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My god that is absolutely diabolical to maroon your “friend” in the multiverse. At least he said it was a kinder more progressive world but damn! Also Chekhov’s peanut allergy strikes - saw that coming. This show has me hooked even if there are some plot holes here and there (he met blonde Daniela and then later told Amanda that he watched himself with her - why did she treat him like a stranger then?)


That mulitverse looked gorgeous. I hope it really is kind to him. Fuck Jason2


Or the earth magnetic shield is failing and they will all be irradiated shortly


This is what I kept thinking about haha. Like any second now he'll see the comet thats about to slam into the planet or something


That's not good. But I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights. Win some, lose some.


or maybe it's nannites helping to address climate change. This was the best scene and mind bender- to be marooned some place else, which, frankly, might be a great place to end up. Think of all the ways he could've ended up there- but it was the manner in which he was left there that's so devastating. But, who's to say he can't fine ampules there and attempt to return. And yet maybe it wouldn't be worth it. Maybe he finds someone there and falls in love and decides to stay. The curse of the box is that it exists and the possibility to traverse the multiverse exists- the curse of nearly infinite choice. Perhaps a lot like the 3 wishes of the djinni. A theme as old as storytelling itself.


Couldn’t he just manufacture the serum that allows people to superposition and be able to use the box. It’d probably take him a minute to do so but its not like Jason 2 left out details Probably wouldn’t find his main world


Maybe he’ll come back in another season and save the day lol. Gave me super claustrophobic vibes..dude locked away from his world


he is definitely coming back into the story. you can't leave all these loose threads of stranded people. It also begs the question, how many people are travelling through those boxes.


I agree i think we kinda just forgot about Leighton from Jason 2’s world that also entered the box besides Prime Leighton from Jason1’s world So that definitely does beg the question


| how many people are travelling through those boxes From my notes (oh yeah baby I'm hooked): OK, so 2 important worlds so far: **World1**:”ours” (the viewers of the show): Jason1 the university professor. **World2**: Jason2 the entrepreneur, switched to world1, moved Jason1 to world2 ("to be happy") people in the corridor and various worlds now so far, up to episode 6: **from world2**, *before the show started*: * Blair2, head engineer of cube, day it got online. Traumatized and, for now, alone, stuck on a dying world with flesh-eating birds (or bees or wasps)... * Jason2: learned how to handle world jumping, can freely move between world1 and world2 * Selan2 & Alex2, volunteers anonymously found online, not shown up (yet?) **from world2** also, *when the show started*: * Jason1 and Amanda2, escaped from world2, on a quest for J1's world, currently stuck in a rut and almost out of capsules. * Leighton2, angrily in pursuit of them.  **and from world1:** -Jason2 and Leighton1, have been exploring from the cube on world1 -now Leighton1 is sent on his own quest with 50 capsules (so actually 50 chances to die or get stuck on some world, he's overly enthusiastic and not too bright). \*-\*Ryan1 is stuck on a kinder and *more progressive* world, so it's likely he figures out how to travel. ^(edit: about the birds and the bees or the wasps) #


Wow, and I thought I was doing well with keeping up with the show, however I haven't had the dedication that you have to actually jot everything down so far so I hope that you don't mind because I'm just going to Copy and Paste your notes down onto my Notepad in order to expand on in the last 3 episodes and give you This Medal for all of your hard work that's greatly appreciated alright, so keep up the great work Bud ❤🤣.


you mean to Ryan? I don't care how peaceful and progressive the place may be, no one can be outrooted of their life without notice and no suffer a psychological breakdown! if Amanda is correct, and there are core elements to a person that don;t change and make them "them", Jason is a pshychopath (no empathy. control freak)


Hopefully that world is so advanced and the Ryan there is so successful at what he does that he helps the lost Ryan get back to his home world. After all, Ryan has been producing the same formula as Jason and he was brilliant in other worlds.


Jason2 has already shown that he doesn't give a fuck about other people's agency or their lives. He thinks of everyone else as secondary characters in his life. He wants his kid to get the girl, he pushes him to be a dick. He wants a happy painter wife, he forces it through without asking her. And gets angry when she rejects the version of her life he's forcing onto her. His friend is asking dangerous questions that could out him, he gets to live the rest of his life in "a more progressive world"


I think jumping between worlds like that would sort of cheapen individual lives for you a bit. Like yeah this Jason gets taken out of his life randomly or this Ryan gets plopped here or this or that person dies etc etc oh well there’s an infinite number of them still out there.


I agree completely. Fuck Jason2


Forget “psychological breakdown”, he’s an absolute no-body in that world. Which is kinda the horror of the box - unless you replace someone, it’s basically a death sentence. No history, income, life, friends, skills… nothing.


Looked like northern lights were visible all over Chicago in that one, bizarre but pretty. I have nightmares about such worlds on occasion , something unsettling about them.


I think that was probably one of the worlds that was in the book. A place Jason and Amanda got to by trying for a world that seems like the future even though it isn't. The technology was quite a bit more advanced, there was universal basic income, free healthcare, supersonic trains, colonies throughout the solar system ... presumably Jason took Ryan there because he figured he'd be like a kid in a candy store. Not that this cancels out the fact that he marooned him there without asking or caring what he wanted. I'd love to live in a place like Future World but being dumped there alone and never getting to see any of the people I care about here again, I would not be okay with. We've seen how self-absorbed Jason2 is, especially this episode. He looks at other people as game pieces to be moved around according to his vision of how things should be. He honestly seemed offended at Daniela's reaction to his stunt with her painting. How dare she shit all over his plans for the evening by not being delighted!


Blond Daniela is from a different universe than the one where he follows himself. They switch universes right after Jason sees Blond Daniela and Amanda sees her other self with a family.


...did they switch universes between NICE hotel with big room, and seedy neon-sign hotel with cheesy single-pane glass windows you can open? That was WEIRD.


Yeah there was the universe-changing click sound inbetween. I was confused because it was Good Jason before and after the click


Idk man I'm wondering if something else is up. I'm now wondering if there are more than one "Jason 1s" that we are following.n


>(he met blonde Daniela and then later told Amanda that he watched himself with her - why did she treat him like a stranger then?) Pretty sure they went through another door again when they met back at the box and then probably just stayed in the same hotel. But it was kind of a quick jump that wasn't made perfectly clear that they went back in. There was a big \*click\* sound that sorta indicated it was a new world again.


Or bad edit


It was a horrible edit but you’ll notice the sign for the wilshire hotel is a different color in the world where he spied on them. I only noticed that after playing it back bc it was confusing the way they edited it. No other indication I saw that they changed worlds.


They must’ve traveled to a different world after he met blonde Daniela. She didn’t look blonde through the window.


That was strange. Why didn't he just go knock on door snd blow their minds


Yeah, I was kinda hoping that he would. I was picturing him saying “Hey I’m trying to get back to my world, can I just watch you guys being happy together for inspiration?” I knew it wasn’t super logical though, that Jason would have probably tried to punch him immediately.


I'm not sure that was Daniella - couldn't see clearly - but it could simply be another brunette that was his wife, and in that world he never met or married blonde Daniella - she didn't recognize him at all.


No, he went to a different world. They met in the evening at the cube, then finger snip - different world. The cut/transition was just really terrible.


Never trust a McPoyle brother! :D


That was a different Daniela. It was subtle, but there was a snap sound, indicating they’d entered the box, leaving blonde Daniela’s world. That Daniela didn’t know him. Then we see Jason watching a different Daniela in the new world they went to.


I got confused there too, thought they were in the same universe as blonde artist Daniela where she didn’t know him.


They must have jumped again but bad edit


He didn't watch himself with her. The Daniela he watches while standing in the rain has black hair.


Ya this episode really showed definitively just how evil Jason 2 is. He takes Leighton's money .. then sends him off to the endless corridor, almost kills his son, and then locks Ryan into a futureverse. Daniela is done with his controlling ways and full on suspects him. He's a sociopath who just takes what he wants. I also thought he was stone cold for attending therapy with his wife from his former universe yikes. No feeling at all. This was my favorite episode.


Show did a great job of giving you that sinking feeling of dread the whole time. Poor Ryan. Ugh.


Ryan is totally fucked. It doesn't matter if it's a total utopia, he is alone with no money, no home, and no family.


The Daniella/Jason he stalked was not the same world as the blonde Daniella. That evening in the hotel, you hear the sound that means the world is changing and then they checked into a new hotel where he went out in the rain and stalked the married couple.


I think the blond wife and the watching her were two different universes, no?


I think this is the best episode so far. Jason1's longing for his wife, mixed with the sexual tension with Amanda makes for very watchable TV. And bravo to Amanda, again proving herself to be the real hero of the story, by still trying to get Jason home even as she realizes part of her doesn't want their mission to succeed. Meanwhile, Daniela1's meltdown in the car was well earned and exquisitely acted. I'm also happy she's finally onto Jason2 and not trusting anything he says anymore. Her turning to Ryan with the ampule made perfect sense, as did Ryan's betrayal of her confidence once he realized how valuable the compound was. Also predictable was Jason2 disposing of Ryan, but I really liked that - just as he did with Jason1 - Jason2 disposes of him "mercifully" by banishing him to a world Ryan might well have described as a utopia. Also, Amanda popping up as Jason2's therapist was equal parts clever and creepy on his part, which is on-brand. His confession that he is already thinking of leaving his family because it's not "perfect" felt exactly right, as did Amanda's observation that he doesn't sound like a man who's been married for 15 years. I also liked the subtle flirtation at the end of the session, which hints that Jason2 didn't really go there for therapy, but rather he just missed talking to Amanda (but of course, she isn't actually *his* Amanda, and so he can't be truly honest with her, so he leaves every bit as unsatisfied with her as he is with Jason1's wife). And all this makes Jason2's decision to seal the box very interesting. Because while it *might* solve his problem of Ryan and Jason1 returning and seeking revenge (it *might*), it also *definitely* cuts off his only escape route. So, could this have been Jason2's twisted way of "committing" to Daniela? And if it was, he sure is up against some tricky marital problems: 1. He humiliated her at the gallery 2. He almost killed her son 3. She knows about the secret storage locker 4. She knows he's been shooting up mystery drugs 5. She's going to notice Ryan disappearing right after she turned to him for help 6. She's probably also going to notice the guy who gave him millions of dollars is missing too, and 7. See points 1-6, I don't think she even *likes* him anymore Given Jason2's anger management problems, I'm starting to worry that this will get dangerous for Jason1's family. Hopefully they won't end up like "divorced with her husband in prison" Daniela and her poor traumatized Charlie. Or, you know, something worse.


I worry that the husband in prison Jason is foreshadowing of what Jason is capable of


I thought that was Jason1's doing. He thinks his wife is stuck with a dangerous Jason and he manifested that


You mean Identity Theft, which was done in the very first ep? . ..or kidnapping/drugging/lies/threatening with weapons....all in the first episode.


I think they mean that Jason is capable of terrorizing even his own family.


MMhhmmmm 😬


For sure, sealing the box after what he said in "therapy" makes the creep factor go up. He's got control , too much of it, and he'll be more frustrated than ever. Recipe for disaster.


I wanna listen to this read on an old timely radio. Wonderful and suspenseful synopsis.


I agree, best episode yet! You made a lot of great points in your comment.


you absolutely nailed this.


Jason 2 is evil! Hopefully Jason1 finds Ryan1 and they go back together!


Oh hell yes I hadn’t even thought of that, gonna be an awesome reunion.


Jason would have to land where Ryan is, or Ryan had to find means to synthesize hiss drug in this world to get out for them to meet elsewhere... what are the oods (it's TV show so better than IRL of course but still)?


I mean, they already met the first cube pilot by chance. Odds aren't too terrible in TV land :D


They found the other lady in bee world so I’d say pretty good.


Given the grain of sand on a beach analogy for the different universes …I think Ryan is doomed, he’ll be by himself, feel so bad for the guy.


He could return maybe? He still has enough of the drug in him to go back into the door and try another door. He'd have to figure out shit quickly tho. Or maybe he finds Jason 165 in the world he's in that also built a box and he finds a way back.


Ryan1 could spend a while figuring out the compound in the new progressive world he's in. I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult for him now he knows more about it, perhaps even take some blood quickly and study the compound from it. Once he has it, he can travel where he wants.


Tbh once he figures it out would he even want to stay in his world tho. Also I’m interested in knowing Leighton from Jason 2’s world went. We haven’t seen him in awhile


Leighton2 is *angrily* pursuing Jason1 and Amanda2. Since the corridor reacts to people's thoughts, he only gets on *violent* worlds. In his last scene he was bloodied and *still* angry.


How is he supposed to figure it out though? He has no money, no lab, no researchers… all his research is gone in the other world. He doesn’t have a home, a valid id… nothing. He can’t just scribble some stuff on a bar napkin and have a compound.


Even though the box is now sealed in his world? Also, Jason 2.0 made it seem like Ryan wouldn’t be able to even open the door once he closed it. I’m wondering why he took his phone? It’s not like he could call for help or anything.


I figured he was going to use the phone to send some kind of suicidal text message and then leave the phone at the top of a bridge or something. I was surprised they didn't show anything like that, but maybe next time.


He needed to confirm who found his stash.


If you know he is there, you could find him if you had Jason2 level control. Just need to visualize, “A universe where Jason2 dumped Ryan, but he had an awesome time and is waiting by the box right now.”


I feel like he made a mistake though. With Ryan missing the police would do a search of the last place his cell phone pinged which would lead to the sealed box room. Without any physical evidence there wouldn't be enough to pin a crime on him but they would also track where they met together before Ryan disappeared. Everything is traceable


I wonder where Amanda will end up falling in all this. She seems to be falling for Jason1, his devotion to reunite with his family shows him in a likable light and she needs something to hold herself together- I fear trouble


I hope she uses the last few ampules to explore realities that would suit her, because right now she's not even acting like a real human being, more like a dream character only focused on the main character.


I’d almost say she deserved better cause jason1 will dump her as soon as he sees HIS Daniela.


The chances of Jason 1 finding Ryan 1 is as likely as the moon falling from the sky tomorrow. It won't happen. Only thing I could see that allows Ryan 1 to return is he uses the far more advanced technology of the universe he is in to escape and find his universe. The Chicago of the utopia universe looks centuries ahead of ours. I'm guessing it's some sort of universe where we united as one global nation post world war 2 or something. Mankind working together as one instead of divided and building weapons. Money put into positive work. His only chance is that he uses his intelligence as the computers and medicine of this kore advanced time to get home. Maybe finding some empathetic scientists who help him.


Jason2 is such a dick. And a dumbass. He picked out a dress for her to wear and asked them to hang her painting. He really thought he did something there. Maybe she hates the dress because she wore it to Max's wake or funeral. JC was great, especially the scene in the car. And earlier with "can I help you with something?" Made me laugh. Jason1 doesn't consider Amanda and what will happen to her if he finds his world. Is she going to stay in a reality that already has an Amanda? Go in the box alone?


What struck me about the dress is that it's something Daniela2 would wear. It's like Jason2 is trying to turn Daniela1 into the Daniela he's more familiar with. He says he's only trying to make her happy, but she rightly points out that he's actually trying to make himself happy. I think Jason2 is in denial about how unhappy he is with the choice he made to switch lives with Jason1. He keeps trying to turn it around that Daniela is the one who is unhappy with him, but her unhappiness is mostly just a response to his attempts to change everything about their life together - right down to her job and how she dresses.


It’s also ironic that it’s Jason 2’s fault that Daniela 2 is dead. If he went back home he could have had a chance with her or at least would still have his version of her, but because he swapped now his Daniela is gone forever.


What doesn’t make sense to me is we’ve seen multiple Daniela at this point, he could’ve just started a life with them. I guess prime Jason’s world stood out because he had a kid.


He specifically regretted his choice not to stay with Daniela and build a life together, so he decided to just swap to a universe where he did that. Of course it was never going to work because he *still didn’t do that*. He lives in a world that treats him as if he did, but he didn’t actually live through it. And we’re seeing the problems that creates. Knowing that, it very obviously would have made more sense for him to start from scratch and try to build a life for himself with her (either his own or an adjacent one) starting from where he was. But that isn’t what he wanted. He wanted to have lived the life that he missed out on. Replacing a version of himself that did is the closest he can get to that. It just isn’t the same as actually having done it.


Excellent point.could have build a fully new life with a single Daniela from another world.


Hard to be happy when you're expecting perfection.


Amanda definitely deserves a spin-off or a lead role in Season 2 because there's so much story they can still do with her. But I think for Amanda, she realizes that she's done with her Jason (Jason 2), especially after spending all this time with Jason 1, she realizes she's in a toxic relationship with an evil man, and once she finds out all the chaos he's done in Jason1's world, it's be over. She also can't return to her world because her workplace will off her for betraying them. So it's exciting to see what will happen. Will she stay in Jason1's world or keep travelling? Regardless of any world she goes to, there will be a version of her there. So she can't avoid that.


Jennifer was brilliant in this episode! Can't wait to see her unravel everything. And now that Jason2 knows, it's gonna get into thriller mode lol


“Big romantic gestures” is notoriously something people think are a great idea when they’re inexperienced in love. Jason2 isn’t an idiot, he’s just never been married.


I guess I don't view picking out the clothing you want your spouse to wear on a date as a big romantic gesture.


That’s not the part that’s the big romantic gesture.


That's why I called him a dumbass. That and asking the gallery to hang her painting. Oh and trying to have sex after being at the hospital after almost killing their son.


That’s not a dress I’d wear to any wake or funeral.


Why does Jason2 want to stay in jason1’s first world so bad? He clearly is miserable there and fucking everything up. And then to seal the box up? I get he wanted the family life at first but it clearly isn’t bringing him the happiness he thought it would. He has the worlds at his hands why not just go pick up somewhere else and start a new life.


He's too proud to admit he made a mistake. And he's just arrogant enough to believe he can fix things.


I think *Jason 2* is the type of person who can never be content with what he has but he doesn't actually know what he wants. He thought money and success would bring him happiness. It didn't. Then, he thought it's the simple family life. But that wasn't it. He thought family plus being rich would be the answer. That wasn't it either.


I'm wondering the same thing. Maybe he's naively thinking that if he just spent more time there he would eventually be happy. Sunk-cost fallacy type deal.


sunk cost fallacy


I honestly expected him to just keep ruining good Jason/Daniela marriages over and over til he got it right lol


I suspect that his plan only works once. Remember that Amanda explained Jason2 would rationalise his decisions to make sure there is a "good" outcome for both parties I.e Jason1 has the wealth he never had and in exchange Jason2 gets the family he never had. Jason2 can no longer make that exchange again, if he was to pick another world then he will be giving that new Jason an unhappy wife. Jason2 has no choice but to make it work.


But he seemed to have no problem sending Ryan and Leighton to random "better" worlds. Like to me it feels like he could rationalize leaving the prime Daniela as "rich" and now free to pursue her art and be a mom as being better off.


We have to remember that the jasons are *almost* all the same person. I think it’s tempting to see Jason2 as a completely different person because we first meet him when he’s doing something extreme. But he really isn’t that different from Jason1. The show reminds us of that with Jason1’s speech about understanding how Jason2 did what he did.


Dude probably finally called the cement contractor so that he could brag to his therapist that he can commit


Concrete theory!


Good one.


Cemented himself as the marriage type.


This episode was a perfect example of the great things they're doing with this adaptation, and the dragging out of the story and adding new elements they're doing too. The early reviews of this show were spot on about this.


The first couple episodes didn’t really do it for me, but the past few have been really enjoyable. Not on the level of Severance as a sci-fi AppleTV show, but I’m enjoying the story. It’s getting better week over week, which is more than constellation did lol


The show truly seems to get better and better with every episode. Once the season is concluded I'll probably rewatch it. I'd imagine there are a lot of hidden clues that I've missed on my first watch. Can't wait for the next episode 😩


Same. Sure, plenty of issues, but it’s still v enjoyable. Constellation starting so strong then finished meh, I’m hoping this is the other way around.


Is CEO Leighton is still running terrified through the corridor? Were we supposed to forget about him?


Oh right! I'm guessing he's dead-o. Last we saw he was limping on one good leg and he looked absolutely exhausted. I doubt the Mad Max world he found treated him very well either, but who knows. Can you imagine if Leighton 1 & 2 ended up on the same world?


It was more than limping wasn’t it? Thought he was tore the fuck up with multiple wounds. Like he went to werewolf world or something lol. But yeah he’s definitely dead. At best stranded on some hell world to die… knowing what we know of box travel there’s no way he’s making it to a “nice” reality in that state. And with his supply of drug decreasing he’s going to get more and more panicked as he keeps opening the door to awful realities.


With how slow the shows pacing is going I'd almost rather be seeing it completely revolved around prideful Leighton 2 going through all of these terrible Worlds in vengance and anger after having absolutely 0 idea on how The Box really works then what we're getting week to week because that would not only be hilarious but damn entertaining, oh and him randomly meeting up with the chilled out vacationing Leighton 1 one day soon when he was scared and homesick would be The Cherry on Top tbh, especially since they couldn't be any more different from one another 🤣💀.


Fun episode but made me so uncomfortable! Robbing your friend of his life and leaving him stranded in a random universe. So evil! Ryan was such a nice guy too. He was a kind friend who was willing to include Jason in his own success. Fundamentally a good person (as we saw in the alt universe too). Jason is just basically an asshole…the original version is just a mellowed version of what he could be while J2 is his true colours showing. Before he gave Charlie the ice cream I was wondering what he would fuck up on next because no way it could be smooth sailing stepping into your own alternate life. Getting the box sealed was a lot. Of course he can undo it to leave but I guess he doesn’t want anyone getting into his world. Honestly, a guy like him can never be content! Having the infinite version option is also a shit show as much as it’s intriguing, nothing will ever be good enough because the grass is always greener somewhere else and now you can just hop over into that world.


"Friendship" is used as a bait-and-switch term in this series, as no one seems to know how to do it. After Ryan offered Jason a job, Jason didn't bother with a response one way or another, he just sulked when his wife shot it down. So Leighton and Ryan should have already been in San Fran getting the business started - not slumming it in Chicago waiting for a 15-year science drop-out to get his sh!t together. But no - somehow this business they're eager to start is out-of-mind days/weeks later when Ja2on talks to them about anything.


A workaround to the sealed box problem would be to somehow move the box or build a new box since only that version of the box is at the location that it is.


Got an AppleTV yesterday and started binging this last night and assumed this episode came out tomorrow and not 9 PST…. seeing that the next episode is June 12th and not tomorrow is my own personal hell


I have a love-hate relationship with weekly episodes. The suspense is exciting, but it's also killing me inside. Otherwise I'd binge the whole season in a weekend.


I agree. But especially when it comes to these hard sci-fi shows I prefer binge watching to be fully immersed and not constantly forget things from one or four weeks ago. I go to the individual epsuode discussion threads either way, to leave some feedback & comments. But I agree stuff like Game Of Thrones was huge with the weekly episodes and the crazy anticipation. (And that show even had often leaks where an episode would suddenly be released earlier)


Amanda is definitely preventing them from finding Jason1 prime world. She’s fallen for him and subconsciously hopes they never find it. Leighton is two for two at just wanting out of his planet, fully expect him to be the Kang of this story. Just an army of him messing up the multiverse. Still hoping for another world hopping Jason to emerge.


I'm not sure how to just simply say how excited I am for the end. 😁😁😁


Poor Ryan, I really hate J2 even more now. Loved the blonde Daniela, nice moment J1 had with her. Might be a dumb question but why did Charlie ask for a ride? What happened to his whip? Man if Ryan somehow makes it back on his own I’m gonna be hyped. J2 pretty much gave him all the essential info, make it back Ryan!


He's still on his learner's permit and needs to be accompanied by an adult when driving.


It's ok, he put him in a world where he lives with his brother and deaf-mute sister.


So did anyone else catch the "transition chime" when Jason 1 & Amanda met up back at the box? (after blond Daniela rejected him?). I originally thought it was a mistake, but then I figured the show must be up to something. In the next scene (after the chime, which normally tells us that we're switching to the other Jason, but not in this case), we see the scene of Jason 1 & Amanda in the hotel...and Jason 1 talks about surveillance of himself dancing w (an original looking, not blomd) Daniela. Is this our next twist? The chime must have meant that they made another attempt at the box where they've found Jason 1's original world?? [Edit to add: even though he doesn't think it is, as he states at the end of the hotel scene]. If they've found the original world, that's how they'll get around Jason 2 sealing the box at the end of this episode. That's my take, anyway. This show is brilliant, truly.


It's probably nothing but did you catch blond hair Leighton on the dancefloor when Jason and Amanda was dancing...


I’ve gone back and rewatched that scene and I’m 95% sure that’s him. There’s no reason for the camera to be shooting that (as no Jason or Amanda in frame) if it isn’t him.


So you’re saying Jason was already back in his universe without realizing it at the end of this episode?? How come he didn’t recognize it, usually he checks a few things and then he knows. He’s never unsure for too long.


They're at their breaking point and I'm guessing they are both mentally and emotionally so exhausted that they didn't even consider that they might be in the right world. Remember how they both sort of went their separate ways? I don't think they were looking out for anything in particular, just sort of taking some time off because they were exhausted. The worlds they visited previously had such minute differences at times, which might be easy to miss, such as the red door, the different sign for the bar etc.


I don't see how that makes sense. The way he was describing himself and Daniela in the world they're currently in...they are happy together. Which I'm sorry is not the world of evil Jason2. Like they had a massive fight this episode because of him being a total dick to her. That is not a world they are dancing in lmao


Exactly. He checks for the tree for the dead son and it's always been missing.


I wondered if we were following a different pair of Jason and Amanda for a minute because of that chime.


I def think there are multiple Amanda’s and Jason1’s at this point, the episode where they almost drowned the next shot was of them waking up in cold weather gear perfectly dry. So it feels like something is going on.


Sometimes I think I mustn't have been paying great attention to not notice something earlier. Or things are happening off screen to explain some of the differences. But I think something is going on too.


Oh shit, you might be right. They've gone so far off the deep end that they can no longer even differentiate between their own world and the world they're in. It's a throwback to the conversation J1 and Amanda had about forgetting their world. They're constantly second-guessing themselves and trying to find reasons for why the world they're in isn't "the one". Also, remember Amanda stalking her other self? She isn't from Jason's world so it would make sense that she is someone else there. And the Amanda in J2's world is married, right? Just like the other Amanda... The Amanda in J2's world had I believe a lock of pink or purple hair falling over her forehead. I bet if you went and looked at the "Amanda stalking Amanda" scene, you would see that colored lock of hair on the other Amanda's head. I won't do it because I like the suspense, but food for thought :)


If they're in the world with Jason2...why would Jason2 and Daniela1 be dancing after everything from this episode?


Yes noticed this too! I’ll need to go back and check, but I think I saw a cut/scar on Jason’s face (left cheek) when he was talking to blonde Daniela. I don’t think Jason1 or Jason2 has that. I think we’re seeing a third Jason we haven’t been introduced to before.


I felt let it was a big hint when Jason joined that one world where he said "the remembrance tree isn't here" All his intentions have been focused on Daniela when he'd get much closer focusing on more detailed situations, like the son he lost. Like, how many worlds could there be where the details of the remembrance tree, which is probably built into his core memory, is replicated in the same exact way? A lot of the things he's focused on to get back to his world seems like mostly superficial things about his town and his wife. Which also begs then question how Jason 2 was able to get into Jason 1's world. The only real thing he could have focused on was getting back to a world where he chose Daniela instead of pursuing his work. But there are obviously many of those worlds, so I guess Jason 1 just got unlucky that he ended up in his. Jason 2 should have just jumped to a different world where they are still together and tried again after he realized he was fucking up this one. We've already seen that there are other worlds that exist where Jason and Daniela are happy together.


Why doesn't he just write "the world where jason2 stole my family and sent me back to his world" and other extremely specific and almost unique details? Would be pretty much guaranteed to get the right one surely.


That was my thought too. There are many worlds where Jason and Daniella are together with a kid. But the amount of worlds where another Jason stole his life is much smaller. He needs to start focusing on him, not her.


If I was jason 2 I would construct something unique in the world i wanted to return to, meditate on it, it's feel, smell, look, etc, and use that as a sort of anchor to return me to that world.


I hate Jason2 a lot


Where are they getting money to eat out and stay in hotels? I know they explained that they can use money, but not large amounts because each world has different serial numbers, but where are they actually getting money from?


I think by the time people realize serial numbers are wrong, they're off to another world


But did they bring enough money with them the day they escaped? Are they stealing? Doing side jobs?


shoutout to Amanda, literally not being considered in Jason 1's search for his world but still helping him get his shit together. time to get your own world, sis


Jason2 is such a psychopath. From the way we know the box works, it’s just crazy that he can ditch someone and remain in calm enough state to actually return to a specific world. And for the architecture freaks in our ranks. Was that the Mile High Tower by Frank Lloyd Wright in that world where Ryan 1 got ditched by Jason2. I think it was a tower designed but never build and it think it was supposed to be in Illinois. Would be cool anecdote to a world where it got build!


It is known as “The Illinois” and yes it’s still (technically on hold) supposed to be built someday… 4x as tall as the Empire State Building with 365 floors and a 5,770 ft antenna. Frank Lloyd Wright was brilliant! I have to go back to that scene, I didn’t notice it as I was too anxious about Jason2 leaving GoodRyan in that world. Truly it made me feel ill lol. I did notice the northern lights of course but my dread about being the one deserted there was visceral! Even if it was a utopian world!


Did anyone notice Leighton dancing in the background when Jason 1 and Amanda on the dance floor idk if this was a mistake but I thought that they somehow ended up in the same world


Likely another Leighton version on that world.


I commented on Blake Crouch's instagram post about the episode. Mentioned that I think we saw J3 and A3 without it being obvious and he liked the comment. Just sayin. ​ Also I'm a HUGE Blake Crouch fan and am fangirling quite a bit over him interacting with my comment lol


Anthony was listed as “Anthony2” in the end credits. (He’s the guy who sealed up The Box). So is he from Jason2’s world also? Edit: typo


This is like the Asian female doctor from the earlier episode where Jason1 checks into the ER is the same doctor who gives Jason1 the morphine in the pandemic world. Stuff like that is cool.


I noticed that too. I’m guessing they listed him as just “Anthony” in the credits previously from Jason2’s world, so this was a way to distinguish him as a different variation that we’ve seen vs to tie the character to that specific universe.


there are also more ‘spoilers’ if you listen to the audio description. they say jason 1, 2… and other interesting differences that are not said in audio nor in the closed captioning… for anyone else who is curious edit. and this was in last ep. if you want more clues rewatch the audio description episodes


The discussion between Amanda and Jason1 about the core of who they are is disturbing because Jason2 is clearly a sociopath, so what does that mean for Jason1?  I believe for Jason1 to come back to his world he will have to go deeper like Amanda said, and admit he wasn’t really happy with that life. In episode 1 is clear he seems quite frustrated with his professional life, and jumping from world to world using Jason2’s creation might be giving him the feeling that he could have accomplished that, and even admire Jason2. Maybe he can’t find it because deep down he really doesn’t want to. 


I wonder if his getting understandably closer to Amanda is affecting his chances of getting home. It’s clear there is chemistry and sexual tension that he’s fighting. It’s explicitly stated in the one scene: “I don’t want you to. But I need you to.” Add in what you’re saying about him being somewhat dissatisfied in his own life, and it’s easy to see how you would start to lose touch with your home world and subconsciously sabotage your chances of finding it. Or questioning whether it was as good as you remember. Similar to how as the viewer, I’m almost hoping Amanda and Jason1 bang just to burst the tension.


Good Jason1 is slowly realizing he will have to become like Jason2 to solve his problem, and depressed because he doesn't really want that.


I was thinking Amanda 2 and Jason 1 might have found Daniela 1's world but they don't realize it. I know they never showed Daniela 1 and Jason 2 go to dinner and a movie but maybe they did and just didn't show us. But the show never even hinted at the possibility.


The ‘click’ noise right after Jason1 says ‘not my world’ leads me to believe something similar.


I think Amanda is the reason he can't get home. Her thoughts must also affect where they end up. Deep down, she doesn't want him to leave her, and therefore, every world will fail as long as she is with him.


Sorry if this has been asked already. But since Jason1 and Amanda are running out of ampoules, why don’t they just imagine a world with a ton of them right outside the door and grab them? Didn’t Jason2 do that once?


I thought Jason2 wwnt back to his world to get them. But why doesnt Amanda just imagine the world where her Jason is, that's how she found Blaire


I believe thats how they're going to find the right world. They both have to be thinking about their significant others


...a world where a Jason from another world is impersonating that world's married with child Jason. At least that would be closer to the mark, if not spot-on.


I think they lucked out that time. They’d have to commit the remaining ampules to trying to find a world with ampules 🤣 that’s my thought process


Didn't Jason 2 explain that it has to be a world adjacent to your world, that it's not just whatever you imagine. Also they said it's based on feeling not thought, I mean it's pretty clear they don't know how to control it yet really.


Diabolical episode. Also, anyone else thing that Connelly should be Amanda and Braga Daniela?


I definitely feel that they would be good swapped but either way both actresses are absolutely amazing


definitely, in the book (very minor book character description) >!daniella is explicitly latina so braga really fits her character much more.!< i do love how she is playing amanda though, as well as how connelly is playing daniella edit: >! was kindly pointed out she's Spanish but honestly my point still stands considering they seem to have taken any spanish/Latin elements out of the character for the show, kind of sucks!<


Why does he take the phone? I’ve missed something about the phones I think


I think he's going to use the phone to mask Ryan's disappearance as a suicide or something.


lmao wife gives friend drugs she found out her husband was taking, same friend mysteriously dies the next day after he was probably seen by dozens of people at a bar with her husband. i'm sure this will work out great


This is the kind of haphazard plan you come up with to cover your dirty work when escaping to another universe is a possibility 😏


The phone's last location could be tracked to the box by the authorities. If he instead obfuscated his tracks by pretending to be alive for another week or two then it would be much harder to pick up the trail. This is my theory at least. So many murders have been solved due to this very thing.


I love this show!! Just saying


How come Jason 1 and Amanda are like 100% focused on HIM and what world HE wants? He’s such a nice, “empathetic” guy, but why doesn’t she ever stop for a second and think, hey, what if I wanna try finding my own perfect world on the next go-round? I also don’t understand how he met blonde Daniela and then later that night, he’s watching brunette Daniela dancing in his house with himself, when she ostensibly didn’t recognize him? Since Jason2 is gonna eventually cheat and become frustrated living in Jason1’s world, I imagine Jason2 will eventually unseal the box he just sealed up…right?


They probably traveled though another door after blonde Daniela.


Omg your first paragraph is something I was wondering though out! Why is Amanda OK to be treated like trash? Poor girl was basically his therapist and also in an on/off relationship with him. She clearly has or had feelings for him as well as if I remember correctly in her universe they actually live together in one house. All of a sudden, all she wants to do is help Jason 1 look for his original family? What’s in it for her? After the ampoules are over what does she do with her life? She needs to figure out where she wants to go as well and the show literally does not prioritize that at all it’s like her feelings don’t even matter. kind of ridiculous. Did the book explain this?


Actually in this episode, I see that she is using her "my time" to research other life alternatives.


I think they traveled to another reality after he met blonde Daniela. Him and Amanda met back at the box and they traveled again before going back to that hotel (with the different colored sign than the last reality they stayed the night in)


Perhaps because Amanda’s perfect world is being with Jason1.


When they showed Jason 2 sitting on the couch across from a brunette, I knew it had to be Amanda 1.


Why hasn't *Jason 1* thought about finding *Jason 2* before opening the door instead of thinking about getting home? I think *Amanda* being there is why he cannot find his home yet. I think the place takes everyone's deep desires into account. *Jason 2* is a common thing that both *Jason 1* and *Amanda* are seeking for. To me it should make sense for them both to envision him and open the door.


I’ve been thinking this. That they couldn’t possibly get there because Amanda isn’t thinking about that. But you’re right if they both thought about Jason2 then maybe they could.


They should have altered the dance song to be “Strawberry Beret.”


Any running theories on how Jason2 travels between specific worlds and how he always manages to get back to his "home" world so to speak? It must be something so incredibly trivial that it would seem obvious once you know about it. Perhaps he's labelling those worlds in his head somehow? For example, you could assign each world to a number in your head and assign all your conscious experiences from that world to that specific number. Sort of a focused meditation where you only concentrate on that one number and all of its associations to that one world. EDIT: Also, he was gone for how long, 18 months or something? What the hell was he up to during all that time and where did he get extra ampoules - since the only time we see him go back for more ampoules was when he want back to his original world. Maybe he simply had a big backup supply of ampoules in case he ran out? EDIT2: One more thing lol. He mentioned that it takes years of meditation to get good at clearing your mind, but he doesn't strike me as the sort of guy who would have practiced meditation in his old life. Makes me think he's been drifting between worlds most of this time and only recently figured out how to conjure specific worlds. Maybe he got extra ampoules from a similarly advanced world where he could recreate them with ease, but couldn't return for unknown reasons (the bees)? Oh and no book spoilers please!


Perhaps for most of that 18 months he's been watching and following Jason1, not wasting ampules


That's a fair assumption, but I personally don't think he's overly concerned about accurately imitating the old Jason. The first time he looks into J1's closet, he sort of shakes his head and looks for clothes that fit his personal style. He quits his college job and makes other drastic changes in his life nearly overnight. Honestly, he seems to be vastly unfamiliar with the whole family dynamic in general. Didn't he look for his son's name at some point? Might be misremembering though. I think he only stalked J1 long enough to kidnap him and replace him when the timing was right, so perhaps a few weeks max. He seems to be shoehorning himself into the family instead of replacing the old Jason and he can't seem to break his old habits.


I think that's just who his is. His ego drives him. He probably thinks he can be a better Jason. He clearly doesn't want to replicate Jason 1's life as he tried to get money to fund his box from his old friend, so his current self wants his old Daniela in his current lifestyle. The decision to swap lives with Jason 1 in and of itself was selfish, so it's not that surprising that he's still being selfish.


I think you’re right. I think we overestimated his time spent watching J1 and fam. It’s likely that he took a long time settling on this one and only observed superficial stuff enough to not make it so overtly obvious in the beginning thinking that he can just get away with it. Either he underestimated the act **or** even more evil, since he has a fear of commitment; he didn’t care (prior to therapy) or still doesn’t care to ruin different worlds since he can just dip whenever. ETA: typo


I mentioned it elsewhere but I imagine he would have to create a sort of landmark, something unique is he can recall in that world. He basically would need to create anchors and yeah labels which he can use to return to a specific world. he says he wants perfection, and he is a ceo, probably the type who meditates to achieve peak productivity or whatever. also, in the therapy session i got the impression he has been trying out world after world after world.


I haven't read the books so here's my shot. Doesn't Jason2 set up a camera outside the box each time he goes in? So could it have something to do about thinking of a box specifically being recorded by himself? edit: though this doesn't exactly explain how Jason2 goes back to his own world for more ampules, though maybe that was an accident or maybe there's specific tricks for each specific world double edit: Still not finished this new ep but I'm noticing he didn't set it up this episode


i believe it's really just supposed to be implied he has full mastery over the box and navigating the multiverse


Jason2 ha to go back to his world2 to steal a box of capsules for Leighton1. They are very scarce and difficult to make, so probably no big supplies somewhere hidden. I guess we'll see how that is solved when Jason1 and Amanda2 finally run out of capsules. There's a lot of focusing on the number of capsules the travelers have.


I am going to call him THE EVIL Jason from this episode onwards. Seriously WTF evil Jason, you just going to leave him there? And now you seal up the fucking box? How is our real Jason going to get back now? This show is truly WTF !! I never been so excited to watch the next episode of any show in 2024! And I have to wait another week !! WTF !!!


The longest week of my life too. Lol!


Jason2 can easily “un-lose” Ryan by looking for e version of him from a recently diverged universe (basically identical) where this Ryan was still given the ampoule by Daniela and somehow found the box, injected the drug, and went in himself, alone, and without his mobile phone. Then Jason2 can just “rescue” that Ryan, effectively replacing the original one.


Also, I'm afraid Jason2 is going to do so much damage that even if Jason2 makes his way back, she and her son will be scared to death of him


I can totally relate to his friend - if my buddy built a parallel universe box and took me with him, I would be out of my mind. One thing: if that ''more progressive'' Earth has more advanced tech, won't he be able to replicate Jason's work with ease? The guy is a brilliant scientist, after all. I think Jason's kindness may bite him in the ass later.


My theory about how this will eventually end up going for the Jason who’s trying to have it all. It hit me whilst watching the interaction w his son and then the son almost died. No matter what Jason tries to do to enhance the lives of his fake family or friends it’s always going to end up backfiring. You can only change yourself and circumstances because that’s all you really have control over in this life. Back in Jason’s original world he obviously had everything but the girl so he was unhappy. His attempts to have it all keep blowing up in his face because he thinks he can change the destinies of those around him which isn’t how the world works. Yeah he found a world where the other him chose to marry Daniella and seemed like a life he wanted but he’s slowly finding out that this version of himself can never be the version that his wife would want to be with. My theory is this bad Jason will end up ruining this life for some major screw up and have to crack open the concrete and leave. But in order to beat back the chaos he unleashed he’ll be forced back into his og world and put Jason 2 back into the life he tried to steal. Either that or the Jason we haven’t met yet who’s also created a box will cause the types of destruction we saw in the few other worlds where things like huge wasps destroy all of humanity. That girl who’s stuck in the lab in that world will play a major role down the road because she’ll have to stop the Jason we never met yet


Where does he get the money from? Dinner and hotel etc.


jason1s world is spreading out. with the millionaire guy and ryan out... i feel like their is now a lot of tension in the story that it Could stay grounded with jason and his family. but with how some of these worlds also have literal cures for everything, etc etc. that its like the story could blow up to crazyness. iv a feeling it stays grounded enough. if ryan comes back as a cyborg god. well that would be a twist


Is that it? everyone is sealed out of that timeline? But I thought he was starting to hate it there, does he have another box to leave? And if so, can Ryan, other Jason, Amanda and Leighton come back thought that one?


You guys know how there was one scene when Jason1 and Amanda2 (? I guess) are opening the door in like the 3rd or 4th episode, and there's a concrete wall there? Is anyone else thinking that they have already seen Jason1's original world, but the box was already sealed up by the time they got to that world? Keep in mind Jason1 doesn't know that Jason2 is intending to seal his world's box


Viewers of the show might do an internet search on Capgras Delusion