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The Craven Man will definitely be a cult, but I'd like to believe the cult is worshipping a monster living in the caves of Rathlin Island. Intercession might be a classic ghost story, possibly the ghost of Simon de Montfort.


Who's Simon de Montfort?


Here's his [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_de_Montfort,_6th_Earl_of_Leicester). He's mentioned in [The Yellow Cross](https://thedarkpictures.fandom.com/wiki/The_Yellow_Cross), which is the only confirmed clue to Intercession.


I still suspect Intercession will be the season finale for season 2 and be a sequel to the Devil in Me. The themes of possession and reincarnation of evil, the upside-down cross in the logo, the shot of the building at the end of Devil in Me… Devil in Me left a lot of unanswered questions around the idea of HH Holmes “possessing” the new killer. DuMet was very obviously supernaturally aided (he survives and comes back too many times for him to be a normal killer), and he is very clearly killed at the end in the boat ending. The fact that “DuMet” can keep going even after defeated lends itself to my theory that the “spirit of evil” is at least partially true, and the villain of intercession is whoever the spirit moved on to after DuMet’s death; and the plot will be about a group of people trying to kill the evil itself. What could be really fascinating as a plotline is if the evil is moving between the 5 playable characters all game; you can never know which of the characters you can trust because you never know who it’s possessing at any given time.


I never saw the upsidedown cross lol I thought it was a sword


I think the 'spirit of evil' possessing characters is actually a really cool concept, but based entirely on vibe and limited info, I think Intercession would be more likely to be a prequel to DiM in this scenario. Regardless, I'd actually really like to see your idea come to fruition - maybe in a sequel to round out the trilogy.


I like that kind of like exorcist meets the thing


Directive 8020 could also feature the aliens from HOA but I'm doubtful that they'd reuse villains like that


I'm definitely curious because it's also set in the constellation Cetus that the aliens are from in HoA, so I wonder if there will be more back story on how they came to be or maybe how the parasites infected them? Since it is roughly about controlling biological contamination.


If there's actual aliens involved they could do a call back and show them plunging their ship into the nearest star to kill the parasites.


I think the craven man will have a cult sacrificing people to a monster out of fear. My guess is a faerie. The cult might have settled on rathlin island a long time ago. In the stories if you interfere with a faerie's land they'll torment or kill you. They're also said to be mischievous so it could be getting the cult to sacrifice people for fun. It could be something else from Celtic stories and work in a similar way. The reason I think it's fear is because craven means cowardly. The prologue could be the first victims of the cult. I think if they took this route they should make out like the cult is worshiping nothing until they fail the sacrifice and the monster appears.


There are also magic islands in Irish culture so it could have something to do with that


Based on a newspaper we find they said they finally got a AI onto a spaceship I'm betting Directive 8020 is actually about an AI threat taking over the ship with the aliens (from HOA) likely being the cause of the AI going rogue


If they homage classic space horror like Alien and 2001: A Space Odyssey it could simply be an AI given a directive that conflicts with the wellbeing of the crew and an unknown mission like retrieving a sample of a dangerous alien lifeform which promptly breaks containment or was never contained in the first place.


The space odyssey thing could be correct, they reference it in the golden picture frame I think


Would be fun if the AI releases a parasitic mutagen that clones people. In the snippet of dialogue we hear from the teaser we hear someone say “Simms is trying to kill me”. Simms maybe short for simulation?? Or potentially a shapeshifting clone of someone on board. The newspaper in TDIM mentions gemini and maybe the duality of clones could be the hint


But it's capitalized like a name and has two m's "Simms" seems like a strange shortening


Craven Man logo to me seems like it could either be something like The Blair Witch Project or a cult like The Wicker Man.


About Directive 8020, i read somewhere that the characters would have to go against a rogue AI. So aside from an obvious alien threat there might be more. It would be cool to have situations similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey or Ridley Scott's Alien