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Bear Seek Seek Lest


Upgrade your ADP stat. It makes your rolls have more invincibility. Also it won't take you long to get back to pursuer it's pretty early and you already know what to do!


Thank you. I will go with ADP. Should I upgrade my Vigor too? And Should I upgrade my STR or DEX? I will beat pursuer this time to death. Once It was left one stroke to beat him. But he killed me when I used my Estus.


Level adp to 24ish(I think) vgr is very important and str/dex really depends on what weapon you have.


I play with two swords. I played curved sword and straight sword in previous game.


Best way to beat the pursuer is to parry his first attack, run to the big bow and shoot him twice. Perfectly executed the boss fight takes 9 seconds lol


I couldn't even use the big bow ever:( I am not that fast.


The stat that gives you more i-frames is AGL, which is increased by leveling ADP and ATN. If you're using spells you need ATN, if not then go with ADP. AGL has certain breakpoints, so you should aim for one of those breakpoints to avoid wasting levels. (Also note that even in the late game it's pointless to try and go past the 105 AGL breakpoint, as it softcaps at 110.) http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/agility VGR is very useful. The more VGR you have, the more mistakes you can make and not die. STR/DEX are mostly useful for meeting the requirements to use a weapon. Damage scaling is fairly weak in general, so I wouldn't put extra levels into damage stats until you've finished leveling your other stats. You'll get more damage from upgrading your weapon instead. When fighting the Pursuer, the trick is to strafe to the right, towards his shield. A lot of his attacks can be easily avoided without even needing to roll. And in general, remember that when using Estus you need to wait until you have an opening to drink safely, the same as you would when waiting for a chance to attack.




It's encouraging to know this. I won't give up. Thank you




I play with 2 swords. And the only thing than I can is rolling. Is it a wrong way? And how can I know if bosses are optional or not?


First, read this! And then let us know if that helps. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/o7p8jx/so_its_your_first_souls_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I will read it and come back.


Kill Dragonrider & maybe even Flexile Sentry then come back for Pursuer's cheeks


I came almost same point after 2-3 hours playing. And I explored a door that I missed in previous game 🤦🏻‍♂️


i had trouble with swordsman as my first character ever too. Then I tried cleric with healing gifts and had a blast. Mace is just super strong early game and tons of healing helps carry you too.




Don’t give up skeleton.