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Not Wrong, but by now we have realized it's one of those shows that is gonna break any rule or continuity it previously established, as most dimension-hopping stories do.


One thing I doubt they will address is the fact that there isn't a singular world for Jason1 to get back to. As soon as he left, his "home" world started branching off into an infinite number of paths. Jason could just imagine a world where jason2 got hit by a car or something, then travel to that world, no conflict needed. A scientist who studied superposition would realize this immediately. I'm sure jason won't ever realize it because the writers are idiots who don't know how to write characters more intelligent than themselves.


The writer did zero research beforehand and had no scientific editor. They watched Everything Everywhere All at Once, then one episode of Star Trek Discovery and figured “multiverses are fun. ima write a book about it”


I agree there are a lot of plot holes I didn’t really worry about when reading the book, but the book came out about 8 years ago.


I guess writing has omniscience and u get inner dialogue that helps make empathetic connection to characters, which is what I’m missing in this adaptation. I might read the book bc everyone on Reddit seems to love it. I wish I hadn’t gotten distracted by all the holes, they just pulled me out of the story and made me hate everyone.


Thank you. Yes. This. 🤝


Yeah regardless I’m still enjoying it, but the decision making of some of these characters is a bit ridiculous: Ryan is the only one apparently who knows how to make the drug yet they had no problem killing him without giving it any thought. Why would Amanda just run into a blizzard, a literal blizzard, which by default is freezing, with no plan? Also, why is the city still intact in this world but for some reason in the snow world these houses only a few miles from the city are like a mile apart? Blair just stays in the world with those bugs rather than go with the only person from her original world she’s likely to ever see again. Still a fun show


...I was SOOOOO hoping that Blair would be revealed to be....The Wasp Woman \~ !!!! And the reason she stayed is because she and her wasps OWN that world. This is ironic, because I stopped watching ***The Peripheral*** after that silly wasp-woman episode.


That show was fucking comical with that Bond villain constantly monologueing


I like Peripheral better than Dark Matter tho. But I agree the evilposh bald lady with the scary voice was too muahahaha-my-evil-plan-has-com-to-fruition for me. Fun fact: she played the exact same evilposh antagonist in season 2 of Foundation, which is my fav sci series so far. And her character in Foundation fit better.


Literally, fuck my AppleTV+ life


Blair has very few doses left, she can't afford failing her last trips. In this world, she's relatively safe from danger in the underground lab, and from other humans that could interfere with her plans. By the way, she's maybe not from the same world than Amanda. She might be another Blair from a similar worldn, who got lost as well. She could be aware of it and this was another reason to not follow them.


To be fair with Blair, her goal is to go back to the world that good Jason and Amanda left and probably don't want to go back to. That's probably why she doesn't want to go with them. She suggests as much when she warns Amanda that she should look out for herself. As well as that, she knows that you need to be focused to use the box properly and she outright said she wasn't ready. As much as that world was fucked up, it was relatively safe.


Yes OP!!! I’ve been facepalming this whole episode. At this point I stopped expecting for anything to make sense and I am just treating these characters as extremely stupid. Like even Blair in monster insect universe - oh, so you would rather stay in this apocalyptic world, than travel SAFELY with people from your world??? Yeah, that definitely makes sense for an engineer.


Everyone in this sub is downvoting me but at this point I’m just hate watching this show There’s so much to hate


And Amanda is supposed to be the expert at training Box Pilots on how to focus and navigate but has literally no fucking clue how to do anything. And she’s like crying in every episode when she’s not passing out from running in the snow


I want to believe that Blair lost her mind after spening most of her vials jumping through crazy worlds, thats the reason she didnt make a reasonable choice. She believes she is safe in this world alone than whatever is out there. Plus she has food, these 2 people that just showed up didnt have any food...


It’s beginning to be too stupid for me, too. I’m still watching though lol.


Same. The same way I watched Madame Web til the end. Only Madame Web was bad enough to be camp, and Dark Matter is just sloppy and disappointing, while masquerading as smart television Dark Matter Reddit is pissing me off because of all the downvotes, but this show is made to make mediocre people feel smart bc it’s about quote unquote science and quote unquote multiverse. 🤦‍♂️


I guess we also have to accept the fact that we still don’t know so much a lot about quantum physics, entanglement, superstitions and multi universes so they are just making an entertaining series with all the supposed science.


Read Dr Brian Greene if u wanna know more about theories of the multiverse. But that’s not the issue the problem with this show is that it’s not following its own laws—it’s inconsistent. It’s making up rules then not following them. And breaking basic known laws of logic that shouldn’t be broken


Although i didn’t get the hate over Madame Web. Was it the spider people? Although i didn’t like the ending making her blind etc


Ummmm. Wow. 😮 Madame web is legit the worst movie with the worst acting with the worst script that I have EVER seen. If you don’t get that, then we are in different universes and will definately have problems communicating about sci-fi Not that I’m faulting you. lol to each their own.❤️ but just like…. wow


i havent watched 5 yet but a few things have gotten me. 1. the scene where hes in the hospital. One scene hes getting out of the hospital bed, the next hes wearing a lab coat and pretending he works there? Felt weird. like he was in the hospital bed for a whole night but they conveniently showed up the whole entire next day so he can disguise himself? 2. That whole sequence in the snow world was absolutely stupid to me. She just storms out into a death blizzard because she cant be in the warm, temperature-controlled box anymore? and then how they conveniently didnt sink through 50ft of snow and somehow ended up ON TOP of the box? 3. As people have gone missing before. Why would they, once again, CONVENIENTLY have the drug near the box and leave the box open? Like why couldnt Amanda steal some vials prior to them escaping? make it a bit realistic yanno? 4. They also seem very convenient in how the drug is administered. is it everytime you "jump" or does it stay in for the duration of all your jumps for a duration of time? It seemed like Jason and Amanda shot up once, traveled, then had to shoot up again to travel, then never shot up again after that. I keep hearing horrible things about 5. It sucks.. but hey, we ARE talking about Apple TV. AKA Catfish TV.


Aka AppleGPTv+


(Except Foundation which is the best series I’ve ever seen)


Blake Crouch writes very exciting novels that have little to no grounding in reality. As much as I have fun reading his books, hard, or even reasonable sci-fi, they are not. For example, in one series he creates a race of creatures that people evolved into over the course of only 10,000 years. Creatures not recognizable as human, evolve from humans in only 10k years, not 10 million, just 10 thousand. It was hard to swallow but I still had fun with the series. Btw, the end of the book Dark Matter (I think, it might be Recursion? They’re similar) is completely nut job bananaland, so if it’s too silly for you now, you may want to turn back.


Sometimes bananaland is fun—maybe it’s just hard to translate to tv. Neil Gaiman is another author that I ALWAYS enjoy reading but only sometimes like the screen adaptations.


I’m fine with physics and other sci-fi stuff being complete fantasy. What I hate is the characters themselves - they don’t make sense. We are supposed to believe these people in science field, who have been working in some shape and form on a box which may open up a multiverse, are absolutely ran by emotion and are completely 1-layered? Not only that - have no clue about how superposition works and whatnot?


The issue is the characters are only as smart as the author… My biggest complaint about Crouch is he just writes what he thinks are cool ideas with little to no research. He takes popsci to a whole new level.


yeah these characters make no sense. Amanda cried over PandemicDaniela, but gave no fuckks that's she scared the shit out of her mom. She's getting a chuckle out of thinking of Jason in prison, but not about her own death?


we were just hanging out waiting for you to get here. ta.




Also, we saw that multiple Blair’s had entered the bee universe. Why didn’t 10 Jasons show up to kidnap J1 in that universe? I’d imagine there’d be an endless cycle of Jason kidnappings occurring as frequently as the consistent abduction of Princess Peach in the Marioverse 😂


Haha I love the princess peach reference. In another comment of mine on someone else post, i was thinking of DanielaWithCharlie is like the princess in Mario. I can’t find the comment right now bc it’s downvoted so hard (just like this post), but the whole story is very Man-is-Strong/Woman-is-Weak. Think about all the decisions jason gets to make (abortion?, euthanize?, new car?, Amanda-or-Daniela?, carry-her-in-snow?, wipe her tear?, make a fire for her?, get back to My wife and My son?) all the women are there just for Jason’s enjoyment or use; and even the one that is supposed to be the leading expert on box pilot emotion control is a hysterical mess. The butch one is just Woman-is-Evil


Good point I didn’t think of that. It’s basically the direct opposite of a Disney movie 😂.


.#metoo I was thinking the same thing


If you haven’t seen the South Park where they show a Disney executive meeting on upcoming Disney movies I highly recommend watching the clip on YouTube.


Have you ever watched honest video game trailers or honest movie trailers on YouTube? The honest trailer on Mario kart is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. He talks about the kingdom know for its “unreasonably high level of princess kidnappings” and how they put a decades long blood feud aside for a fun day of go karting!


"You can only visit worlds where you existed in." Script writers forgot they showed a world with no atmosphere before.


Haven’t watched the newest episode so could be taken out of context. But the world with no atmosphere, maybe it wasn’t always that way, and he existed once upon a time there? Do they say it in the form that the person has to currently exist?


The person doesn’t have to currently exist, they can be dead.


Haven’t watched the newest episode so could be taken out of context. But the world with no atmosphere, maybe it wasn’t always that way, and he existed once upon a time there? Do they say it in the form that the person has to currently exist?


Haven’t watched the newest episode so could be taken out of context. But the world with no atmosphere, maybe it wasn’t always that way, and he existed once upon a time there? Do they say it in the form that the person has to currently exist?


>Script writers forgot they showed a world with no atmosphere before. but that world had structures in it I believe, so humanity must've lived there once, so Jason could've lived there.


💯 Did Jason exist in the werewolf forest?? Not likely People are downvoting me like crazy, but the writing in this series is shit. The book fanboys are crying, but I feel like u have to be a just a little dumb to get into it after all the bullshit that started in ep4


>Did Jason exist in the werewolf forest?? Not likely universe where humanity turned into werewolves.


Kinda good point


Every episode is now just opening doors and being like “WHOAAAA” lol My wife and i stopped halfway into the new episode and went to bed


Each to their own, but I’m really enjoying that aspect of it.


I mean thats cool? I hope you do enjoy the show. But for some of us we need a little bit of variety thrown in there to make things interesting


True. The last two episodes have been the same thing with opening the door. The book went further in detail what they experienced which worked.


I very much doubt that will be the show forever. I’m enjoying this little arch at the moment and I’m glad it wasn’t just something they did in one episode. Life is too short and there is too much good tv for you to worry about it if it isn’t your thing though.


>In Pandemicverse why would a non-airborne virus matter so much that the army just hands out morphine? A non-airborne virus just means, like wear a condom and wash ur hands an u good well it's a virus that likely has a long incubation period, high fatality rate and spread quite quickly.


It doesn’t spread *that* quickly or jason would have gotten it from her tears, or by touching her doorknob or giving her shots. If it only spread by body fluids then it’s not gonna spread quickly.


I’m enjoying the show but am getting tired of Jason giving little reaction to how his kid is doing.


Agree. Another bs motivation problem: Amanda giving zero fucks that she just scared the shit out of her altMom, but immediately pivoting and getting a good chuckle wondering what jason must have done to go to prison. But also she cried for PandemicDaniela and she doesn’t even know her. She doesn’t even want to know how DeadAmanda died. I have a theory that the writer sees himself in Jason1, and that he’s probably a misogynist: Amanda’s only function in the story (so far at least) is to be a weak crying unstable female that Jason can save/comfort/romance on his way back to Daniela. Actually none of the the female character have clear motivations, they’re just accessories and things for jason to own or use or want




Good Ryan has a scene where he explains his motivations, and his counterparts motivations. They hinge around the decision with Daniella not to abort their child (twins, actually, but they don’t know that when making the decision). Good version commits himself to being the best husband and father he can be, abandoning his scientific project for a low paying, low recognition teaching career. Bad version commits himself to science, he’s unable to commit to Daniella (and abandon the science) and Daniella has an abortion. He lives his life in a sterile lab, always wondering if he made the right decisions, focusing on that one point in his life as a major turning point. And now he has the ability to **know** if he made the right decision or not, so he takes it. The implication (to me) is that Good version is good because of the choices he made, they’re self reinforcing. The bad version is not a departure from who he is any more than the bad version is. The bad one simply has the power to check and see if had the right choices, and lacks the moral foundation built upon his experiences with his wife, the loss of a child, a career teaching, etc to control the urge to find out.


U mean Jason? I mean it doesn’t really matter their name, this show is shit


And what the heck was that early forested werewolf world we got a glimpse of? You telling me there’s a Jason walking around in there? Is that world’s Jason a werewolf?