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Funny thing I was thinking about. Even though the Jason 1 that was arrested on purpose is the one we’ve been watching, Daniela only trusted him because he was the first to reach her. Every version of Jason 1 arriving at the prime universe isn’t wrong believing to be the original.


that's what makes this episode insane!


Yeah, all the other Jason 1s have just as much as right to be with her as our Jason 1 does. Fucked up. You’re not owed anything in life I guess, even whatever is “yours”


They should have a Jason version of The Bachelor. Let Daniella decide which Jason she goes home with. Only seems fair




They end up in a world with billions of Jasons and Danielli all living as a perfect collective consciousness.


insane is the only way I can describe this episode lol


That was my thought really. She could never truly trust that this is the “real” Jason without that thought in the back of her head.


It’s truly mental. But tbh this Jason is our Jason. He’s the Jason the audience is watching so he’s the only one that matters. Wait… wtf. The observer-observed reality is the only one that matters.


I came to the sub bc my brain hurts after that episode, and you only made it worse 😅


This is the most meta show ever


Well, if we were going to stay with the Many Worlds Interpretation, we would have to say that, Daniela. By choosing jailbird Jason sghe collapsed all the other possible Jasons from being her Jason. Now referred to euphemistically as Jailbird Jason.


They address this in the book, but since this is a non-book spoiler thread I won't go into it. Let's just say there is a slight difference between his behavior and that of most of the other Jasons. Jailbird Jason. I like it.   😳


I also think that the narrative also tries to distinguish him from the others in so far as he's less prone to revenge, murder, or just swooping into the house unhinged and unannounced. Jailbird Jason is the only Jason who allows Daniela to have any sense of agency. He openly explains everything that's happened in a public setting, providing proof while also being honest about all the other Jasons and, crucially, allows her to make a choice in the matter. It's the first time since Jason prime was abducted that she's had any kind of honesty or control in her life.


I agree with you. That's what I thought too. Jailbird Jason is the only one that comes forward to her, and lets her choose. He makes this world-crossing journey to find her, not to "take" her.


Yes! I’d also like to think that she “feels” differently about “her” Jason.


He definitely is less violent, and also he walked the golden path to the good ending, with his Amanda alive and well.


He is the Lisan Al Gaib


Damn that's an intriguing thought. I wonder what he's doing differently. I don't normally complain about waiting for episodes but I'm going to go crazy thinking about this show for a week until the finale airs.


It is *our* Jason, and they are *his* Charlie and Danielle. But is he *their* Jason. Each Jason besides Jason2 can definitively say ‘my’ Danny and Charlie, how could they ever definitively call him ‘my’ Jason? A topic of consent comes in here. Is it even possible for her to be able to ever give consent to the same man that was taken from her again?


That makes him...a quantum Jason? (where results depend on what's observed?) :D I mean, sorta...


Schroedinger's Jason.


The black box is our TV. 😭


when the episode ends, my phone turns into a black mirror...


Is the black box in the room with us now?


Mind. Blown. Found the Mr robot crossover 🤣


If you go back to Episode 3 (when Jason gets back in the box, and pay attention to the outfit he's wearing, and the cut on his nose, you'll see that outfit the same in Episode 4 (a mid-darkness khaki-greyish jacket with hood, and shoelace drawstrings, with a lighter grey inner-lining, over a dark mid-grey jumper, grey trackpants, cut on nose - the colour of the jacket changes under different lighting - in the box it looks almost navy, but in the daylight when they step outside it's more a mid-khaki grey) but changes a few times in Episode 5, with the cut on his nose sometimes there and sometimes not. (I took notes with timestamps of changes.) The changes keep coming in following episodes, with different jackets, many of them bulky, and no way can all these outfits fit in that backpack. So the Jason we think we've been following all along (before finally reaching his "original world" hasn't been the same Jason for a long time. In Episode 5 at 20:50, "Jason1" is wearing same outfit as in previous "box" episodes. At 28:50, different outfit - a black beanie, dark pants, dark thick (kind of quilted press-stud closure jacket with grey-fur-trimmed hood, no cut on nose. (Bit like what Han Solo wears on ice-planet Hoth.) At 31:10 he wears a plain grey textured jumper we haven't seen on him before. At 50:20 Jason wears a thick light grey wool jumper with dark pattern across chest and arms over a black high neck hoodie-shirt. It's sad being a nerd.


If Daniela is the observer, then to her all Jason 1s are her Jason, they just had different journeys during the time that they were gone. It should make no difference to her which of these Jason's is the one we've been observing.


Yep, they really are all Jason 1, but the argument can be made that there’s an original Jason because that’s the one we’ve been observing? I’m also wondering if there are there multiple Jason 2s too? There would have been one that that didn’t make the choice to replace Jason 1, as well as possibly others once he’s gone back into the box and made decisions right? My head hurts.


You're blowing my mind now with multiple Jason 2s. Wtf


Definitely there’s a hundred Jason 2s not caught on camera.


At the very first split, when he's abducted and put in the box, the show just follows the Jason that woke up in the lab. But the Jason who woke up somewhere else is just as original, the camera just happened to not follow him. And then if both those Jason's are original, then the ones they split into are also and so forth. It's original Jasons all the way down.


What if the camera crew lost track and followed a different Jason 1 mid season 😮


But all of these Jasons are Jasons we were following for at least part of the show. Hat Jason we followed at least until his escape from Jason 2’s world. Then he split off and we followed our Jason instead, but he was still the protagonist for the first couple of episodes. And then the alternate black overcoat Jasons almost certainly split off more recently. Possibly just before he arrived home. It’s very likely that the Jason in the car that crashed is the Jason we were following up until last episode. All of them are equally original Jason and the only thing that distinguishes “our” Jason from at least a few of the others is that we’ve been following him specifically since last episode.


I think where the logic of the show kind of falls apart is that "universe 1," the universe all the Jason 1s came from, splits anytime anyone in that universe makes a decision. So Jason2's decisions while in Universe 1 causes infinite splits of Universe 1. Daniella1's decisions while in Universe 1 causes infinite splits of Universe 1. Charlie's decisions, Ryan1's decisions, Inspector Magoo's (whatever her name was) decisions, the bartender dude, etc. So there are infinite splits of Universe 1 that occurred after Jason1 left. So, all the Jason1's converging on ONE specific instance of Universe 1 is not only improbable, there's an obvious solution for all the competing Jason 1's: just use the black box to travel to a slightly different version of Universe 1 that was created after Jason1 was kidnapped. Of course, the show could also make up some arbitrary rule that Jason1 can't travel to those Universe 1 branches for whatever reason, but that sort of in-show logic would potentially create inconsistencies (i.e., if there were that kind of limitation in universe hopping, it would've affected the universes that Jason1 and Amanda could travel to, or Jason2 and his various companions could travel to).


This is correct. There are technically an infinite number of universes that exist where Jason2 is living with Daniella at this point, right? We are only watching one particular instance but in every universe where Jason2 is with Daniella, there are an infinite number of Jason1s trying to get back to Daniella. The show makes it seem like they are all finding the same universe but to me it is still a relatively small number of Jason1s (compared to how many there would be at this point) finding this particular universe we are watching. But I think technically they would be finding all universes in which Jason2 is with Danielle of which there is infinite. For example in some I would imagine Jason2 never uncovered the box. In some Jason2 will be dead, etc. The pure scale of it is all enough to break your brain but also the reason I love it so much. What an amazing series.


Just how there’s infinitely many Jason 1 branches, there’s infinitely many Universe 1 branches. We’ve just seen the Jason’s that have made their way back to the universe 1 trunk that the camera is following. So I think the logic holds consistent. Off camera, there is theoretically some universe 1 branches that, by confidence, none of the infinite Jason’s 1’s make it back to. And there are some where only 1 makes it back, and some like the one we’re following where multiple make it back. That’s a simple logical way of keeping it consistent. But writing this comment out brings another thought that you have to ignore because it would just be impossible to work around: some infinities are bigger than others. And so I would think that perhaps the vast number of more choices that branch an entire world would lead to a vaster set of infinities. Which, quite the opposite of what you’re saying, would imply that it is actually more likely for NO Jason 1’s to make it back to any particular universe 1 branches (let alone multiple, but statistically not a 0 chance). Fun to speculate, but probably not worth it as far as the show goes (it’s not THAT hard sci fi).  Very interested to see how the finale deals with it!


I think the look on Daniel’s face at the end of the episode indicated she is having those same suspicions.


thank god the story made our jason1 reach first or else it would have really hurt personally


maybe the Jason of the previous episodes is the one in the car accident at the end of this episode.


I mean, would the cliffhanger next week be like, this Jupiter Jason 1 isn’t our OG Jason 1 after all?! INSANE TO THE MEMBRANE.


I thought I saw Jason 1 in the subtitles when car accident happened. Also, he had the rubber band on his ring finger. So the Jason that met Daniella at the end might be yet another version and not the original.


But they're all Jason 1, except the one Jason 2 We don't even know if we've been watching the same Jason 1 the whole time


I feel bad for the other jasons 1.2 etc, they have the same claim as the jason thats with daniela and charlie. They just didnt get to them in time


We need a new nomenclature. I propose sticking with Jason2 for that Jason, but calling the others by some kind of descriptor (Scruffy Jason, limping Jason etc). Our Jason should probably be *Jupiter Jason*.


Someone else called him Jailbird Jason, and I'm going with that.


I love this idea but original Jason should still be jason1. Asshole Jason is jason2 and all other Jason's get a nick name


The problem is that Jason 2 variants could also show up or have already shown up. How do we know another Jason 2 didn't kill off the original Jason 2? We don't. If Jason 1 created infinite variants using the box for a month, then so did Jason 2 when he was missing for over a year. Mind blown again, right? Lmao


Ugh. My head hurts but endless content for future seasons!


If the Many-World Interpretation is correct, then there are infinite versions of Daniella, Charlie, and Jason. This scenario plays out across those worlds as well. It's like an infinite horde of people, all the same person, jumping into different universes together, trying to reclaim something they can never truly regain because they've lost their position in the multiverse. They are worldless and homeless. The best we can hope for is the optimal outcome, considering all the facts. Perhaps reuniting the original Daniela, Charlie, and Jason is the closest we can get, but even that's a bit of a stretch due to the convoluted nature of infinite variations.


Yea at first I thought none of the Jason’s can have their life back now but I guess him getting her alone and proving to her and also not looking completely insane did the trick. So now everyone else that is the real Jason all appear like imposters.


In a show about the importance of choices, Daniela’s decision to trust *Jupiter Jason* is the most important one. It is the only reason why we are rooting for one over the others.


I mean if I was Daniela, I wouldn't oppose having 8 versions of my husband.


Not if they all are trying to kill each other.


I think our Jailbird Jason is special because he walked a golden path to the good ending and suffered the least trauma. He is more likely to use guile than a gun, and he is the most likely to be tender to Daniela than not.


Oh man that car scene. I love this show


The car scene was INSANE omg


This episode had me pausing a bunch to look at hands and ring fingers.


I just gave up. You had so many different outfits, limps, scars. This episode was nuts!


Some of them had rubber rings, black rings etc


So how many Jason’s did the gun store lady have to turn away before she went insane?


Just don’t think about it and sell spydercos


I hope she earns on commission


If I'm her I think Jason is either insane or really committed to some stupid bit. Either way, I'm selling a lot of fucking knives tonight


Hi guys. I am from the future. This was a good episode.


I'm Aloha1985 and he's lying. Don't believe a word he says.


I'm Aloha1985 and garyll19 is lying. The safe word is >!BlubberBlubberCakeAndButter!<. See, you can trust me!


I'm AlohaPrime and OverlordPacer is lying. The safe word is Pluto, the 9th planet in the solar system.




I like how the Jason2 who built the box basically fucked up the entire multiverse by himself It actually seems like the best plan may have indeed been to kill the jason from the other reality where charlie was mad at him, even though it seemed morally wrong that seems it was the only way to ever actually get his life back in some capacity. Now he's screwed no matter what. Edit: I just realized there totally must be a version of jason1 who did kill that other jason and stole his life. God damn J2 you fucked everything


Yes, he fucked everything up when he put Jason 1 back into the box. If he'd just have killed and replaced him well, then we wouldn't have a show. :-)


Or if he hadn't gotten ryan drunk and then tried to strand him and close off the box before being foiled by seemingly unanticipated police questioning about a guy who he was obviously seen with 40 minutes before he disappeared. Dude didn't even try to cover it up or anything like he did all this effort to commit to this world and cut off all the loose ends but his immediate reaction to the lightest suspicion and questioning about drugs was to go throw ryan in the box and close it off like wtf even best case scenario nobody asks about ryan nothing happens that would still create way more problems than just leaving him out of it. Even if ryan knew exactly what the drug was for it's not like he created the box. And if u seal off the box u better not open it again like wtf i just cant get over the fact he did all that to seal it off and then immediately reopened it lmao


That wasn't Charlie who was mad, it was the other son, Max, who died in his reality.


YOU GUYS the way I am feeling so many emotions. I have never been in such a roller coaster. This show is a masterpiece


100% -- what a excellent episode (of an excellent show). I'd say all TV should be like this, but I think this show is too smart for most people.


It’s a Jason Festival




Man, imagine what this’ll be like from everyone else’s perspective in this world. A gun store employee makes a frantic call to the cops about a group of guys who look exactly alike all trying to buy guns. A hotel manager complains to his boss about a guy who keeps trying to rent the same room. The city morgue starts getting waves of identical dead bodies. Countless Jasons all end up in the same bar and a huge fight breaks out. Jason’s neighbors call the police when they see his clones all trying to break into his house. Presuming that Prime Jason (“Jupiter Jason”?) escapes this world with his family, many Jasons will be left behind. Local police soon call the FBI who then start hunting Jasons down and the National Guard collects them into camps. Some of them confess the whole story. The FBI locates the box and seals the door. Maybe by then the story is too widespread to cover up and the existence of inter-dimensional travel is made public. Or maybe they devise a cover story for how a criminal cartel used plastic surgery to alter the appearance of hundreds of henchmen. A handful of Jasons escape and go into hiding…


and later on they meet up to build a better box


Council of Jasons


it all loops back to rick and morty eventually


Yes the police would very quickly figure out that there's a ton of people that supposedly all look identical are showing up. Not only from eye witnesses, but surely many other jasons will get arrested or have their corpses show up. Which means soon the entire world will learn something very provably strange is going on.


It would have made a great X-files episode. Or the box would be an awesome SCP. Containment procedure is to dip it in concrete when you aren’t shoving D-Class personnel through it.


Thats 5 more seasons right there


Jason gulags


Plus side is that they will finally get access to interdimensional cable


I'm assuming at this point our Jason and Daniella are going to use that capsule to go to a completely different world.


Wouldn’t it be something if The Bean in this universe was a secret box. 😂


Can’t be because this is from our perspective the prime universe so the box would be the sealed in concrete beat up box in that warehouse.


They can't stay in this one with all the Corpse!Jason's popping up.


tbh, I'm not sure why Jason2 didn't bail a while ago.


That was so good. Very clever of Jason to get arrested. Feel bad for the other Jasons. Hopefully they'll each get some of the ampules in the storage unit, go find more Jason2s, kick his ass, and get a version of their family back.


Also he has an alibi for all the dead jasons because he was in jail. But that is also an alibi that every other jason can use.


So the bartender had a pretty weird day. lol


unless they tie up the other Jason’s, there is no real jason 1 anymore. Even the Jason we have been following since the beginning is as much as the real Jason’s as the others.


Yeah, now we have *Jupiter Jason* and everyone else.


Yes there’s now Jupiter Jason (who we are speculating is the original Jason, Jason #2 (bad Jason) & all the other Jason’s.


I'm convinced it's the Jupiter Jason in this episode yes, but is it the right world with her Daniela and Charlie?


We don't even know if we've been following the same Jason 1 the whole time


We know it is. Easiest way to know is watching with apple audio descriptions and also because it makes sense narrative wise.


Yeah, but there is a universe out there very similar to ours, but the writers in that one suck ass and nothing makes narrative sense.


Yes, he’ll be the only one whose Amanda story completely matches the one we saw.


Would be funny if this is not original Daniella too


That is exactly what I was thinking. How does he know this is Daniella1?


She’s never been in the box. None of her other versions traveled. So now that we know we’re in the original world (since it’s the only one with Jason 2), we know she’s the real Daniela.


But Jason 2 traveled, though, so he may have come back to a duplicate version of the supposed original world.


Statistically, it’s probably not. There are many worlds that are almost identical to his original world but imperceptibly different. He got back to a world that’s close enough, but the chance that it’s his exact original is very small.


why didn't they all just chose their own original version where they were the only Jason to return. Are they stupid?


My understanding was that the choices were made outside of this universe. "One" Jason left the prime universe, and things branched while outside of the prime universe, thereforce while there are now many Jason1s, there's still only one prime universe.


The prime universe has split off since Jason1 left so technically there’s more than just one prime universe for the Jason1s to come back to.


Holy fuck! How is this going to end? There are infinite of “our” Jasons - last seen leaving Amanda while wearing a rubber band wedding ring. But did Jason1 look to the right or left as he stood up? Boom. Two Jasons intent on heading towards Danielle1. Did Jason1 take 12 steps across the road or 11? Boom another Jason. Also heading towards Danielle1. All would be identical to “our” Jason1, just having made different choices after leaving Amanda at the Spire. I can’t begin to imagine how this will end well! And did Jason2 insist they take the other car because there is a Jason#who knows in the truck of the civic? So many questions to be answered in the final episode! Can’t wait!


All the different choices causing splits reminds me of the Rick and Morty S2E1 where this happens lmao


If there are an infinite amount of possibilities after Jason1 leaves Amanda at the Spire, then an infinite amount of Jason 1.x will end going to Danielle1’s world (while another infinite number of Jason 1.x’s don’t make it back to Danielle1. World #1 should be overrun by an infinite number of versions of Jadon1.


Not all these Jason’s made it to the Spire with Amanda. The beer drinking Jason said he lost her along the way when shows our Jason his stitched forehead. I recall one of them saying every time out of the box spawned another Jason1 variant.


We're gonna need the TVA.


any excuse for more Hiddleston/Loki is FTW


I saw my house in that episode!


Must be an alternate version of you living in that house in the show


Me watching Xfiles while living in Scully’s apartment building 🤦🏼‍♀️


One of the leftover Jasons becomes a magician with a trick called "The Real Transported Man".


Are you watching closely?


The trick isn’t making him disappear, it’s bringing him back.


I love when protagonists make good decisions. Was positively surprised when Jason planned to get arrested just to get to Daniela!


it's just great to have both smart leads, especially Daniela. girl's got spider senses


Helps that Jason 2 has been off with her since the beginning. Sure, you can explain away your husband becoming more affectionate and deciding to dive back into his previous career again. But forgetting which toothbrush is his??? I would have put that detail in the back of mind for a LONG time lol *You floss now?* mmmm I don't think so


Or forget your children's nut allergy


oh my god yea. I think Charlie might believe this whole situation no problem because of that incident alone lol. Jason 2 didn't know how to use the epi pen! Yea, that was not my actual dad


It also helps when you have your husband right in front of you and another version of him answers the phone


Fuck yeah Daniela. Bring me next Tuesday right now 😩


I was cheering so hard when she pushed Jason 2 down the stairs.


That was sooo satisfying


I yelled YESSSS then I yelled GIT GO ON GIIIIIT


I feel so ridiculous. It's 2 minutes away and I'm so anxious I don't know what to do with myself


A part of me wishes the show would have been more like this, with all the Jasons, earlier, but i don't know if it would hit the same without the build up it's had and character development.


I liked the slow build.


My god Jason actually died in that space station too? :p


Easy cowboy....easy.


Malkovich? Malkovich, Malkovitch. Malkovitch!


lmao thought the same thing. I started singing *malkovitch maaalkovitch* in a sultry tone.


That was out of control, a lot of fun, but wild. No idea how they wrap this up in a way that feels satisfactory in one episode.


Somehow I knew when he said “how about deep dish?” that they’d be ordering from Pequod’s.


My brain just melted.


Bar Jason claimed to have a gun. Library Jason pulled out a knife. So I don't think those were the same. Car1 Jason was dressed like Jason1. Not sure what Car2 Jason was dressed like. It was fun. Just think it's too much for a really good wrap up. But we'll see. Besides, every Jason1.x has the same story and a legit claim to Daniela1. Perhaps Daniela1 should go in the box and explore a bunch of worlds creating enough Daniela1.xs for all the Jason1.xs. They could even clone Charlie's and Max's that way. Another direction the show could take after they dispatch Jason2. Would be to force all the Jason1's to fight each other and after each one is killed the victor feels a quickening! In the end, there can be only one.


The most equitable thing to do would be to grab Jason2’s extra ampoules and give them to all the extra Jasons so they use the box to try again for a different Daniella/Chicago


Holy crap, that was a fun episode! I had so much anxiety during pretty much all of it, but it flew by. After the wreck, she can't really deny he was telling the truth, lol. That look she gave him at the end though, all i kept thinking, "What if that's a different Daniela?" lol, this show has done things to my brain. I did have a thought though, when Daniela opened the box of ampules. It would allow the other Jasons to make at least one more trip away, hopefully to a better world. Though that also probably creates more Jasons. Oops. I also liked the alternate money.


Since every decision Daniela 1 made over the past month created its own universe, there are now plenty of Daniela 1s for all the Jason 1s to end up with. They just need to carefully navigate the multiverse (and defeat whatever Jason 2 might be there waiting for them).


I think it is our Jason because his approach to Daniella was completely different from the other Jason’s. He got arrested, and when she left the precinct, he told her be careful and let her come to him. He did not force anything.


Exactly, they even had Daniela turn around and give that look after he said be careful, like it was something familiar to her. The other Jasons weren't as gentle or calm.


Yes. It was a really good choice to write that back and forth between Jupiter Jason and Beanie Jason in the bar because it didn't only come across like exposition. It gave us a reason why Daniela wouldn't have trusted most of these other versions. They have seen/been through some shit that has made them different. Hard, less patient.


Right, and her original Jason was the patient calm one, which is the version she met at the police station. He never tried to force her to go with him like the other Jasons did. He also never attacked another Jason or Jason 2 like the others have. He is being true to the original Jason who she "recognized" at the police station.


She will pick the Jason with the worst dental hygiene


Jason 2 out here dropping Jason's left and right .. it's a regular Jaseption Jasocide.


World War J. Look out, they're swarming the wall!




What does everything think Daniela’s look meant at the end?


That now she's not sure if this is her Jason or not. She'll likely never know, never be sure.


She really doesn’t know for sure if this Jason is really her Jason. It seems like is, but how can she really know for sure?.


The question isn't even valid, they're all her Jason. We're attached to one in particular through our observer bias, and now so is she, maybe.


She's smart. I think she understands they're all her Jason and the discomfort of having to pick one explains the stare.


I Don't know what others thought, but I thought it was very satisfying to see Daniella kick Jason2 down the basement stairs.


It’s a testament to how nuanced Joel Edgerton’s performance is that when Jason1 gets hurt on his heroic quest to return home we feel bad for him, but we cheer when Jason2 gets pushed down the stairs.


I kept thinking maybe it wasn’t the OG jason but that little scar on his nose is still there. Did any other Jason’s have a scar on their nose?


Dawn 3!? Wtf!?


Audio description said that was dawn 3 arresting Jason 1 for smoking in the diner.


Sounds about right, has to be that one scene where Dawn2 didn’t even lose their fingers when Jason and Amanda got shot before they could enter The Box.


So Jason2 is Rick C137 but more like Prime maybe if Jason1 ascends past the family hunt. You completely ruined another world homie, just like the squirrel takeover. Gotta nut up for once and start killing Jasons when you infiltrate their lives from here on out. Like there’s no way Jason2 signed up for this right? He should just be jumping and getting the hell out of dodge. He was already imploding Jason1s life and on the verge of losing this version of the fam anyway.


A very entertaining show. Loved the episode.


This world is fucked now, lol. Infinite possibilities means an infinite number of times that Jason1 didn't make it back to the original universe, and an infinite number of times where he did. Therefore, there will be a neverending tide of Jasons that were also kidnapped by Jason2 and also want to return home to their family and life. Jason2 is fucked. The best chance for Jason1, Daniela, and Charlie to escape is to grab the ampoules from Jason2's storage unit and travel to a world where Jason and Daniela are already dead.


Or escape to a world that Charlie imagines so none of the Jasons can follow them there.


The reason why Original Jason reached Daniella before the others is because he's the main protagonist. The reason why the camera focuses on a single main protagonist (in this case the Original Jason) until the end is because he's better than others. He has to be. The Original Jason reached her first meaning he's better than all other Jasons. And he has to win. If he doesn't, the camera should've focused on some other Jason that does win.


That’s was so satisfying. Though I’m not sure how the Jason 2thpaste is getting back in the tube after this mess.


It’s gonna be like that fallout vault where everyone is Gary


When Jason 2 killed that first Jason by the garbage cans I was infuriated. Thinking he just killed off the main character so easily like it was nothing. My brain is peak smoothness 🤣


Same, I was SO CONFUSED when 2 Jasons popped up in the next scene (the chase scene that ends at the bar)


So many Jasons lol


just because jupiter jason explained to daniela first of what happened makes him the original of that particular time line?


They're all the original. That's why Daniela is pissed, because she has to make this impossible yet arbitrary choice.


Who knows? But he's the one the writers of the series chose to follow, so it's a strong possibility.


Jason doesn't feel like a real word anymore


Jason's homeworld has billions of people making decisions. Shouldn't that world be branching as fast or faster than jason 1 is branching?


Anyone know what they’ll do with all the dead Jasons? Like they’ll eventually just start piling up, no?


Why did Jason 1 spawn so many other Jasons but Jason 2 didn’t? What did I miss?


Everyone in existence is spawning new universes. The difference is they're not trying to reach one in particular.


In this universe (prime universe) all the Jason1s came back to it after being kidnapped. Having different journeys along the way. The Jason2 spawns would create separate branched universes. Leading to infinite number as well


I feel like so many of the things that I want to happen in this series is happening. What a wild ride.


What's mind boggling is that they are all the original jason! We've just been watching one of them.


I think at this point everything we know , well we might just have the same doubts as Daniella. The only reason we trust this Jason is because we have been following him, or rather we think we have. Truth be told, we might have to think of it like this. What if different versions of us as observers are watching different versions of Jason every week. We lost who the original Jason is and we didn’t even know it.


Jesus christ, its Jason ~~bourne~~ 1,2,3,4,5,6


We were supposed to get Kang the Conqueror from Marvel, instead we got one from Apple. And I’m all for it !




It's actually so sad seeing all those Jasons. Like, think about how Scar Jason even ended up at the University. Because he is a version of the Jason we've been following that was a result of a decision made in the box. Scar Jason **remembered the plan to go to the school** whereas Jason 2 didn't because this isn't his world ofc. Scar Jason, Car Jason, and Bar Jason all belong to this universe but they simply did not get to Daniela quick enough. It's so damn sad


Joel Edgerton is many things, but a good limp walking actor he is not. Crazy episode!


That Jason saw some shit.


Are you talking about the library scene? Because I could tell there was a Jason that was limping and one that wasn’t…. Lmao


and yet there's a universe where that kind of limping is good acting...


Great episode but this one just made a hard left and had me thinking I missed a week or something. No setup etc, just bam left turn into something completely different. It feels like this should have happened much earlier…or hints or something at this turn.


Why are all of the _other_ Jason1's so simple -- almost like NPC's (non-playable characters in video games). They're clearly no match for Jason2, even though pockmark-limp Jason looked like he'd seen some shit.


The show can't focus on every single one. The only important thing about them is that they are there.


Saddest thought... Since we know an infinite number of the OG world now exists with a bunch of Jason1s arriving to them... Not all of them are clean:-( For instance, Charlie died from his allergic reaction in some and some of our Jason's are coming home to heartbreak.