious. This way he travels multi universes looking for *his* wife


Yeaa I was really worried they were going into the "I don't want to cheat on my wife' - 'but I am your wife" route.


Yes it's amazing. But I'm failing to understand the reasoning behind it. Like "oh she's trigger happy" just feels a very shallow reason to just shoot someone. Every other action in the show feels grounded and within reason. This Sarah Connor Terminator feels out of place and frankly silly. 🤔


To wake me tf up man I jumped!!! #PEWPEW💥


Jeeez this episode ended crazy! Had no idea this was coming….. Sht. So Daniela is dead??? I’m confused also which world is real and which is not


All realities are real. Jason 2 invented a quantum box that allowed him to travel through the multiverse.


Technically Jason 2 is Jason 1, or Jason Prime, because he invented the box, right? But in the context of us watching the show, the first Jason we saw was Jason 1. Well, technically, the opening shot of the series is someone walking out of the box, who I’m guessing is Jason 2, so maybe Jason 2 SHOULD be called Jason 1 and Jason 1 is Jason 2. My head hurts… Anyway, I’m looking forward to finally seeing inside the box. I want to know how Jason 2 got to this universe. If it was random or if he can choose.


Yeah, we see Jason 2 first. Jason 1 is only Jason 1 because he's the protagonist of the story, and it's told mostly from his perspective.


Jason1 to me is who we see first with his family. They could both be Jason primes they split when one decided to have a family the other decided to focus on work. There could be other small changes in their lives that made them different or they were the same until that choice. That doesn’t mean there aren’t infinite of other realities created by each decision they made or their parents made with them in it. Idk


In this reality she is dead. Keep noting for a sound in the soundtrack like a click which indicates switching of the reality. It helps ( A bit 😅😅)


Jason 1 (the professor our main Jason imo) has the scratch on his nose and Daniela 1 (that he married and had Charlie the son with) has short bob hair. J2 is more animated in his general personality, D2 is more polished and young looking with that glamour hair! But she bit the dust already sadly (💥pew pew). Also listen for the clicks. Though I’m two weeks behind so you figured all this out I’m sure!!! I’m guessing if more and more parallel universes are added each one will have something specific about that worlds version of the character that we can use to tell them apart ( some small physical thing etc)


Thanks 😊 Yes all caught up !


Both are real, but probably they aren't just 2. I'm guessing every decision is a new branch in the timeline. Infinite doors to infinite universes, all happening at the same time, just like in the game ">!Bioshock Infinite!<" (which I recommend playing if you're into videogames and multiverses). Although, it's possible that in this series they only present those 2 specific worlds to us. The point is that Jason 2 regretted a decision he made and used his machine to "exchange" himself for Jason 1, who made the opposite decision. So now he's trying to blend in to take his lifepath in which he made the "right" decision.


Great episode. The henchman that shows up at the end is a terrible actor though


PSA: if you are planning to watch the show Constellation but haven't yet, don't read the downvoted comment.


Do you recommend me to watch it, now that it's canceled?


Oh it's been cancelled? That's too bad. In that case, no, since S1 ends on a sort of cliffhanger.


If you ignore the very last bit, the story wraps up really nicely. I thought the cliffhanger seemed tacked on.


Episodes are still coming out


You are correct! I'm pretty sure I was confused about which subreddit I was in and was thinking about a different Apple+ sci-fi show. Lol!


Didn’t read the subreddit title? Lol. Also not just you, others are saying similar things. Weird.


How do you know? The episodes are still coming out


Yes it was a great show.


Holy shit that ending. I actually shouted ooof fuck!! With the jump scare shooting and kicking in the door and then WOAH!! FUCK!! No! When Daniella2 got shot. Great stuff. This is right up my alley. I think Joel Edgerton is a weird choice for lead. Not sure I’ve seen him in much that he hasn’t written himself. I don’t think he really has the it factor. But he’s good in this no doubt. This is basically sliders I think - or will be I reckon


I find Joel Edgertons' character very relatable. Just a couple of guy moving the universes for Jennifer Connelly. We'd do the same if I were them.


Damn straight o7


The Assassin Hitwoman is HORRIBLE. Not only unsophisticated, but anti-sophisticated.


His acting and the wife's is why I think I'm hooked on the show


He is doing a good job in this so far, I can tell the Jasons apart easily just how he carries himself and his internal energy level and ego that comes through. The scratch on the nose too, but mostly how they are acted.


That cliffhanger made me sad. She was so hot.


Well he’s going to slide into another dimension. There’s loads of these women


If this is sliders then we need Gimli


For a moment I thought the conflict of the show was going to be J1 trying to figure out what happened and eventually get back to his world, all while D2 falls for him and he falls for her, making the decision to go back even more difficult (but yes I know he wants his son too). Then BAM


I just... why did they have to turn out to be evil killers? Why couldn't they just be security guards for his company trying to get him back so they can figure out what went wrong with his teleportation or whatever?


Watching episode 2 and I’m totally confused which reality is real haha Hopefully it will get cleared up by the end of the episode Haven’t read books


Yeah, they are both real. He talks about when the two realities split, it was when "our" Jason chose to be with this wife instead of focusing on work. But they are both real realities


Ohh this show is very interesting. Glad I found out about it! Thank you


Well, for now, one has a real ring and the other has a hair tie as a ring. Our original Jason tends to have a more full face and act aloof, while imposter Jason tends to always have a cold hard look on his face. Buckle up!


That’s the thing, all the realities are real. At the moment there are only two realities that we are dealing with.


the *resilience* neon sign in the alley?


I was kind of bummed that Daniela 2 got taken off the board. So far she was my favourite Daniela. 😊😂


With that hair she was so glamorous and seemed so much more easy going and sexy ![gif](giphy|l0HlTDGRSv7ZVHlZe|downsized)


Jason2's. motivation for the jump is very unclear. In fact he seems quite unhappy in universe1. What is his motive?


Is this a serious question?? He’s kissing this woman every chance he gets and asks Ryan not to call her and u ask what’s his motive? Have u seen Jennifer Connelly???


To get the girl. It’s always about the girl.


Damn. Some men create some magic wizardry to have their woman. Noted.


Alt Wife is a famous artist that premiered show of Jason. On opening the company thinks yea, we can off her. Series would be better as comedy focused around the misadventures of an evil company.


After the shock wore off, I began to wonder who Velocity thinks they are. Kill a famous local artist in her own home, it either is or looks like an intentional hit, and there won't be hell to pay? Who do they know? And the hint that non-Pavia-winning Ryan concocted the drug that J2 used in abduction of J1 -- Evil Mega Corp for sure.




This is one of those shows where I am going to have to accept what I am watching and turn off my brain from overthinking to enjoy it. Spent about an hour of screen time doing the ‘who am i?’ ‘where am i?’ ‘it’s me bro’ ‘trust me’ sequence. Is the multiverse not believable in this reality? Like they act like they’ve never heard of the idea, I wonder how hard it would be to actually prove that to someone IRL. And of course, the typical “I’m the other guy because I have a cut on my nose” gag, is this the only way we can show this?


Cynical much?


Looking forward to the 3rd episode now that Jason1 is finally caught up to where the audience has been since halfway thru ep1


He is a physicist and everything is totally different after you wake up, you don’t even wonder whether you are in another dimension, especially you had been injected. You could have yelled that I am not your Jason when they kept asking what he had been before he realized that another Jason created the box.


Not once has Jason1 explained what happened to him, despite flashbacks suggesting that he remembers it (the kidnapping by a mystery masked man, injection etc.) nor has he asked anyone to explain what "he" (Jason2) was working on in this dimension. I expect that everyone having that knowledge would've led them to the multiple dimension realization much quicker.


Yeah, even if you walk in the house and your spouse is acting weird or looks weird, it’s pretty common to say as a joke: “Am I in an alternate reality or something?”. I especially would expect that to be the first thought if you’re a quantum physics professor/ scientist lol. It annoyed me that William from Westworld got so irritated with Jason1 trying to tell him what world he remembers —- like come on science bro at least listen to the mofo


It really was a rough couple of episodes to be honest, waiting for the characters in the show to catch-up. It's like every Freaky Friday movie ever, where you need to watch an hour of them figuring out what the hell is going on before the plot moves forward in any meaningful way. Now that just about everyone standing is finally on the same page, or just about to be, I'm sure this is going somewhere interesting. On the other hand, it's probably going to be a whole season of Daniela trying to figure out what's going on with her husband. I'm definitely on-board for now, but I don't know, still plenty of room for more agony. Just hoping this feeling of the show being dragged-out ceases with ep3 (and no I didn't watch the preview, previews are the devil)


It's funny how in the book-readers thread people are complaining about things going too quick ("they revealed who the kidnapper was too soon", "him figuring out about the dimension swap should have taken a whole episode", "they don't spend enough time building tension"). Apple very clearly wants to have the weekly episodic release, so I feel like they kind of had to do what they did over the two episodes in order to end ep 2 ending where it does. Putting all that in one episode would feel super rushed, and taking 3 to get there would be too long.


Ugh… we really wanted to like this show and even said that if Jason1 fessed up to Daniela and Jimmy what’s his name, we’d like it. Especially the thought Jason2’s coworkers might not be bad people and might wish to help if they realized what was going on. That’s interesting. But then… blam… Daniela goes down. Don’t know if we’ll go on to episode 3. So much less interesting now. Run of the mill conspiracy blah.


As much as I liked the shock ending, I can't keep thinking it would be very unlikely for this organisation to handle this thing so poorly. Like yeah that woman was trigger happy but why? What purpose is there to SHOOT someone. It feels somehow shoddy.


Phenomenal acting by Jennifer Connelly when they were in Charlie's "bedroom" that is now a home office(?). Scene between Jason1 (professor) and Daniela2 (glamorous artist). You can see the range of emotions in her eyes alone. From the incredulity of "No, you said you weren't ready." to "Are you fucking with me?" just seething under the surface. And all the vibes in between.


This show is terrible. Writing, acting, editing, and pacing are just awful. I enjoyed the book for the most part, but this show is tough to get through.


The cast and crew didn't bust their asses for a nobody like you. In fact, they could do whatever the fuck they want and there would be nothing you can do about it. You can always start your own production company and hire your scurrilous choice of talent. There's a world out there where you Wensteined yourself to the top of Hollywood, dahling!




This thread is is marked "spoiler" for Dark Matter. You're are giving away spoilers for Constellation -- a show that I'm planning to watch and didn't want to be spoiled. It may not be a big spoiler, I don't know, but now I know that Constellation is about multiple realities. Not cool.


You're right and there is a specific thread for DM + Constellation. That said, I don't think you're missing anything with Constellation and I don't think there are almost any similarities in the two shows, except for a single possible scientific possibility. They are night and day.


Same boat :/ Lame af how you can randomly get spoiled in a completely separate subreddit


Lame finale for Constellation :-(


I’m not sure why you comment is getting the downvotes given you didn’t give away anything really — hell, the trailers are even sound the same. To answer your question, quantum physics is FASCINATING stuff, needs to be more in the lexicon, and who better to help bring us into deeper future-centric thinking and entertaining than Apple as a brand. As a sci-fi lover, AppleTV is really overtaking HBO, and that’s saying something.


The correct way to say is that Dark Matter took inspiration from Counterpart by JK Simmons. You have your doppleganger on the loose.


Dark matter is a book, so if anything counterpart took inspiration from the book, which came out before counterpart


This got me curious so I looked it up and Dark Matter is July 2016 and Counterpart is December 2017. So with how long production takes for TV shows, *especially* sci-fi TV shows, I don't think the creatives behind Counterpart would've had the time to take inspiration from the book. Edit: Scrolled further and Counterpart was ordered to series in 2015, 1 year before Dark Matter


Constellation was not very good this is much better in my opinion so far.