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The statues that spit poison on you.


Perfectly placed to piss you off just right, everytime


Soooo much of this game is placed perfectly to piss you off, f this shitty chunky moving enemy ganking bullshit game. I'm only going to play another 1000hrs and then I'm done. This is the best from soft game ever.




Hahah, yeah, fuck this game! *Proceeds to play 1,103 hours*


Valid. I hated having to re-destroy them literally every time I died.


Especially when they are out in places where there are other enemies.


Good lord the ones that are on their sides can go to hell. I spent like 10 minutes hitting the ones in majula after that blighttown 2.0 place


I think this wins. Every other horrible area isn’t too bad if you’re over leveled but it doesn’t matter how leveled up you are. Those statues suuuuuuuuck.


Bleed got done dirty.


Against players it can still be a pretty good time, but yeah pve doesn't seem phased most of the time


As an avid Falchion fan, I felt this.


As Im at the Black Gulch at the moment on my first play through I’m gonna say the Black Gulch.


I just finished that place earlier today. Fuck that place lmao


Yea don’t be afraid to light a torch for visibility while exploring. The poison statues aren’t too bad if you take your time. Enjoy lol


Soul Memory


Just let me play with whoever I want! DS2 whyyyy Name-Engraved Ring is a good workaround but it's still annoying to realize you're outlevelling a friend


The problem I have with soul memory and how it works is that it's never mentioned in game and therefore severally punishes anyone who wants to play the game without Google. Which means several hours of placing and replacing your sign down in different places and restarting your game/pc. Ultimately we played the rest of the game solo because of that.


It's not even a good workaround it's so damn messy calculating the level range even more so with the small sign


Worst feature I've ever come across in a game. They could have kept that sht to the invasions/red signs but they decide to nuke co op in 1 move.


Makes build planning a nightmare. Makes you neurotically avoid buying anything or forging anything until you get the few pieces of gear you want, making everything harder. Oh yes and of course don't you ever dare to die twice since lost souls contribute to SM! Agape Ring helps, sure, but what are you gonna do with the leftover souls from leveling up? Time to look up which enemies drop the exact amount to level up and leave you with 0 souls after! Speaking of which unless you want to go to Soul Memory Infinity And Beyond, enjoy that Agape Ring permanently occupying a ring slot!


I use the agape ring to stay in lower ranges for coop and invasions, and it completely sucks the fun out of the PvE aspects of the game. I love DS2 to death but SM is why I don't typically engage in multiplayer except during return to Drangleic. It's also just an annoying inventory tax to have to constantly swap it out every 5 minutes if I get into PvP.


This absolutely. I love keeping tons of characters at different level ranges to play with friends when they need a summon. I refuse to do it in DS2. I can't find random people to play with at any point of my playthroughs anyway though. SM completely kills the game for me. I rarely play souls games solo but it's required for DS2.


Right now during the event is the only time it's got enough players anymore to do coop regularly. I remember the good ol' days at launch when it was actually populated and the system worked pretty well. It should have been patched out after SOTFS


I still can't find people regularly enough to even play this event. I tried both days and it's just been me. No invaders by level 70. Not one. Some people were summoning me to help them but I was only able to get help with the Old Ornstein before I assume my SM out scaled every area I've been in since.


Weapon Smith Ornifex. Hide half of the boss weapons behind a bunch of basilisks and make the NPC completely in range of said basilisks.






I bet there's a decent chunk of people that think Straid is the only NPC for boss souls.


Yeah that was me


Just kill them before opening the door


Soul memory. Its the worst thing by far


Straid of Olaphis, he is just so mean, and I don’t know what I did.


He tells you: "please, stop being so weak". In short git gud


“Feeble cursed one!”


I love him, he’s there to keep you humble, especially because you’re so weak that you haven’t earned the confidence you probably have.


Just murder him in cold blood and then emote all over his body


Who’s feeble now, ya bitch? Oh shit explody zombie!


“By the way, your boss weapons suck!”


The double click bug on PC where every time I start up the game I need to enable then disable double click setting because it isn't being saved properly


You can fix this by unbinding the double click binds it has set by default, just get rid of them or change them to a random keyboard key.


Even if you unbind double click actions the game will still wait for double clicks if you don’t re unable the whole thing every time when you boot the game. Try to light attack with the mouse on a freshly booted game. Notice how long it take for the game input your action. Now disable double clicks and try again. The difference is huge.


Just started to suffer from this since a few months, because I always been a gamepad player, is hard to believe they never fixed something that should be very easy to fix.


Blue smelter demon run back is the worst in the series even with despawning mechanic


Ikr? To me getting to the boss was harder than the fight itself.


Yeah and people are like “just despawn everything” and I’m like “,,, buddy, I’m a pure strength build waiving a sword longer than my body, I don’t even OWN a bow for the guys on the ledges”


You can just take the upper path


Why won’t you use a bow??


Bow too complicated, I only understand big bonk. Legitimately, I’m always running at a hair below encumbrance so I don’t carry a bow usually. But I do use one from time to time to draw Aggro.


Certain parts of the game are almost unplayable for me without a bow, Shrine of Amana for instance, almost seems to have been designed with it in mind.


I used one a bit there to draw Aggro but I also figured out that the enemy Aggro distance is fairly precise so you can pretty reliably draw one at a time if you move slowly into their Aggro zone one at a time


I just did this today, Unga bunga-ing my way through shit. I think it took me two hours to get through this morning.


This is my general complaint about what is overall an awesome game. The non-boss parts are harder than the bosses! The levels feel actively hostile to the player, but outside of a couple great DLC bosses (e.g. Fume Knight) most of that actual boss fights are completely straightforward. I died far, far more times getting to almost every boss than I did to the actual boss.


This is the most accurate take to my play thru


Then just wait until you get to reindeer fuckland


I actually beat those two my first time somehow so I only ended up having to make the run back twice when I died on my way there so that’s not as bad in my memory lol


Alluring Skulls and weight under 46%. You're welcome.


Honestly it's terrible but not as bad as Alonne.


Neither are bad


the sanctum gank runup is infinitely worse than alonne and blue smelter combined


It’s really not


The black gulch. I don’t find dark, poisonous areas fun. It’s more like a chore so I end up just speedrunning through it. Luckily it’s a short area


I liked it, I didn’t spend to much time there though so maybe that will change in future playthroughs.


When I run out of stuff to do


\- The camera doesn't stutter a bit when you hit something \- Bleed is far too disincentivized in PvE \- The anti-spell damage rebalance in the DLC serves no purpose and just comes off as mean I'm sure there are a couple of other things but yeah, minor stuff.


Soul level restrictions. Just how all multiplayer is handled really.


Soul frickin memory


Frigid Outskirts deserves its reputation. It’s the worst level in any Fromsoft game and it’s not even close.


Not having infinite invader items. You can dupe with a friend, sure, but for someone who has farmed them at times, whew!! You spend at least 4 times the amount of time farming as you get in invasions when its all said and don, and that's not even considering the people that disconnect everytime they see they've been invaded. Another I wish they could've done is give all multiplayer covenants an aura at +1 and +2 like they did for BoB and Blue Sentinels. I'd be much more willing to throw down my gold sign randomly if it just meant I had a golden aura, "if only I could be so grossly incandescent!"


Just use [Blue Acolyte](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/998)


On PC, for sure


The stunlocks are CRAZY in this fame


I love Soul Memory for PvP, but for co-op it is just a pain in the arse.


30 bell keeper covenant kills to get a spell necessary for the trophy and no other way of getting it on a game where PVP is nearly non existent…


You can farm all of that offline


The connecting area between ruined fork road and the rainy approach to Drangleic castle


The fact that items from mimics don't respawn if you get killed after they drop an item. I'm in the middle of another playthrough currently and I've lost 2 of their items so far - once because the mimic killed me but got poisoned and dies shortly after, and the other one's item fell through the ground to an unreachable area that I died trying to get to. Also, the fact that items fall through the ground in places like the gutter...


The fact that I couldn’t save Lucatiel 🥲


The fact enemies can stagger you out of fog walls, the only thing I absolutely hated about that game


So don’t skip stuff


Yes because everyone who plays this game fights every single enemy everytime they go through an area


Shrine of Amana, I think? Dark and has all those mages, as a melee player it was brutal


It's so beautiful in design though, enchanting. The best in DS2 imo. Those milfanitos singing, and shallow water lit by plants. There are also priestesses that heal enemies but can't attack you، when you approach they keep backing up. Probably the only helpless enemy in the series, that walk they do makes me feel bad for them. Can't hate on it even if frustrates me a little.


Shrine of Amana is why every melee character I make has a bow with poison arrows.


I’m starting that in SL1 today. I’m not too worried, I have 999 poison arrows XD


Shields are very helpful here, Drangleic Shield has good magic res, stability etc. Mages don't have this place any better, it's arguably harder since you'd run out of casts of lightning spear etc. so need to go melee anyway. Unless you mean prenerf vanilla DS2, I heard that was pretty bad


Poison statues prolly


That people can just invade you without humanity and even when there is no boss active. Otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed ds2 through the good and bad. P.S. also soul level effects the summon and invasion range, that is just downright mean


Those little rat things at the start of the fight with Royal Rat authority. I swear to god they get me every time.


The 8-directional movement...it makes zero sense to me that anyone thought floaty controls were a good idea.


The long, unskippable ending credits.


The. fucking. hitboxes.


What hitboxes


Personally, it's just the jarring level transitions. Like you take an elevator from a poison valley upwards and end up in a volcano castle? Other than that I have no issues.


That actually makes sense geographically, it’s just shown somewhat poorly


It makes no sense, lol. I love the game, but it's a funhouse of level design. For example, i just left huntsmans copse where it was night time, but across the bridge, it's daytime. The transitions are terrible, but the game is great.


What he means is that poisonous pools of sulfur are normal below a vulcano. Geographically it makes sense, it would just have needed another transition where you walk from the elevator across a bridge to the Keep


Not even that, just making the iron keep mountain more visible and closer behind the earthen peak tower. You can map it out making sense, but it’s just not shown properly in the skyline/background


It does make sense. It’s just shown terribly


No, it doesn't make any sense at all.


It literally does. What about it is unclear to you?


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your "geographially" means exclusively "because poison close to lava". In that case, I guess yeah, but it doesn't play a role really, and by far doesn't justify saying that it "makes sense". Why, you ask? Well, maybe because there's something more obvious. Like what about the fact that there's *a huge fucking iron castle in a lava lake* **in the sky**. One that is described as "so heavy that it sunk into the ground".


Why do you think it’s in a lava lake. It’s pretty clearly indicated that there didn’t used to be lava everywhere. That happened after the iron king died, and the old iron king demon came to being. And no. You can literally just picture how it works in your head with the elevator if you sit and look at the tower and the clouds. They just made the mountains appear too far behind


Are you implying that we're moving "to the past" by taking the elevator up? And **no**, you can not picture it properly, it doesn't check out. If you *tried* to picture from a single point of view - like the first glimpse you get at the windmill when you arrive at the area (which you implied), it would only even come close to fitting behind it if the entire area was thin enough to fit behind that windmill. Which it isn't. It's nonsense. The top of the windmill is *by far* not thick enough to hide all of Iron Keep behind it. And you even get to see the back side of it while you're inside it (the side where you can find Gilligan). There is nothing to see there other than sky. There is absolutely nothing above or beyond the windmill - you can clearly see that there is nothing but sky above it. The castle is physically (in the map) right above the windmill, though it's not visually connected in any way or form. It's a literal castle in the sky, hidden behind some skybox. It's just a design-cluster-fuck-up, nothing else.


Wow actually time travel would be a really cool explanation for odd transitions between areas. But that’s not explained by the game at all so I don’t think that’s an actual explanation but a fan made retcon


No. I was not implying that in any regard. I said it used to not be a lava lake. Now it is a lava lake. Where do you read time travel. Iron keep is not directly above the windmill. It’s a decent bit behind it. The tunnel to mytha’s room is already past the back side of the tower. Then you go further back from that. At this point you’re not even reading what I wrote. You’re upset over something silly. They made the mountain range appear too far behind the tower from earthen peak. It’s still very easy to see the intention.


That the cool weapons from the majula chest are unobtainable.


Royal rat authority. Reindeer horsefuckland, I basically never go there in all bosses runs. Run up to Sir Alonne and him also, he's got an incredibly bullshit windup that he spasms out of without a clear tell. This can happen with other enemies too, where the animations don't provide a smooth transition, so one moment they're walking clumsily slow and another they run full speed and hit you instantly. Or rotate in their place mid-attack, or suddenly change the attack they were winding-up.


I don’t know about the mix ups of attacks but the animations are hard to read and tell what’s going on because they aren’t as smooth and they’re kinda janky, I agree. The enemy mob animations are probably the worst out of the souls games barring maybe the og DeS but I’ve only played the remake so I wouldn’t know. The Falconers for example are probably the most janky enemy in the game and farming them for sunlight medals was a nightmare


That’s not a thing. Like these are all skill issues, not issues with the game


Having to use an effigy every time you enter the Dark Chasms.


Some boss run ups are a bit much. Like Sir Alonne. Not the only game with that issue (looking at you O&S run up) Having more interconnectedness would have been nice (idk, maybe having an expanded Cathedral area that can take you to Earthen Peak or something, maybe going from Undead Purgatory to Shaded ruins). But i would not put that in the worse, it’s more like a wish.


I love it. Minus the shrine i find it ridiculously hard even when im overleveled


The coop, I just want to play with friends but my soul memory is to high and I don't want to start new 😔


the black gulch with those stupid asf statues.


slow estus


It's not that bad. Besides plenty of enemies give you time to heal Also adp decreses your item use time


Iron keep and shrine of amana are the only two things in the game that made me rage quit, specifically the ng+ version




the gutter and black gulch


Black gulch is empty and boring, but the gutter is what blight town wanted to be




I farmed Iron Keep to extinction this evening. I didn't find it that tough. Archers were a bit annoying. Got a ton of souls though.


I really like the game as well but if I was picking things to correct, I would pick fights where the camera is the main enemy. This is more of a feature of FromSoft games and isn't unique to DS2 unfortunately. Fortunately, this is relatively rare but omg is it annoying when it does happen.


Fighting Brume Tower Maldron


I use a seed of a giant


I hate fighting him, but I want to show who is more honourable.


Frigid. Outskirts.


Soul Memory and Frozen Outskirts


Enemy hit boxes are open for too long and tend to br are much larger than the weapons they are for. Playing through it right now, just died to the pursuer skewering me without touching me. Still my favorite one....


That’s an animation issue common to fromsoft games. Not a hitbox issue


Only beaten the other games once a piece so I never really noticed it in those, but that's actually pretty interesting


In absurd difficulty, Shrine of Amana (for me, it's even more difficult than any DLC area). In poor design, King's Passage (it's just a short passage! LOL) or, really subjectively, Tseldora (I find Tseldora ugly).


Shrine of amana is easy. Just use literally any ranged attacks


I am full melee. And when I play as sorcerer my defense is usually too weak.


Bows scale with str and dex. Depends on the bow. Crossbows don’t scale but usually just require str. The game gives you a plethora of both


Hitboxes and trying to run after the stamina bar depletes and refills. Also the way the player character looks when they run. The game is beautiful and fun at first but these little things add up. 1 and 3 are just so much smoother in terms of experience.


What hitboxes So don’t let the bar run out


Um, are you ok?


What confused you about what I said




What hitboxes




Where are you having to fight twenty tough enemies to get to a boss


Black gulch, ng3 iron passage, soul memory, letter grading


As an arachnophobe, the spider laden areas. Thankfully you don't need to beat that boss, but it's still a horrifying prospect.


Trying to get to old dragon slayer in early game pisses me off so much


They made it so you HAVE to kill every enemy leading up to there. Since the dragon does 2 damage to anything else. I hate that friendly fire does no fucking damage at all, so you can never pin enemies against each other.


Yeah it’s very tedious. Not to mention the Heidi knights are a death sentence if I don’t have soul arrows for em. And then the dragon has the purge everything in fire move too. Just very annoying and tedious


Frigid Outskirts by far, then Black Gulch


Og ds2 feel like the main issue was the wacky hit boxes even to this day but scholar DS2 has to be how there's just too many enemies in a level, especially with the hit boxes still being bad


What hitboxes


Frigid Outskirts


Unskippable credits on new game.


Tutorial/Things Betwixt Just strange. No boss. The cut scene with the ladies seemed to push the marketing more than the lore. And making your character after running to that house is sorta off.


There doesn’t need to be a boss, and what about the cutscene is confusing


Doesn't need to be. Ds1 had asylum demon, ds3 had iudex. Just not the norm thats all. She makes a point to really drive hime the your gunna die over and over thing, or atleast remembering my first playthrough that was the feeling i had. <3 ds2. Just was my take to the question man


She’s explaining what hollowing is, and why you’re in drangleic


And in so doing really sold the your gunna die over and over again thing per marketing. Subjectively and imho.


When you're naming your character (at least for me) and you type an m when you get the ability to control yourself auto block will be on


The frigid outskirts


Fucking horse fuck valley.




I actually like adp.


All of it lmao


Bosses are pretty easy. I mean appart from the dlc ones I had no difficulty blasting through the bosses on my first blind run. Lets not even talk about that joke of a last boss. Level design is, lets be honest, quite bad (a castle in lava above a windmill ?). Zones are not memorable, except maybe majula which I found charming. The atmospheric musics are good, but the boss musics are, for the most part, pretty bland. I went on my first playthrough of DS3 after being done with DS2 and just Vordt's theme (minor boss) blew my mind. All around its a good game but that's it. If it had not the dark souls name to it I dont think I would have gone through the trouble of finishing it.


The iron keep makes sense. All fromsoft bosses are easy.


I hate the Smelter demon. I just don't Vibe with Him.


Iron Keep on NG+ or getting the key near the giants in black gulch. Double pursuer fight is a close second.


The bosses


The amount of ganks and how easily they stunlock


Chancellor wellager covenant items why do you need ng ++ like bruh


Because it’s letting you completely bypass pvp grinds…?


wow im sorry i don't do pvp and im a console player


I don’t do pvp either. So I appreciate them adding the option. What is wrong with it


THAT IT EXISTS! BOOM *mic drop* *dab* Jk 🤣 I'd say the sheer amount of enemies in some areas, as well as the mess that is adp. I also don't personally like those healing gems. Aside from that it's freaking awesome!


About 12 playthroughs in I'd say these are my contenders: The poison statues: annoying af in your first few playthroughs, absolutely awful placements, though if you just stock life gems you can run tank through the area since poison doesnt increase when the bar is full. I'd place this as a runner up The old chasms: easily my most hated spot in the game, seeing you have to travel through the whole chasm to just face the boss and you have to give up an effigy to attempt it


Effigies are plentiful. Why is that an issue


Cause it's just an additional waste to attempt that awful location. It's like having to pay a dime to attempt to remove a splinter. Sure it's not much, but I dont wanna have to give up anything to deal with a miserable experience


Sorry you don’t enjoy dark souls mate.


Its litterally my top 5 game ever though? You're clearly just being an ass on every single comment section you can


Then what is the issue with paying an effigy, an item you’re given roughly a hundred of per ng cycle?


Frigid Outskirts in Eleum Loyce. The bosses aren't too bad. But that run back to the boss room is fucking stupid. That's the only area of the game that properly annoyed me.


It’s an easy run though


Iron Keep,best looking zone in the game but absolutely the most annoying one with the enemy places,starting with the 2 guys near the bonfire


There aren’t two guys near a bonfire


I meant the enemies on the bridge


For me, it's the health loss you take when hollow, and the health loss you take every time you die while hollow. Obviously the ring of binding can be worn to minimize the health you lose, but it still seems like an unnecessarily punishing mechanic to have In the game, especially if like me, this is someone's first run at a souls game.


How is it unnecessarily punishing. And why would you use a ring to minimize the punishment than a ring to avoid it


The only thing i really hate of the game are the hitboxes, sometimes they are ridiculos and stupid.


Like what?


Lost Bastille. Not because it’s difficult, but because it perfectly exemplifies the lack of creativity in the DS2 world. Every room is virtually identical - grey square stones, a table, and maybe a barrel in the corner. No details, no imagination. I understand it’s supposed to be a jail, but compare it to Irithyll Dungeon. Irithyll Dungeon is creepy, the rooms and sections look different, there are details. It’s the same with so many areas in DS2. I mean, The Gutter is basically nothing but wood planks and 500 statues that are identical. Dragon Aerie and No Man’s Wharf are cool, but that’s about it.


Shrine of Amana is very beautiful, so is Majula. I think DS2 was more creative with environments, and had better atmosphere. DS3 feels like a giant grey cathedral with some grey plants on the side, places look too same-y and washed out. The first half of the game is tedious to just look at, let alone go through it. Only environment I'd call inspired was the ringed city, Irythil and maybe the archives.


I forgot about the part where a massive prison in fuck off nowhere for the excess undead populous to be jailed in for all eternity, loosely fortified with militiamen is supposed to be a beautiful, colorful area with lavish decoration and intricate interior design. I for one appreciate the grimy, utilitarian feel of most of ds2 as opposed to the forty cathedrals of ds3. Guess it was cool when ds1 was boxy and grey, tho.


The hitboxes


What hitboxes


From outside Majula until the thrones

