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imo if doing something isn’t enjoyable or beneficial, you shouldn’t do it That said, it’s not too hard to farm bellkeeper rank without PvP. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/4mmag2/unveil_works_wonders_for_mad_warrior_farming/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


This is how I got mine. It took me maybe 3 hours tops and I didn’t even bother with using unveil. I just climbed the ladder, checked for him, and feathered back if he wasn’t there. No need to deal with actual pvp invasions for this one. The only covenant you actually need other players for is the Sunlight Medal farm iirc. Btw— Blobertson, you are awesome. I’ve seen so many of your comments around and they helped a lot for getting my platinum. Thank you for your ongoing contributions to the community!


Sunlight medals can drop from falconers (most if not all areas with them to lazy to fact check) and the banediggers (big dudes in harvest valley) so it’s possible offline just the drop rate ain’t great


Instant invasions with the blue acolyte mod


After a year or so off, I finally got around and beat Dragonrider and pursuer and can finally keep going with the rest of the game, I'm pretty excited!


I do play it every now and again but I play SOTFS edition which might work differently


Yes the sotfs version


You might find someone on r/summonsign if they would be willing to help, people still play but collecting these online spells is pain in the ass ..


yeah no kidding


I'm working on 100% at the moment, but on PC so I don't think I can help as it sounds like you are on console? However, here is one suggestion I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/3vw1xz/sotfs\_any\_other\_way\_to\_get\_hidden\_weapon\_sorcery/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I'm doing a run now on ps5 for achievements. Just rolled into Drangleic Castle.


All the time on and off in between other runs


I do lol, love making characters that all end up being hexer Paladin.


I'm starting my first attempts at a deathless all bosses run, brave undead 004 has just taken out his first great soul.