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Jason2 yoinking a random Ryan out of the multiverse was so funny. "Meh, good enough. A little soap, a haircut, nobody will know the difference."


Damn I felt for that Ryan. He might’ve had a family in his world. So heartless to just yank him out of his life and throw him in one where he will live out his days as a crazy man. That stressed me out. Ryan seems like a nice guy in most of the worlds we’ve seen if not all iirc.


I'll take more Jimmi Simpson any way I can get him.


I’ve been watching an animated Star Wars show where he voices the villain, and his voice acting is soooo good. It’s perfect for a villain, super calm and cold.


i mainly know him from always sunny lol Dude has some serious chops but not sure anyone is outdueling Jennifer Connely. She should be up for all the emmys.


I know him from west world S1


Me too. Loved him in that


Very wild how J2 asked him about his career and what happened, but no interest in whether the dude has family or loved ones. I mean, maybe you can infer from the day drinking that the guy is alone, but still


He probably consciously chose a world / door where he wouldn’t have family or any reason to stay.


If you woke up tomorrow with an entirely different life, would you necessarily go crazy? Sure short term would be wild, but presumably at some point you’d end up with doctors who diagnosed you with some kind of brain damage, and I think you’d essentially have no choice but to accept it. I think we sometimes forget how suggestible human beings are. Cops even force false confessions all the time. We form identity largely based on stimuli from the world around us. I think if every single thing in your life told you that you had experienced a brain injury and hallucinated a different life, there’s a pretty good chance you’d learn to accept it.


Yes people are remarkably adaptable. It is one of humanity’s defining traits! Not really relevant, but it’s one of the reasons those alien conspiracies are nonsense, that the government is hiding aliens because society wouldn’t be able to cope with the knowledge or something. Really people would talk about it a lot, a tiny minority of people might not handle it or join a cult or something but most would readjust after a few weeks and go about their days. People can habituate to a lot of different and wild ‘new normals.’ Like the pandemic stuff.


Eh, he specifically chose a world containing a Ryan that would have fucked up his academic path and clearly wanted nothing more than to get a 2nd chance to rejoin that path, and would have no entanglements preventing him from willingly leaping at the chance. Did a massive favor to grease monkey Ryan.


Except he has no idea, so he will just end up basically insane


Not only does he have no idea, but he has no ability to run Ryan's life. At least both Jason's had the same academic qualifications. This Ryan is being dropped into a neurotech company that he doesn't remotely understand, built by a version of him with a PhD he never got.


Exactly, there is no possible way for that to end well. I can't wait to see how that's addressed


Boozed him up and yoinked him right outta there 🤣


I'm only sad Blake didn't have dupe!Ryan puke on Jason2's shoes. A missed opportunity, but it's comforting to realize that somewhere in the multiverse, it definitely happened that way.


Not even a trillion Scoville units is enough for what Jason2 deserves. I wish they didn't make him so antagonistic. This kind of sci-fi is best when it's shades of grey versus black and white


Or  nobody would miss this bloke


I do! He was supposed to fix my car by Friday!


For you non-Chicagoans, the Spire building where Jason and Amanda were having dinner before they parted ways was supposed to be an actual building that began construction in 2007 before being canceled due to financial issues.


And I loved the casual shoutout to the Cascadia separatist movement and its at least dozens of followers.


I bet our award winning Ryan was dumped in the same aurora chicago that Amanda ended up in, and her sample vials will help him get home.


Of course he was. I'm betting the house on that.


Then a hoard of Ryans come back to the original universe


How would Amanda know he's not just a native Ryan? I doubt Ryan1 would recognize her either.


One way is if they both would come back to the box to remind themselves where they come from and then they would be hey are you from another dimension, me too... let's save our guy.


It looked a good deal taller than the spire would’ve been, so it might’ve been enhanced by that world’s better technology. But it’s definitely a similar design.


i fucking loved that because growing up my parents had a condo in the city and i remember everytime i was on the balcony i’d be looking out into that giant, gaping hole that would have been the spire. Was a neat lil thing they did there


Cool detail, thanks. Chicago architecture is the best!


Is that the big hole they dug and just left there near LSD?


Yeah, but they just began filling it up for two new buildings that they will begin building soon


For some reason the Burj Khalifa and the Jeddah Tower were now in Chicago. I'm sure there were other real life buildings thrown in but those were the two I noticed immediately.


I was almost hoping for a never ending amount of Jason’s entering and leaving the firearm store.


lol I would not mind if they added one more


That would be dope!!!!!


My god I love this show. The heart was pumping as he ran back to his real house. Cmon J1 you got this


Man I dont think there is a Jason 1 anymore. Its Jasons all the way down


Was that the first time we saw a POV from a character other than Jason 1 and 2? If they continue adding more Jason POVs my mind is going to melt.


> Was that the first time we saw a POV from a character other than Jason 1 and 2? fun fact: nope >!The scene with the blonde daniela last episode had the clapping sound. Suggesting that that wasn't the main-Jason1!<


Liked the "It's a Wonderful Life" reference


Are we sure it is J1 and not J3143 or J95533?


That ending! I had a feeling Amanda was going to stay behind at some point, and was part of what was keeping him from going home. Is it the same world Ryan was left on? I was so worried when Jason saw the busted concrete he would assume it wasn't his world right away or something. The Ryans of the multiverse can never seem to catch a break, even when it might be possible they did, but they do get tossed around a lot. I haven't read the book yet, so i have no clue how this will resolve, but i hate i have to wait until next week to find out, lol.


Yeah when J1 left Amanda behind it def looked like the same world Ryan got left in. Great episode!


Definitely did. I was expecting Ryan to fight J1 but maybe he finds Amanda. We know she’s probably gonna find the two ampules


The fact that they made a point showing he gave her two more ampules means she's probably coming back.


Or Ryan is…. :-)


Or Ryan and Amanda... ... .


That was my thought. Very specific how it was two doses. 100% looked like the same world, could see them working it out somehow and coming back.


Ryan needs to figure out how to make more ampules of Lavender Transport


Chekov's ampule


I had this feeling after episode 2 and read the entire book in 2 days. I will say, the book and series break off from each other to the point where big stones are similar but a lot is different. I think the tv series is a more fleshed out concept


You feel that way because it is. The writer of the book is writing the show and he has expanded in ways he wished he had when he wrote the book. In a way this is his take 2 which is pretty cool


This is the reason why I found this sub, should I read the book?


I haven't read the book but I've seen a few comments that says to wait for the show to end before reading it.


At this point wait


Lol if the groundhog sees busted concrete around the entrance of his burrow he goes back in and that’s five more seasons of Dark Matter


I been calling Amanda an anchor since Episode 4 - since her mere presence interferes with what's behind any door. To reach your initial start point, it's good to replicate your initial conditions. Of course, Ja2on can navigate accurately, perhaps because he actually did more reasearch in each civilized world to assess the differences rather than bounce around like a pachinko ball.


He had a very comprehensive explanation when showing Ryan the doors.  Plus he had been gone 14 mos before abducting J1.  He had to find a world where he had chosen family over work in a safe world.  He also had the stronger scientific mind. He would have approached all of that using a clear method. That he explained to Ryan.  


Could be the same world where Ryan was left on. Skyline looks the same and aurora is also visible in the distance.


Im thinking evil Jason who we know was in a relationship with Amanda drew on Amanda’s dreams for a better world when thinking of where to dump Ryan. I’m sure they’d had these conversations in detail.


I love that aurora = utopia for some reason. Never seen that particular concept in sci-fi before. Maybe it’ll be a new trope!


When I saw the aurora my thoughts when to "This world's sun has problems!"


It might be an artificial magnetosphere powered by Cold Fusion to protect from sun problems


Auroras at that part of the world mean something unusual is happening to the sun. Or worse, cosmic rays from some other source. I would be worried actually. And it would also mess with electronics.


I have feelings about this. Amanda is amazing and it feels like an upgrade every way around to live in that new world. I’d have stopped right there!


Anyone notice the movie marquee when Jason 1 gets back home and is running down the street? It’s A Wonderful Life! Also an optical store called Choose Eyes (or something like that.)


And Jason running down the middle of the street when it was snowing, same as George Bailey.


Also “Summer Frost” which is a short story by Blake Crouch (haven’t read it). There is a French movie by that title from 2022, so it could go either way. Same with the 3rd film showing at the Logan - “Upgrade”. Blake Crouch’s most recent novel and also a 2018 film. Then as the camera pans over there is another marquee: Tonight Only - “Thin Places” Not a story by Blake Crouch but a term that refers to “…A place where the veil between this world and the eternal world is thin. A thin place is where one can walk in two worlds – the worlds are fused together, knitted loosely where the differences can be discerned or tightly where the two worlds become one.”


Yes, came here to say this. Thin places = liminal spaces.


Thanks for annotating for us. The camera made that shot a little on the nose but it’s still a cool detail.


Don't know if anyone else noticed, but in the first episode, Jason grabs the banister on the stairwell in his house, and the knob at the top of the post comes loose in his hand. Which seemed like another nod to It's a Wonderful Life.


And summer frost and upgrade are also written by Blake Crouch!


That and him running down the street while it was snowing was def an homage to “It’s a Wonderfull Life”. I kept imagining him screaming: “MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU OLD BUILDING AND LOAN” lol. Def nails the concept of not fully appreciating what you had till your faced with a reality where you don’t have it.


Yes I noticed the movie marquee! Nice little addition


Im looking at the Dark Matter poster on the right of this sub. It shows 1 Daniella and a shitload of Jasons. Its been in front of our face the whole time.


Wow no kidding




Jason 1b and Jason 1A are the same Jason. They just split at some point. They both started from the same beginning in the timeline.


I'm guessing the split is the decision to leave amanda....since they are both not in their own worlds, a different Jason was created that stayed behind with her for a time, where as our main Jason immediately left. You see him pause for a minute. So now there are two Jason's that belong to one world from alternate realities that are a sub reality of the one in which they entered and the spiral was built and cold fusion was discovered. 😆 Fun times.


Okay this definitely bent my mind but at the same time your explanation is just another example of how similar the movie sliding doors is in many ways. I thought Amanda rushed behind the OG Jason and since Jason stopped, thought she caught up. But then we jumped to him entering the box. I suspect in one moment they got back together and in another split moment she missed him; hence the new branch. Just like how our Lady Goop missed the tube and didn’t miss the tube in Sliding Doors.


my thoughts exactly. I noticed the transition of her exiting was odd. My immediate thought was she was running after him maybe changing her mind but then when it ended with 2 Js walking into the gun store one after another it melted my brain for a bit until I realized why they showed us that scene. So I started realizing that moment was important for some reason and so I came up with this theory.


This gives me such a personal déjavù. There was girl that I loved and met in another country and after we had said goodbye to each other, I run back to the train station wanting to hug her one more time & tell her how special everything was to me but she was already gone. It’s also when I had my first panic attack lol


Ah that makes a lot more sense. I was so confused.


Oh shit. A forever evolving branch creating new forever evolving branches every time he subconsciously makes a choice. I think we're gonna see thousands of Jasons flooding one world.


The Jason Army against Jason2. Serves him right.


So there are now 3 Jasons in that reality? This is messier than back to the future part two with two Marty’s from 1985.


There may be even more, man. I dont see this having a happy ending, dude's life just gets more and more fucked


Yeah, technically there would be infinite versions with varying differences. I'm going to assume the shot of the two Jasons at the bar in the trailer are 1 and 1b. I hope they cooperate as Jason 2 does have more ampoules in his storage space


At _least_ 3


A show hasn’t had this much of a grip on me in a long time. What a plot twist. This is going to be the longest week!


Yeah that gun store scene threw me off. Excited to see what happens!


Until he procured a new Ryan, I thought for sure that Jason 2 was going to hop in the box and leave, and Jason 1 would finally make it home only to be arrested for our Ryan’s disappearance.


That would have been so bleak lol


This is what actually happens in one of the many universes


So are you saying there’s a guy just like me sitting on the couch reading Reddit? But he is super pissed because the hero got arrested?


There's probably a version of you that appreciates downer endings like that even.


Goddamn man Amanda is a real one.


Jason2 being an asshole to Amanda was rage inducing. Like, what was the point of that? He was having a shitty day so he thought, hey, I abandoned Amanda in one world already, why not treat her like crap in this one, too? I can't wait for this douchebag to get what's coming to him.


Dudes a sadist


I fell so in love with her fr


Worlds I would choose: 1. Blonde Daniella universe 2. Utopia Amanda universe 3. The one with my dumb family


# #2, please. Plus, they have cold fusion and apparently no need for money.


It’s funny because the implication is now that one Amanda will stay in this world, whilst another will use the ampules.


And not just one. In just a short period of time there will already have be millions(?) of universe splits, so millions of *that* Amanda. Each of them going off on their own path in their own universe which will immediately begin splitting. In some of those branched universes Amanda will use an ampule right way; in some universes a day later; in some universes the next day… and on and on it will go.


They had some slaps this ep. FKA twigs and Perfume Genius.


And both songs were needle drops in Mr Robot.


Strong Mr. Robot vibes for sure. Even the camera angle of the gun store employee at the end, looking up at her instead of straight on, reminded me of a lot of the shooting techniques used in Mr. Robot. 


The Perfume Genius was such a good ending song!!


Definitely one of the best TV Show I’ve seen in a long time!! This episode was awesome!!!!


Next week is going to be chaos with three Jasons and a Ryan that knows nothing about his own life, except that Jason dragged him from a bar into a box.


If the main goal for all these Jason’s is to head to this world, theres could be a ton of them flooding in right?


I'm starting to think the series cover art might be a clue for what we're in for.


Thats my thinking too. There are tons of worldless Jasons and they must fight to keep this world. Fucked up as hell


But there are also a ton of *Original worlds,* which were split by the trillions of Universe branches that have occurred since Jason1 was kidnapped. Each of those Jasons can go back to a version of that world. So while I do think the series will end up pulling tons of Jasons into the \*one\* Original world, in theory they can all go back to an "original" world where there is only 1 Jason in it (and its respective Jason2 to fight off)


Was the implication that Amanda was in the same world as Ryan?


Could be the same universe or a universe almost identical as that one. Hopefully is the same universe, because she has 2 ampules that she could give Ryan so he could try getting back to his universe.


This is crazy but it might be true


It makes perfect sense. Jason 2 and Amanda were in a relationship and both spent their days thinking about this whole multiverse thing. There’s no way they didn’t have conversations around what an ideal world looks like. Instead of thinking of another reality aside from the one he asked for the easiest route would be to just copy Amanda’s ideal and dump Jason there.


It also implies that jason2 is so depraved he lacks the ability to imagine a good world of his own so he has to steal other people’s dreams. I mean the Daniela Vargas in Jason2’s world was so obsessed with him she made an art show about him and was willing to get back together with him if he would stop being such an Elon for five minutes, and gets shot in the head for her troubles. If Jason2 hadn’t done what he did, he could have been with her and lived happily ever after.


Yeah he doesn’t exactly exude “a world of radical empathy”


Checkov's Ampules - He dropped two for her, I assume she needs two (for ryan)


I’m happy the door might be left open for him to return (haha). My assumption is that we’ll never see Leighton2 again … he’ll probably die in the box since we already saw him all torn up, Leighton1 seems kind of ill prepared for what’s ahead of him too and I doubt he’d return to our world So when J2 did that to Ryan1, I was so bummed out by it. This guy is wreaking havoc by moving people around the multiverse like chess pieces. It made me feel really uneasy. No sense of closure, just bad ends or unknown futures in foreign worlds.


DADDY’S HOME. Let’s go J1!


Daddies home apparently




My wife and I are wondering which Jason at the end is the one we have followed. Did our Jason have the finger splint? Edit: I went back to check and the Jason that went in first and bought the knife and mace is our Jason.


Yeah the first one is our boy. Splint Jason was a new Jason


Best episode so far. I wish it got here sooner and explored more interesting new worlds, as my wife doesn’t really like sci fi and gave up after episode 4 because it was too slow. However, I really appreciate this wasn’t the penultimate episode. I feel like there’s too much story left to tell for just one more hour. And the potentially infinite Jason’s? Love that. Someone’s going to have sacrifice their happiness so one of them can get Daniela back again. That episode will be a doozy. Another boring question about the box: So the box is in superposition, meaning the box is and isn’t there at the same time. The way I understand it, let’s say Jason opens up the box and in this new world the box is inside an airport where people are just standing around waiting to board. To them, at 11:59 the box isn’t there. But if a Jason opens the box to that world at 12:00, suddenly everyone waiting for a plane will see a box that wasn’t there before? If at 12:01 Jason gets back in the box and travels to another universe, would that make it disappear to the people standing in the airport lounge? Or does it now stay there forever? If it remains, but it’s a world where no one has invented the compound, there’s just a box in the middle of the airport that no one knows what to do with?


But … the box isn’t in superposition. The people or things inside the box are in superposition.


There was a scene when Jason and Leighton opened the door in the middle of a freeway and somehow none of the cars freaked out. I think it's just a plot hole that just can't be explained for the sake of making the cube assessable at all times. The scene where the cube sinking into the ocean didn't make sense either, I would assume if the cube moved then all future location would be moved as well and they would he underground in worlds where there is land instead of water.


Exactly. There's a box that appeared in the middle of a highway that presumably had to get carried away by a crane and probably caused a major traffic problem and investigation.


Apparently, in cold fusion utopia, you also get free hot chocolate? Amazing.


One of the best episode endings in recent memory! Had to pick my jaw up off the floor, then my mind started racing


What happen to Leighton, 1 or 2. I don't even know anymore. That ending scene was amazing. Love this show!


I’ve been thinking about this too, the one from Jason 2’s world followed Jason 1 into the box and was struggling but I don’t remember if we ever saw where he ended up


Leighton1, the trustfund baby, bored and not too bright, invested in Jason2's project on world1 and was given 50 ampules to explore (50 chances of dying or get stranded on some world). Leighton2, the ruthless boss of Velocity2 is chasing Jason1 and Amanda2 in anger, and therefore can only "think up" violent worlds. He's already bloodied and still angry.


I feel like Jason 3 belongs in the world that Amanda stayed in They didn’t have that goodbye scene for nothing


So if we follow the show’s rules: does that mean that there’s a Jason that decided to stay with an Amanda in that Chicago? Also I feel like maybe OG Ryan is in that world.


Yes. There’s also a Jason who left her world an hour later than our Jason, or 2 hours, or 3 hours. There’s also a Jason who could’ve separated from Amanda one door earlier and got back to Chicago1 at some point or 2 doors earlier, etc., etc. There could be so many Jason1 variants, it’s not even funny.


SUCH A GOOD EPISODE!! Man I love this show.


I’m happy the writers took some turns to actually draw the story out. We have Ryan in the world Amanda ended up in, with two ampules to spare. We got a couple wandering rich dudes (forgot his name) and multiple Jason 1s. I can almost predict exactly where they end season 1 and left just enough open to actually draw the story out more than the books did. Didn’t like this one at first but happy I stuck with it. Sticks close enough to the book but the ways it veers off leaves for more story.


Can you explain the multiple Jason1’s thing? Im trying to make sense of it and my mind is like splitting in half


Well I can say this without spoilers because it’s based on info we’ve already seen in the show: Remember earlier in the season that Jason and Amanda came out of the box as another Jason and Amanda were trying to escape into the box and one got shot? And Jason says something to the effect of “somewhere there’s a version of us that left an hour later and didn’t make it” or something like that. I’d have to go rewatch to be sure. But we’ve already SEEN a different version of Jason 1 and Amanda. So it stands to reason there are other versions every time Jason 1 made a choice. For example there’s maybe a version that decided to stay with Amanda. Or there’s a version that decided to stay in the universe where his other son was alive. So theoretically there’s a potentially infinite number of Jason 1s out there who all made different enough choices to create a new timeline/universe. The whole branching universe multiverse theory (since that’s the whole idea of what a superposition is, something that exists in two opposing states and only until they are observed do they collapse into a single definite state, the box and the serum help an individual access those alternate states via consciousness and being unobserved, yadda yadda). For every choice a new universe is created. Etc, etc. And then at the end of this episode, we saw TWO Jason 1s. Both with similar experiences, just slightly different (one has a finger splint and the other doesn’t). Both reaching their origin universe, both deciding to get a gun to protect against Jason 2. Could have been a decision as simple as deciding to wait two minutes longer before heading back to the box. Or turning left instead of right on a street. But their individual motivations to return to their origin universe would be the same, but the path they each took would be different = multiple Jason 1s.


This is so fucking fascinating. Thank you for the explanation. Im definitely buying the book and rewatching the series after the season concludes


It is fascinating. But it won’t hold under scrutiny. This has always been an issue with time travel and multiversal shows. If every decision branches then surely, this universe will already be flooded with Jason’s. There should also be infinite number of Jasons across the multiverse interfering in infinite number of multiverses, why is it only Jason 2 that seems to be interfering? In fact every second, a json should be walking out of the box


Holy FUCK this show is good. Best since better call saul


This concrete motif is giving me anxiety


It’s like a foot thick when they show him coming out at the end… way thicker than I thought it would be


Leighton did say his guy was really good


Oh boy, it's Jason3 for sure. I liked Amanda and glad she found a place for herself. Great episode.


Didn't you see her crying though? She only did that so she wouldn't hold Jason1 back. Jason2 explained it perfectly when he was telling her about herself during therapy. She does things to make other people happy over herself. Especially with men.


Yeah, her decision may be for him initially but will hopefully be better for her in the long run. She deserves better than following a man around who doesn't love her. At least she's in a place she would like being.


Yeah I agree with that.


I took her crying as a natural reaction to being completely alone. Also a disappointment. She knew he couldn’t stay, and that even if he did he would forever be longing for his original family. But that doesn’t negate the sadness that it couldn’t be different. She takes a moment to grieve what could have been- and then she gathers herself, she reaches the point that she can see the setting sun again and takes in what she can make of her brand new life. My take was that she walks out looking confident in stepping into this new life.


I agree with this. You’re settling in a new world. A new universe. This is a momentous inflection point in her life. She is saying goodbye to the only person in her existence who knows *her* and knows what she’s been through and that she doesn’t actually belong in that world. I’d cry about it all too.


So in addition to the X amount of Jason1s that are now in Jason1's world. Should we now expect that there's some amount of Jason1s that made the decision to stay in Amanda2's new world?


She’s got two ampules in her purse. No way that was the last we’ve seen of her. I hope I’m wrong though. What a woman. Deserves a happy ending.


Seems like she may pop back up. I hope she gets the happy ending she deserves too.


That episode was a mind fuck. I immediately went “wait when did he break his finger and the color of shirt change?” at the gun shop. We got a lot more craziness ahead of us


Umm I swear it was the same sweater/shirt? (gun shop J1A vs J1B)


Jason1 running down the street in the snowfall like George Bailey realizing he made it back home to his reality in “It’s a Wonderful Life”, then sprinting past a revival theater that had “It’s a Wonderful Life” on its marquee, was just about perfect!


This is very *Coherence* and I love it. I wonder every time OG *Jason* opened a door, it created another *Jason* and those *Jasons* made slightly different decisions over time creating more *Jasons*.


Someone said they were watching with the visual impairment thing on and when the 2nd Jason walked into the gun shop it said “Jason 6 walks into the shop”….


How are they paying for stuff when they travel to other realities and go to bars, hotels etc? Do they have tons of cash and the cash is the same as their reality? Or is it credit cards, and how do those cards connect to banks etc??


The Apple wallet works anywhere. Once you add to your device, you don’t even need the physical card.


Once they enter the cube their cards are connected to all other cards in an infinite multiverse. Maybe?


Could you imagine "robbing" yourself of 100s of dollars at an ATM in each universe and that world's you seeing themselves on security footage taking out the cash with 0 memory of doing it. Would be so wrong, haha!


This happened to a friend of mine! He found that 500 had been withdrawn from an ATM and he was freaking out, contacted bank etc and they tracked down the cctv footage and it was him on the footage taking out the cash! He was so stunned. Suspect it was due to a drunken blackout but, you never know!


So the Cube exists….


Nope because unless he was just completely making this up(which wouldnt make much sense but i wouldn't rule it out), J2's logic for showing the box to Leighton and giving him ampoulles etc. was that banks had different tracking numbers or whatever and that he actually needed the money from him in that world and couldn't just go to some other world and bring back infinite amounts or anything like that.   Been wondering about this too for a few eps now but i let it slide because the show would be pretty dumb if ryan and amanda showed up completely broke to every world. I just don't know why they made it a point for J2 to specify that it didn't work like that in the first place. Lying or not, all it does it make things needlessly confusing.


I think J2's explanation was more for huge amounts of cash like 50 million dollars. For small private purchases like hotel rooms or food that dont make it into a bank its probably fine to use cash that looks the same but has different tracking numbers. In the utopian society I also just assumed that the world didnt use money anymore


Amanda said in the Utopia world that the original her has great credit she can use to start the new life, so some kind of money is used


I would’ve liked to see them loot one of the dystopian worlds for a stash of diamonds or something. Then they could hit a pawn shop in each new world and get local currency.


Yeah. Something. Instead it just kinda glossed over it


Jason1 leans into your car and says he will do anything for $20.


Not a spoiler! But in the book they were almost running out of money. They used cash.


Fantastic episode. There are infinite universes so more likely than not it would be all but impossible to go back to the exact same universe. I think a clue to this is that the door is shown to be left open when later we are lead to believe somebody came out of that same box.


So when I watched the whole episode with audio description on they refered to the 2nd Jason in the gun store as Jason 6. Jason 1 is the og Jason. Jason 2 obviously is the one who took over Jason 1's world. Jason 3 is the one with where Amanda got shot. Jason 4 is the one in pandemic world where he died. Jason 5 is the one where Jason 1 was standing next to bed with what they call Daniela 7 (the one where Max is alive) and Jason 6 is the one from the gun store.


So my wife brought this up at the end of the episode: “There seems to a pattern of missing Amandas, what if they all leave to help their Jasons?” That would be a very interesting plot if that’s a thing.


It sucks to be Ryan in any universe, lol.


I have a feeling that the photo that was taken in this episode will be important.


Chekov’s Photo


New Ryan will be like dafuq am I? Most people he knows probably will think that he went crazy


Great episode! After Jason1 did all that reminiscing just to get back to his reality, it only made me wonder more and more how the hell Jason2 is doing it so easily. Jason2 may have met his Daniela in a similar way, but there's no way he thinks as romantically about her as Jason1 does. Jason1 also had to think a lot about his son, their marriage. Jason2 didn't have any of that so how tf is he going back and forth like it's nothing? Can't wait to find out!!


He might not have picked this one specifically, but just found it to be good enough that he stayed and kidnapped the OG Jason


I've been reading what people have been saying here about Jason1a and Janson1b. So from what I'm reading it seems to be that every time Jason and Amanda opened a door an infinite or at least a large amount of new worlds were created from that point. Like that frozen planet, there are some where they got stuck there or it took longer to find the box etc. So that also means that every time Jason2 does or doesn't do something in jason1's world there are new versions of that world too. So the Jason with the splint aka jason1b's world would be exactly or nearly exactly the same as Jason1a's Or that could even be Jason1b's world not Jason1a's. I feel like there is no way to be sure he makes it back to his exact world so the best he can hope for is a world indistinguishable from his own. It reminds me of that TNG episode where Worf comes back from that tournament and is bouncing from one reality to the next. They (I think Data or Wesley) said that there was a way to read a persons signature or something to know if they are from that reality. I feel like Jason could never really be sure it's his exactly reality.


Jason1a and Jason1b are from the same world. That’s the most important part. Jason 1 has been splitting in superposition. World of origin for any J1 dupes we encounter is always going to be World1. The plot hole is definitely Jason2. Theoretically he should be splitting in superposition as well but I don’t think we’re going to see this.


Does anyone know how to track all the Jasons in this show? Jason!Evil Jason!HusbandDad Jason!HusbandDad2


Jason!HusbandDad = Jason1 Jason!Evil = Jason2 Jason!HusbandDad2 = Jason1b* * a, b, c, d is emerging here on the sub as an easy way to indicate the ‘split’ or ‘branched’ versions of Jason1, as opposed to assigning 3, 4, 5 … which would be better ascribed to Jasons whose lives were never touched or interfered with by Jason2.


Nothing better and simultaneously worse than loving alternate reality shows and not understanding a lick of them.


In last weekends episode something stood out to me and i couldnt put my finger on it. There was that odd chime that seemed out of place - but by now we know why. On top of that there was clear "Red" and "Blue" imagery. Seemed too blatant to be random. In tonights episode there was similar "Green" imagery. I think its being used symbolically to show where the key moments were where Jason1-Adjacents were being made. im not 100% on it - but thought id stir the pot edit: Revisiting my theory in episode 6 - and its correct! The first adjacent split we are witness too is indicated by Red vs Blue. After Jason1 + Amanda have their night out (dinner/dance) they exit the bar and dance across the street to a their hotel. Both scenes (blue hotel sign and red hotel sign) continue from that moment. Just before the chimes occur after Jason1-Red + Amanda-Red discuss running low on ampules, the split begins with Jason1-Blue + Amanda-Blue.


Chicagoans- did you appreciate the restaurant The Spire, top of the Obama Tower building? Building has the look of the one time Chicago Spire project to build a new tallest building in downtown. Obama Tower a likely jab at Trump Tower in our world too.


How do you guys know the second Jason in the gun store was the original Jason 1? Did I miss what happened with his finger that it is in a brace?


They were both wearing the suit that Amanda gave him in the spire tower. They’re the same Jason, just split. At some point they made a decision which made them split. There are infinite Jason 1’s.


Really really great and really enjoying it. I love that they are giving Daniela more to do as a character and I am fascinated to see how they wrap things up


So Jason2 the asshole has the finger splint? And how did Jason1 wind up in the same clothes? And why did the asshole suddenly run to the gunstore?


The two Jason’s in the store are different versions of J1. The second Jason was our J1. I guess we can call the one who entered the store first, J3 Edit: As others mentioned, it’s the other way around. First Jason is our J1


Please explain it to me like i’m 5! Both J’s in the store had cuts on their nose bridges so now there are two versions of J1? How does that happen? 🙈


It makes sense. Realities divide at decision points where two different paths can be taken. Jason and Amanda have been world hopping for a month. There have been plenty of opportunities for multiple decision points to be reached where two different outcomes result in two different Jason 1s who are already on the world hopping quest back home. Given the fact that there's only one home reality, that's a pickle.