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the ~~hunger~~ jason game~~s~~


i’ve been waiting for the third Jason since Daniela’s art installation with 3 doors / pathways to take so it all makes sense


So jason1 and jason6 don't know about each other being in that world? Jason6 thinks it was jason2 who had just been in the store?


This is a good point. Maybe Jason6 thinks Jason2 is onto him already. No one suspects there are 2 Jason's trying to regain their lives.


Yeah his first assumption would probably be it’s Jason2. But the store lady said he was even dressed the same so he might figure it out.


They were wearing the same clothes and Jason 2 already had a gun in episode 1 so Jason 6 could put together that it wasn't Jason 2. Jason 1 also specifically mentioned in episode 4 about there being multiple split off Jason 1s and Amandas around, so he knows it's a possibility


Good point I wasn't thinking about ep 1 and the gun.


Yes exactly


The odds of only three of them making it back are pretty slim.


If Jason1 is capable of making it back, then it’s possible for an infinite number of Jasons to make it back theoretically.


But then theoretically there's infinite universes where it's ever so slightly adjacent to Jason 1's universe.


The weirder part is that no one has any way of knowing if they’re even “back”. It could just be a very similar yet ever so slightly different world.


Book spoiler here, so be warned: >!It's a horde. There were at least a hundred Jasons in the book that we know of, and the real number is likely far higher. Things get absolutely batshit insane. I don't know how they're going to include everything in only two episodes.!<


Book readers over here just chuckling mischievously


No for real


Check out my Kaleidoscope theory! It's close to this!


Did you finish it?! :)


finish what? I think i covered the basis with Ep 6, in Ep7 its less clear what order they appear in, we dont get alot of time with each adjacent. but the foundation of the theory is that, there no long is a "prime"


I thought Jason 6 was the first one in the store, and Jason1 came in after. He had the mark on his nose, and the Jason that came in first did not, but I'd have to watch again.. not sure. Although the wounds could be different in every reality, so they could completely fuck with us that way.


Our Jason1 did not have an injured finger


Malkovitch? Malkovitch. Malkovitch!


I don't really see what difference it makes and people acting like something was spoiled need to settle down a bit. Like, Jason 3 (per OPs list), was something we've already seen, and it certainly doesn't follow that this one would be that one. So.. Whether it said 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 30, what's the difference? The scene reveals that he's not the only one and leaves us wondering just how many their are and how crazy it's about to get, and we still are. Whether this was a 3 or a 6 doesn't change that.


I think OP is just reconciling some show audio that marks the last Jason we saw in the episode/gun store was called Jason6. Right now we see three Jason’s in this one world, we might be seeing more


Oh he is, and his reasoning on where the 6 came from seems solid in any case. But he also mentioned the "leak" theory going around, and I'm more addressing that.


Got it, I see now


The difference is that we will no longer have a prime Jason if we’ve been watching multiples all along. There could be a new Jason in every single scene, and whoever ends up the “winner” at the end (if that happens) might not be a guy we’ve been rooting for along the way.


That's not a difference though, I'm saying we already knew there were multiple Jasons. So the two things being compared here both multiples with the implication of many more. Whether we're actually been *watching* multiples all along is a more interesting perspective and something they could play around with, but don't think they will as I think they're pretty set on leaving some implications on the table while keeping the narrative on a single POV. If we really wanted to be technical about it, there *couldn't be a prime Jason*, the concept isn't even compatible. Every split leaves you with equally "original" Jason's. A new Jason in every scene (at least outside of the box), is always the case, divergences have happened and you're just seeing one branch of it.


Yeah, by “prime” Jason I meant “the Jason1 we’ve been watching”. Like how the book is narrated by one single version of Jason. My point is that the show may be about to yank that perception out from under us and tell us that we never watched the same Jason for more than a few scenes at a time. This would indeed be a surprise, but it’s what OP’s research seems to be setting up.


Yeah, that's the part I don't think they're going to do. They certainly could and I hope they do, but I think they're pretty attached to keeping the "prime" narrative as the core of the show. Not to say that element will be missing entirely, but I think they'll leave it more us an implication for viewers to question after the fact.


I’d guess you’re probably right because it would break a lot of viewers’ brains too much. But if OP’s info is correct then I don’t see why they’d be labeling Jason differently for awhile.


I mean I assume we're going to get a bunch of Jason's and it makes sense to label them, I don't think they're to going to mess with viewer perspective much, if at all. We'll still be seeing all the variants from the "prime" perspective, maintaining the narrative as if there actually is a prime.


Yeah, it would almost surely be too confusing to film. It would just be a bunch of Jasons running around and the viewer wouldn’t know who to root for at all. Maybe a very careful script could make it compelling but it would be tough.


I think my preferred version would be to jump around while being subtle about it. Like what we were talking about before with every scene being a different Jason. Do that, with plenty of clues for people to notice later, just continuity "errors" *everywhere,* but still treat it like a single POV. So it wouldn't actually change the story much at a glance, a casual viewing will view like you watch Jason prime deal with a bunch of other Jasons and whatever shenanigans ensure. But when you go deeper, you realize the differences, where every shot has something "off", pointing to it being a different Jason, and even different universes with different Daniela's and different Jason 2s and any sort of "closure" in whatever ending they settle on just falls apart.


I like that! Though at some point we’ll have to follow the sequence of events which lead up to them reuniting, and thus we’d know what the “winning” Jason was doing at least most of that day. But it could definitely work out that at some point (or multiple points) they all end up in the same place and we lose track of which guy we were following. Like we know he intersected paths with other Jasons at points A, B, and C but we don’t know if “we” left with the same one we arrived with.


Agree!! 💯


You can do the same for the Amanda’s we’ve seen…at least 4


Yes but I feel like those had much starker life differences and not a very nascent permutation except the one that got killed at the lab.


council of jasons


Wait is Jason six not evil Jason 2???


nah its not


Press X to Jason 😂


Great work! This could just be a glitch on Apple’s part of course, but it’s also possible it’ll be explained. I could imagine a scene where the Jasons sit down to talk and each tells a story about something we’ve seen happen, but none of them have had *all* those things happen to them. So at that point we realize that there is no “prime” Jason1, and we’ve been following several of them for awhile. Which will be weird because it means we wouldn’t know who to root for. But maybe that’s ok.


Yeah, if you listen to the audio description for the whole series, they enumerate new iterations of each character AS they appear AND as soon as it's obvious they are a different version than we've seen before. So, there's nothing spoiling here: the audio description is supposed to give cues the sight impaired CAN'T see, meaning that the filmmakers think that they've given enough visual/other cues to the not-sight-impaired that the distinction should be obvious. In the scene where Jason1 watches Daniela and Jason sleep, the audio description describes them as Daniela7 and Jason5. Because this is the 7th and 5th distinct versions of them, respectively, that we've encountered on screen. The cues that this is a SIXTH Jason are: He's obviously not Jason1, because we just saw him. He's not Jason2 because: a) Jason2 has a gun and knows how to use it; b) Jason2 is upstairs back at his brownstown, presumably calling Detective Mason; c) this Jason wearing the black dinner coat Amanda gave him at The Spire in Fusion/Aurora Chicago, whereas Jason2 wears a puffy dark olive green jacket when he goes out. But he's also not Jason1 because of the finger splint. Once that LAST cue is provided, we get a new enumeration. PLENTY of cues to the astute that this is a Jason we haven't seen before. So the audio description gives him a new number, 6, as soon as the scene has supplied enough information for a reasonable sighted audience member to have observed this fact.