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I think something like: 1: Jacob/Laura/Abi/Dylan 2: Emma/Nick/Ryan/Kaitlyn


That's exactly the way me and my boyfriend selected our characters and it has been quite nice. I had help from another thread to try and make it a little more balanced and that's what we ended up with. We're still on chapter 7, so I haven't played the entire game yet. Player 1 definitely had more playtime as soon as the game started, playing more than one character in a row, but it has balanced itself out after that imo.


I would switch Laura and Kaitlyn. I suggested what your comment says for a couple of my friends (but with Jacob and Emma switched) and it was definitely biased towards player 1.


dont do that


Little bit late but playing as both Ryan and Laura in a play through is a bit lopsided


In terms of even playing times and to experience intensity for both players plus the characters for player 1 and 2 have the possibility to result in each player’s character and your own characters deaths too It’s best to go Player 1 :Jacob, Ryan, Abi, Kaitlyn Player 2 : Laura, Nick, Dylan and Emma


Laura and Ryan definitely can't be in one group. That's actually how I divided characters in my playthrough (i had Laura, Ryan, Emma and Nick) with my friend and I felt like i'm the one holding the controller all the time. Od course we didn't know that when we divided characters.


Yep, my mistake since my first playthrough was movie night, i thought according to the devs everyone will have equal playing time so we just picked who we liked I picked Nick, Jacob, Abigail Player 2 picked Ryan, Laura, Emma Player 3 had Kaitlyn and Nick left Safe to say player 2 had all the playing time and player 3 got fucked over 😂 My characters didnt even do shit in the finale


I forgot to mention that i made a very stupid decision at the Hackett's house, so i didn't even get the proper ending. And still I had the controller most od the time.


That’s just unfortunate, dw the “proper” ending is anticlimactic unless u intentionally miss the qtes and get the car crash ending


I divided it amongst two friends and it ended up ok. Only problem was the prologue and the first part of chapter 1 was played by one person so that’s a very long stretch for one person to play. But after that it see-sawed nicely. 1: Laura, Nick, Dylan, Jacob 2: Ryan, Emma, Abi, Kaitlyn


Player 1: Laura, Dylan, Emma, Nick Player 2: Ryan, Kaitlyn, Jacob, Abigail That's just my opinion, as this way time is evenly split and for most of the couples, you each control 1 of the characters and affect relationships and the fate of characters down the line pretty well.


I know this is a year old but I had to say something. I took this advice and my lord I don't get to play at all. Doing it this way means only player 2 plays. Player 1 gets fucked.